Which dlcs are worth getting and which aren't

which dlcs are worth getting and which aren't

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none,get mods instead

well duh. but still I need them expacs

>worth getting
All of them
>not worth getting
Switch version

after dark is the only one worth it

This. All DLC besides the music or whatever is worth it. Get every in game expansion

I haven't played the newer ones, but you can skip Snowfall. Parklife is a nice addition, but mostly for visuals. Mass Transit is good, and I guess After Dark gives you some more options. Natural Disasters depends on whether or not you like fucking your shit up to repair it afterwards, but it's okay.

Meant for

even those small addons that just add buildings?

just Dl CreamAPI. Game stores all xpacs locally even if you hadn't bought them

>60 bucks just for dlc
you guys retarded or something


After Dark
Green Cities
Mass Transit
Park Life
Snow Fall
Natural Disasters

Free DLCs are cool but not needed.

Content packs and radio stations are worthless.

Cities Skylines is better than a lot of city builders, but I hate to say that even with all the dlc available, it still doesn't really catch up with the gameplay of SimCity 4.

Dude, just think of it as The Sims 3, its expansion is fucking full of crap yet those new exclusive items looks incredibly rad so you end up pirating all expansions and have the full experience of the game.

>Mass Transit
It doesn't even have trams.

now that I think about it, it's kind a ironic

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Yeah but it terms of content plus functionality of your city it's better. Snow Fall may come with trams but the rest of the shit it adds is only for snow cities.


those are actual contents?

buy the game, use creamapi to unlock dlcs

But I love trams in my city building games!

all of them

just use based creamapi.dll

I know about creamapi but I don't use it because I play on steam. Will I get banned?

Then fucking get it then you nigger.

>I don't use it because I play on Steam

That's what creamapi is for... So you can play the game on Steam without selling a kidney to be able to purchase the DLC.

Any mods for graphical enhancement?

No I mean even if I run it via steam, it won't detect me?

Are you retarded? Can you not read?

Mass transit is all you really need. The rest add things you don't really notice outside of Park life, after dark, and snowfall. Not only that but Park life buildings cause more noise pollution, making it pointless to have them anyway because money is basically infinite after a while.

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