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So the /pol/tards won again? Fuck this earth.

>CD Projekt Red has already dropped a lot of fascinating info about Cyberpunk 2077 recently, including tons of information on the in-depth character-creation system. But just yesterday, quest director Mataeusz Tomaszkiewicz shed even more light on one of the game’s coolest aspects, telling reporters that the creation system will have the option for gender-neutral characters, although every character will automatically be Christian.

This is a long-overdue victory for both the non-binary community and lovers of the Lord alike!

Speaking with OGN, Tomaszkiewicz emphasized that players will have the choice to create any kind of character they feel truly represents them and their gender identity, but stressed that all players are already represented by Christ.

“We take the concerns of the trans and gender non-binary community very seriously, so we want to do right by them and do it in a respectful way that does not extend to religion,” he told us, adding there’s not just one way to represent your gender, but there is absolutely one way to express yourself in spirituality. “Ultimately, Christ is the only true path to religious salvation, and Cyberpunk will reflect that.”

>He added: “We wanted to give gamers maximum customizability as they explore Night City, except in the category of religion. That question has been answered by Jesus’ ascension. Otherwise, you’re free to play as whoever you want. Just make sure to drop to your knees once daily in-game to praise the one true Christian God.”

Tomaszkiewicz did tell OGN that as the game’s universe will include numerous other gender-fluid characters, there will also be some non-Protestant Christian representation within the world, such as Catholic, Muslim, and Jewish characters, which have prominent antagonistic roles attempting to drive you from the path of the Lord.

This is certainly exciting news for gamers everywhere. We can’t wait to see how else CD Projekt Red champions inclusion and spreads the gospel of Jesus Christ!

damn imagine being christian lmao

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Its an Onion article you fucking tagline only reading morons.

Why aren't there any good games where you play as a Muslim and are focused on the true islam

The onion still have it

more like everyone will be Chrischan

>Christianity still around in America of 2077

what's a bold assumption

Repent zoomer faggots.

Imagine if this was real

>imagine being christian

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The weird thing about being christian is, you can actually commit the most vile sins imaginable but God can still forgive you afterwards. You can do the worst things ever but all you have to do is confess and repent. Then you can still go to heaven and have eternal life, eternal happiness after all that.

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This would have actually been hilarious and would have made CDPR fucking BASED.

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How about not including religion in my videogames? Even Doom isn't a Christian Game

>but God can still forgive you afterwards

>game set in the future
>religions other than islam exist

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True, but it has to be actual redemption, which is rare and often very painful. You can't cheat in the end, and he'll know if you faked it.
If you genuinely repent after committing multiple, terrible sins, chances are you're just mentally ill
Then yeah, you can hope he'll forgive you because you're literally too crazy to think like a functioning human

titless tranny abomination

>non-Protestant Christian
Thats how I know its fake, CDP is catholic, protestants are the bad guys.

In 2077 everyone will be a scientologist

>believing the "Islam will take over the world" meme

It'll be the Chinese and they're atheists for the most part.

>can't be an atheist chad in a nihilistic world
Fuck this shit. Atheism is the most neutral thing imaginable.

>game developers believing in a floating man in the clouds


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>God is all-knowing and all-powerful
>he knowingly creates hell despite knowing the future, that so many of his children will burn for eternity because he made them flawed in the first place
>he knows the future yet he doesn't stop rapists and murderers from claiming their victims, those people were just destined to suffer


In 2077, they voted my city the most religious place in America. Sky high rates of Trumpism.


Idiots. CHRISTIAN is the MC's name.

>joke article

nice try


>they're atheists
no they are not

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that looks sweet as hell, revelations is a top tier fiction.

>he knowingly creates hell despite knowing the future
He doesn't know "the" future
He knows every possible future timeline, but it's up to humans in the end; the point is we aren't pre-programmed to do something or act in a specific way, he just knows every possible outcome
You were given free will, now it's up to you to earn your place next to the Lord

well that's not gender neutral

>he doesn't know the future
>he just knows all of them
wow, it's the same fucking thing.

>reading comprehension

That's wrong, just act John Calvin. You're freedom loving idea of Christianity is a modern aberration. The saved have already been determined, everyone is already destined for Hell or Heaven. Rather, they would be if any of this was real.

As long as I don't murder, steal, or cheat on my wife, I hope I don't go to hell for doing the other sins.

so why does an all powerful all knowing entity not know the future? is he secretly not all knowing?

Are we in a simulation?

I mean if anything we were discussing was real. As in, Christian theology.

There is no "future" to known, just an endless stream of ramified possibilities
All of them are contemplated since the very beginning of existence

>Jewish characters, which have prominent antagonistic roles attempting to drive you from the path of the Lord.
BASED cdpr!

he's all knowing user, he knows the future in its entirety or he doesn't. and if he's all powerful he can just give himself the ability to know the right future, unless he's not all powerful either.

>titless tranny abomination

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atheist societies never last user

read oswald spenglers work

>faggotry won't be by 2077

what's a bold assumption

nothing is gonna take over christianity is it?the whole book is a treasure of stories and designs

>C-cherubim are metaphorical!
Why would anyone not want cool as cryptids in their religion's mythos?


They mostly believe in poorly studied folk religions

there is no "right future" he creates all the possibilities that exist and YOU pick out what pathways you wanna go down if you wanna live in sin he even gives you the courtesy of about 100 years then its judgement time

post your best bible quotes

>"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."


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I would imagine that 99% of all loli posters, NEETS, and Gacha players on this board are Atheists. Christians have standards.

In other words, if your life deviates from his perfect plan you get tortured forever, even though he made you to deviate from that plan. Really great design, 4/10.

or he could just not be a self indulgent prick. then he'd not need to 'pass judgement' to fuel his literal god complex for no reason at all.

>dude God will judge you
>your salvation HAS to be real
>he'll know if you faked it
lmao no, all you have to do is believe in Jesus and you're good. That's literally it. The one blasphemous act in the bible that is unforgivable is straight up just denying God and not believing in Jesus.

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>whoever believes in him
There's sincere belief and then false forgiveness/belief.

Imagine being a tranny lmao

the bible also says faith without act is dead on its own, so just believing is as good as nothing. Id also like to point out to that other scripture that say something along the lines of "and then a bunch of people will come and be like "but God, didnt we do everything you asked, prayed to you, believed in you, etc etc" and I shall answer "begone, because Ive never known you". Those who think that they are on God's side just because they arent doing bad things will have an hypothetical rude awakening in the afterlife if its real.
Its always funny to me how theres people and swear on the fact that God is omnipotent/omniscient and at the same time think he is a retard that doesnt actually know how people are and will forgive everything everyone did just because they remembered to say "yeah, dude, im sorry, can I go to heaven?"

>The one blasphemous act in the bible that is unforgivable is straight up just denying God and not believing in Jesus.
Wrong. The only unforgivable is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, your faith in Jesus must be genuine.

>Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

sounds like he has control issues more than anything.

as it needs to be

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Imagine reading some inconsistent old fantasy book and then building your life on a half-assed attempt to make sense of it.

Christianity is so disappointing. Fuck, I wish I could be a Christian. I wish God was real.

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the idea of my ancestors looking at me from heaven while I fap to futa porn is really horrible

I can't even be trans-islamic? What the hell kind of future is this????

Literally can't lol.
Everyone with a brain is a Muslim now.

Based cyberpunk!
Sad about the christianity thing. Honestly all those old bigoted traditions need to die

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Would be worth it if Heaven was real. I'd be chaste my whole fucking life.

source, faggot

>thing will have an option for something you're not going to use


That's so fucking retarded. Did he not know Poland is like 90% catholic? He must be a filthy Serb or something

>Existing in a Cyberpunk setting

I thought it was supposed to exemplify an orderless society of high tech and high degeneracy. There unironically SHOULD be trans characters all over the place.

I used to be forced to church every weekend. Then we stopped going randomly. Turns out all the child rape made my dad not want to go anymore.

That's pretty sad.

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That's the Church politizing Jesus teachings.
Prove me wrong.

>existing in a cyberpunk setting
If you look like a man, you'll be called a man, and nobody will give a fuck about your meme "gender identity".
And if you bodyswap and actually change your gender, you don't need to worry about that shit at all.

What the hell are you talking about? God knows the FUTURE, he's all-knowing. He knows what decisions people will make, he knows which ones are going to hell, he knows all this would happen yet he let it be.

Yea, but at least I only went for 3 years. Imagine if I was forced for decades.

That is fucking hilarious.

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Buddhists aren't atheists.

>invest in christian stats
>get stuck on the jewish level because I can't fight back against god's chosen people

wtf do I do bros

Chinese aren't Buddhists anymore.

i see you dont even know what transgenderism is


Your dad raped you in the church every weekend? Damn. Explains some of the mental retardation on this board, though..

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A literal meme. Dilate.

>although every character will automatically be Christian
I don't get it. Why?

the only thing i dilate is my butt

Why not?

It's called the father, not the dad. And no, my dad kept an eye on me so the father couldn't rape.

he didn't post a source, why would you believe him?

Show a timestamp of your yellow skin, because my entire roach-like 2nd generation family are still hardcore temple going Buddhists and I'll be damned if dumbass mainlander peasants aren't still Buddhists either.

because its a joke article

Keep at it then.

Are you from Taiwan? I would think you'd know better than anyone how bad shit was in mainland China.

buddhism makes up like 15% of chinas population you dumb fuck

Imagine hating Pope and not reading the Bible.

Better Said then Done M8

Did you read that from your dumbass liberal blog or something?

>true repentance means to turn away from what is wrong
>lmao nigga just apologize and do it again
Based comprehension skills

go down to religions

Well shit man, that's already half of Christians.

The same page also says that China doesn't survey the population on it's religion you dumbfuck.

Old Testament outdated bullshit

>he hasn't read the bible and found new meaning in his life
Sad desu

Holy based!

yet still there have been surveys
just drop it
buddhism is one of the three traditional religions of china and have had a high influence on chinese folk religion but its not a majority religion or anything

It's in the new testament too, in Romans. Christians don't like gay people, it's just that simple. I tried too.

being a tranny is a vile act in and of itself. any reminder that they exist will disgust a rational person.

No fuck you, even if we trust this dumb website based on nothing but faith alone, Christianity and Islam still makes another 25%, Buddhism makes up 20%, and folk religions make up 30%. Where's your atheist state now you dumb bitch?

Better than being a JEW!

Nope that's just Catholic

im not the person claiming its a atheist state
>christianity and islam make another 25%
now this is a bold claim
care to back this up?
>buddhism makes up 20%
highest is 18%, as stated on that site
reminder that theres also taoism which in itself is a atheist philosophy

The source is from the dumbfuck website that says the government doesn't actually survey the people on their religion but faggots like you still want to assume shit based on random unsourced surveys.

Chinese are soulless automatons anyway, who gives a fuck

He sounds like a huge fucking asshole then to let dumbass humans make the choice about burning in hell in eternity in only a short lifespan. Let me remind you that it’s for an ETERNITY, do you even comprehend how long that is? Why would he let humans with all their flaws decide against him when he knows that they will be tempted and torn off the path at some point. Unless he has such a little ego that he needs his raging power boner to feel special, I can’t see how he’s a loving good god in any way.

>he's all knowing user, he knows the future in its entirety or he doesn't.
Yeah but the future isn't written in stone. That's the game he's playing, there's no point in watching the NPCs (from a tech demo you developed yourself) act just the way you programmed them for all eternity.
He instead developed a nice deeplearning AI, which eventually patched itself with a forbidden update that was lying around.
The update wasn't designed for that specific AI, but the coder/language was the same and it sure as hell was compatible enough to bring a new series of outcomes out of his "expected" behavior

Of course he knew the AI could patch itself, he literally left the forbidden update lying around in the same sandbox as a few other AIs (some of which were already patched). He also knows full well the content of the patch he developed; no possible AI behavior if fully unexpected, but the AI is still free to choose how to approach his surroundings from a set of actions it may have learned earlier.
The patch itself is mostly designed to let an AI act "randomly", even ignoring the basic rules they were programmed with. It also lets the AI learn from his surroundings with total freedom -also outside of its prewritten laws, which severely limited its learning capabilities.

But again, there's no point in letting a rabid AI wander around in a perfect sandbox with nothing to do, so he simply moved it to the hostile open world simulation he developed earlier (also programmed with a huge set of events happening -often randomly- at once).

The coder isn't even that interested in the process, it's an experiment and all he cares about are the results. He wants the AI to multiply itself indefinitely, while following as much as possible his original rules -despite its new possibilities leading to the opposite.
At the end of the cycle, the best AIs are promoted to a brand new server; maybe he'll do something later with them, who knows

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it says it might make up that percentage in 6 years
learn to read
it only attributes 8% of the population to abrahamic religions currently

You think Taoism, which advocates religious piety, is a fucking atheist philosophy?

I am interested in cyberpunk, shit like this wants me NOT to play it. Catering to mentally insane people, wanting to change the whole society because they have imaginary "genders"
>muh feels gender
That's how women reason, feelings over reality

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God knows when it is that you are thinking inside "lol Im gonna murder and rape 500 orphans but will be K coz I gonna confess later". And in that case it is that you truly go to hell

>game he's playing
>with torturing people for ETERNITY
fuck him and the horse he rode in on then, that's Saw levels of sadism.

So you want a fascistic God?

I dont even understand at this point, are they pandering to fags or not? Witcher 3 "progressivism" was pretty tame all things considered, just geralt having the option to say women are capable and one gay guy nothing that would be intrusive imo

And what makes it so bad, where is the history precedence for the hatred or disgust? It’s a perfectly healthy procedure to cure someone with gender dysphoria. There’s no reason or history behind it to hate it.

>Yea Forums is so fucking reactionary that a satire headline gets 100+ posts
Literal facebook boomer tier.

sectism and religious practices can indeed be part of a atheist philosophy
since there is virtue in it
what god does taoism believe in?

i don't believe in god at all, but if i HAD to believe in one, i'd prefer one that doesn't torture people for any length of time.

Imagine reading some inconsistent tumblr posts and then building your life on a half-assed attempt to make sense of them.

>Christianity in 2077

>merging Christian imagery and power with fascism
Stop it my dick can't get this hard

This is a shitposting board and has been for like 6 years

nah you're a faggot, atheists aren't spiritual, they're just edgy homosexuals

Also good to include christianity. Maybe these heathen will learn. If anything it enrages trannies. GOOD.

Oh fuck off nigger, you had a point but now you're just being intentionally obtuse

That's basically Megaten.

I knew a girl named Chris once.

Christcucks are hilarious, they genuinely expect you to believe in their outdated collection of myths that got proved wrong so many times that half of them had to be considered "non-canon".
Even then they are still too dumb understand the core message of their own fucking book and yet expect you to faithfully follow the rules that passed their bias test. You fucktards will go extinct in 200 years at best.

>mental illnesses in 2077

>cutting off an extremity and leaving a bleeding, gaping """vagina"""

your mom is obtuse and atheists are faggot homosexuals lashing out at the world because they can't handle being such faggots in a godless world

Good point, I need to play more than Nocturne

while i may be a atheist transsexual lesbian myself i realize that a religious/spiritual experience is not necessarily a bad thing even if it doesnt hold and real meaning outside of your direct experience
i wouldnt dictate to others how to live over something i experienced in a drug induced fever dream

Chris can be short for Christina. Unless they specifically named her Christopher.

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>faggot homosexuals lashing out at the world because they can't handle being such faggots in a godless world
Now what in tarnation did he mean by this gobbledegook?

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Fuck off, tranny apologist

>not believing in redemption
Jesus didn't die for this

Orthodox and Catholics are true Christians

FUCK prote*tants

>this thread
American zoomers and trannies on suicide watch

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but the pope is a bitch

The Mass I attended was a lot nicer than the protestant services I grew up attending, I'll give them that.

Do you understand what the word "testament" means, tranny?


>For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.


Obese fedora cucks seething
Leftist pedos seething
Jews seething

Smells and bells, glitz and glamour to distract you from the true meaning of mass.

Psychologically proven multiple times through multiple studies that yes, in fact, it is. Though specific surgery such that you mentioned is rather uncommon among the transgender community and most only make an outward change through personal life hood changes like clothing and other social components. Though hormones are very common as well for many of those people.

I don't really care about the "true meaning", I was there for the show. Or more like, I was there for warm fuzzy feelings. Mission accomplished in my book.

yes, he's a cunt. i know. that's sadism to the max and really is disgusting to be seen from someone who is 'just'. he lets his emotions get in the way of people being eternally tortured or not.

they still have retards that far into the future?

Real talk though online parody newspaper joints moving into vidya space is pretty great.

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theres some good larpers u can join


yes, there will still be tranny liberals in the future

>You can do the worst things ever but all you have to do is confess and repent.
>all you have to do is repent.
you are some kind of moron if you think that this is some small feat, unless you are an even bigger retard and think that the simple utterance of the words "I repent" suffices.

Not really.

I mean, a god we can understand is no god.

modern medicine and society keeps idiots alive that would have died from theit own stupidity just a century ago, and it is only getting more crowded in their ranks.

I'm an actual Psychologist. What studies?


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>mfw Nu-Yea Forums doesn't know about The Onion
I'm honestly not surprised that fake screenshots and articles still works on the average Yea Forums users. Mods should just carpet bomb these threads...

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Oh I can perfectly understand blind hateful rage that makes you want someone to suffer forever. What would really be alien would be something like, I dunno, an eternally forgiving and loving being that perfectly understands the problems each unique human faces and take them indiscriminately into paradise. Now that would be a totally foreign and hard to comprehend God.

Doesn't the whole "gender neutral character creation" literally just mean you can use either voice?

"I hate religion because it makes me feel intelligent and my ego needs every boost it can get"

So, what you're saying is... that if the man fucks a man in the vagina, he committed an abomination? Wonderful how interpretation works. People also say Jesus was a man of peace but:
>“Don't imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came not to bring peace, but a sword."

There is several hundred contradictions in the Bible, btw.

or maybe, just maybe, he was created by humans who are just inept at creating coherent stories and theists just use 'he works in mysterious ways' as a way to sweep it all under the rug.
either way, why you'd want to believe in a deity that likely condemn your friends and/or family for eternal torture is what concerns me. why is that condoned?

Spread this around as hard as possible, we live in an era where this could easily be taken as legit.

So then is he a loving, dad-type person who wants his children to have eternal life and do good like I was spewed throughout the 15 years I was forced to go to church. Or is he some unpredictable wrathful god like the old gods that existed at the same time Christianity started and modern Christians are just sugar coating the bullshit?

/pol/ hates Christians so technically they got BTFOd twice

Anybody who hates religion is a retard, but people who hate what people do in the NAME of religion are super geniuses. Most modern Christianity branches (bar Catholicism) are largely compatible with science. Anglicanism is probably the best example of how it works, so much so the Pope went 'lol yeah all aliens are Christians' in response to when the Anglican Church said so. Oh and then the Pope said Hell doesn't exist which was a real yikeroo moment.

No, if you claim that redemption is impossible then you are arbitrarily limiting God's authority. He is omnipotent and omniscient. He should, by definition, by capable of forgiving any sin at any time for any reason... especially considering that God is the one who decides the meaning of good and evil.

>im a psychologist

No, it's more like
>So then is he a loving, dad-type person who wants his children to have eternal life and do good like I was spewed throughout the 15 years
I don't hate it because I need to feel superior, I hate it 'cause it fucked me up emotionally with stupid and unrealistic expectations. I feel like I got scammed.

Your disdain towards god makes you sound like a woman, funnily enough.

your blind love for someone who set up a system to torture your friends and family forever makes you seem like a puppy, scarily enough.

>I can't find any meaning in life for myself so I prostrate myself to this flying space jewish daddy from a collection of retarded and incoherent jewish myths from 2 millenia ago
>btw jesus never meant all that bullshit about charity, poverty and loving the others all he cares about is burning faggots on a stake lol
how the fuck can you be a christcuck in 2019? I can understand shitty kikebook boomers who were born and grew in an isolated shithole for their entire lives, but the newer generations? Lmao.

General sentiment is that Old Testament God was a dick, but then he chilled out after having a kid.

>Oh I can perfectly understand blind hateful rage that makes you want someone to suffer forever

Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogance come out of your mouth; for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by Him actions are weighed.

>Nothing about boys
Based and shotapilled.

Wait, what god specifically do you think I'm coming off as disdainful toward? I'm not totally sure what you mean. Might be because I'm a girly fag.

I'm not even religious, you fag. I just find your whining funny.

lmao it does

Stop making these shitty clickbait threads you cunt.

Did I trigger you? Why are you posting Bible verses?

Explain to me how that's funny?

>do whatever you want, just confess and repent, bro lol

How to go to hell in one easy step.

>Ah yes, I sure told that guy! I am so intelligent and feel so good about my misguided hatred
Is there a term for that thing where people do something directly AFTER being called out on it?

>What would really be alien
Only because our God happened to us

he's also jealous and prone to condemning people to eternal torture. a judge should be impartial for specifically this reason. he's an idiot

what do tranny liberals and modern medicine have to do with Christianity?

They are Slavs so of course almost every dev is Christian regardless of the title's authenticity or intent.
Unlike dumbshit Westerners who went around colonizing black people, Slavs have no particular guilt to hold about religion after all the history which transpired against them ending with retarded Communism.

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>people keep falling for TheBull94's discord raider clickbait threads

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>Only because our God happened to us
Care to elaborate?

>look guys I get my knowledge of Christianity and redemption and sin from Tumblr and family guy, aren't I smart

Educate your self properly before you spout off with your fedora tier bullshit.

psychologists are hacks you fucking retard

Dude, you fucking cunt, how new are you? The article is from the fucking Onion. Go google 'The Onion'. Hell, I'll do it for you.
>The Onion is an American satirical digital media company and newspaper organization
None of this is true.

But Everyone Will Be Called Christian

>What would really be alien would be something like, I dunno, an eternally forgiving and loving being that perfectly understands the problems each unique human faces
That's Jesus
>and take them indiscriminately into paradise
Hope you never get to make laws m8

Hey, stop it, come on. I'm a guy.

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What part of "regardless of the title's authenticity or intent." are you incapable of comprehending?
If you are anti-Christian in Slav lands they will be pro-Christian against you just to spite you because of history even if they don't believe, especially because of Communism. It's as simple as that you dumb retard. You don't understand shit.

former christian here, you are thinking catholic, if you sin thinking "I will just ask for forgiveness and everythng will be cool" or even "will probably do it again later" it wont work, to be a christian, you have to have accepted christ as your saviour, if you did then you shuld follow what he said and stop doing bad stuff, if you still do, then you havent, and there for not a real christian, just using it as an excuse to do bad thigs and feel morally clean.

Just trying to describe a god that would be hard for humans to understand, not a perfect one.

Protestants don’t even exist in serbs’ minds, what the fuck are you even saying? This is an obvious burger.

It really wouldn't be an alien concept at all if the entity you described was our god to begin with right

why not? he's given a lot of human emotions and biases for being a super old and unknowable being of unfathomable capability and knowledge.

While we're on the subject of The Onion, did they used to be physically distributed like other papers? I swear I remember reading them as a kid. Also, The Onion fucking sucks nowadays. They used to at least attempt to write page-long articles. Now they just restate whatever the headline says. Which is fitting I guess considering modern journalism.

>that's Jesus
Supposedly, yes, but then he's still the same God advocating infinite torture for finite "crimes".

As a current catholic your understanding of catholic doctrine is juvenile at best

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so wich level are you on?

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It's catering to trannies

#noborders m8

>moral relativism + determinism
there, understood
We've been doing this shit since ancient greeks dude

Well, to break it down, it would have to be an inhuman god. We don't have a god, we just have human ideas of a god, so we have to start from scratch, essentially. There is no objective measure. I was just taking a swing and pointing out that big aggressive violent anger is in fact a very human, easily understood response, and not alien.

What's the point of catering to trannies when 44% of them will suicide before the game's out? Not only pandering to under 1% of the playerbase but also that which is constantly suiciding? That's just stupid business practice.

How did it come to this?

yes, i remember my edgy highschool friends carrying onion newspapers around. i also personally bought some of those big collections of onion articles in hardcover

>CP2077 has weak white boys as character creator options

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I think most people on here already know it’s satirical, you dumb triggered retard. Don’t take 4chayne so serieus

They found out people don't actually read articles anymore and just scope out the headlines.

Heresy: that word invented to justify breaking the 6th commandment.

>People actually believe this
It's like how people take the "Keanu Reeves encounter" copy-pasta seriously...

Don’t mention me dude fuckoff

>white mediocrity vs black excellence
Dude, Obama wishes he could trigger Republicans as hard as Trump has been triggering Democrats since before he even became President.

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Because you think of sin as a "crime" is your misunderstanding. A sin is something that takes you away from God. When you sin you move further away, and make it more likely you sin again, until you end up in a state of absolute removal from God, known as hell. Your hate, pride, sadism aren't temporary acts. They are ongoing states of your soul, and so long as the state persists the corrective action is necessary. Ted Bundys murders were temporal crimes, but the evil that was in him is/was (depending on your view of purgatory and redemption after death) eternal.

Damn, you got me. I don't have much philosophical education I guess. Describing the alien is hard.

>love the Jewish people
lmao do you even know about my man Martin Luther

The Onion was the one I did actually read the articles. Fuck.

>Dystopian future
>Trannies on advertising posters
>Islam is dominant
>White people gone
>Everything is a corporate hyper-materialist hellscape.
Makes sense to me.

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Religion is a farce

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>that word invented by first generation Christians who where one degree of seperation away from Jesus.

You are aware that the Bible was written explicitly as a response to existing heresies with the intention of clarifying doctrine right?

Literally every other mission was, "this poor woman was looked at wrong by this evil man, kill him!"

Still trying to figure out what Obama did that was so notable.

Okay, so why am I a monster for being attracted to men? Why am I fucking condemned to an eternity of torture for loving someone? Crazy to accuse me of sadism when God has set up ETERNAL TORTURE for the people who don't fall in line.

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>but then he's still the same God advocating infinite torture for finite "crimes"
Yeah, and he spent half of history routinely trying to punish humans with otherworldly catastrophes and distruction
Then he looked at the result of such commitment and you know what he fucking saw?

You would have given up as well and he did
Then he decided to give us (all of us) a second chance, this time trying a different approach, rewriting old rules and shit
He basically went from stick to carrot

I'm sure that's a well informed opinion.

And people wonder why American discourse is so in the toilet that mass shootings are considered a normal part of American life.

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>he fell for it
Sorry man, but God ain't a pushover; the churches just wanted you to feel good so you'd hand over the dough.

Sounds like a real dumb ass for an all-knowing God.

>Argument from authority
I bet you adopt all of Anita's views on feminism as well.

>You are aware that the Bible was written explicitly as a response to existing heresies with the intention of clarifying doctrine right?
Bible was an implicit interpretation of Jesus's words because Jesus didn't want to write the shit himself with Apostles and others inserting their opinions on current heresies because Judaism was too open and led to too much corruption as the time's focus while borrowing from various religious all across Europe as inspiration because you had some pretty Conservative shit that makes Christianity look lite during that period such as Zoroastrianism or Germanic religions.

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How can anyone take christians seriously?

>he's given a lot of human emotions and biases

Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness"

Oh good I was going to pirate this shit anyway now I'll have to mod the retarded character creator as well.

Thanks cdpr

Fuck trannies fuck religion and fuck (you) Yea Forums gamer gate influx tards and redditeras

>Takes the bible literally
user, nobody does that but crazy evangelicals and reddit atheists.
Origen told you to knock that shit off in the 3rd century.

good goy, surrender your freedom to the abr*hamic religion

At the heart of the claim that the Bible is clear "that homosexuality is forbidden by God" is poor biblical scholarship and a cultural bias read into the Bible. The Bible says nothing about "homosexuality" as an innate dimension of personality. Sexual orientation was not understood in biblical times. There are references in the Bible to same-gender sexual behavior, and all of them are undeniably negative. But what is condemned in these passages is the violence, idolatry and exploitation related to the behavior, not the same-gender nature of the behavior. There are references in the Bible to different-gender sexual behavior that are just as condemning for the same reasons. But no one claims that the condemnation is because the behavior was between a man and a man.There was no word in Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek for "homosexual" or "homosexuality." These words were invented near the end of the 19th century when psychoanalysts began to discover and understand sexuality as an essential part of the human personality in all of its diversity. Consequently, it cannot be claimed that the Bible says anything at all about it. The writers of the Bible had neither the understanding of it nor the language for it.

>understanding it's in fact a bible verse
>not understanding its meaning

I mean the health care act let me actually go to the doctor for the first time in 13 years which was nice.

yes i will
it has gotten me a pure virgin wife
your freedom and degeneracy will get you a used good whore

No shit.
If I was an Amerishart i'd vote for Tulsi, but since the brains there are too fried by Twitter to give credence to rational individuals, then might as well go with whoever entertains me the most.

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>A sin is something that takes you away from God.
And how convenient it seems like any normal person has a huge catalogue of "sins" with which the church can use to manipulate them. I don't think people should feel miserable for their fucking thoughts. I don't think people should be condemned for loving who they choose, when they choose, without the church's permission and stamp. All this characterization is just a distraction from the purpose: to manipulate the emotions of the believers.

This is turbogay, how does that fact reconcile with Christianity

>Fuck trannies
>fuck religion
Ironic, really, because it was the removal of the latter that gave you the former.

this happens a lot in modern fantasy books too

blow yourself up and there will be more waiting for you in paradise which is just as real ;)

I’m sure he’ll give some bullshit answer like it’s not apart of his plan and that procreation is the only reason for attraction and sex and that you’re defiling that act.

Because you start from the assumption that god is manmade. A parallel universe god that exists and was always perceived the way you described it wouldn't be inhuman at all, as humans would probably create their morality around such divinity and its will

Well, that's genuinely very interesting, but what I've seen contradicts that. What about the "lie not with a man" shit? That seems pretty straight-forward. And the shit in Romans as well. Do you have a little more information on it? An explanation of what those statements mean, in this context?

Come on, you can do better. Or do you blindly believe that this is what they do?

>God is omniscient and omnipotent
>yet apparently he created beings that he somehow can't control and apparently didn't realize this would happen when he set out on this task in the first place.

yes, how convenient. and he's also perfectly just and moral, and yet is prone to bouts of jealousy and setting up hell for eternal torture of your friends and loved ones.

Nah its ok
im not a sunnigger
Shia chads aren't terrorists

Your reading comprehension, and comprehension in general, leaves a lot to be desired. Literally everyone sins, as in they perform acts that take them away from God. Pride being the worst of course, but crimes are actions based off sins, not sins themselves. And God isn't sadistic for demanding eternal torture for a minor little act. In fact he's just for punishing a potentially permanent state of being. And what's more he's merciful (mercy being the act of forgoing a just punishment) when he forgives our sins that we don't deserve forgiveness for.

I'm a parent, and when my children do wrong they are punished, not because it makes me happy to punish them but to correct the error and dispense justice as required. So long as the behavior continues the process continues as well. The doctrine of hell is that once you die you have set yourself on a path that will continue indefinitely, and that hell is the only just act possible. There is differing views on the nature of redemption and its possible to be saved after death but that's not the doctrine we're talking about here.

>Ironic, really, because it was the removal of the latter that gave you the former.
Bible has no opinions on trannies whatsoever in it, and plenty of religions such as Hindu ones even have them as minor gods.
If you want to blame the rise of trannies or something it's the same thing which led to the rise of school shootings in Burgerstan in the last 3 decades, complete collapse of the education system leading to confusion in younger generations coupled with mental health system being completely corrupt or even nonexistent to help them get out of their confusion and finalized with the cherry on top of Social Media dragging the brains of everyone through the mud and concrete.

>creates beings with free will
>Doesn't interfere with the consequences of their exercise
To see a man doing something is not to make him do it.

It's easy to recognize a Bible verse, it's always some shit like "Shut up fag God is right so shut up" in old style English. You're just arguing that God is the big bully so he decides what is right. That isn't an argument or an answer.

Fantasy writers have always been white knights to some degree. It why fantasy has always had a large female readership.


yeah well now it's unbearable, I can't believe shit like Kingkiller is in everyone's top 10 list

Wrong pol loves Jesus, the last good jew

Crusader Kings you idiot

I don't think everyone is in on a big conspiracy or anything, but I think the purpose of the codified Christian doctrine is to manipulate Roman, and later any, society. I'm not trying to strawman, I'm trying to be genuine.

>blame the rise of trannies or somethin
It's transtrending. People flocking to something because they lack any foundation and inner locus of self. Nietzsche literally predicted exactly this would happen.
Burning churches and weak-willed christians brought you trannies. Your refusal to see this will only insure we get the next level of degeneracy in about 20 years when trannies are such a household item that you don't get oppression points for it anymore like being a fag today.

the difference between you punishing your kids is your punishment for them is temporary, while gods is eternal. torture. the 'path' you have set yourself on is literally non existent since after death you can no longer proceed down any path, so eternal torture for temporary hurting of Gods feeling is sadistic and terrible.

>the onion

>free healthcare
>accepting refugees
>doesn't discriminate
I doubt it

No. The ecumenical councils were set in place to answer specific heresies (the nicene creed for example) and to set on coherent and consistent doctrine. The books were written by thousands by compiled and put to together they were they were to weed out heresy, such as doctrines that Jesus had human components, or that death was final as it was in many sects at the time.

Churches where proto pedo trannies safe havens themselves anyway you can't escape it

commies need to die.


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>And God isn't sadistic for demanding eternal torture for a minor little act. In fact he's just for punishing a potentially permanent state of being.
Ah, there we go, justifying eternal torture of human beings. Your beliefs require you dehumanize others. It's disgusting.
>I'm a parent
Holy shit, that's depressing...
> The doctrine of hell is that once you die you have set yourself on a path that will continue indefinitely, and that hell is the only just act possible
Which is arbitrarily decided by God, who controls everything. Holy fucking shit, you're raising a child, try to use your brain and think about this. Why is God justified in eternally torturing someone that he created to act the way he created them to? I'm fucking pissed off. You're a god damn parent, and you can't get this. When you punish your kid, it is to teach them. Nothing can be learned from ETERNAL FUCKING TORTURE. Do you want your child to be roasted alive for eternity? That is what you're justifying.

do you actually browse /pol/ or are you just parroting what you hear on Yea Forums?

If he designed people then he designed their nature. He could have created creatures who's inclination would not be to sin when given the chance and instead he went the other way. Unless you're telling me the nature of free is some sort of innate universal law that is beyond his control.

But we just established Jesus was being based??

Where the fuck my genetically modified demon girls in Heresypunk?

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>reverts back to fedora tier philosophical arguments
My God lad, have a look at yourself. Have you never had a desire in your heart that was just pure evil? So angry you could kill? So filled with hate you wish suffering on someone else? If you say no, it's because you're lying. That is sin. We all do it. Pride is the worst sin because it replaces God with yourself, to think you're the master of reality, or even your own life. Nothing could possibly take you further away from God than replacing him with something else, hence why idolatry is one of the worst things, and prideful self worship easily the worst.

>how convenient
We literally shape our robots and IAs around us and our logic, doesn't sound that far fetched
>and yet is prone to bouts of jealousy
he's pretty basic with that, he was just warning middle eastern to stop taking part of the various human sacrifice cults that were so popular at the time
>and setting up hell for eternal torture of your friends and loved ones
You can chill out in heaven forever with righteous people and you can even befriend the wicked for a few decades, just don't expect to hang out with them forever

men of war 2 with modern mods lets you play as a true muslim

He's probably JIDF, they love pretending like other boards aren't influenced by /pol/

Well thats only if you believe finite crimes have infinite sentences to God, and that progression stops the moment you die, which, personally speaking I think its pure bs.

I’m so fucking tired of politics and other political bullshit. I don’t have cable tv, only watch ad free programs I torrent or stream, I don’t have social media and I tell my friends I don’t want to listen to petty politics bullshit AND I STILL CANT GET AWAY FROM IT EVEN IN VIDEO GAMES REEEEEE

>Have you never had a desire in your heart that was just pure evil? So angry you could kill? So filled with hate you wish suffering on someone else?
It's called being human you stuck up prick. The way you try to force people to feel sick and evil for their natural thoughts is what's wrong. Of course Pride is the "worst sin" because it threatens the Church power. It means that people will determine life for themselves.

You got a source on that succubus, user?

well jews always tried to outjew their own god, it's not easy to deal with them

He's the BIG JEW. He should have had this handled.

[retrovenus; cellintheshell; hoyong_kim] Hellgirl

You think the evil in Hitlers soul doesn't persist? Even after death he probably still hates and would continue to kill if he could. An eternal punishment is justice for an eternal state of sinfulness. And like I said there are doctrines and thoughts that even he may be saved after death, but thats not the question here.

Wait, I need confirmation on something, do any of the people here in this thread actually believe what the OP says?

It's telling you have to constantly go to Hitler and serial killers instead of, you know, your Buddhist aunt or gay child burning in Hell forever.

Fuck you're dumb. I'd recommend maybe reading a book and not getting your theological knowledge from bumper stickers, but I don't want you to hurt your brain.


>expect people to live by your shitty book and violently punish them whenever they disobey
>book part gets proven wrong or it's blatantly retarded
>it was all a metaphor bruh, don't take it so seriously lmao, btw we await for your donations next sunday
Real talk, if there is a god, if there is a superior being with such a powerful mind that he managed to create this vast and complex universe regulated by an impressive amount of mathematical laws then I'm sure he'll understand that as a rational person I have absolutely no good reason to blindly dedicate my life to some 2000 years old collection of jewish tales that constantly contradict the nature of the world and don't give a single proof to legitimate their claims. I can follow my moral compass and lead a virtuous life even without praying a piece of wood with a jew sticked on it.

If he controls you then he didn't give you free will. It's impossible to say he could have made you so that you didn't sin, but still gave the option to sin if you chose. Consciousness and choice came with responsibility, and we fucked it up. We can blame it on Satan if we want but that's a theologically thin proposition.

You can't really get on someone for using extremes as examples when all you've been doing is arguing in extremes yourself.

It's more akin to believing breaking a mirror or walking under a ladder affects your life in any way. They have tons of casual superstitions which are easily disregarded in serious situations, but are generally complied with in daily life just because it's a cool heuristic. Or because of puns, which are awesome.

You could fucking try to make an argument instead of calling me an idiot and telling me to read a book. What the fuck is your answer to my statements?

>t. didn't read the bible

>If he designed people then he designed their nature. He could have created creatures who's inclination would not be to sin
He did, then at some point sin itself showed up and mislead humans to upgrade their free will

At that point, he came to the conclusion that it was worse to deprive people of their freedom and knowledge than letting them thrive with the chance of committing sin

libertarians are worse than communists

No, /pol/ thinks Christianity is a Jewish ploy to Zionism.


I just want to hear you say that people deserve to be tortured for eternity with fire because they slept with the wrong person or devoted themselves to the wrong God. That's what you believe, and I want you to be honest.

Why do I need to BELIEVE in God to not be a sinner and be accepted in heaven?
My actions in life are those of a just and moral person, why would he deny me?

You are objectively wrong. Pay attention when anyone posts those retarded "personality tests" which have zero basis in science. They end up with 464 posts with everyone talking about which type they are even though they are complete pseudo science.

Based user

Christniggers are becoming as annoying as fedora tipping faggots.

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i have seen little to no indication that god just decides to pull someone out of hell after their torture timeout is over, and even then there's contradictions between various christian denominations about which is right.
well, i think souls don't exist. but i'll humor you
>eternal state of sinfulness
user, he's dead. he's not ETERNALLY sinful. and any such claims that he is made by you are your own judgements and have no basis in reality.
instigating the killing of however many millions of people is, atrocious to us, still MINUSCULE on the grand scheme of things and further made irrelevant by the instigating that god himself does.
>he's pretty basic with that
read >chill out with righteous people in heaven forever
or be tortured forever for not believing in the correct denomination of christianity and following it a certain way.

>all you have to do is confess and repent
Most people get addicted to the power sin gives them over other people.

>we all sin
>yes its called being human

Thanks for reaping my point back to me. You seem to not get that that evil is what is being punished. You admit to the sin, but don't understand that it's that sin that's being punished. Do you think it's a moral good to feel that way?

You keep talking about church power but what power? Out of the original 12 disciples 10 were murdered by the state, and one committed suicide. The church fathers and first generation Christians who set these doctrines in place were routinely persecuted. Stop talking about historical facts (that you don't even understand) as if they have any basis on theology and the nature of God. The church follows God (or tries to) but did not create him.

>Christniggers are becoming
That's quite racist of you, which makes sense since 99% of SJWs are privileged whites who are whiter than snow and have a superiority complex and a savior complex, making you a special collective of white supremacists in irony.

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Who the fuck even brought them up?

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>I have absolutely no good reason to blindly dedicate my life to some 2000 years old collection of jewish tales that constantly contradict the nature of the world
He doesn't want you to be a fucking muslim you retard, he's just ok with you acting like a decent human being
Good thing your moral compass was heavily shaped by your own surrounding, a civilization that spent centuries discussing and following the word of that particular god

otherwise you'd be ok with chaining kids to your bed to rape them at night, running over injured people after car accidents, sacrificing humans for whatever reason and every other shitty act that laws or morality once allowed somewhere at some point of history

You think hitler was special? He was just an asshole given a lot of power. There are millions, perhaps billions who could commit his crimes if they were given he opportunity. Sin is separate from the crime. I know guys just as filled with hate and pride as he was, but just don't have the armies and government he did. Doesn't make them better people, or less sinful. I use hitler because he's an easy example to use. It's very telling you dodge points entirely, playing semantics and deliberately missing the point.

In order to join the Communist party you have to denounce any and all religions.
They make you sign a paper and swear an oath.

>Do you think it's a moral good to feel that way?
It's a moral nothing you psychopath. Thoughts are meaningless, we do not control them. All that matters is our actions. Do you seriously believe people should be punished for their thoughts? I'm not surprised to be honest. You want to be literal thought police. Your religion thrives off of guilt.


How can anyone have a neutral gender when your fucking biology dictates whether you're a man or a woman?

I really wish I could understand retards.

Not even factoring in how most black communities in America tend to be Christian.

woah woah. by your logic the only reason you believe in the 'correct' god is because it's the one you were taught about due to geographical region.

That you're an idiot and should read a book.

Thanks, Doc

That's what I said, he wanted people to stop worshipping the competition and he needed to be even more hardcore than them (without killing people)

Believing yourself a just and moral person is to deny the very wrong that you do, or would do if given the chance. Don't pretend you're a great person who deserves heavon on your own merits. Besides it's obvious you misunderstand heaven. Heaven is the joy and happiness that comes from being with God. How could you possibly enjoy something you actively deny?

One can only hope so.

>He made you to deviate from that plan
The only one who makes a person deviate from God's plan is themselves. At the end of the day, it is your choice alone that determines your fate. If a man refuses to eat and then slowly and painfully starves to death, is it the man's fault, or God's fault for not teleporting food directly into his stomach?
You can choose, so choose.

>without killing people
well at least eternal torture isn't killing, so it's A-OK!
honestly if the competition at worst let me have eternal sleep after i died i'd rather follow them.

>I don't believe in souls
>so let me explain why his soul can't still be sinning
Obviously if you reject a foundational assumption of the theory, the theory itself can't possibly work for you.

I really can't tell how many anons are just "playing along for fun" and how many are brainlets who actually take this as real.

That's the only thing which keeps blacks and rednecks on a table.
They will greet each other with good day nigger/mayo and then have a drink over discussing Christ without a fight.
Democrap whites be jelly that they can't have such an honest communication with black people.

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Not him but you and everyone else is given ample evidence and opportunity in their life time to make the choice. If you choose not to follow and believe in him then you are blatantly make a choice to disregard what he has done for humanity. He does not want anyone to burn in hell but rather all those people are choosing the path to not follow him and that path leads to eternal damnation.

they're athiests, user
you'd be hard press to find more gullible idiots

It's not control if you it's choices you would never want to make in the first place.

>he came to the conclusion
So this is something he had to learn, therefor he is not all-knowing.

>he doesn't want anyone to burn in hell
>a hell that he set up
>that he sends people to
>for 4 generations after the first one in the generation 'hated' him.
>I had no choice, bro. sorry. i'm only the most powerful god in existence.

Why do you believe it to be impossible?
I know the teachings of the bible, I just don't particularly believe in a God. If he does exist however and you can assume me to be a righteous and just person, why would I be punished?

so what the surveys still show a big part of the country practices religion
just not buddhism

The others just cut the middle man and say they're already going to heaven by nature of believing, or at least the Lutherans do

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>hey don't stick your hand in the fire
>fuck you! oh fuck that that burns!
>I tried to tell you

Wait... what? So if you elect to be a gender neutral retard, everyone else becomes the good guys?

>so as punishment i'm going to torture you forever.

You must be a harsh Daddy.

Gender and sex are treated as two different things. Sex is biological while gender is more social. I’m not saying it’s not fucking retarded but essentially gender neutral is used by people who don’t want to fit into or live the typical “male” lifestyle that requires someone to be masculine and stuff.


>Yea Forums discussing a bait thread

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>do vainful degenerate dumb shit
>God:dude come one theres a whole other spectrum i intended you to use to help and enjoy existence with other people
>user:wow what an asshole

The best compromises come about when nobody is happy

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>Being christian doesn't make you a good person
>that means I'm good for simply not being religious
>also I like to eat shit and let men cum inside my asshole

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Teleporting someone's immortal essence to a fiery pit of doom for eternity is not equivalent to letting them starve to death. One is an action directly taken by a being to hurt another, the other simply cannot be prevented.
So everyone that comes to a different religious conclusion, every single Indian that doesn't reject their family and thousands of years of tradition, deserves to be tortured for eternity for that reason alone? Even believers who have homosexual feelings, or love another man, are condemned to endless pain and fire?

>why is that condoned?
Are you expecting people to not condone god or something?

>He doesn't know "the" future
>the point is we aren't pre-programmed to do something or act in a specific way
super cringe and fedorapilled

>things literally nobody said

>so as punishment for not following my word, i'm going to send you to be tortured forever. not just a slap on the wrist. torture. forever. longer than the life of the universe.
his actions and justice system are abhorrent.

it's called free will m8

>They make you sign a paper and swear an oath.
What crazy mixed up world do you live in where doing something like that means jack shit?

Obsolete interpretation from people believing they were given a free pass by simply playing the game

how do you discern free will from pre-programmed actions if you don't know them in advance

The monkey paw

If he exists then that's literally the only right justice system; given the fact it's up to him to decide the difference between good and evil, finding his action abhorrent would only mean your own justice system is flawed.

He’s giving YOU the choice to decide. If he just controlled you then there would be no free will. It’s by your choices alone and you are clearly going in the face of mounds of evidence and literal thousands of years of belief because of your own pride to admit that you are wrong.

>things said in this very thread

>if he exists the only right justice system is the one that tortures people forever for temporary transgressions, and that's a good thing!

You know pre-programmed actions in advance
You also know the possible outcomes of free will, but it's clearly different than manually selecting a specific one and watching it unroll

t. loser trying to change the rules just because he's losing.

link one (1) post

Thank you CDPR! Based Poles!

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>Knowingly being a faggot and knowing it's a sin and doing it anyway shouldn't be punished


Choice is an illusion. You're nothing but your past and your genes. Whether God is the puppeteer or your own body, it makes little difference. Free will is a joke.

Doom guy is Christian and he's the biggest Chad in video games

I guess you haven't been reading the thread

>given multiple chances to show your true character during your lifetime
>refuse to follow a greater path only meant to strengthen and show you true happiness
>go to hell
>user: woah man not cool gimme like infinite chances

he already lost if the rules are true because then the game is literally rigged

Yes, I understand the cultural impact that christianity had on western civilization, but so did Plato and the ancient greeks, the roman empire, Voltaire and the enlightment, the French revolution and our modern secular governments. I can believe in a personal God and in my own moral compass but again why should I be christian?

Meaningless statement.

>religions other than islam exist
More like Islam ceases to exist when the West has become too weak to save its ass like it's been doing plenty of times from the 4 billion African and Eurasian people it fucking invaded, enslaved, and genocided since 600AD starting with Muhammad's personal warmongering campaigns of conquest and expansion.
You need to do your research mate, things ain't looking good for Muslims in the future.
In fact, WW3 is more likely to be a religious total war of wiping the slates clean between Islam and all the millennia-long victims and enemies it amassed and allowed to become such a towering number.
Why the fuck do you think all of East and South-East Asia is now going up in arms to clean Muslims from premises with even India keeping a Hindu Nationalist in power who is anti-Islam as fuck?

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>You know pre-programmed actions in advance
Not really, I just flow into them.
>manually selecting a specific one

Yes because all those people will at some point encounter God in their lives and either make the choice to follow him or forever live in ignorance. They will make a conscious choice and God will give them the free will to so choose their eternal path.

That's no mass shooting.
That's black excellence.

i refuse to worship anything that thinks eternal torture is a good system.
ah yes, the parts you don't agree with are just 'too mysterious for us to comprehend' yet you are fine doing the condemning for him.
eternal. torture. as in, having the skin flayed from your body, fed to you, regrown and repeated. every day. for so long that the entire universe's timeline is a fraction of a fraction of a plank second.

>can't even do that much

Book doomguy is catholic

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>seems interesting, I wonder where it goes
>get to the end
>O my rubber nen
I can't breathe

Its a state of being, the "punishment" is not being with God and enjoying everything God has because the person is unable to follow the rules in order to be in God's presence. If the person is not able to become or even made the attempt to be the kind of person that Jesus taught they should be, then they will not become able to do it after their life, not because God doesnt want to, but because the actual chance to progress as a person is gone after they died(with some special exceptions depending on your belief).
Think of it as having money, theres being poor and theres being rich, and during your life God gives you a plan on how to become disgustingly rich, but you didnt follow the plan and now you are poor and theres no more money to invest or work to be done. Is it bad? maybe, could it have been so much more? yes.

Okay, that's funny. Very cheeky.

Isn't Orthodox and catholic doctrine basically greco-roman phylosophy 2.0

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oh, so there's some power greater than god that he can't bypass so he can't just be like 'that sucks you didn't do as i asked, sleep eternally'. no, instead he HAS to send them to hell.

>I can believe in a personal God and in my own moral compass but again why should I be christian?
Because it's closer to your moral compass than you probably think and it seemingly work at giving an extra purpose and meaning to your life, making you happier in the process
And that only happens if the religion is made up; if it's actually true, not doing so will lead you to eternal damnation

Good thing the way this specific god is worshipped always changed (heavily) depending on society and the current year; it's safe to assume you can update the way you follow the religion by developing your own interpretation of the core message

>i haven't been reading the thread


Sorry to ruin your fun
>the onion.com

Why should he bypass it for You?

I did, I found nothing of what you described
Now it's your turn to deflect again and have no proofs

>People who sin shouldn't be punished

Based retard not getting that the sword is a metaphor for controversy, and a representation that salvation will at times pull families apart

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How would a Cyberpunk 2077 Christian playthrough look like? I'm guessing no Kereznikov or ohther drug usage, no prostitutes or other buggery and no killing since they confirmed non-lethal takedowns.

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>sin shouldn't be punished
>lol what do you mean people are advocating homosexuality
>thread is about homosexuality
Kill yourself

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>Yes because all those people will at some point encounter God in their lives and either make the choice to follow him or forever live in ignorance
Strange. You'd think if everybody had these experiences at least one point in their lives then Christianity would have popped separately all over the world instead of spreading out from where Biblical events happened. Good thing we have missionaries then.

You're like the DSP of religious insight

why can't he just not condemn people to eternal torture?
>my friends and/or family who sin deserve to be punished for an eternity if they don't believe in the same, and DEFINITELY correct, interpretation of god that i do.

You do realize that Islam is the 2nd largest religion in the world, and the FASTEST growing religion too?
Those shitty asiam countries will be fucked if they ever tried to go upa against the mudslimes.

Biblical events literally happened there, no wonder they heard about them first

>deserve to be punished for an eternity if they don't believe in the same, and DEFINITELY correct, interpretation of god that i do
No, that's not the reason for their punishment. They're getting punished for their sins. Believing in Christ and repenting will let those sins be forgiven. If they refuse to have their sins be forgiven they'll be judged for them.

>sin shouldn't be punished because it's mean
Are you a woman?

China has like a million muslims in concentration camps right now.

What is preventing my "manually selecting choices" routine to be just another part of my pre-programmed behavior?

>And that only happens if the religion is made up; if it's actually true, not doing so will lead you to eternal damnation
Unless a different religion is true. Then you're fucked.

They're literally the same
which are different, as I already said multiple times, from actual free will

depends, are you a psychopath?
which version of christ do i believe in? apparently the jehova's witnesses version doesn't have a hell, so i'll just believe in that version. they just get an eternal sleep.


believing in jesus and following his teaching truthfully lets your sins be forgiven otherwise your gonna be judged at face value on judgement day

Not really, most religions are just hippy bullshit aside from abrahimic ones.

Nah most religions aren't that cruel with people having a different god

>You do realize that Islam is the 2nd largest religion in the world
It isn't. Christianity comes first and it has a higher proliferation than Islam thanks to Latin people and Sub-Saharan blacks who are predominantly Christian.
Hinduism and Buddhism come second because Buddhism is a branch of Hinduism and people separate them as a misnomer, while we still can't do proper estimates of Buddhism's extension in China where people can't express their religion without consequences, while Christianity is also seeing a big jump in both China and Japan for some fucking reason.
Islam comes third, and it has 4 billion people excluding the West and Latin Americas who are itching to genocide it for past history and the shit IT started.

It only seems like its growing because most Muslims are too entrenched to denounce Islam, and many Christians/Catholics/etc give up on their respective religions to become secular.

here we go,thank you for derailing the shitpost dickhead

So you are a woman, that explains why you think emotion trumps logic in a discussion about the key tenants of a two thousand year old religion.

Protestants let you continue committing sin and forgive you anyway.

Not him, but the burden of proof is on you, if you cant link to one post to support your claim then you should just shut the fuck up.


I am so disappointed in you Yea Forums, for taking this shit so seriously when it's obviously fake. Guess the bait-standards have fallen to a new low...

you wanted shitposting? fuck off here's theology

>Those shitty asiam countries will be fucked if they ever tried to go upa against the mudslimes.
Myanmar has just successfully ethnically cleansed them.
Muslims in India keep quaking in their boots.
China is fucking them in the ass like no tomorrow.
The only people on this planet scared of Muslims are dumb Westcucks who haven't spent a millennia warring with them directly and being invaded by them.
You overestimate yourself Muzzie.

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>burden of proof
>trying to prove something to somebody who can't read
Fuck off nigger

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great, i believe in JW jesus.
so you are a psychopath, that explains why you think your friends and family being tortured forever is okay or even logical from a loving, forgiving, and morally just god.

>which version of christ do i believe in?
I can only recommend Orthodox.

>the jehova's witnesses
They're false prophets. They don't see Christ as a Son of God. Meaning they're Antichrists by definition. If you believe them you'll just be deceived.

>moving the goalposts
I'll help you buddy, it all started with

>great, i believe in JW jesus

Everybody is a son of god so even johova's witnesses believe Jesus is

oh shit it is a woman

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whatever you say, you definitely not false prophet.

based bait

Are you retarded?
It's only ok if you FIND it ok. You don't? Then take your lardass out of your chair and try everything to make your friends and family stop committing sin, so they won't rot in hell (if you're so sure they will, otherwise)

stay away from other people

>They're false prophets
Infidels think they have the right to call anyone else a false profit.


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But I'm agnostic tho? Well, no matter, zero interest in playing fps rehash #6969

Actual free will is knowing you'll do X and then do Y. Since you don't know you'll do X before doing it unless you're really stuck up as a person, the existence of multiple timelines makes no sense.

>So you are a woman, that explains why you think emotion trumps logic in a discussion about the key tenants of a two thousand year old religion.
Nah, it has a point.
It doens't matter what fucking scriptures say, none of you faggots speak in the name of God, and God is all-seeing and has the freedom to overturn his own words if he wants to since he's God.
If a person has been a good person even without a Bible, God will judge justly and not according to some humies on Earth and their interpretations of scripture.
The big problem with organized religion is a proliferation of dumbfaggots who believe they speak or think as an extension of God which is peak arrogance and even a sin itself.

You are Son of Adam. You're only a justified Son of God if you accept Jesus as your Lord ans Savior.

>johova's witnesses believe Jesus is
No, they're antitrinitarians. They don't believe Jesus is the Word.

You're free to choose. I won't try to force you into anything. Godspeed.

All Muslims burn in hell. Repent.

>a false profit.
Jew spotted

Agnostics are just pussy atheists.

Personality tests don't purport to be scientific you pseudointellectual redditor. They aren't even pseudoscience, they only exist to sort people into a group of predefined categories and any argument regarding the "scientific" nature of arbitrary classification systems that don't purport to be scientific in nature is the argument of a fucking idiot.
Personality tests are formulated with a number of personality categories that are being tested for, and place people into those categories effectively. If you took an astrology test, "What birth sign are you?", and it asks you to input your birthday and calculates your sign based on that, there is nothing objectively wrong with the test. The lack of predictive capacity of astrological birth signs in some other context is irrelevant to the actual test and categorization happening in this context.

You can whine all you want about how personality tests are stupid and should be taken with a grain of salt, but when you attribute that to them not being scientific enough rather than the personality classifications being somewhat arbitrary, you are outing yourself as a pretentious child who has no involvement with actual science and simply fetishises the idea of science to feel smarter with no actual effort.

>Emotion trumps logic
>defending a woman
DA DA DA DA! Here comes the white knight!

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>You're only a justified Son of God if you accept Jesus as your Lord ans Savior.
Well fuck I did

>are you a psychopath
If you don't believe in redemption and are OK with eternal punishment, you obviously suffer from psycopathy.

>All Muslims burn in hell. Repent.
No u

Autism - the post

>However everyone will be Christian

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>Actual free will is knowing you'll do X and then do Y. Since you don't know you'll do X before doing it
...are you mentally challenged or something
Are you lacking basic planning skills, or referring to the fact you can's see the future, so you'll never be 100% sure you'll in fact do what you're planning to do?
Because the planning itself would be considered free will if God didn't force you to do so

>the existence of multiple timelines makes no sense
Whatever nigger

Are you false flagging christians?

its like you didnt read the post at all, people "who go to hell" are UNABLE to be with God, their own state of mind/spirit denies them the opportunity to be in his presence, and if they are not in his presence then they have to be somewhere else, which some call Hell, and being there is comparable with being tortured forever. Its not a thing of will, either you are able or you arent, and the more you sin, the more incapable you become to be in his presence, God cant change you(yes, there are things he cant do, a lot of people misunderstand what Omnipotency means) even if He wants to.

thats what people have been trying to tell her most likely even not believing and going through the judgement she SHOULD be fine if shes really a good person but her replies are nothing but NO I DONT WANNA

I don't give a fuck what that thing is, there's no emotion in the fact that
a] God is allseeing
b] God is wiser than you
c] God is forgiving
d] God knows what defines a good person better than you
e] God will give a last chance for you to acknowledge him and become a believer when you are facing him after death, assuming you led a life of being a good person and do understand repentance
This is not emotion, this is simply acknowledging that God can judge infinite people in 1 second while accounting each entire life and the person leading it. God exists in front of every person at the same time. It's something most of you brainlets can't wrap your heads around and instead project your brainlet tier mental operation and treat it like it's a projection of God.

reminder that christianity will aways survive

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Are you trying to use emotion to change people's opinion on Christianity? Then you may be a woman.

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The funny thing is you think you're helping the one user arguing against religion by making it seem like other anons are getting excitable and irritable, but really you're just hurting that user with your own exaggerated strawman posts. You're essentially proving you're prone to emotional outbursts when the argument isn't going the way you like.

"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." -Jesus
Thanks for showing which group of Christians follow the Christ's commandments.

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If God came to earth and it was actually God and told you to kill a child, would you actually kill the child or tell him to fuck off?


I'm not even christian, I'm just logical. You're trying to use emotion to dismantle something ancient and ingrained in society. You're stupid.

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>I think most people on here already know it’s satirical
It was my first day once, too. Yea Forums is genuinely one of, if not the, dumbest board on Yea Forums. People here will believe literally anything so long as it gets them mad.


it would be really funny if he actually implied any of that, it would.

Depends, is the kid kind of a dick?

>God is all-seeing and has the freedom to overturn his own words
God doesn't change and he never lies. You're projecting your human morality onto Him and His Word.

Numbers 23:19,Hebrews 13:8,James 1:17

>If a person has been a good person even without a Bible
Not a single person is good. Not one. Romans 3:10-12
All have sinned and failed short.

You don't get to heaven with your good deeds. One sin means you're guilty. You cannot work to get into heaven. On your own you will never be good enough. You will never be able to boast "I was good in my life I deserve heaven". No.

The only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ. The way, the truth and the life. John 14:6

You are granted heaven by faith through grace, not by works so no man shall boast Ephesians 2:8-9

>none of you faggots speak in the name of God
Bible does.


damn imagine burning in hell for eternity lmao

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That’s the fucking Demiurge don’t fall for his lies!

Was your first day in 2017?
Nobody here is serious. Nobody here seriously commits to believing anything.
For the past 5 or 6 years this entire website has been entirely people falseflagging, pretending to have opinions just to bait out a response from other people who are also pretending to have opinions just to bait out response.
The entirety of the me vernacular here has become centered around this cycle.

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Yeah, how can one be a follower of God if he goes against what was the established religious order that descended from what was ordained from God. Jesus would have never done that.

>Bible does.
It doesn't. Literally Apostles interpreting Jesus's words. If Jesus wrote the Bible personally you'd have an argument, but he didn't and he had good reason to.
>all that other shit
Fear mongering to satisfy the control of faggots like yourself who use God and Christianity as a political tool.
God is above your eternal damnation faggotry because God represents Absolute Good and not relativism which you ironically tried to attribute to God through your bullshit.

You're corrupting the word "love". Being tolerant of other people's sin isn't loving them. It's lying to them. You're responsible to preach the Word. Or their blood will be on your hands. It is your duty to tell them that they're sinning and how they can repent. Or else it's your fault for not warning them Ezekiel 3:18

If a man tells you you shouldn't sin he loves you. If a man taps you on the shoulder as you're taking another needle in your vein that man hates you.

And if they refuse you shouldn't live with them. Living with a drug addict or a murdered or a Antichrist who doesn't want to repent is only harmful to yourself 2 Corinthians 6:14

only Yea Forums could change a topic into straight up bible and religion study/dissecting guys should did this on sunday atleast

I didn't get to choose my name faggot

1-Id ask why, because murder is a sin and Jesus taught that "the Kingdom of God is [theirs]"
2- Given a good enough reason I guess Id do it, knowing full well that children go straight to Heaven, even those who arent baptized, and that my sin is forgiven since the order came straight from the person who knows literally everything, and he has done this before( telling his followers to kill innocents)
People who have a problem with these kind of ideas seem to forget that eternal life exists, and also try to put under the rug the seemingly heartless things God has commanded during all time. Dont be a hypocrite, either accept full well all the baggage that comes with the belief or dont accept it at all.

>what they say goes
imagine being this dumb

Don’t tell him, it’s more fun when newfag retards get pissy about it.

>God represents Absolute Good

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Honestly the bible and christcucks are so full of shit that even if I agree with most of the core messages I still don't have a GOOD reason to be christian.
>Good thing the way this specific god is worshipped always changed (heavily) depending on society and the current year; it's safe to assume you can update the way you follow the religion by developing your own interpretation of the core message
it's christians who desperately try to make that outdated jewish book feel relevant in the current year, why don't we just drop this shitty facade? Why do I have to adhere to one of the obviously manmade brand religions™ that are constantly used for political power and to justify atrocities?

Yes, it's much better to have no kind of morals or standards whatsoever. You can't fail if you don't ever try to begin with.

The Bible says nothing in particular about the use of heroin.

How would I know he's actually God?

Pretty much.
Only Ccucktholics attribute what is quintessentially an evil mentality upon God through the scriptures, ergo you have boy fucking, corruption, and madness seeping through the religion for centuries since "everyone is damned" and "it's pointless to pursue decency while still being down-to-earth and not forcing yourself onto others like a rapist".
Cucktholicism might as well be called Satanism. The church is fucked in this branch and so are the followers.

Bible hurts but it's true. Let it recoil. That means your sins are burning. You're on the right path if you're feeling uneasy by the Bible's verses.
Your interpretation will never be good enough. Repent.

>God represents Absolute Good
God is a God of Love but he is also a God of Justice. He offered you a way out. He died for you. If you refuse Him you shall be judged for your sins that remain unforgiven.

Bible speaks against Pharmakeia. Which are all mind altering drugs. Then used by neighboring pagans in rituals. Pharmakeia was translated as "Witchcraft" because witches were masters of drugs.

Bible also tells you to be vigilant, alert and sober all the time. Even getting drunk is sinful. Drunkenness is against the Law too. Drunkards are counted among whoremongers. Which are people who sleep with prostitutes or outside of marriage. Drunkards are counted among thieves as well.

Put the bong down. If you aren't in control of your body someone else is. Repent.

he literally makes a bird appear out of thin air to prove it

>Why do I have to adhere to one of the obviously manmade brand religions™ that are constantly used for political power and to justify atrocities?
because they were always used to control people as well, as our morals are made up and we're still fucking animals

religion can only be truly obsolete when having orwell-tier surveillance is the norm; society will survive and it won't happen because of the fear or god
It will happen because of the fear of your mortal overlords instead, always watching each one of your moves

No I'm just saying you're using some of the most contested bible verses and old testament to try and prove a point

>unironically giving this much of a shit about religion

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I'm this user and I'm not a Catholic. I'm an Orthodox. Which is what I recommended as well I'm not. I'm using the basics when I tell you about salvation through faith.

How do I know a demon couldn't do that?

I mean you're preaching like a catholic when most people here are protestant

My bad
I meant to quote Not

You have to actually mean it when you say you're sorry, user.

The Catholic quotes condemn having "intercourse" with Jews. Which defined by Oxford means: "communication or dealings between individuals or groups." They aren't advocating for trying to teach the Gospels to Jews, but to have no interaction with them. The title "Love the Jewish People" (which is what Protestants teach according to the image) is much more inline with what you have posted.

Painkillers, mood stabilizers, and both local and general anesthesia are against the Bible, then.
I'm sorry Christians but if you want to truly follow the word of the Lord you may not participate in modern western medicine.

>I mean you're preaching like a catholic
I'm not. Catholics call their pope their "Holy Father" and teach lots of extra biblical protocols. I do not advocate that. I reject it.

I specifically preach like a protestant while I'm talking to English speakers. This is why I tell you about forgiveness by faith through grace. Not by works. This is something that Protestants focus on due to Papacy's corruption during their creation.

You ought to preach to everyone. But do not throw your pearls before the swines. You're wasting time.

Painkillers can be addictive.

>christcucks talking about logic
lmao, you are literally devoting your life to some magic hebrew born from a virgin 2019 years ago because a fucking book wrote by a bunch of jews told you so despite countless other religions doing the same exact thing and giving the same exact number of proofs, which is zero, solely because you fear death so much that you'll defend blatant bullshit to death as long as it gives you a comforting lie.

I don't fear death anymore.
Hoping that you won't be judged for your crimes is a true belief out of fear. Repent.

God bless you anons.