Why do so many people on Yea Forums hate video games?

Why do so many people on Yea Forums hate video games?

Why is it taboo to look foreward to new games?

Why do people enter threads about a game they don't like?

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People just say whatever will get them the most attention.

blame twitter, video game journalists and outrage culture

Because video games are for children and Yea Forums is a 18+ board

There's legitimately a handful of severe autists who think they are on a crusade against certain games.

negative press tends to stand out more
and games are shit now

Yea Forums is anonymous, what's the point of that?

>Why is it taboo to look foreward to new games?
Because hype culture is a bunch of bullshit and leads to pointless amounts of shitposting and disappointment which could easily be avoided by not falling for it?

>Why do people enter threads about a game they don't like?
What's wrong with wanting to share your thought about a game you dislike? Where else would you do it? On a thread that ISN'T about that game?

Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking NEET princess cunt.

>and games are shit now
how so user?

That literally only encourages this behaviour since they can constantly flip their opinions to see which will get more mad replies.

Looking foreward to stuff =/= "hype culture"

>Where else would you do it? On a thread that ISN'T about that game?
I usually just go make a different thread about not liking the game. Then it is people that like the game being the retards specifically going into a thread about not enjoying a game they like and getting mad.

its a genuine lust for attention.
(you) collecting serves no purpose other than to make them feel good.

Not as anonymous as you might think

Put simply, new big budget games are over hyped and underwhelming.
unfulfilled promises
straight up lies
misleading information
hype culture
rushed deadlines
trend followers
all of that so companies can take pre-order revenue and then move onto the next underwhelming game.
When you've been burned by hype culture enough times eventually you have to take a step back and be more critical on the products you're consuming

its so much better to be cynical, you save a lot of money

Most people around here were brought up by a culture that INSTITUTIONALIZES insecurity as the very central pillar of life. It's hundreds of thousands of people that have been entirely raised - from their earliest youth, to be insecure, labile creatures incapable of basic social function.
What you see here is the consequence of that. People hate videogames because hating thing is the only functional emotion they can experience.

Anger is interesting, because it is revitalizing. Being mad GIVES you energy: it's the only negative emotion that does that. In a world where negative emotions are celebrated, and the environment does not facilitate positive behavior, this is the closest to being alive most people around here will ever experience.

because it's what Yea Forums says, haven't you seen the soul/soulless threads?


People took The Lulz too seriously.

John Francis Video Games
The Amelia Seyruun ripoff so John Francis can shred while she does her JUSTICE thing youtube.com/watch?v=TB6HA350kv8
Mighty Hotan the Giantslayer so he can shred his vocal cords when John Francis shreds his guitar chords: youtube.com/watch?v=G6gI2MBRmzw

none of those things are new to video games except for preorder culture. the really good games are still out there and we got a bunch already this year.
theres being slightly cynical about what to buy and theres being a nitpicky dunning kruger bitch who vastly overestimates their understanding of video games, and Yea Forums is definitely not the former

Looking forward to a new game is the same as advertising it.
Praising a flawed game is the same as shilling it.
Exposing flaws in games to others who might not know is kind.
Just accept that all games are flawed and therefore trash. You can still enjoy them just ask more targeted questions such as contents of the plot, mechanics, or other similar queries instead of "WHO ELSE LIKES THIS GAME?"

>all games are flawed and therefore trash
Do you not see a flaw with this reasoning?

Yea Forums is unironically one of the few places on the internet you can talk shit about video games because other places are hugbox circlejerks with power tripping moderators

Tell me how the previous decade was similar for the game industry

Every game made on or after 2007 is objectively 100% pure shit made to please shit-eaters who don’t know any better.

>Just accept that all games are flawed and therefore trash
jesus christ with that logic why do you even live? Perfection is absolutely retarded in regards to entertainment.

Because Yea Forums is where shitty angry zoomers come to vent the frustration of their crappy lives and engage in endless console wars and shitposting.

Yea Forums hate video games was a joke, retards joined and were too stupid to realize it was a joke, now they parrot it like fact.

Also people who never really liked videogames but used them as escapism end up here. Fuck those people.

You're a retard and likely young as fuck.

Yes of course thats why we're destined to have a video game crash because all new game bad and theres never ever any improvements made on the medium or any good new IPs

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You are really not making your point any better.

Literally refugees from reddit who think the only purpose of this board is shitposting.

Because very few Yea Forums posters actually like videogames as a whole
Most people just like a couple videogames and games similar to those, or just like an specific genre

>start a splendid day, dad is drunk right off
>fuck off to other family memebers
>they tell me to fuck off and that im worthless
>go outside, go to shop
>some drunk fuck tells me that im a faggot and if i were in the army he would gladly murder faggots like me
>go on v after all this
>finally i can talk about my favourite videogames
>some resetera fag tells me i should neck myself because im not an sjw

this world is fucked user and it doesnt deserve neither of us

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the answer is autism.

Most people here don't come here because they are interested in videogames, but rather because they have nothing else going in their life. Yea Forums has become the social network for people that are just really, really shit. The people with no actual interest, with no actual passion, no social life, no dignity. They can't go anywhere else, because most other boards require some kind of interest or knowledge, except for Yea Forums, but Yea Forums has become the hanging place for jocks high-fiving over how many chicks they fuckek. So the real shit people end here.

Yea Forums hates anything that's not Nazi propaganda or 10+ years old

I hate that one of my hobbies attracts fucking losers. Why can't they be into stamp collecting or something.

It's not so much about the hobby as it is about the board.

I guess, it didn't used to be this bad though. I've been here over a decade. It was never great but it was never this bad.

Because Yea Forums nowadays is absolutely overrun by corporate shills. Hired to sell shit. It can be fun to mess with him though by making fun of the corporation he works for or similar.

young people seem super bitter nowadays. Paitience, Respect, Self-Improvement and Empathy are steadily becoming dirty words.

this coming from a 21YO idiot btw

>internet's hate machine
>Yea Forums's mascot is rageguy
>Yea Forums lobby's passwords are always rage
I wonder why?

Because people with no understanding of the culture came and assimilated only the surface level of it.

But user there are people that genuinely enjoy games, both good and bad. "Shill" is overused now and people seem to think invalidates genuine praise.

Like shit, if I said enjoy pants half of Yea Forums is gonna call me a pants shill.

It's not like you need to lurk for 10 years to find out Yea Forums is not a single person and there'll always be someone voicing his opinion on how he didn't like something other people did.

>young people seem super bitter nowaday
Yes, they really are. It's a core faucent of modern culture. Bitterness. It's how people defined themselves. Exclusively in opposites, exclusively through explicit or implicit hostility and constant paranoia.

There is a term, "Conflict theories", which is the most broad category that encompases the vast majority of currently most popular social theories and fields. And I think it's the core of the problem.

That's not what I mean and I think you know it. Yea Forums was hit really hard by poe's law.


Well new games aren't going to be good. This isn't really up for debate. New games always have patch. At least one.

So? Unless you live in the third world a patch is nothing.