>he doesn't own an RTX card
>he will play Cyberpunk, DOOM, Control and Modern Warfare without raytracing
He doesn't own an RTX card
Other urls found in this thread:
>fell for the sli meme
>fell for the g-sync meme
>plz buy rtx tho
I ain't fucking falling for nvidia's bullshit again
Raytracing is like ambient occlusion, more and more games will use it especially next gen bcs sony and ms will push it
I kno what it is but I'm not giving one single cent until it's actually widely implemented. I'm not getting charged again for something most developers will ultimately ignore.
>he plays the non-VR versions of those games instead of waiting 5 years for the ultimate VR experience
>adopting first gen tech
>he enjoys sub 60FPs games
It's okay, I know some people have difficulties processing information at a normal rate. You'll get there one day little guy.
if you even know what the fuck raytracing, anti-aliasing or motion blur means you're a specsfag and don't care about the games themselves, just how they look
Sweet dreams smol pener gato
i think raytracing is for lazy cheap devs who want everything automated so they don't have to work
all the big games use it though, cyberpunk, doom, watch dogs 3, halo infnite, modern warfare, dying light 2 etc.
>he enjoys sub 60FPs games
you know you dont have to play those games at 4k?
not out
not out
>watch dogs 3
not out
>halo infinite
not out
>modern warfare
not out
>dying light 2
not out. Call me when those games release; then we can see how rtx is implemented and whether it's worth it or not.
Games can barely maintain 60 fps with RTX on at 1080p.
That won't happen for at least 2 years though
>own an RTX card
>don't turn on ray-tracing because I like high frame rates
pretty lights aren't worth the console experience
You dont have to play with raytracing either
They can though. Especially BF5 runs great.
>not giving one single cent until it's actually widely implemented
quantum break != widely you first gen buying queer
It's just like the 4k meme. Over 100fps will always do more to make a game look good than any of your meme "features"
Faggots always shitposting to justify their purchases while getting (yous)
Fuck off to reddit if you want to be an attention whore for internet attention.
That's fine, I like my 1660ti.
>then we can see how rtx is implemented
FUCK graphics nigger think of the pathfinding and simulation power. Say hello to massive increases in unit counts in Total War (well, if CA was competent, sadly they are not) and dynamic fluid simulation at runtime for VFX (UE4 already does this a bit, could be done a lot better with RTX).
>and whether it's worth it or not
Don't forget the rest of what I said. it is pretty, i'll give you that but your video from DF was a special tech demo. That's not at all indicative of what it will actually look like in the final product by a long shot. VR looked impressive as all hell in tech demos and where's that at today? If you have or wanna spend your money on something totally unproven that may get dropped or ignored then go right ahead, I'm just not going too and I urge most people to wait until it's more solid
don't ever at me again you fucking disgusting reddit zoomie
Will the rtx 2070 be able to have ray tracing at 1080p/60fps??