This card game is fucking terrible

This card game is fucking terrible
What kind of asshole thought the energy system was fun?
What kind of asshole thinks this game in general is fun?

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t. seething magic cuck

>tfw randomly looked into Yugioh for the first time since middle school
>you don't play against other people
>both players just want a one turn win

I hear the pokemon tcg isn't much better. I just want a cool card game to play against people with strategy.

Play a real tcg faggot

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Collecting the soulful holograms is fun

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I like Pokémon cards

>Elitism: The TCG
No thanks.

Did anyone even play this shit growing up? The yugiog card game everyone around my neighborhood played. Pokemon cards were literally just a collecting thing for everybody.

What is wrong with energy system? You mean its entirely luck based because you have to draw energy cards along the minions?

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This seems to be a universal phenomenon, and I have no idea why.

I suspect it's because the Pokemon TCG was always a tertiary thing, kinda off to the side of the main event that was the games and anime, while the YuGiOh game was (ostensibly) the actual game they played in the show

Also, I don't know how true this still is today, but back in 2002, YuGiOh was WAY more fun to actually play than Pokemon

i still got my binder full of holos

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>slapping official art on card
Yeah no. If anything it's the opposite. The super shitty 3D Diglett card is 100 times more soulful and i hate the soul meme.

Yugioh was actually a legitimately fun TCG until around the GX era.
IIRC it was the introduction of the "Heroes" cards that really made the game feel fucking retarded.
Yugioh's big problem is that cards never really get phased out so power creep is a huge fucking problem. MtG was smart enough to have a new set of "standard" cards every year, and a "legacy" format if you just wanted to use any cards ever made in a deck. Constantly cycling them out lets them reprint older staple cards with new art rather than making the same card but slightly better to keep people coming back and buying packs.
If anything some of the most OP MtG cards ever made are some of the earliest ones. As time goes on, MtG cards arguably get worse

Yu-Gi-Oh is better because every card actually does something and you can bring tons of monsters if you want and that's fine

In Pokemon if you don't have half a deck of energy you ain't doing shit. Energy should have been a turn by turn thing, where you just built it up. Also I remember the game had glass counters as well for something. All in all just too much shit


>Its bad because it was drawn by Sugimori

>if you don’t have half a deck of energy you ain’t doin shit
Someone hasn’t played pokemon

the rocket set is my favourite. look at this dugtrio breaking into someone's house, assumedly at the bidding of team rocket.

the official art is the epitome of soul

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i just collect waifus

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I remember the standard decks including somewhere between 10 and 15 energy cards, go eat shit

That isn’t half a deck jackass

So this means your favorite set has only soulless cards like the one you posted.

>that many cards just to be able to attack other creatures
Literally retarded game design

>15 is half of 60
unsmooth your brain

You do remember that unlike other card games 6 KOs mean you win right?

no you just lack logic.

>10 is half of 60
Yeah, sure buddy

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I played the game as a kid but nobody ever knew the rules so finding someone to play with that wasn't my brother was difficult. I mostly just stuck with TCG for Gameboy even if it only had the first 3 sets.

the pokemon game is terrible lol I just liked the cards when i was 10

> If anything some of the most OP MtG cards ever made are some of the earliest ones. As time goes on, MtG cards arguably get worse

besides a few exceptions MTG cards are on the whole getting better.

my friend bought a 2019 starter and found an 8th edtion starter unopened in his stuff (ca. 2003) so we played them. Everything about the new cards is better: lower mana costs, fewer compromising effects, more power/defense, more synergy between cards, more effects in general (flying, etc.).

i never played MTG except as a TCG for fun. bought packs, did drafts, etc.. Stopped playing after one of my friends paid like 90$ for a mill deck and i discarded my whole deck into the graveyard...

>official art has soul
>my favorite set and card doesn't have it
>thus it has no soul
I don't see how.

There are a lot of cool interactions in the Pokemon TCG. My biggest problem with it is that ~75% of a deck is just the same staple trainer/support cards. When I played briefly online every deck was running Shaymin EX, Lysandre, and a couple of other similar cards.

It's sort of like the polar opposite of Yugioh where every deck is basically built for you because of archetypes. Here, every deck is built for you because every deck runs the same set of staples.

LMAO i found the virgins that actually play the Pokemon TCG at 25 years old

It's a shit game. I had it as an actual kid and it was utter shit. The fad died in weeks because the videogames were far better

hey, at least in yugioh, i can larping playing my favorite archtype
think of it as a fighting game

>saying something has soul automatically means something else doesn't
please stop subjecting others to your undeveloped child brain and wasting their time with contrived arguments that have no basis in logical thought. thanks.

>Stopped playing after one of my friends paid like 90$ for a mill deck and i discarded my whole deck into the graveyard...
Never play with Net Deckers.
People that look up decks that other people made and just buy single cards are fucking faggots of the highest order.

If you genuinely like the game and want to make people like him seethe, suggest that you guys play on Tabletop Simulator from now on. He won't have any kind of advantage because everyone has free access to cards.

You have a surface level understanding of Magic. Please don't comment on it as if you are informed. Cards have not arguably gotten worse, there is a global power creep that occasionally ebbs for a set or two but is on the whole definitely an upward trend.

this game could be fun but now it suffers from power creep

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Good thing about yugi is:
>plenty of archetypes
>game is simple and you can just do shennanigans
>no mana, no land, no energy
>no life counting of cards or whatever
Wish there would be an actual good yugioh official online game

Only Creatures and maybe Enchanments get better. Instant, Sorceries, Artifacts and Lands are far worse than then.

I've been playing the game for well over a decade, I just don't do gay friday night magic shit with net decks because I dont put penises in my mouth for fun

I played through the gb game sequel with a friend recently. it was fun, but holy shit I never realized how much fucking rng is involved with pokemon tcg (besides the obvious deck shuffling and prizes). there's so many fucking coin flips for everything, it's ridiculous

Attached: Pokemon Card GB2 - GR Dan Sanjou! (English Fan Translation)-190505-155844.png (480x432, 4K)

Is this soul?

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lmao energy stacking to win the game. fucking garbage. how did it last so long?

I think both games have their own advantages and disadvantages. At high level play basically everything is a netdeck anyway so it's only at low levels of casual play where the distinction in deck construction exists.
>Net Deckers
>Mill deck

Heroes unironically saved fusion. Fusion was a shit mechanic until these faggots came along.

Pokemon TCG was fun to collect, not so much to play. If you really want a taste of the game in play, you'll want to play Pokemon TCG2 on Gameboy Color. It only covers up to Rocket.

But the TCG itself is a bit of a mess and it looks super unwieldy now, even compared to then. YGO is the same thing, only magnified to insane levels.

It's still better than the Mega Man Battle Network TCG at least.

Here’s a new one

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where can I go to see all the old 151 cards? I know theres a site for that.

Post some Thicc Wicke


hell yeah

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this. I haven't collected cards since I was a kid, but I did pick up these two cards recently. they're even illustrated by the same guy, he's got good taste

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>YGO is the same thing, only magnified to insane levels.
i blame MR4 for this

>tfw this is the selfie she took in the original card art

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>official online game
You really dont need one when you have ygo pro

He’s gonna bust one when he pulls the shiny charizard card

How often you play is irrelevant. If you haven't noticed that cards are generally stronger now than they were at the beginning of the game you are just bad at Magic.
No. You are operating under a confirmation bias where you are looking at the strongest artifacts, instants, sorceries, and lands in the past and comparing them to the strongest cards of today.

Enemy colored dual lands used to be bad on purpose because the philosophy was that enemy decks should be harder to play than ally decks. Look at the tempest cycle of tapped pain lands (Salt Flats et al.,) which were printed at rare and compare that to any dual land cycle of the past 10 years. Hell, we now have guild gates that are common and are almost strictly better than that rare cycle.

Here's 5th Edition, probably my favorite set ever, look through what passed for solid cards back then and tell me that they are stronger than modern cards.

top soul

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>Net decking is bad
Only if you are faggot who plays casually with you cousins. I bet you are a Karenfag too.
Competitive TCG revolves around a metagame which, you like it or not, uses the dame deck +- 10/15 diferent cards depending on the game.

but the Pokemon TCG is literally like the closest TCG out there to Magic to the point where Wizards themselves handled it in the early years and the energy system is obviously just a variation of mana from MTG
PTCG doesn't have the same level of complexity but the design of it is pretty similar

Fucking waifufaggots at it again

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I don't like the way that Emboar is eyein that loli.

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Their skin color and happiness is problematic.

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The original set didn't even have all 151, they were split across the first three. And Mew (and maybe Mewtwo?) were only available as promos for the first movie.

oh that's neat. I like the continuity between some cards, like this tepig set

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The tcg does have very soulful art

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What's problematic is that you aren't posting the underwear-less cat-nun loli.

>Artistic value is more important that actual strategy in a TCG game
Is that how you brain works? You go to a test and draw flowers around your sheet instaed of writting the answers and then complain you fail?

Mew was a Toys R Us promo and Mewtwo was in both the base set and a promo for the first movie (cards were different though).

I come up with my own strategies because I'm not a brainlet
I'm sure everyone at your LGS thinks you're super clever for spending $200 making the same deck as the rest of them though, it was really smart of you to use the same combo everyone else is using

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one day, user. one day.


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How are they gonna force dynamax into the game?

giant ass cards, like they already did in the past

>not playing Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder

There's nothing wrong with the energy system. The problem lies with the fact that 95% of the gameplay is solitaire. There's absolutely no back and forth outside of actual battle. There's practically zero danger of your opponent stopping your plays. How the fuck is that fun?

>Sit quietly for 3 minutes as your opponent goes through their entire deck and does their plays knowing there's zero interaction you can do

lol that would be great

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We all play high tier decks in our LGS when playing for points because they have the best chance of winning.
When we play just for fun we use janky decks.


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Its okay user, no one thinks you're a cool person anyway. Playing Magic like a total fag isn't going to change much


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It's okay user, not playing any GP or PTQ because you have no idea how to compete outside you LGS isn't going to change much.

Why would I want to go to events where I'm the only person that isn't using someone elses deck?

I like their smell, not the game.

it's not fun fuck off

I don't know, to prove all the competitive comunity this:
Go user, show them wrong and make thousand of dollars.

this is indeed soulful and also cute as fuck

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Why doesn't Nintendo release a fucking sequel to the GBA game already?

YGO has games
MtG has games
Pokémon has nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing as vidya. And I would love to get into this again on my Switch

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How many tournaments have you won by netdecking?

Not that user but I got top 32 at regional with a naganadel/stakataka deck I made myself

So that's where that reaction pic comes from. Surprising.

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>GBA game

Is that guy teaching math to chameleon?

I've won a few local tournaments with my own decks too, can't imagine I'd give a fuck about winning if I didn't make it myself though. Half of the fun of MtG is making your own deck, slowly tweaking it and trying to make it as good as possible.

Whats the point if you just look up "Best meta deck MtG" and buy the exact cards you need for a deck that someone else spent the time to make?

You never know when a math major pokemon will be useful

Money I guess. The allure of a high cash payout will drive people to do cheap things

Its not really rng, you have the choice to use moves that don't rely on coin flips and that is part of the strategy.

I mean alakazam has an IQ of 5,000, so maybe charmelon is pretty smart too if you just give it a chance

I don't know, I don't have a count of them. I've been playing MTG and Pokemon TCG outside my LGS since 2009.
In MTG i didn't make too far, won several LGS tournaments and some Pre ptw.
In Pokémon TCG I've won regional championships, a national and been in the world champioships in 2012, 2016 (day 2) and 2018.
That's the problem user, you should separate casual deck with friends in FNM or EDH and tournament games.

They spend more money than they'll ever "earn" making these stupid meta decks anyway.
These people spend $200 on individual cards so they can have "the best chance to win" in tournaments where everyone else is using the same three meta decks too.

I would bet 99.99% of the people that netdeck never earn any of that money back and just look like uncreative fags

Top 16 gets you 500 dollars

Play Dragon Ball Super instead.

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My goodness you are a scrub.

It may not be fun, but that's why it isn't a hot mess like ygo, which lets you go ape shit stupid with the amount stuff you can do. There's a reason YGO is a solitaire game

Nah nigga we solved our beef with beyblade duels

>Heh, I bet this fag doesn't even know that the Mona Lisa won last year's art contest

Your deck is garbage and you're a retard. You'd get destroyed by even green stompy.

Why are card game threads so comfy?

This game is surprisingly fun. It's somewhat like vanguard except the basic rules are not a clusterfuck.

Green/White stompy is what I usually go with because faggot meta decks tend to need some setup so I just beat them down fast and hard

Either that or I make a themed tribal deck like Goblins.
Honestly anyone that doesn't enjoy sitting down for a few hours, surrounded by cards, figuring out how well your mana curve is balanced, making sure your cards all synergize well, organizing candidates for the deck based on how essential or supplementary they are for the endgame strategy you're going for

Creating the deck and testing it against a deck that someone else has meticulously hand crafted is a massive part of the fun. Your own personality will shine through in your deck, and your opponents will shine through in his.

Playing against people that make their own decks is a million times more fun than playing with someone like you ever would be.

In my opinion its literally no different than talking to actual artists that draw their own shit over talking to people that trace popular art and reupload it for easy likes.
You're the deviant art anime tracing 14 year olds of MtG. The only people that like playing with fags like you are other fags like you that don't realize how boring you are.

>Real TCG
>Literally just put down lands and the most expensive deck wins

They need to make an online game for this like pkmn tcg online


That‘s what I thought back the too. But I want actual events, actual ranks. I basically want 1:1 duel links mixed with yugioh online evolution2 for pc.

Both green/white stompy and goblins ARE pre-established years and years old meta decks, you fucking retard. You're probably just playing a shitty variant of them.

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I would like to see how Bandai approaches an online client, but for now I've been making due with

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The difference is I start from the ground up and make the deck myself, and you just think "Oh yeah Goblins, I saw a good Goblin deck online once, here let me link them to you. I would give you some advice but I literally don't understand the first thing about deck building, but this page has a lot of upvotes so it must be good"

Are you missing so many neurons that you can't figure out Freudian slips? I clearly meant to say GB, there hasn't been any Pokémon tcg vidya since then

You just make a shitty version of it. That goblins deck list has been refined and played by thousands of people, it's literally goblins at it's peak. Anything you'd build from "the ground up" would be complete garbage in comparison. The game is mostly solved.

Well in that case I guess I'll just never try to do anything by myself ever again because I can let other people be good at the game instead and just copy them

the pokemon tcg needs a sideboard. at least 10 cards, preferably 15

>being this dramatic and asshurt
Is reality that upsetting to you? Listen faggot, I had your phase too, where I built my own decks. But after tons of hours tuning I found out I had just built a shitty version of bogles. Realistically, you either pick an archetype you like and tune it to your preference, substituting a couple cards or you accept you'll make shitdecks and try to brew anyway.

The true definition of holding to the power with a iron grip.

This guy should've been sacked already.

My decks work fine, I'm just calling you a fag.
Net deckers don't deserve any respect cause they're barely playing the game.

I still like yugioh and I love playing it casually. Yeah, you get those meta decks used against you, but it's still fun to me.

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Your deck is garbage. I guarantee you're a casual scrub who has no idea what he's doing.

Its weird to me that you're so smug about using other peoples decks as if it makes you a smarter player

Fucking lame ass, faggot

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What don't you understand about the game being solved? This is how I know you're a casual scrub. Only casuals sperg about muh netdeck. And should a person never use any knowledge from others? In baseball, should you just invent your own way to swing the bat? Or should you listen to professional coaches on the optimal way to swing?

Is the only real alternative to MtG and has a great community. I don't play YGO but I love watching videos about it on YouTube. If I had extra disposable income I would get into it for sure.

Not him but, my dude, if one is playing at a professional level one has to win no matter what; To pass up on using tried-and-true meta decks from the net due to pride is to be a retard. More power to you though, if you're one of those at the forefront of the meta coming up with the decks that others will copy.

Hahaha damn. We had those too yeah. Good stuff. Also there was DBZ cards for a while, but i don't think anyone cared that much for them.

>What don't you understand about the game being solved?
Its not though, its just that 99% of the faggots like you that play aren't thinking about making decks so the meta is decided by the few that do.

If the game was "Solved" there would never be anything but the meta decks winning ever, but thats not the case. The game isn't "Solved", its just more boring than ever before because everyone is using the same fucking deck

The support we needed and deserved

>Not him but, my dude, if one is playing at a professional level one has to win no matter what;
Thats the thing, Friday Night Magic isn't "Professional Level"
the vast, vast, vast majority of the fags spending $300 on a meta deck that they'll never actually win a tournament with is WAY higher than the people actually winning tournaments with them.
And I'm pretty fuckin sure the people winning tournaments are the ones coming up with the decks that become the meta in the first place. So the actual professionals that win tournaments spend the time coming up with an amazingly well balanced deck, and fags go "Oh wow that deck won the nationals! I need to buy it and have my own copy because I'm very good at this game!"

Feels great to be a GB fan, make a deck out of these guys the first time they came out. All the new support can be found here;

Attached: GladiatorBeastBestiari.png (544x544, 460K)

to craft those groundbreaking new meta decks you still have to buy those cards in the first place

Then you should be constantly winning with your brews because the people who just buy decks don't know how to pilot them.

Thats what TTS is for
Back when I still had more fun playing locally I would just get a booster box with every pay cheque as well, but I just don't care about playing locally anymore because the only people that show up to FNM are the kind of people that watch Critical Role and spend more time jerking each other off over how expensive their net deck was rather than playing. But I can't really blame them since they all have the same fucking deck so why would you ever want to play against anyone when it will be the same shit every fucking time.

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>fren buys $1k MtG deck
>only plays against frens
>never goes to Modern tourneys
What's the fucking point this makes me so mad

>If the game was "Solved" there would never be anything but the meta decks winning ever, but thats not the case.
Yes it is.

>99% of the entrants are using one of three decks
>1% made their own
>if any of the 99% using carbon copy decks wins it means they're the only viable deck
>this means even more people will be copying each other at the next tournament
I'd like to see how well they function in a round robin tournament setting

Fuck, this thread makes me want to play the GB games again, but just remembering the fake "rng" from the first one prevents me from doing so. Did the second one change this?

At this point any TCG is based on luck more than anything. With the power of netdecking, only your side decking abilities will make a difference and that changes depending on your local/tourney

>this complete brainlet logic
Casuals are scum.

How much money have you spent on decks
How much money have you won in tournaments by using other peoples decks?

>How much money have you spent on decks
A lot
>How much money have you won in tournaments by using other peoples decks?
None, I use my own decks and do just fine. Netdecks are a non-issue so long as the meta is health and diverse with room for numerous strategies.

>Netdecks are a non-issue so long as the meta is health and diverse with room for numerous strategies.
The issue is when the vast majority of people playing the game exclusively net deck which makes it way less fun for the people that don't care about jerking each other off on reddit

Most people don't want to play retarded shitbrews. If you want to play a garbage deck, stick to kitchen table.

>if its not a netdeck its shit
Do you actually enjoy playing against the same decks over and over and over again?
How is it even fun when almost everyone you play with is using the same deck as you?

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Just make a deck specifically tuned to btfo him. What is the deck?

>if its not a netdeck its shit
Obviously? If it was actually good it'd be a netdeck. What aren't you getting about this?

>playing against the same decks over and over and over again?
There are dozens and dozens of established archetypes.

But the Pokemon TCG is fun user. But I do agree with the power creep from GX monsters is kind of ridiculous, that's why I like to run non GX cheesy decks that are fun.

Ran this deck a LOT online before Sun/Moon came out and won quite a lot with it. You use items to fish out eevees and then evolve them to whatever one you need to cover the weakness of the enemy. Their ability made every stage 1 pokemon have that type. Then you sacrifice your shit mons and put this guy out to hit for like nearly 200 damage for 1 energy.

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I agree with your sentiment but Alot of the art is original for the tcg, even sugimori art

>friend is a notorious tryhard, always munchkins and powergames like crazy in DnD
>builds a mikaeus the lunarch EDH deck and btfos all our casual friends in 1v1
>I take note and find the cheapest tier 1 1v1 commander tournament deck, Zurgo Bellstriker
>thing is $120 and wins against $3,000 decks
>when we meet up to play he says "are you sure your deck is good? Because I'm sure mine is."
>I sort of shrug and play it off
>proceed to utterly massacre him
>repeatedly 2-0 him without him even standing a chance
Felt great man. He's such a smug douche sometimes, especially when he preys on our casual scrub friends.

Attached: Zurgo.jpg (1600x1200, 414K)