This is it boys

This is it boys.
Our time has come.
Use the anger of the normalfags.
Let your rage be heard.

Get this trending.

>social media

Just make a quick dummy Twitter acc then post the hashtag, either you want to see a change with this franchise or you don't. There's enough of us here and at Reddit to make these games the worst selling in the entire franchise, even less than LGPE.

Now is our time. Don't let this once in a lifetime opportunity slide. Do something.

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not your personal army

actually cringe

go to sleep child your videogame will be fine









Stop posting, you spineless cucks.
This thread is only for people who have a pair.

Why wont you merry your space-bar if you love it so much?

So why are you angry with a children's game?

And or return key

>game does well
>they keep making low effort shit
>game does bad
>they focus on their new mobile cash cow
Main line Pokemon is over, they had a good run.

Go finish your ESL class fuckhead.

Kill yourself normalfag.

Grow a pair and move on with your life instead of clinging on to your favorite childhood video game franchise.

>There's enough of us here and at Reddit to make these games the worst selling in the entire franchise
Why though?

Op get a hobby

Don't be a defeatist, fight for change.
Men few in number have waged greater wars and won. So can we.

How much is Game Freak paying you?

>use the power of the normalfags by killing them

Ok retard

So, why are you angry with a children's game?

>fight for change.
But they did change it, that's the problem you dipshit.

Because I hate Game Freak and TPCi with a hatred I can't describe with words. I yearn for the day where a crazy Jap NEET takes his short sword to Masuda's throat.

First day here huh?

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>Boycott pokemon
user, no one boycotts things because of the quality. If they did Apple wouldn't still be one of the biggest companies in the world.

No one on social media will give a fuck about whats happening with Pokemon unless you can somehow think of a way to spin it as if the pokemon are getting cut because Masuda likes border laws or something.
Try making a controversy over how there is no trans option when creating a character, that might get normies that haven't thought about pokemon in decades posting "Trans rights are human rights #boycottpokemon"

If you don't understand, get off this board and don't come back.

I bet you're the same type of newfag trying too hard to fit in that replies to people who use "normie" just to say "UHHH IT'S NORMALFAG YOU FUCKING REDDITOR!!"

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Is this OP?

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Because I don't give a fuck about a kiddie game? Fuck off to /vp/.

spergy /pol/ kid

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Seems like a stupid goal, they're not going to go out of business from shit sales, and even if they did you'd probably care less than you think right now.

>tfw I've actually been on Yea Forums for at least 13 years now and remember when everything was X-fag (for a while it was bro back when making fun of dudebros was our thing)
>I say normie instead of normalfag simply because it sounds nicer and rolls off the tongue
>mfw actual newfags tell me I'm new because I don't follow their arbitrary meme rules
Almost as good as those spastics that think "Reddit spacing" is a fucking thing

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Yea Forums isn't for activism you weird stupid cunt

This, no one on Yea Forums actually knows anything about activism or politics, especially /pol/ and Yea Forums

Holy shit lol

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There is no reason for anyone on this board to type like OP, none.

>1,409 tweets
this is what you call tweeting into the void


There is no reason for anyone on this board to not type like OP, none.

Thread is gay post your favorite bonkle instead.
I like Kopaka, he's cool.

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Not your personal army

Looks pretty gay but my favorite is Haxorous.

God damn it feels good to not be you.

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I never read any of the lore because I was 10, but the Bohrok were some sweet-ass designs.

Here are two reasons: it looks hideous and is unnecessary


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Nice opinion.


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>Try making a controversy over how there is no trans option when creating a character, that might get normies that haven't thought about pokemon in decades posting "Trans rights are human rights #boycottpokemon"
I love glimpses into the minds of anti-SJW reactionaries who clearly don't understand the thought processes of the people who they claim to oppose so vehemently. Transsexual people don't want to have a "trans option" for character creation in video games (and neither do trans supporters) because the whole fucking point is supposed to be that a woman who transitions to being a man is now just a man, not a "trans man."

>it took until the National Dex being cut for people to take action.
Nah, you fags brought it on yourselves.

No, it took the jump to an actually competent system hardware wise.

imagine telling people to get off a board when you act like you have been here for a week

But that doesn’t make sense, because a man can never become a woman, and vice versa.
You can only become a trans version of what you want, with disgusting mutilated genitalia, and unstable hormones.
You clearly don’t understand the trans lobby very well at all if you don’t think they want additional options put it for games and so forth. To believe the trans lobby actually supports people who identify as trans is fucking stupid. The trans lobby damages normal people’s perception of ‘trans people’ way more than anything /pol/ or terfs might have to say about them.

>use the most normalfag platform to bitch about the most normalfag series
>kill yourself normalfag
Take it to /vp/ faglord.

So this happened last year? This isn't happening now? Shut the fuck up.

>stop playing kiddy games
>”you’re clearly being paid to promote my kiddy game”

What I'm saying is that normies see shit like being upset about the national dex as pathetic stupid whining from manchildren.

Just look around at the reaction to the outrage, the average person thinks the games look great and are getting pissed off at all of the neckbeards getting mad about nothing.
They literally don't see anything wrong with the new games and think you guys are just autists.
They won't care unless its ""political""

Pokemon fans are the fucking worst.

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We didn't see anything of the open world areas or how shit they look last year. Nor the removal of many mechanics

That's not the jump to competent hardware's fault, that's gamefreak's fault. Original point still stands, people should've reacted earlier.

>You clearly don’t understand the trans lobby very well at all if you don’t think they want additional options put it for games and so forth.
Please show me a single example of a trans person or trans supporter suggesting that they want "trans options" in video game character creation. You are literally fighting an opponent who doesn't exist.