Besides The Last of Us, what are some essential father-daughter video games?
Besides The Last of Us, what are some essential father-daughter video games?
What a stupid little cunt.
Feminism was the greatest mistake of our species.
Original Nier
Holy fucking cringe.
yeah the dad's a fucking faggot
Can you nazis fuck off already?
Is this what fatherhood has in store for us? What can I do to raise a daughter right Yea Forumsros? Is it hopeless?
Love trumps hate huh?
Stop playing videogames.
Disconnect all internet.
it's absolutely hopeless these days, I actually saw 3 girls in my family go through puberty into early adulthood and all of them turned out like OP's pic, this is literally what social media does to a teenagers mind
>having a daughter
All right guys, post it.
Just until the girl gets raped and murdered by wandaka-citizens.
Hopefully she'll grow out of it, realise the mistake she's made, get back in touch with her father and repair their relationship before he dies.
I like to think that most people would. College brainwashing only lasts for so long. Women usually snap out of it before they hit 30, or once they have kids.
I hope he's patient and doesn't take it personally.
That's a shame. But we don't know the whole story. You shouldn't post this shit on this internet. That's some personal ass shit that people find entertaining at best, and at worst will just circle jerk you and then start trying to sell their politics after you cum on their knees.
Get help.
>t. blue
Little problem with your fairy tale hope there.
*hits pipe*
You mean like the dog, or are you enforcing my point about shilling politics?
God I fucking hate women
Nigger, the owner of that text was the one who went out of their way to post that shit online.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........... I never thought of a Momma like that before.... Interesting........
I was referring to the colors of the text fields in OP.
>Cutting off ties with someone because of their political stance
My best friend is the textbook definition of a liberal and we joke about our stances all the damn time. He calls me a hick gunfucker and I call him a racemixing animal lover in like twenty different variants every week.
With good reason. A gender consisting of pure cancer and aids.
noooooo shut up men bad women good
>makes the same shit thread again
based. isolate right wingers, even if they are family members. soon they will not be allowed in society at all.
Can you discord trannys dilate your colon wounds finally?
The fact that it's a private text online means the women posted it unashamedly so she clearly doesn't care.
The best bants come from a friend who disagrees with you on a lot
Why the fuck would OP hide the roasties Twitter handle?
literally what is wrong with what she said
nothing, the muzzies have the right idea with the honor killing, install white sharia asap.
I don't really know how texts work, no one talks to me. But that doesn't really change anything I said. This shit shouldn't be posted. It's either entertainment or people use it to sell you their ideas. Reposting it from somewhere else to show off how terrible it is doesn't make it ok.
What the fuck is she saying???
what the fuck am I reading
Well you really have to watch over them even their online habits.
Never let some shit pass. If it's wrong, it's wrong and they must eat all the eggs.
The smart ones do snap out of it, if they escape it. If they stick with their brainwashed college friends for all of their life, they'll reinforce those views in each other and never grow up. If they get a real job or a husband, they'll drift away from those people and start to think for themselves again.
Tell her that, numbnuts.
>parent loves child, writes in hopes that she's okay
>fuck you drumpfft abortion and stop talking to me like i'm your child
Tragic, many such cases.
>Women usually snap out of it before they hit 30
Funny how it's right before their looks fade and have to deal with reality.
She doesn't want to be daddy's little girl but wants to be owned by a nigger
>Women usually snap out of it before they hit 30
My sister is 30 and she didn't snap out of it.
So, you're telling me that, this bitchs wants respect whilst also being and describing herself as property at the same time? Do we actually live in a society?
She's not here. You people are the ones turning this into a display.
>brother going to family reunion
>starts bitching about my uncle's politics before we even get there
>if he says anything I'm just gonna destroy him with FACTS and LOGIC
then we get there and he spends the night seething over the last GOT episode on his mac laptop on the porch while the family watched home videos inside
grown man my fucking ass, I can't believe I'm related to this stupid faggot
Females are literally a meme.
You don’t know that faggot.
>that pic
30+ single women live a life of COPE.
Are you, by chance, female?
I can't imagine how it must feel to lose your sister to that nonsense. Why hasn't she grown out of it? Did she get herself into a long-term lesbian relationship or something?
>having a daughter
Give her some slaps across her face and your daughter will turn out just fine.
That she's not here? If she was, then I already told her and there was no point to correcting my initial mistake.
And so was mirrage
You literally only see this shit with white people. Fucking oestrogen filled faggots have no sense of family or culture.
She lives in an area that is populated with lefties.
Politics are the fucking cancer of the world and destroy every relationship. That's why I try to stay out of it.
>incel cesspool
nuke this thread and everyone in it
fucking christ you faggots are pathetic
how do I turn myself gay? should I even bother with any sort of real relationship or just stick with online erp?
I'm seriously asking here
Try to get her to move out of there, if you can.
I will never understand the kind of shit that people broadcast on social media. To so eagerly throw the people who raised you under the bus for total strangers online. It's outstanding.
The absolute fucking state of white women
I'm sure this thread will focus on video games.
suddenly infanticide doesnt sound so insane anymore
>t. stronk womyn
oh hah hah ahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhha
>incel will never understand women
Sounds just about right
My aunt is 65, childless and crazy like that, just not in the feminist way since she's a boomer.
People who use "Incel" unironically are whiteknights in disguise
Rachel Gow didn't.
absolute state of society
Privileged little cunt. I wish the worst thing I could say about my old man was that he voted for Trump and he hates baby killers.
They are incels
You don't need to understand women to fuck them, user.
It's good those women didn't get older. They become literal witches with time.
Lee and Clementine, what the fuck happened....
God, I hope I'll end up with a son.
>muh tribe good
>I'd rather cut the man who raised me out of my life over political reasons instead of sucking it up like the rest of the world and accepting that people are different
I don't know user, you tell me who's being mature here.
Maturity is not being so fragile that you can't handle "toxicity" in your special safe space. Creating a safe echo chamber, because that's exactly what she's doing, is how you deteriorate as a critical thinker and end up with an extremist incompetent.
If you seriously think that abortion clinics kill babies then you should go into an abortion clinic and perform a citizen's arrest. Surely the murder of unborn children in your hometown is that important?
Maybe if he wasn't a shitty faggot of a father she would love him and wouldn't be a retarded child with a leftist religion. You reap what you sow.
The fuck are you on about?
imagine supporting the slaughter of unborn children. Oof.
>Thot hates people who don't share her retarded ideology
>Stacey respects her friends and family regardless of their political leaning
Where can I find a Stacey?
>t. my body my choice but my choice your money lol
daddy issues really do a number on women
>it's a politics thread
god americans are so insufferable
I don't hear you driving down to Planned Parenthood and murdering the baby killers. What's stopping you? It couldn't be that all your bloviating is worthless and you just want to control women's bodies, right? You DO think abortion is murder, right?
Inna crackhouse
As long as she doesn't touch a phone until she is eighteen she may turn out alright
this isn't even the full handle
>go get yourself imprisoned for the rest of your life because other people are doing something wrong
My dad's an alcoholic and an addict. Stole from me and I'm a stupid bum. Cut him out of my life and I don't think I can ever repair that relationship. He is the only person I love in the world too. I hate her but I can't pretend that I'm any better.
only non-white and mixed babies should be aborted
Oh so you don't actually give a shit about the problem, at least not enough to get out of your chair and do something about it, got it. See you around after this thread 404s!
good thing i redpilled my sisted early. she's relatively normal. still a cunt though
Yeah bruh, you say you dislike ISIS and islamists but I don't see you picking up a gun and going to war. You must not really care about them then. You 100% are a female, this level of retardation isn't possible otherwise.
You're not very bright, user
>making a citizen's arrest on a legal operation
>its a good thing because the law allows it
>get into trouble illegally because you dont approve of it instead of legal procedures
you have to go back, nigger
make sure she's a member of a good church
The dad posted that.
If I was the dad I'd beat the bitch out of her with the belt
Hopefully eugenics gets to the point to where we can influence what the sex of the kid will be. Because I don't want kids in general, but I'd never ever want a daughter
die boomer
what you "deserve" and what you get aren't always the same thing
That's great
No cellphones and social media.
Haha! Dilate is best fuckin meme insult
you should go into an abortion clinic and perform a citizen's abortion
>zero context
m8 u even dumber
idiot, marriage is good for men. You marry a bitch and you own her. No one gets to touch her. The whore taking half of your shit was never the norm. You marry the bitch, she does what you says, or gets the back hand and says thanks daddy. It's not cultural, it's how human fucking beings evolved for millions of years. Today? Get a prenup, cuck.
That's a really different situation to OP's pic.
It would still be good to rebuild the relationship, but on the foundation that no possessions will be shared. You'd never buy things for the other, not even when going for a meal or a drink.
Family is the most important thing, fren. Hope it gets better.
I did my part, you do yours
This is the woman who posted that. 100% serious. Can't make this shit up lmaoooooo
not enough, faggot. keep going at it. or did you change your mind about ISIS?
>No one gets to touch her
Im hatting this agresive incelposting user
where's the porn
Go hang out on Yea Forums and start cruising on Grindr. Either you'll go gay or you'll find out the hard way that you're hardwired to be straight and nature decided your genes are worth continuing our species.
But we do have context. She told us all the reasons she's being a cunt to him in the message. Surprise, she's a terrible person.
Damn nice bait, here's your (you)
Do blacks even wanna touch that?
Jesus those eyes, imagine being the father to that
Where's my fucking pipe
Again, it's in your fucking backyard and you're doing literally nothing to stop it. You're pathetic
Yeah, decades of social engineering and propaganda by kikes will do that.