Why is the switch version of Bloodstaines: Symphony of the Night run so bad compared to PS4 pro?
Why is the switch version of Bloodstaines: Symphony of the Night run so bad compared to PS4 pro?
Other urls found in this thread:
Phonefags need to die
real nice, pal
>everything about this image
Because the devs suck at using Switch hardware
Good job OP you made me chuckle
Because dev is a hack and can't make a PS2-tier game consume PS2-tier resources
Fuck off back to Yea Forums you retarded shitposter.
el epico
Charge your phone
3 times worse than what??
Guys, I may be completely out of line here, but I think there are people doing this on purpose. Taking screenshots the wrong way and posting them here for (you)s
You know your phone posting is the most based thing i've seen on this site. I can't stop laughing
based Ringer poster
Okey, esto es épico
Thats gonna be a based from me dog
this whole thread is a fucking meme I’m losing it over here
Unironically, ive never browsed Yea Forums from an actual computer. I don't even own a computer at all. Strictly phone posting since 2010. Not joking.
It looks and functions like shit on a desktop and everyone knows it
lol what's it like being fucking poor you faggot
bet you live in a tent under a bridge like 90% of americans LOL
you're going to reply to this post with OBSESSED because its all you can do you fucking npc
Inhumanly based
Clover is the best way to Yea Forums. Its not even up for debate.
Better jump on my $2000 RTX 2080 pc so I can post on Yea Forums!!!
>ring ring ring!
>he post?
>keep thread
you don't own a computer, you said so yourself
is it hard to remember things with so many cocks inside you?
greatest thread on Yea Forums
That wasnt me. Im the original guy. He's just trying to jack my clout. I just never needed to own a computer so i never got one.
>ring ring ring!
You sound mad
imagine being an applefag in current year
>there are people who do most of their typing on that abysmal touchscreen pseudo-keyboard
me reading this thread
You mean because switch hardware sucks
Jailbroken iPhone X is one of the best phones you can have at present, especially now that Android is just as cancerous. You could get chink shit, but /g/ lies to you. Check the wiki.
Fucking aussies
it's really not that hard faggot
How to webm from phone?
ok now write internationalization
iToddlers BTFO
>attention whoring in every thread that you possibly can
>someone who doesn't have a computer, and thus no vidya except for mobile games which don't count, posting on Yea Forums
I have a ps4. Which technically is a "computer" but i mean i dont use it for like spreadsheets or anything obviously
How do you filter images? Haven't figure that out for Clover.
Too bad you didn't have a fuck load of notifications and unchecked voicemails. Could have been perfect
I laughed
I too want to know how
I cried
Now this is some exquisite bait
wtf is telstra
I get the joke
I ain’t laughing but I get it
Youre not allowed to be here
Nice screenshot dumbass nigger
>Technically a computer
If you're from Brazil maybe
He could have a console, and mobile games do count. They don't not count because they're a cheaper, faster, and more shallow alternative to wasting time. If that were the case, there would only be a handful of Japanese games and franchises that could be considered real games.
Deaf user is deaf
Same here
Only nerds post from their cumpoters
"I don't own a computer"
Literally the most zoomer thing that can be said.
major league shitposting
Download VLC app
>Uses it to shitpost on Yea Forums
How pathetic do you have to be?
clover is dead. install kuroba
Same kek
no hardware sucks if the devs know how to use it
Will OP ever recover
I haven't used a pc to post on Yea Forums since 2015. I actually use my pc to play games now.
Optimization is more time-consuming than you'd expect and a lot of indie and otherwise low-budget developers don't have the resources for it.
I've also heard there's a "feature" in Bloodstained in which multiple button presses won't register on the same frame, which became very easy to notice when it's running at a low framerate.
Laughed myself to tears, amazing bait.
Bump :)
Op fix your phone
11/10 bait i literally can’t stop laughing
This screenshot is so shit
How will PCfags ever recover
you phonefags are alright
Mobilebros where u at
It's with how people learn to program these days. You start off with virtually infinite power and unless you're making an RDR2 you don't really have to think about resources. Until you suddenly do because you want to port to Switch but then it's too late. You're not going to change people fundamentally so I think the solution is to make Switch 2 more powerful so it can at least run these somewhat shoddy 2.5D games without belting.
right here
Devs are just lazy and incompetent, even the Monopoly game lags really bad on Switch.
That's the most boomer thing, actually.
I have actually now played up to bloodless on the Switch version and have been stuck for 5 hours now
Ask me whatever you want
>imagine actually using Yea Forums on a desktop pc
Why would you think that?
t. Zoomer
Post ur phones brehs
>1% battery
>no adblock
>volume indicator on screen
gr8 b8 m8, made me reply
You forgot to r8 8 out of 8
>Want phone posters dead
>But also have to phone post from work when AFK
Even worse, phone posters constantly get those IP ranges banned. What the fuck is wrong with you subhumans?
>ip ban
PCchads get in here
IP ban
Range, retard.
>no gay sex with hats on
Thats cringe
Now that`s a real ringer right there
>I don't even own a computer at all.
How do you procure your daily dose of cunny?
>Games Owned
do it
What’s up with is? I’ve always wondered what that was about.
Brave browser with VPN
>Switchfags are phoneposters
makes sense
>>Games Owned
>owning games instead of pirating them
>do it
absolutely based and redpilled
Well duh, it’s mobile! Why dontcha try going outside fatso
What sorcery is this?
I can't stop laughing for no reason
People always champion multiplats getting on switch as the fact that it's powerful but pretty much all the time the switch is the worst way to play a multiplatform game. Only 1st and 2nd party ninty developers really know how to develop for it without having it suck ass. Nintendo is, and always has been, selling on exclusives.
Wait, I remember the thread you got thia image from. Lmao nice bait
Do you really want everyone within a 70 meter radius to hear your shitty ringtone?
imagine being an applefag in current year ahahaha
Sent from my iPhone
Hiroshimoot told his mods to start range banning phone posters so he could get more people to buy passes
Just enable remote tunneling on your home server and post from anywhere in the world as if you were sitting at home. It's a private VPN only you have access to.
Based Jamal
Just a feeling. I know it is silly and completely unthinkable people would act like this here.
have sex
Key2 Chad here, fuck touchscreen keyboards and fuck zoomers who think it's an acceptable input method.
Now this is some primo bait.
As expected of somebody dumb enough to use telstra.
It functions fine on a desktop but it is amazing that Yea Forums has such a good mobile layout compared to most sites.
hiro you have to help us
remove the phoneshits immediately
Even using telstra is a part of his bait, truly superb.
Maybe I'm dumb but Brave won't let me install greasemonkey/4chanX
>these unironic comments
>someone who doesn't have a computer, and thus no vidya
How are you this retarded?
The switch cant even run a 3DS port of monster hunter at 60fps
well neither could the 3ds
it couldn't even run it at 30
If it was portable mode only and trying to save power that is acceptable, but docked it has drops at 30 too