>Almost 26 years old
I just want to go back to 2009 and play TF2 and Brawl with Yea Forums again and watch Guren Lagann and Haruhi and K-On and chat with my old steam friends and watch youtube poop
>Almost 26 years old
I just want to go back to 2009 and play TF2 and Brawl with Yea Forums again and watch Guren Lagann and Haruhi and K-On and chat with my old steam friends and watch youtube poop
Other urls found in this thread:
Accept that things are changing. You won't ever be a teenager again. There comes a point where you have to grow up or get left behind.
Grow the fuck up. "Almost 26" and you're still acting like a fucking child.
It feels like I got left behind years ago. I can't relate to anyone in real life nor online anymore. I can only find solace in living in the past.
You cant go back. If you don't accept where you are now in your life and don't take action to improve your situation then you will continue to suffer
>almost 34 years old
I just want to go back to 2004 and play FFXI during it's heyday again
>you will never read Ever17 and Umineko for the first time again
As a 26 year old user, I feel this pain. I’ve been picking up new hobbies lately and it’s been helping
why are people here such mental children?
What hobbies? I need something new.
>almost 29
It's over bros, I wasted my youth shitposting, fapping and playing vidya.
Get a fucking job.
god fucking damn it I can't wait until this board is in its 40s so you all stop being constantly amazed that time passes
kill yourselves
You were a faggot then and a faggot now.
Get out, Kyoanus.
You never stop being amazed at how fast time goes by
I'm 18 and time feels slow as shit to me.
I’ve tried some basic woodworking as well as studying Italian, it feels good to improve at little hobbies, while playing some vidya on the side of course. The best way to feel fulfilled though is to constantly improve something, it also “slows down time” in my experience
That's because your life is fucking empty and without purpose. But it's ok because you're 18, you have time.
You know what OP, that's what I'll be doing tonight. I just need to find Lucky Star opening in good quality and some quality otoMADs or YTP.
Because you're 18. Wait until you're in your mid-20s. Shit starts flying by.
I'm in my 30s now and a year flies by like nothing now. It's quite depressing.
My life is empty and without purpose and time is passing fast as shit
Half of 2019 is already over and I still have to remind myself that it's not 2018 anymore when talking to people
get a job
One day you'll wake up and realize 18 was 8 years ago. I crave for those days, I'm 26 now and last year June feels like last week.
I'm on permanent disabilitybuxx, I get as much as some people working full time.
>tfw still 16 year old awkward teen among people
I party blame the internet for giving me the option to shut myself in and escape into the virtual world when I was a stupid teen.
>a nigger who who refuses to work
>31 years old
I just want to go back to 1999 playing Mario Kart 64 and Crash Team Racing with my friends, no internet, no Yea Forums, no sjws, no trannies, watching Dragon Ball Z and listening to eurodance music
lmao ur fucked
have you ever tried suck-starting a shotgun, now would be the time to try
Seek sunlight
>I party blame the internet for giving me the option to shut myself in and escape into the virtual world when I was a stupid teen.
Shit that's what I'm doing.
Well here's a question for you anons, I start college in a couple of months, what SHOULD I do?
I wanna play sc2 with the vidya channel on yurop like back in 2011.
Old age doesn't exist.
Time "slows down" when you do new stuff.
That's why time seems to go much slower the younger you are, because you are constantly doing new stuff, while, when you become an adult, everything becomes a routine, so your memory doesn't pay attention to memories that aren't meaningful, making it seem as if everything goes faster.
>I will never read Ever17, Umineko, or ANY weeb shit in general at all
>tfw virgin
Living the dream.
>26 in 2 weeks
>still feel like a child
Those are fucking essential Yea Forumscores you newfag
They are not weeb shit
weeb faggots watch kyoani shit like OP
should I start keeping a daily hand written journal? I don't want to call it a diary because that's gay
I do nothing with my life but I feel like documenting it would help keep the time from slipping away and maybe put into perspective how worthless my existence is with all the time I waste
I also will never read it or let anyone else read it
is 25/26 the point when time really speed up?
im turning 26 next month and i feel like the last year flew by. time just slips away faster and faster its so depressing bros. why do we have to be biological creatures with short finite lives? it keeps me up at night worrying about my own mortality and how im wasting my life
>was on Yea Forums in 2009
Hello underage.
I'm almost 29 and trust me, when you get into my age, you will care less and less and feel more dead inside.
I had never pieced that together before trying new hobbies, but it’s made my life way better to have that feeling that each day is long and full
>meet the pyro came out in 2012
>remember when everyone was asking valve for it and some even made their own versions on gmod
Get an internship or a job in the field you're majoring in. The degree is a meme, experience is what you want.
t. the guy who actually interviews kids thinking their CompSci degree with zero real world experience is enough to get hired into entry level
I'm in my 20's starting today bros, what am I in for
I recognized time started to drip away somewhere around 24/25. So yeah, mid 20s seems to be the spot.
>time really speed up?
It only speeds up if you do nothing the whole day and you have no plans for the future.
i think this is because youre making memories. when you forget everything and make no memories time goes by instantly like when youre asleep. im trying to do new things and remember as much as i can each day, it seems to slow things down a little
I've been crying a lot lately, I basically didn't cry once from like 16 to 24 but lately I've been crying myself to sleep every other night and sometimes I can barely stop myself from tearing up at work over the smallest things.
Can confirm. There's an upside to this as well though. I worry less than I did when was younger. The older I get the easier it is to give up control and just let life happen.
regrets and dread
just fuck off to reddit please, im 27 and having more fun than ever you're actually just a retard
>be 20 soon to be 21
>wish i was that age back in mid to late 2000s
why is life so unfair guys
Haha I sure love how we're pouring billions into an education for our children that isn't sufficient to even get them an entry level job. : )
Grow up. I'm 30 and I'll keep playing vidya as long as I want to.
Do you want to follow sports and watch soap operas because that's what you are supposed to do?
Freedom is the only thing that matters and it lays in your choices.
I'm doing alright with vidya, hobbies and career, but trying to socialize is fucking hell these days, even online. I don't know how you're supposed to find decent people to make friends, let alone meet women.
I'm really sick of e-girls wasting my time.
At least you're not in 30s, the last big chance to redeem ourselves is at the late 20s. This is your time to drop video games and 4chanband catch up with life and make yourself competitive by learning new things.
This is your last fucking warning. All up to you if you want to make the same fucking mistake that fucked you up almost permanently in your youth.
I just turned 27 and I have no idea what happened to the past few years. I feel like once you start working at a job that you're alright with then your life just falls into a pattern which starts speeding things up. There is also that thing about a year meaning less and less with each year that you live because a single year means less with every birthday
depends in what way you mean, its surely sufficient for the actual jobs, just not for the corporate machine which has evolved to:
no experience? get a job
want this job? get experience
(yes i know there are ways of registered volunteering)
Make life your videogame, otherwise things will suck.
I am learning new things, a lot more than I did in the last 5 or so years actually. I might have a somewhat competitive skillset by the time I'm 30 at this rate if I get lucky.
It's just that I've completely stopped being capable of believing I will ever be able to achieve happiness ever again.
Fuck off zboomer.
I'm 42 next month. I've got three kids, a mortgage and a full time job, and I'm still enjoying life and video games.
I'm the same but I can make friends pretty easily all the time. But I dont have a single clue with women. I'm almost 27 and I've never even been or a date or had a girl like me before. You know those anons who go "fuck she liked me and I didnt do any thing"? Nope never had that and I have no problems asking girls out they just never say yes.
make friends!
approach as many people as possible in your classes, add their numbers, join study groups, ask them if they have anything planned for the weekend
it's your best chance
because your personality is actually trash
Thread Theme
>"fuck she liked me and I didnt do any thing"? Nope never had that
26 and same
I feel like whats the point in trying when not one girl ever has shown the slightest bit of interest in me. why bother, im calling it quits. maybe ill try being gay for a while and see if i have any luck
>never do anything
>no motivation to do anything
I'm 97, I have 4 grandchildren, my own company, 7 cars, 2 horses, 2 hot wives that are 70 years younger than me and I still have time to play and enjoy video games.
>I've got three kids, a mortgage and a full time job, and I'm still enjoying life
Is it? Most people really like me and I can make friends pretty easily.
you are literally the demographic that ruined Yea Forums
>I've completely stopped being capable of believing I will ever be able to achieve happiness ever again.
Then you're almost the same as everyone else on your age group, but keep looking for lifetime goals that will keep you moving forward with life no matter how shit life is.
It's an incredibly huge struggle to start with nothing and you're only picking up the pace at 29. Your prime time is at late 20's so make sure you do things as much as you can, by the time you got to your 30's you won't have as much energy to do things as you could have done during your 20s.
Drop Yea Forums and leave forever if you want massive improvement in your life.
thats called charisma, not a good personality. think of like a car salesman
lmao, looks are all that matters
im balding at 21
There is nothing wrong with video games as a hobby only as long as your life doesn't revolve around video games. An hour or 2 at most will do if you really love video games, otherwise you need to fix your fucking life and get your shit together.
So how do I get a better personality?
No, video games literally ruined my life, it wasn't me
It's you and you alone dumbass. Fucking leave Yea Forums forever, it's the only best advice you will get here or else you will just end up regretting living your life.
yeah, most "nice guys" think everyone likes them. you strike me as a fag. you're either trying to punch way above your weight, or you're not as likeable as you think you are.
I think a good ass beating could benefit you tbqh
Yea Forums and video games ruined my life.
If I stop visiting this shithole then my life will magically improve.
Thanks anonymous.
>tfw 27
>going to the bathhouse
>t fucking fw there are 14 year Olds with bigger cocks that you
How much does an operation cost?
not him but I'm in my early 20s and already have no motivation or energy to do anything at all
should I just kill myself and roll for being reincarnated as someone who gives a shit
So was I. Better find a gf now before you lose everything and marry her.