Hello, just when you least expect it! I am Cameron the Photographer.
Hello, just when you least expect it! I am Cameron the Photographer
>ITT: future hairlines of Yea Forumstards
Imagine having such trash genes literally endowed in piss and feces that you have to look like that ever -- not just in your 20s
Stupid mongrels
There's no future here.
50% of men go bald or lose hair user like its pretty normal.
balding is like death sentence.
unless you're super rich or very successful, you are no longer
able to get a gf or wife with it.
>Balding extremely fast at the temples but nowhere else
>Sort of worried but also think it looks sort of cool.
Soon I'll be able to do a nice Dracula cosplay.
Nah I'll probably stop at Norwood 4
I already know I'm balding but at least I have a bf right now.
balding would be absolutely disastrous for me, but I'd say most bald or balding dudes can manage. You have to be somewhat tall, work out a little and try different lengths of beard.
Its fine, girls dont mind it as long as other traits are good
My balls are balding i dont get it im losing my pube bush help me
I get girls all the time and I'm bald, you must just be an ugly fucker.
This was supposed to be a thread about Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver guys
Cameron the Photographer is an NPC in the game with that exact bald spot
>You have to be somewhat tall
>tfw 5'3 and balding
>can't even grow a beard
It was over before it even began.
Don't do the beard thing, it just makes you look like a sőy faggot
Of the pubes?
Did you really expect anyone to remember that?
He's no Fuzzy Pickles.
Hi Stephen
of the balls
Atleast that guy has more facial hair than me.
>not taking the sessler pill and banging trannys all day
I’m sad as fuck about going bald, when I asked my bald dad for advice he just laughed and said to man up. Fucking thanks for the genes
I dont know why, but I associate baldness with success, for some reason. Finance jobs, masculinity, fit engineering guys who commute on bike, etc
The rope will give you peace and it's painless. You should give it a try.
Its only my ball beard im losing my ass crack mane is still full i dont get it
Listen to your dad, you're a fucking fairy faggot gayboy
Because bald guys have to work 10 times as hard to achieve things given to good looking guys on a silver platter, I’ve found most bald guys to be more physically fit and motivated, most likely due to their knowledge that they can’t rely on looks
I grew a beard, it feels stupid. If you're going that route then just get some stubble. Beards are retarded.
Bet you’re saying that with hair on your head, try not having that at 22 fucker
I recently decided to go all-in and shave my head, it feels fucking weird when I touch my head and feel nothing but skin and stubble, but at least it looks better than having a big bald patch right on the top with normal hair at the back and sides
I for one have already lost all hope of finding a partner, I don't even try anymore.
I'm bald, I was losing mine around 21. Man up.
Not incredibly far off it, actually. That shit started 9 years ago for me when I was 24.
Get ready to be hit up by tons of single moms in your early 30s, the fate of a bald man.
Good for you user, nothing worse than people in denial and either grow it out or comb over or colour it in with pen you are a real man user props.
You'll find one because you want one. Next time your our look at bald guys with girls, you'll wonder how they got girls like that. You can do it too.
same here, started at 22. nearly 27 now and still the same
I just googled and he's only fucking 28 what shit genes
I know a guy who went completely bald by 23. He was also one of the hairiest guys I know so I guess life can have sick sense of humor some times.
dude in my class with black hair had both sides turn completely grey by 8th grade.
By tenth grade he had a huge bald patch and started to look like a monk. It happens
yeah but i'm not stupid enough to walk around like it, i'll shave all the rest off and trim my beard.
If you're a balding subhuman you should start taking tranny pills.
You get to keep your hair and remove yourself from the genepool. Everybody wins.