Are you enjoying your Switch Yea Forums?

Are you enjoying your Switch Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:’s-motherboard

My 400gb microsd just came in
I cant wait to hack it

Don't forget to install themes and cool shits

Yeah buddy Super Mario Maker 2 is mostly pretty good.

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how do you deal with joycon driftiing?

I love my Switch!

I use contact cleaner, worked for three joycon for now, and one joycon is still drifting. God I hate it.

Playing a lot of BotW. I expected very little out of it since Yea Forums shat on it to kingdom come and several of my friends kept complaining about it but it turns out to be extremely well-polished and all the different systems mesh well together so nothing really becomes too much of a bother. Overall really damn good game, with some flaws of course.

I want to buy bloodstained but not only is it more expensive on switch, it also has that awful input lag. I'm waiting for a patch and/or sale before I buy.

I don't have any

why is eevee higher than pikachu? is it because pikachu is fucking everywhere?

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Rune factory 5 when?

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not byying one until they get rid of wagglan shit

>not byying one until they get rid of wagglan shit

what are you even talking about?

No. I'm not particularly fond of indies or butchered multiplats.

Leave him. His brain is stuck in 2006

>Tetris in top tier
Was this list made by a middle age woman?

I want a proper console or handheld with proper controls and none of this movement sensor/ wiimote gimmick that nintendo has been shitting out since the wii.
Im just tired of nintendo and their overpriced gmmicks

>playing Labyrinth of Refrain and Mario Maker 2
>waiting for Fire Emblem next month
Feels good.

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oh so you're retarded

im so excited

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Yeah, I like it. Has most of the niche games and vns I like to get into. Still missing some that I would want but with my backlog I'm not in a hurry. Next physical will probably be omega labyrinth life

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Baddy Bad is more broke than Pikachu

is that really all you got?

>Fitness Boxing

are there any ways to bypass or avoid online bans if you pirate?

what in the actual fuck are you even talking about?

different user but your perception of "wagglan" is rooted in the wii era. technology has improved greatly since then and gyroscope aiming makes any console shooter two hundred times better to play. it's not a gimmick if its a legitimate improvement.

Yes i do. My favorite platform 2bh. I found this on sale

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enjoy your ban

The Pokémon Let's Go games need their own tier right at the bottom.

>Smash Ultimate
>not God Tier

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But they are good games.

I got one for Christmas and I still haven't opened the box yet.

I bought Cadence of Hyrule and I must be missing something that reviewers liked because that garbage belongs in shit tier.

>But they are good games.

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only retards get banned

I wish I had more time, but I'm currently trying to marathon persona 5 o it of my backlog since the next few months for switch all have some pretty good releases lined up. Definitely hyped for daemon x machina and astral chain.
Pokemon looked like it would have been fun but that announcement about the national dex really killed it for me.

Trying to decide if super Mario maker is going to be worth it for me, I found the first fun but didn't play it as much as I really out to have.

I’ve noticed Pokefags do this a lot lately. The whole ‘greentext and reaction image’ as a response to anyone praising a modern Pokemon game.

No argument, no discussion, no point, just jeering disapproval at enjoying a video game.

I’ve gotten a ton of playtime out of BotW, Smash, and Hollow Knight. That’s it. That’s all I’ve seen that’s worth playing. Honestly I’m disappointed.

Want to buy a switch should I wait for the pro or mini?

I think so. There are a lot of rumors.

You can enjoy the games. Just don't say they're good, because they're not.

Amazon have a deal on for a Switch, Mario Kart, and £30 of e-shop credit for £300. When the console itself is still £280, it's very tempting

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That's a good deal.

>only *I* get to say whats good and isn't

Fuck off kid

Do it user. I got the build your own bundle from Nintendo that had the console, game and a case for £320 so it looks like you've got a better deal there.

The stick drift is ridiculous. Why haven't they fixed it yet?

>300 pounds for a wiiu game + an overpriced nvidia shield
what a "deal"

Shall I get it physically or digitally? Both the same price. I plan on playing it a LOT but aaaah I just don't know!

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I don't know user do you want something you can resell and get most of your money back or not?

Whatever you prefer, what the fuck.

Digitally so you don't have to keep swapping a cartridge in and out. It's the perfect game to dip in and out of.

Why would you sell Mario Maker?

I only have 1 physical game, which is BotW that I got at launch. Every other game I have is digital and I do not regret it one bit. Changing carts fucking sucks, it's so nice to have everything just available whenever you want it.

The shield streams shit. Are you retarded?

do it faggot

i noticed shit eater do this a lot lately. The whole "yall straw man oppressing this game " as a response to anyone raising criticism at the horrendous modern Pokemon games.

No argument, no discussion, no point, just jeering shit eating mentality at anyone who dont enjoy those games

I'm gonna want to get another physical game too, but can't decide between Mario Maker 2, Smash or Zelda.

I'm tending towards Mario Maker since I love the OG Mario games anyway, but Smash would be good for having friends over (though I already have Mario Kart for that I guess).

Recommendations and stuff to use the £30 credit for? That Tetris game for sure.

Let me put it like this. Do you want to buy something tangible with value on it or do you want to buy something that isn't real, is gonna waste your limited space, and you will lose access to once the Switch store goes down?

I have everything digital too. Because my Mariokart cartridge broke. Fuck that. Never again.

Yes, enjoyed it since I got it. It's nice having all three consoles. Only issue is that the home screen doesn't show all software instead of that stupid row shit. Nintendo needs to hurry up with themes. Tempted to hack it not for piracy but for themes.

Just because it didn't add anything substantial from the base game doesn't stop it from being a bad game.

The base game, aside from its questionable game design choice and unintentional bugs, is solid already

Dude, I don't I've ever used "wagglan" for any Switch game.

What the fuck? If you have it downloaded it's there forever?

at this point I only grab oneshot games physically, if at all.
any sort of partygame or game I will pick up a lot randomly after launch I play digitally.

>Tempted to hack it not for piracy but for themes.
Fucking zoomers

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I'm not enjoying how it instantly made my WiiU and all its games into valueless junk

Think the WiiU games will eventually increase in value due to collectors. It's just a waste of money as is

I finished the XB2 game-storyline only mode and XB2 Torna. While I'm might replay XB2 for the extra features, do you think it's a good idea for this month to try to bargain for a 2nd hand Dragon's Dogma for $20?

There are occasions when redownloads are needed. Whether it be memory corruption, wanting more space for other things, or if you transfer your account to another Switch.

I have no need for piracy. I can afford the games I want. Why would I pirate a good game? If a game is good, do the developers not deserve money for their time spent developing it? All I fucking want is my All Software on one fucking screen but Nintendo wont do it. The 3DS could. Why cant the Switch.

Enjoy paying for online

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I got a do nothing security job. Fantastic investment at work, makes the nights fly by. Playing bloodstained currently , reminds me of my favorite Castlevania: curse of darkness with it's weapon crafting and familiars and such. Excited for the steady stream of solid games lined up for the year too.

Man Dragon Quest Builders 2 demo is fun! I hope they fix the performance in docked mode though.

I just enjoyed buying and applying contact cleaner to the joysticks so they don't drift. So fun.

It's about a value purchase. Take my Gamecube collection which I just sold. All the games I originally bought at £30-40, I sold for double or more depending on rarity. At the very least I got my money back entirely on every game, and made a tidy profit on lots of them. The best part is, I just downloaded every single one of those games to play on my PC, which can also use the GC controllers.

With digital, you make nothing. You pay for something intangible. It's a worthless transaction all in all.

and that's the point, it's useless gimmicky shit that's just there to buff up the overall price of the thing

So you're mad at the console for an extra feature that doesn't really get used that much? I tell you what, while we're at it, fuck the PS4 for that touchpad thing on the DS4 that hasn't been used in any games since launch.

Refrain is great. Esoteric as fuck sometimes but great nonetheless. Hope we get the sequel.

Games that are online centric (Mario Maker, Splatoon) won't be worth much in the future. Especially when a lot of the content is not on the cartridge

Absolutely BTFO

Exactly, those are completely optionnal gimmicks that serve nothing but inflating th general price of the machine. The light bar on the ps4 controller is also terrible while we're at it

gonna buy one soon!

What are some top tier JRPGs for the switch?

which is the better kart game on this platform? mario kart 8 or crash?

Obviously Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

>wanting to play a 30fps racing game

Xenoblade and Ys 8 are my favorite.

Ye, just got Muse Dash, and I didn't expect to enjoy it so much. Also Idol Buro is the best girl and you can't tell me otherwise.

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This HAD to have been made by an autistic child.

Good luck
Emunand exists

You can't do this in Mario

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Playing SMM2 and Legend of Gilgamech


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The switch does too user.
It's based off of how many games you own. If you add more then 12 it's layout changes and you can start to organize and arrange things. But not before then. It's stupid, but yes.

Ah i didn't knew what he was talking about. You can archive your games and they still have an icon.

Crash has better single player and future content.
Mario Kart has more customizing and better online options.
If Crash's online improves by july, might vote it better. Also between the two Mario Kart looks better in handheld vs Crash that downscales rather hard.

>Yea Forums's
>one autistic faggot
Sure, bud

CTR (Crash) only downside is that it is 30fps.

Is the Switch version of DMC1 good for people who haven't played DMC before?

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the eShop is one big meme, why are there only indies in this shit?


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Don't support Capcoms terrible Switch support

there are not

what i want to know is where is the fucking VC at

Can't believe that they fuck this up this hard, it is almost like they hate money.

Yeah, if you scroll all the way to the right and select all titles. But that's not the default. The stupid line is the default. Why cant they just make the All Titles window pane mode default? I have 20+ games and it's annoying.

But how will not buying the game I want make Capcom support the Switch more?

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Honestly, not really.

Games I thought were exclusive keep going somewhere else. The pay to play online is fucking trash. The Joycon drift is terrible and I had to replace the set, I was able to get it manageable for a few repair attempts but eventually it was a lost cause. I don't think the weird "slidey metal" system they have inside is a good idea. Feels great to use, but its worn out and useless faster than a N64 controller.

Nintendo has really been shitting it up lately. You used to joke about "Nintendium", and how Nintendo consoles don't break. My Wii U's disc drive has broken, and I barely used it. The only other console this happened to me on is OG Xbox. I had to replace my Joycons after a year of owning the system, but I barely used it (instead opting for their SEVENTY DOLLAR controller). Twice at work to let people try it out, and on two trips. That's it, for the whole life of the system!

I appreciate that broadly speaking Nintendo makes real games in the classic sense of the word but they need to get it together in the online and hardware departments, the latter of which they used to be kings in.

Capcoms games have sold undeservedly amazingly on Switch but they are still completely half assing every single release and fucking customers in the ass

Just got FFVII, can't wait to play this game again after a couple of decades. I never did any of the endgame content back then so this time it will be nice to look for all the secret bosses and stuff.

take it apart and replace the sticks, they're about under $10 on ebay

Bought it because I’ve never owned an Nintendo system after NES and I wanted to go back to the days when I would have to go interact with friends to play. Keep it because it’s a comfy way to play indie shit graphics games without having to be tied to my pc. I wish the most of the games didn’t have a crazy markup because it’s on switch.

Is there a problem with the Switch version of DMC? Am I better off just getting it on Steam?

Anyone that's played Vesperia wanna tell me how far in the game story wise I am? Pinkie and Hippie just poof'd from the Jellyfish

Playing Smash for the first time since the brawl, I'm pretty bad at it but I'm having fun.

>People don't know that the Switch Online will be getting the SNES soon along side the NES
That's the VC anons. You pay for online and for VC.

forgot pic. Also, this time I'm gonna leave their default names alone instead of naming them after my high school crushes.

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>people already pay £15 for the mario maker stylus on ebay

what the fuck

Wow that's a really unethical picture user.

But it gets interesting when we have the N64. On this tempo the Switch will be be replaced by the next gen Nintendo.

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turn off your modem.

Yes, I just bought one last week and only have BOTW but I'm really enjoying myself. Doing things like putting a balloon on a bomb and then floating it into a goblin camp and blowing them the fuck up is so fun. The game in general is very calming to me and I can easily get lost in it for hours when I don't want to think about anything else

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What is a good alternative to the official gamecube controller adapter for switch? Can't find the official one for love nor money

The only motion game I've played is Super Mario Party, everything else pretty much uses standard controls. Oh and some shrines in Breath of the Wild used a gyroscope.

>Oh and some shrines in Breath of the Wild used a gyroscope
So is motion control something I should have kept on then? I turned it off becuase it made aiming with the bow or the telescope a pain in the ass

It's a piece of shit where the only value is the exclusives and there's not that many good exclusives
Quit smash after getting banned from DCing in a FFA quickplay
I'll sell it if FE turns out bad

>Oh and some shrines in Breath of the Wild used a gyroscope.
It was pretty clever, i didn't knew what the fuck was going on until i moved forward to the TV to take a better look. It was the pro controller moving and not the game. Good stuff.

I turned off the motion for the bows, but the shrines still used it.

Yes. Trying emunand and ofw out with a new nintendo account for mario maker. Dont want to lose my actual account but really dont care about leaderboards or online for any switch games besides being able to download mm2 levels for super hard mode.

Hacked switch is dope and i cant wait for android to give me portable mario galaxy 2 and mgs3

any hope on seeing a translated Yokai Watch 4 in the next few months?

>Xenoblade, pokken that high

Good luck, it sold like hot garbage. Even a fan translation isnt likely after that mess. And Nintendo, who's done everything for importing it, isnt likely to do so quickly as it would launch too close to Pokemon.

The problem is it's only DMC ONE in Switch, like they don't really want to put any effort making games on Switch but only threw a bone because everyone else wants them to try and make some games for the Switch consoles. Granted, I'm a hypocrite for buying Okami Physical, but at least that one has enough effort behind it

They're trying to fix online. A lot of subtle evidences with the news shows this.

>was going to buy one second hand because I'm cheap
>couldn't stop thinking about someone playing on the toilet with their shitty hands or some snot nosed kid running around with it
It was worth the 300 bucks for peace of mind

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Its a good port (from the steam version)
But I can't help feeling that the game is very old and many of its mechanics feel so dated.

What`s wrong with Code of Princess Ex?

I have some eShop money, what are the best eShop exclusives? Appart from Golf Story

Box Boy

I like it more than I expected at first.
When I bought it, it had no games, and was shit.
But now I have at least one new game to look forward to each month.

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Noted, I played the first one on the 3DS and this looks fun in co-op.

Anything else I should pick?

Having a blast with The Last Remnant. I had fun with X360 version, but this is the same thing minus slowdowns and texture loading during cutscenes.
>b b but it's port
Like I give a fuck. Can't wait for SaGa Scarlet Grace!

I hate that the 3DS died for this 2 hour battery life shit with no games other than ports.

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I've just bought it for Splatoon.
Shit is fun but man, I missed all those years of fun and splatfest. Should've bought it earlier.

WD 40

Yeah that will kill your joycon. You mean this.

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Just get a pro controller.
Wow that was hard.


Try and play pokemon lets go with a pro controller casual

Who the fuck plays Let's Go

And you posted WD 40, too.
No, I don't.

>Eevee better than Pikachu

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It's nice. Really only use it for odd exclusives, like Mario Maker. Glad I bought it, but I could never see myself using it as a sole console. Definitely a companion system to your Bone or PS4

>Fire Emblem Warriors that low
What happened? I never played it, but I remember Yea Forumsfags saying it had better gameplay than Hyrule Warriors.
Unless were counting roster also then yeah it deserves to be that low.


i mean if it doesnt make nintendofags happy nor makes FEfags happy, then who gives a shit about it? the entire point to crossovers is basically to make the fans happy

You can insult me all you want on mongolian hentai image board. It doesn't mean I'm wrong and you are right.
WD 40 is the solution. Of course, unless you use half of can on 1 joycon, which is possible if you are American.

This, right now Capcom is just putting any MT framework game or older on the switch for a quick buck.

The WD40 is not a contact cleaner you fucking idiot.

Anything is a contact cleaner if you pump your cock hard enough

Ok Jew.


WD is oil, it works preferably on metal.
A Contact Cleaner isolates oil, water and corrosion from electronics.
What you're doing is killing your Switch

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How is using WD40 on joycons killing Switch?

>Cadence of Hyrule that low
Thank you, fuck. I thought I was the only one who thought that game was a disappointing mess. Making it so you're unable to move because the game says you miss a beat is the worst feeling.

jesus christ. this fucking board

I am serious. If WD 40 damages joycons, how is that killing Switch? Will Switch stop working along with joycons?

You will be sad when I inform you I did in February this year. No drifting after that. Must be magic.

Its 2019 and im still spoonfeeding retards’s-motherboard

you can also spit some coca cola in it. i don't care.

Just answer the question, user.

But can I use WD40 to clean my contacts?

I mean, if you wanna buy another Joycon go ahead. Its only killing your joycon's joystick and then the contact which goes to the switch's other contact with all the oil conducting electricity to every piece it can find.
So sure, you can even put coconut oil on your Joycon, its going to smell so great between burnt electronics and a soft Caribbean smell

Yes user. Joycons and motherboard are the same thing.

you can also spay it in your eyes to make you see in the dark.

Yeah, own your eye contacts? Go right ahead and fucking put them if you don't give a shit. On your Switch. Go ahead as well, then.

I'm not feeling a genuine vote of confidence out of you.

make sure you spray it in your eyes as well

What a dumb thread. Obviously the switch is shit if you need constant verification of your purchase. What other fan base has threads like this? Only nintendo fans, because deep down everyone knows the switch is trash.

I'll always throw my hat in for Kamiko. I think it's still on sale for $2.

Join us.

60% of this board has been Whirl posting and Golden Wojack for the last 3 years. Only reason you dont see Xbone posting is because no one bought one. Here's your (you)

Pikachu's Zippy Zap is the most broken electric move though.
>50 BP but has STAB giving it 75 BP
>+2 Priority meaning it is on par with Extreme Speed and beats +1 Priority Moves like Aqua Jet and Shadow Sneak. It also means that Partner Pikachu can run an Adamant build and still be safe.
>100% Critical Hit rate... This means that the attack will always get a 2x boost
It's an electric type move that has +2 priority that always hits as hard as a move with 120 BP. If held items were a thing in LGPE, Partner Pikachu would be an Uber at the least with light ball because his attack stat is 80 instead of the typical 55 that normal Pikachu tend to have.
So just imagine how much of a nightmare it would be to go up against a Pikachu that has 160 Atk with Light Ball and a 150 BP move with +2 priority. Not only that, but Partner Pikachu has 120 Spd instead of the typical 80 Spd stat that normal Pikachu have. Sure, it's a glass cannon, but it will wreck you team if you aren't prepared for it. Beating Partner Pikachu would mean having to have a ground type that can reliably outspeed a Jolly nature Partner Pikachu. Partner Eevee's stats aren't even close to being as busted as Partner Pikachu. I would love to see a composite Pikachu with Partner Pikachu's stats and moves along with Cosplay Pikachu's moveset because she has Icicle Crash.

Just finished Super Mario Maker 2 story mode. Now I can delete the game again

So shilling an under powered tablet is "revenge". Gotcha, what a pathetic fan base

I'm tempted to get it, but i think it's a bit expensive for a mobile port

The expense is apparently because it has all the song content, which would normally be extra.

128GB is good enough right if I'm not going full digital?



yeah. looking forward to pokemon, animal crossing, luigis mansion, astral chain, a few other things. Really wish we'd get a new DKC and new 3D mario. and of course other things like Star Fox would be nice.

my only regret purchase is BOTW. zelda is basically dead at this point.

not enough cock sucking men and rug munching women for you, snoy?

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This is the first time I have seen someone from this board say they're excited for Pokemon but claim that Zelda is "dead" because of BotW. Pokemon SwSh and BotW are polar opposites when it comes to effort and quality.

they are both bare bone open world trash, it comes down to what ip you like

Meanwhile in Nintendo land, being trans is a bannable offense.

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pokemon is just a light hearted RPG there's not much I expect from it. BOTW on the other hand is the worst zelda ever made and I have higher expectations for zelda.

I have that in my backlog, it seems to be a Zelda boss game. What i played was good.

as compared to the boneyard Xbox and transexual parade that is the PS4?

Yes. It's been a bit dry the last few months but this month I got CTR and Hollow Knight and I think there'll be a least one game I want to get on release coming out every month for the rest of this year. And early 2020 looks really strong too.

Based Japs not pozzed by the jews

wtf? I'm buying a Switch now. brb

No, I’ve been throughly disappointed with the library so far

based Ninty

It isn't. The non-linearity of BotW makes it a massive step in the right direction from Skyward Sword and provides a good blueprint for the rest of the series to follow. There are valid complaints like the lack of dungeons, but the game isn't trash. Exploration is also fun because of the level of interaction Link can have with the game world.

Actually it is against their TOS. No political statements. Trans rights is a political issue, doesn't belong in a child's game.

>Super Mario Maker 2
>Dragon Quest Builders 2
>Astral Chain
>Dragon Quest XI S
>Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Doom Eternal
>Pokemon SwSh

Gonna be an amazing 6 months

Blizzard: Ban this person! He said GG! Comply with out T&S you incel! Why are you going against OUR terms, fucking male bigot?

BotW is easily God tier

On the subject of banning user created content, wasn't Sony banning Pepe heads in Dreams? I don't like frogposting, but that shitty frog isn't exactly a political statement. Kekistans uses Pepe, but Pepe wasn't made exclusively for the Kekistan movement. Shit, I kinda associate frogs and Wojaks with /biz/ more than /pol/ at this point.

And that's a good thing. Nobody is pleased with this shit, while you are playing a game. No matter the message you want to spread.

>Doom Eternal
While it will run better than the first game, I wish the Switch were strong enough to handle it at 60 FPS. Joy-cons with gyro are way more fun than the standard controllers when it comes to shootan.

Yeah I was bummed out by 30fps too when it was announced, but I was amazed how smoothly it still played at 30fps when I eventually got it. Especially with a hint of motion blur

funniest thing is that the tranny flag stages aren't even good, clever, well thought out or anything. they're literally just lazy rectangles. trannies are too lazy to create good stages that happen to have a tranny theme. just like they're too lazy to not be failed men or look like actual women.

wasn't this just one single stage that got taken down

Could be for two reasons, one being pepe is work that "could" be subject to copyright. And as you said, could be considered a political movement, so it's better to just ban it outright.

However considering that sony and microsoft actually went all in for gay pride month, both have no right to not allow "political statements.'

However with that being said, it is THEIR platform, so they can do what they want. I go with a "Don't like the message don't buy the product.'

Wandering empty fields for hours with nothing to do but find a korok seed or pick fruit/mushrooms isn't a good blueprint, isn't good exploration and is a terrible direction for zelda to take. I hope after BOTW nintendo never makes a game like BOTW again.

Well, you can say all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that 40% of trans people commit suicide. Nintendo doesn't want depressed and suicidal people who will spread their misfortune. They are a company that makes consoles and games and wants people to have fun. Mentally ill people should seek for a help somewhere else.

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No Switch is absolute shit weak ass "console".
Anyone who buys one is retarded. Who would play a console with shit graphics and terrible games.
Nintendo should just go third party. Their games are shit but would probably actually sell on PC

H*ck yeah!

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I couldn't handle the fucking game. I think I ruined myself by playing it before on the PS4 but it wasn't as pleasant as it thought.

I'm loving it. I always get whatever handhelds are out + my pc I've been doing this since the gameboy advance and I'm really enjoying the switch. I will get Mario maker and smash with my tickets this week!

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gyro =/= wagglan

splatoon 2 is incidentally one of the best shooters of the gen and this is the best console nintendo shat out since the snes

>However considering that sony and microsoft actually went all in for gay pride month, both have no right to not allow "political statements.'
Why do companies do that? Isn't it better to keep a low profile? Everyone is welcome. if you leave religion and politics at the door. And ban everyone who tries to fuck with that. Seems to me a better strategy.

Tetris 99 is a unique take on Tetris and is exclusive to the online service for the Switch. It's god tier for being something familiar but also new and different as well as being exclusive.

they are literally making a sequel in the same fucking map

it's only 3gb so digital imo.

Yeah but having moves that instantly apply reflect, light screen, and leech seed is better for your whole team. It’s not always about offense. Pikachu never sees any online play

Just got a Switch. Happy to play Splatoon again it's been 3 years since I played it on Wii U and I still dominated everyone in my first matches

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just go left from the top

I want nintendo to make a left joycon that has an actual dpad.

There is one


Don't trust the Hori one or something?

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that's not made by nintendo and is a huge battery hog. plus it doesn't have gyro or rumble.

why does the switch mario party have such short games even on 20 turns
i remember on the gamecube it felt like a max turn game would take hours

I'm gonna buy one soon, the last nintendo console i had was the NES in 90s and 3DS back in like 2012. What can i expect and which games should i get? Donkey kong and mario oddysey+maker seem like fun. Ill get zelda later after i play the earlier games.

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>everything in the game is optional say for the beginning area, ganon, and maybe the mastersword

Attached: nintendo-deelt-speciale-zelda-botw-artwork.jpg (1920x960, 225K)

>BotW, one of the, if not THE, best games ever made
>mid tier
This shit is Justin Wong bad. Delete it right now.

get the gunvolt games and smash

i think the rainstorms and thunderstorms justify mid tier

this bait is too obvious

>no DMC 5
Yeah no not buying

Yeah, Xenoblade needs to be one tier higher, and Torna one tier lower. Only spastic ADHD retards consider Torna better than the base game.

I'm really holding out hope for a port. I really want to play it so badly.

Also when the fuck are we getting a Fatal Frame V port or a new game entirely? Come on.

>Reselling video games
Fucking stupid. Probably the dumbest reason to buy shit physically.

>>BotW, one of the, if not THE, best games ever made
hold your fucking horses buddy
it's a nice game and all but it's not even the best game on the switch, they made a somewhat nice open world meme but forgot to put an actual zeld game in

no they don't you fucking shitter

Is switch better than wii or wii u for playing with my kids? Also, which console is better for pirating

waiting for the 3 big titles:

Shin Megami Tensei
Etrian Odyssey
Story of Season/Rune Factory

Wii is hands down the best for all of what you're asking. Massive library and can basically play every single Nintendo console before it's games. That is, NES through GC, including the handhelds.

master sword optional see speedruns

How does joycon drifting happen? I’ve had my switch and 4 joycons for close to a year now and none of them drift

Wii it is than. Should I get 32GB wii u or is normal wii enough?

Haven't played it too much recently other than replaying Bayo 2 but I'll be on it a lot when Ultimate Alliance comes out

I have two pair of joycons and both left joycons keep disconnecting randomly whenever I try to play docked. Half year ago it was mostly fine when I played Xenoblade 2 with the same exact setup. I wonder what causes that

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Honestly the input lag on Bloodstained seems to just be retards who don’t know how to differentiate between a lower FPS and input lag . I’ve put around 30 hours in and beat the final boss with no real issues.

Not an exclusive but fuck I regret buying Crypt of the Necrodancer even if it was on sale, that game blows and I'm guessing the Hyrule one isn't much better

>be me, an incel at a flight
>middle-aged mom besides me pulls a switch and starts bing bing wahooing with speakers on

life is so upside down

That is not regular WD-40. It is ELECTRICAL CONTACT CLEANER under the WD-40 brand. Do not use actual WD-40 on your joycons.

i want her pair of joycons if you know what i mean

how in the fuck did you break a cartridge user

i use handheld only loser

What's on your hacked nintendo switch Yea Forums? Here's mine :)

Attached: leaffrog.png (229x220, 9K)

Unlikely, unlike the VB which has ~20 games exclusive just to it (one of the best Wario Lands games being one of those) most of the Wii U's library has been ported, maybe people will see value in the VC and games like Mario 3D World but it doesn't even have the niche appeal of the Virtual Boy. Think you got fucked bro.

pornhub, tetris 99 and slay the spire

I want to buy the game but holy fuck am I broke and holy fuck are there too many games coming out. I still need to 100% Octopath and DQXI and Trials of Mana are coming out at the same time.

>No threads
>I am......forgotten

>Yes threads
>wtf too many threads it has to be shit

lol cope

Enjoy your sega ages bro

Well yeah

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I don't know what this is but assuming it's your cons no longer hooking into your console, stop raging so hard? I have three sets that click very nicely.

I don't know, it seems well-made, but I also play with it mounted more often than not and am totally content with a con in each hand instead of the controller dock.

>admitting multiple crimes on camera


>How does joycon drifting happen? I’ve had my switch and 4 joycons for close to a year now and none of them drift
I'm with you. I think it's troglodytes and their dirt and dust.

Take care of your shit people!

Definitely agree, conceptually the switch is neat but the engineering is really lacking. Rubbing plastic joycon rails against metal really was a dumbfuck idea, also I have two Switches and both of them have a really bad case of the front of back of the console's shell not being flush which causes really irritating creaking. It's little things like that.
I bought the online for Virtua Racing and (now) MM2 but it's not too bad, Tetris 99 is really fun and I probably won't use the NES game service. I don't think renting on those games as opposed to just selling them is a smart move.

I've had to do so much work on my Switches that it isn't even funny, and I treat my hardware like princesses. The internals are pretty bad too, the Wi-Fi module is prone to dying and bricking the whole system and the thermal paste is godawful. They need to step it up with hardware revisions, to me the original 2DS proved they can still make durable hardware.

this is absolutely not what joycon drifting is you retard
>I don't know what this is
then stop talking next time

This, had my Switch since launch and it only suffered the weird cracking problem (possibly due to heat weakening the plastic, replaced the shell anyhow). How people let their stuff sit in piles of dust and dirt is baffling.

>ARMS in low tier
>LG games being anywhere near mid instead of shit
>tetris 99 in god tier instead of top or mid
You mean your rankings, faggot?

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Yes. I just actually bought mine a couple days ago and currently playing Zelda.
Also got Splatoon, Super Mario Odyssey, some Megaman game, and Smash Bros.

I was in a similar position when I bought the game on a PSN sale awhile ago, tried it, hated it. But I decided to double dip and bought it while it was on sale during E3 and ended up loving it after giving it another try. Now I can't fucking wait to try Cadence. I think it's the only game that took me awhile for it to 'click'.

Only the original release Japanese hori joycons drained the battery badly. The ones available internationally do not.

Hi OP! I'm really enjoying my Switch as you can see! Cheers!

Attached: switch.png (896x876, 303K)

easy way: 90dns
harder way (still easy) but better: incognito

Splitting my time:
80% hollow knight
15% smash
5% snes emulator

I love this little machine

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>get emunand setup
>play legit games online without risk of ban
>play everything else I don't want to buy on cfw with mods
It's a good life, user

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New version announcement when.

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you can't use those docked anyway. no thanks

Mario Kart is irrelevant now that Crash is out.

So how is hacking for new Switches?

I unironically bring the switch to gatherings and it turns out to be a fun time between smash or quiplash.

Well done nintendo

Recommend some lesser known games.

Why would you want to use Joycons when it's docked?



Game seems to have some good bundles too for similar prices, which is surprising.

I’m mixed. When the hardware is pushed in the right way, it can still be magical to play games on the big screen, undock the console, and take the exact same experience with you anywhere. That being said, there are tons of disappointing ports where there is a “correct” way to play or it’s just so significantly worse than playing on another console or PC

I've got a lobby up in SF 30th Anniversary if anyone wants to play

Attached: Street Fighter III_ 3rd Strike.jpg (600x826, 313K)

This fucking game for only six (6)€. No more pop ins, smooth 60fps. Online multi player so you can screw around with others. The 32x music in the menu. The nostalgia is too much.

Who wants to play?

Attached: vrlarge.jpg (1280x720, 169K)

It doesn't really matter. You'll be getting an SD card if you want to hack it anyway.

Boomers paradise.

>Are you enjoying your Switch Yea Forums?
I actually hadn't been playing it all that much since I've been spending it more on backlogged games from other consoles.

I do enjoy it, but I just don't have as much gaming time as I used to to throw at it.

I got these joycons but for me the left one is green and the right one pink, explain this sorcery

I really hope the EO reveal won't end up being a mobile game.

I'm waiting for the pro

Oh really? That's good news then.

Still, the devs said they're working on patching the switch so I do expect it to get better

>got switch 2 weeks ago
>already starts bending
I thought this was a hoax or launch model issue. I have a newer one

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I wanna get one so i can play mario kart in bed but i'm waiting on that switch mini thing.

How would it even work on the switch? MM2 should have come bundled with a stylus, I guess they could have some kind of minimap on the side kind of life what Sega Ages Phantasy Star has
Dude I'll play you, been playing this and MM2 non-stop since yesterday trying to get gud at the medium course on hardest difficulty/grand prix. It's so fucking gorgeous.

Not happening. No Pro, no mini. Don't know why that bullshit rumor took hold so hard in spite of how obvious it isn't going to happen. Sorry bro, just get the regular, it's fine as it is and a smaller screen would blow.

Literally free if you've already got Amazon Prime

A Pro and Mini is all but confirmed at this point. It's not baseless.

It's not baseless at all though

Sega did such a good job bringing this arcade version to the Switch and not the Sega Saturn version. Pushing from checkpoint to checkpoint in online mode is the same feeling as in the arcade when you had to put coins in it. This port is remade with love and nostalgia. Everyone can add me, i play with everyone that is online.

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You can change the settings so you can move whenever you want, you know.

Still considering getting the Switch, this is definitely one of the things I'll be spending the £30 of eshop credit on - any other recommendations?

I skimmed and all I found were two official statements that said nothing at all

nintendo never confirms/denies rumors though.

I was never fortunate enough to find any actual cabinets for this or Daytona so I've only played the mega drive version, this port is so well done I really have to give props to M2 for all their Sega Ages ports (Phantasy Star was an especially good port). I'm quite confident that the mega drive mini will be pretty good considering M2 are handling that too.

kind of. crash racing plays and looks like shit. deleted after 20 minutes. assassin's creed looks like ass too but i never played the original so i don't know if it looks like this always.

i should just stick to mario games and rpgs. it's fucking awful for anything else.

Yes having a blast with MM2 right now
Building levels is so much fun

If you like racing games, Fast RMX is also good. 1080p/60fps just like VR too.

If you like retroshit, the eShop is a treasure trove of old SEGA and Neo-Geo arcade games thanks to M2 and Hamster.

So we're back to nothing. You can't make a system where half the first parties don't work without a single joycon.

Golf Story is fun if you like golf rpgs.

Could be patched in/fixed via software easily.

also my joycons are near unusable from heavy drifting. i have to clean them every two days to enjoy 3 hours of gaming. fucking awful.

I'm in the same boat, except I had a Saturn. I really hope this paves the way for other 3d arcade games. The full line of "Virtua" games, Daytona, Sega Rally Championship, Manx TT Superbike, the whole lot. Give us the virtual console Nintendo refuses to.

Thanks for reminding me of this one, I'd heard about it before - I do enjoy golf games, will definitely give it look.

>Fast RMX
Looks good, I love Wipeout, thanks for pointing this out.

I do love retroshit, I'll consider anything which provides a better experience than just emulating it for free - the Virtua Racing one being a great port with loads of extra stuff being a good example.

I haven't bought one. To underpowered. Waiting for the new ones to come out.
If they are trash, I will just emulate.

I'm cursing in the church, they only have to make it HD and some new textures and it is better than all the indie shit we get on the Switch.

Absolutely I'd like to see them maybe do Dreamcast ports too, people have managed to emulate DC games already so it's possible

>I'll consider anything which provides a better experience than just emulating it for free

Ikaruga comes to mind, which you can play vertically on the Switch screen and has been upped to 1080p. Turok also got a Switch release with a higher resolution, removal of fog, and modern (including gyro) controls. Turok 2 is also planned for the same treatment.

>my opinions MUST be what all the board thinks!
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8 got me to reply

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holy shit
how did you get that theme? That looks so nice I'm gonna have to keep this 2nd switch now

Aren't exfat SD card causing corruption and fuck up when running homebrew? With such a big card I guess you won't be using it in fat32, right?

you sound fat and retarded, i can't imagine what you look like lmao.

exfat for switch games, fat for emulation.

Playing BOTW and got tired of getting ganked so I'm speeding towards Dark Armor. Just reached Faron Tower. Are the hints given by the journal easy or is it vague as fuck? I'm trying to decipher it but I legit really don't know what the fuck it is

Should I spoil myself and look up a guide?

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enjoy the ride, so much stuff in this game is cryptic it's all the more fun to figure it out after hours

I was playing my Switch in the library between classes at uni and I saw some normalfags laughing and taking pictures of me.

I wish people would mind their own business.

I want a fun open-world game like Builders 2. Playing the demo left me wanting.

>between classes at uni
Fuck off zoomer

>BOTW same tier as Pokemon Let's Go
>Cadence of Hyrule that low

yeah nah get fucked