Why does Yea Forums hate African Americans so much?

Why does Yea Forums hate African Americans so much?

You claim they contribute nothing, but they contribute the MOST of any race to society.

1. Sports. Naturally athletic, muscular, and strong willed. Every true sports hero is a black man.
2. Music. The most popular and therefore objectively the best, black music DOMINATES in youth and important people today. All too often you see a little blonde girl twerking to "move white girl" against a big black man, which brings me to...
3. Dance. Black people are GODS of dance; they have a natural "soul power" or "brotha rhythm" that is impossible to replicate.
4. Speech. All vernacular today started in the hood.
5. Fashion. As did all fashion, which whites too often shamelessly steal.

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fuck off faggot

niggers are not that bad, they also invented blues

Why do you post someone who trains vs someone who doesnt

I think you mean culture.

niggers have yet to make a single piece of music.

not video games, tourist

If you look further back than the degenerate shit he's referring to, there was actually some legitimate contributions to music

Superalloy Darkshine
After and Before.

I dont, trannies deserve hate 10x more

They really are a threat to all western civilization and anything decent.

Yeah they contribute the most.

Despite being just 14% of the population they contribute to 50% of all violent crimes.

To piss off whites, duh. That's what this whole thread is about

They're not more athletic, they're just poor. That's what the data says. Poor people play sports more.

Mainstream music is fucking trash and you know it.

Nigger fashion is pure cringe.

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>African Americans

This is how you can tell an Amerifat wrote the post.

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4channel is mostly spics, this type of OP is most certainly some butthurt asian incel

>they're ugly
>they're criminals
>they're loud
>they're smelly
>they're illiterate
What's to like?


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BBC porn

they brought rap to the world, which then they, and not even from our words, placed the greatest rap artist of all time to be eminem, a white man

dunno what you want from us, user. the sports thing is even/even as well, I don't see any of them swimming

>black shit is a fashion atm therefore blacks contribute the most
lolno. the only thing that matters is the economy

orange man bad
white people bad

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americans are hated worldwide for many different reasons. niggers (blacks with no empathy and low verbal skills) are also hated by a large portion of the worldwide population. while in mathematics two negatives equal a positive, in culutural circles this does not apply, no, american niggers are simply subhumans (same as sand niggers and brazilians btw) for many reasons but the main reason will be: to little grey mass to be of any worh except entertainment until you´ll get bored by them.


seething whitey

Attached: Yoel kills Cuckhold.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

>Well ackshually


It doesnt work though the bait is too obvious