>tfw smartphones are now powerful enough to emulate Gamecube at full speed
Tfw smartphones are now powerful enough to emulate Gamecube at full speed
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a 2009 dual core already could,this just doesnt look optimised enough if that's the case
does a 2009 dual core PC fits in your pocket? retard
Buy OnePlus 7 Pro
I remember when i bring my old pc with me into the train
Literally wasting money on nothing
>old brick phone started to loose charge
>used to hold a month or more, now it couldn't hold a week
>doh well time to find a new
>get the nokia retro remake phone
>haha time for a month's char-
>dies in a week
I just want a new simple phone that can hold it's battery for a month come on.
I'm using an LG Fiesta 2. It's a shitty Walmart phone, but it has a 5100mah battery and a slow as fuck snapdragon 430.
I haven't charged in 3 days, and this thing still has 25% battery (heavy usage)
>too retarded to get the point
Should be an age limit on the internet.
Got no use of a smart phone, just need to text and ring.
Ideally a flip phone, those were cash but no one makes them anymore.
>shader stutter
Okay fucking retard
here you go
it will hold ages.
>Playing vidya on a phone
Hope you like having clammy ass hands because virtually no phone is built for sinking the heat that is put out by pushing phone hardware so hard.
imagine being this angry
hurrdurr people have not the same opinion as me. >all i can do is offend
Well, why didn't they understand his point then?
>Ideally a flip phone, those were cash but no one makes them anymore.
Mostly because the hinges broke very easily.
What do you mean? You are in a thread where someone is stating how technology advanced to point where a 2000s PC stationed in your room can now be accessed through a handheld device.
And people seems surprised by it. Therefore, I there should be an age limit.
Sorry you don't share my opinion.
If you want a pile of shit with skips and doesn't use ubershaders, you can call it a day and say that phones are good enough for Gamecube emulation. If you're used to that because you've been using a poorfag PC, then go ahead, but if you want a proper experience, you'll understand that top-of-the-line hardware is still required for emulation
Atleast i member now why i left this retarded place
I'm not the one who didn't get his point.
Jesus christ, stop being retarded yourself.
So people older than 40 should not post here? I speak to my grandpa and he shits bricks because you can play Tetris in VR now.
Your opinion is questionable is what I am pointing out.
It's not even an opinion anymore. It's just a fact you guys didn't get his point by now.
Hm, if you say so.
>why yes I do play my video games on a 6-inch screen, how could you tell?
"His" point was moot and retarded.
>i now can play cool games when im outside and not these shitty mobile games
>bUt YoU cAn EmUlAtE tHiS aLrEaDy
talking about not getting the point
Okay, I'll bite the bullet and explain his point. It took phones nine years of Moore's law to do the same thing a 2009 PC could do. In 480p.
Don't even reply to me, I'm afraid I'll turn as retarded as you guys.
>Not using a bluetooth controller with your phone in 2019.
Let me rephrase that even further:
It took phones TEN years of Moore's law to emulate a game RELASED 2005 ON THE GAMECUBE which a 2009 PC could do. In 480p.
That thing looks evil, cheers user.
I'm unsure if phones are subject to Moore's Law since Apple and Google are in cahoots nowadays. The actual hardware is mostly stagnant, all the development is focused on the camera, display, and locking down the operating system.
Doesn't exactly make the point less valid. It's just corporations being retarded.
The disinformation and ignorance. This is the prime state of not know what the fuck is the meaning of this reply. What a grade A retard right here. I sure damn hope you don't even try to fantasize saying you have a degree or some shit yo back this up, because it would be money li-te-ra-lly in the trash.
It kinda does because if mobile hardware development was given the same level of funding and attention as other forms of hardware development then the timeline could be different. SBC development is a good example of such development, I'll be curious to see if SBC hardware develops to the point where we can nigger rig a smart phone at home.
I wish there were more effort put into the phone development. But I think most of the bigger corporations and their customers are holding them back by buying ever single new one despite not being much better than the previous iteration.
I have an iPhone X (work gave me a phone allowance and I "had" to buy an apple phone), which is jailbroken. It does everything I need it to do, especially when the jailbreak is active. Actual software development is in capable hands of pirates and grey market developers, but if you're paranoid of the russkies stealing your youtube account information or the NSA watching you browse pornhub then I guess rooting/jailbreaking isn't for you.
There's no monetary benefit to apple and google pumping money into making smartphones beefier in terms of hardware. That's why Moore's Law isn't really appropriate, I feel. All they care about is a nicer display and a nicer camera and an operating system that's harder for users like me to break into to edit their approved software.
I understand what you mean, but even if corporations have neglected the development of the phones hardware outside of the camera and processing speed, they've still had 10 years of Moore's law.
Whether they took the same time to utilize the time as other IT tech developing areas is kind of irrelevant.
But then again most normal customers don't care all that much how well the phone does as long as they can utilize facebook and the camera.
You're harping on moore's law, which is fine, but it is no longer relevant. Especially in regards to smartphones. How are you gonna manage the increased heat in a phone? That's why actual hardware specs tend to stay the same, they don't give a shit about heat management. Fall asleep with your phone running a game or a playlist or whatever, see how goddamn hot it gets. Especially if you take it out of a protective case.
>How are you gonna manage the increased heat in a phone?
That is a valid point. Disregard what I said.
Imagine the heating issue rendering a Gamecube game on a phone.
Moore's law is nearing its end, do you not realize that? Ignorant child.
No shit I was emulating PSP at 120x the speed on my phone 5 years ago
This, only an ignorant retard cites Moore's Law about speed and progress today.
>false equivalency
>completely lack of understanding about emulators
Why are Americans so retarded like this?
I've been playing thousand year door on my galaxy s9+
>Ignorant child.
I'll realize that when it happens. And even if we switch to another technology to improve transistor or create a new tech to take the place of transistors, we'll start measuring it the same way in the end.
Heat issues and transistor size are what's ending it. Some say moore's law is already irrelevant and has been for years.
>always wanted a super powerful phone for gaming, the most powerful at the time was the Galaxy S4
>Never got it.
>Ended up with a Galaxy A7 2016, arguably just as powerful.
>Now, since the buses i take to my work are all full in the mornings and the travel in the evening is so short, i cant really play.
i do wonder, is not having a powerful phone a good or bad thing?
I want to play SSX Tricky on my phone!
I always feel odd using my phone for gaming, because the second I need it for something else my battery is drained because I was gaming.
Fuck this mortal coil.
Get any Phillips Xenium (dumbphone)
That's your problem
We can actually fit more transistors on the surface of wafers than we actually do atm, so the law isn't completely dead, just walking to its grave atm.
How bad is it know that they've deliberately slowed development on this because they/their investors are afraid of what it means to cape out wafers for the future? It's literally diamonds to the nth degree, artificially increasing value by slowing down progress/release deliberately.
Humanity is lame.
just buy a gameboy and play tetris
PPSSPP is amazing.
I dont want more technology , normalfags cant handle it
Id rather it stopped as it is now