what games lets me play as a cop?
Police games
Other urls found in this thread:
>game has a twister minigame
GTA RP servers
Grand theft Auto Vice city
This is the police.
Policeman: the police simulator
>failing the bizarrely intricate QTE is instant death
fucking bullshit artificial difficulty
Isn't there a game called The Edge 2.0, that was made for law enforcement? I heard you can recreate school shootings and other things.
Fucking narc
Urban chaos
has this faggot killed himself yet
Meanwhile if a white guy commits a crime, even if he's still an active shooter, the police act calm and do everything they can to be non-lethal.
I wish somebody would leak it. Imagine what Yea Forums and the rest of Yea Forums would do with this
am i being baited
Fuck This dude
Yeah, it would certainly be better then shitposting about it in a bait thread.
This guy is a fucking psychopath
sleeping dogs
Quick Rundown on this guy?
Simon from Simon Says
I didn't make this to be a bait thread
I remember a police game that's like a point and click game and you had to deal with a naked guy. Anyone know this game?
He shot a man crawling and crying on the ground in a hotel.
true crime streets of la
Your OP suggests otherwise, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
LA Noire
Astral Chain
Is this footage of edge or some other program? It looks great
>amerimutts boast about freedom
>meanwhile this happens
Ok schizo
Some of the old Need For Speed games
Alright Timmy, you are ready to go trick or treating!
Thanks man!
some cool dude saw a guy showing off his exterminator gun to his lady friends through his hotel window, and called the cops thinking he was an active shooter
the cops came and told them to leave their room, so they did
the cops want the slightly drunken exterminator guy to crawl across the floor to them, because they were too afraid to come to him to secure him
the superior to op's pic gave the guy orders on how to crawl to them, and while he was doing it, his pants were falling off, so he reached to pull them up
that's when specops the line up there filled him full of bullets
Who is this absolutely faggy white
A bit old and clunky, but underrated gem that was very good for its times.
you forgot the part where they gave him several conflicting orders and told him to smash his face on the fucking floor if he fell
what happened to "turn around, hands on your head and walk backwards towards us"?
No, he was just the guy who pulled the trigger
He shot some drunk guy who was trying to pull a gun from his waist.
Weird how this police shooting received so much less attention than most despite being one of the most brutal and clear cut examples of the police just straight up murdering an unarmed person.
Like with Mike Brown or Trayvon Martin you can at least somewhat justify it, but there's no way to justify this one. Yet it received only a fraction of the attention those two got.
That's only for white people.
sleeping dogs
The best
Desu this story still fucks me up mentally, even though there are objectively worse things like the chink who ate that Canadian guy alive on a bus. I hope this virgin-looking cop gets vigilante killed some day, but I know the universe isn't that generous.
Because we have to keep pushing the narative that the police are racist rather than just retarded
Okay white boy. You'd be defending the cop if it was a black guy they shot like 99.9% of the other police shootings.
you've already tried this shitty bait, how desperate for attention are you?
The suspect "supposedly" aimed an airsoft gun at passing motorists, which is why the police were called. The news didn't put too much focus on it, because it wasn't politics.
The person in the OP is the cop, not the victim.
Just like a man
Even if that were true, nothing in the actual interaction justifies the shooting. Even mass shooters have to be taken in non-lethally if they're not a threat anymore, you can't just execute them.
both were white you retarded fucking nigger
who is this baby face again? looks familiar
>school shooting simulator literally called EDGE
all they had to do was tell him to lie prone and then nutted up to advance on him
First of all I'm white. Second of all there was no reason for me to assume that the victim was white considering that I've literally never heard of a white police shooting victim before now.
It was a fair assumption to make that it would be a black dude.
>I've literally never heard of a white police shooting victim before now
You can't use your own ignorance as an agrument
you're a retarded fucking nigger, check shit before making assumptions
They focus on bullshit events to create racial tension because the kikes that run the media can rule above it all. Classic divide and conquer.
They don’t want to people to actually know how disgusting pigs are
That's like having to verify that the sky is blue before assuming that it is. 99.9% of the time it's the case.
you embarrassed yourself, swallow it and get over it
you just can't stop race baiting
Why is suicide a function in this game.
I feel like its based off of Gmod.
Same reason pic related received virtually no attention while Brock Turner is still mentioned on a daily basis.
That just goes to show how effectively brainwashed you are by leftist media. More white people are shot by police than any other race, naturally because the majority of the country is white. This year, twice as many whites were shot than blacks.
Propaganda works. You're a perfect example, you probably even believe in the muh racist police muh systemic racism meme too. Protip: blacks just commit a crazy amount of crime per captia.
>specops the line up
whites are the most commonly shot by the police, since they make up the largest proportion of the population, and even the higher rates of criminality among the other groups are unable to overtake that
True Crime, L.A Noire, ESWAT and Police Quest to name a few
To train cops to be prepared for a suspect just blowing their brains out since the bad guys are usually other players.
That dude isn’t brainwashed, just Jewish and is lying
for the trans police officers
Im white so rolling
>I've literally never heard of a white police shooting victim before now.
Maybe stop getting all your news from super liberal sources
>literally training our police to be school shooters
NFS Porsche 2000
>blacks just commit a crazy amount of crime per captia
which of course couldn't have anything to do with systemic racism
You're in my way, sir.
Police Quest and the Swat spinoff series
blacks murdering other blacks is actually a racist conspiracy
Are the swat games before 4 worth playing?
Should I play those first or can I start with 4?
>systemic racism
Can you define it?
It doesn't. It's their genetic disposition combined with them constantly being told they're victims so they don't take responsibility for their communities outrageous violence and crime. An average of 20-30 people are shot every single weekend in chicago. It's blacks shooting other blacks. Nobody made them do that, white people didn't force them to do a drive by on a baby shower. Yes, a drive-by on a baby shower, I'm not making that up. Two children were shot.
To me the worst one is still where a cop just straight up choked another guy to death on camera and still walked off scot-free.
Chase HQ
Lethal Enforcers
Yes start from Police Quest
>the police have acer gaming notebooks
wtf i want to be an officer now.
That game is weird and fun asf
It’s disingenuous to say this. There was a concerted effort from law enforcement, the government, lending institutions, and the media that led to fractured, fatherless family units. Niggers had their inner nigger released on purpose. Where I’m from, there are large amounts of respectable Christian or military niggers.
My point is they had the weaknesses of their race exploited to create tension within the non-elite classes. The same thing has been done to the white race.
The problem is, and always has been, jews.
if you mean garner he wasn't choked to death. he died from a heart attack in transit
You could just say that "poor people" commit crime instead of focusing on race
and the victim was also white, stop your shitty bait
not really
You're making excuses for them though. Whites don't break out into mass crime and violence when demoralized by jews. And yes, obviously the main source of the problem is jews, I mean who do you think is pushing the muh police brutality muh systemic racism.
You forgot the part where the footage of the events were not shown to the jury and he got off with a free holiday.
You know it is a failure of the law if they have to kill someone
No, poor whites commit crime at vastly lower rates than blacks.
most of it just goes unreported
if you think rednecks dont commit just as much crime, you clearly never been to fucking mississippi
>Whites don't break out into mass crime and violence when demoralized by jews
You are jumping the gun here big time.
You are just making excuses for being lazy “dude niggers bad lmao”. Who are you trying to convince? Dipshit, brainwashed liberals? Yourself maybe?
Again, every single race that lets jews control them turns to shit.
guess rednecks in mississippi should report when people murder their family members
just small fight between cousins
no need to make a big deal out of it
i'm not a proponent of the 'economic factors' explanation but i think it honestly has more to do with being in a confined area with other people in a similar predicament than just genetics. its herd mentality. that's not to say that there isn't an observable difference between how different groups of people behave but where i live there isn't a large black population and the shit parts of town are still very similar to the shit parts of chicago and its all white people. it's a life skills and culture problem, not a genetic problem. the black people here are gainfully employed because there's a bunch of hillbillies that have even worse coping skills than black people, but also being gainfully employed in an area where there aren't other black people to compare themselves to makes them act more civilized. that's not to say that they are magically more cultured and don't act like black people but the stupid nigga shit only happens when they're surrounded by other people doing stupider nigga shit
they aren't in poverty because the man is keeping them down, they're in poverty because they're surrounded by people who are so much worse off than them that it makes their hoopty and leaky ass roof unimportant in comparison to stupid poor people shit like air pods and new shoes, and the bottom of the barrel can drop pretty low when you're talking about black people
How about we just say HUMAN BEINGS commit a lot of crime? What's wrong with that?
That's flatly incorrect. You aren't accepting reality. In fact, blacks have a culture against "snitching". The plain reality is that blacks are ridiculously criminal. That's just the way things are and pretending it's not the case makes things worse.
>You are jumping the gun here big time.
Not in the least. Whites don't have a single city like chicago. They plainly don't break out into absurd violence and crime.
But seriously, why are your guys so shit at throwing flashbangs? They always just akwardly drop them at their feet...
the poverty explanation is bunk, you can compare violent crime among the poor in japan or south korea and they just don't commit crimes at rate of burger underclass peoples. even if the u.s. you find disparities between poor hmong and poor of other asian backgrounds.
marxists want to reduce everything in life to class shit and it's mentally retarded. there are clearly genetic and other environmental factors in play that get you criminality beyond petty larceny.
>In fact, blacks have a culture against "snitching"
You got a source that it actually decreases arrests? Or are you going to continue this facade of rationality? Blacks are arrested for more crime but the reason is more complex than "niggers just do crime". But of course you rather assume people act like animals instead of critically thinking about the society you live in.
Again, you are jumping the gun. Millennials are just now hitting that age where they are realizing they have lost the game of life, and are actively being radicalized by government agents.
ok this is clearly a thinly veiled news thread
what happened this time? did this guy shoot a nigger or something?
Do you have a source that says redneck crime goes unreported more than black crime?
Unreal engine 1 was some wild stuff
Not really, again. Whites don't seem to degenerate into violence, they seem to prefer slipping into depression and transgenderism etc.
old story bro
just gets rehashed because this dipshit cop was exonerated
i hope his superior that fled the country to avoid prosecution never came back
The police suspected the man of having a weapon.
When he reached behind his back they were right to shoot him
Jumping the gun. All it takes is a dozen out of the thousands of suicidal faggots to go on a rampage.
Read the thread, dumbo.
No. He actually got off pretty easy.
hello officer pindick
lol. nice fantastical "what-if". and you accuse me of jumping the gun. lmaoo
if it goes unreported how do you know about it?
hope they pick pols and davos attendees
>people actually falling for this weak bait
Yea Forums is so fucking dead.
>"I didn't say Simon says"
>what happened to "turn around, hands on your head and walk backwards towards us"?
Standard procedure that retards on the force are allowed to ignore.
>tfw his kid is old enough to find the vid of his father getting murdered
Lets talk about SWAT 4.
The game is usually being praised here and I like it, but the only challenge is level layout and enemy placement, which you get to remember after a couple of replays. Being able to control your squad members is great, but on their own they are pretty bad. Game heavily implies that you shouldn't just drag everyone with yourself, but instead give commands through squad teammate camera to cover 2 different places on the map. But they can't do anything on their own. When you want them to cover a door they die, when you tell them to use a grenade they die before they even get through the door, they don't know when to shoot if a bad guy suddenly fakes dropping his gun, they get in the way of each other and they die yet again. I just have to use them as meat shields while I do the job. To be honest I liked planning system in first Rainbow 6 game and ability to change who I control at any time.
>He goes on to murder the man responsible.
>The last thing he says to him is "Guess "you're fucked" now."
That really happened? Holy shit that's pathetic
here's the video