Steam race grand prix corgi rabbit cockatiel pig turtle

>Grand Prix - Reddit mutts BTFO edition!

Imagine the seethe :^)

muh fat jew gaben is messing with the numbers. Keep crying bitch niggers

Attached: standings.png (1159x427, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

whats this

>played grand prix
Unfriended if you fall for this brainlet shit, they just want you to buy more than you were gonna

keep crying reddit

Well, Turtlecucks, you won. You finally won, and got your free games. You got your wish, but not the humble way others have done so. You didn’t politely wait and be relaxed like the rest of us. You spent the last several days throwing tantrums when your echo chambers had people merely poking some fun, and got vicious at the corgi team members. You don’t deserve this. You don’t deserve any of this.

corgie cucked
the absolute state of r/steam right now

Attached: left behind.png (258x433, 7K)

Come on COCKS bros what happened

>corgis are leddit and not Yea Forums
Ein will always be my bro for life.

Attached: 2_Ein2.png (621x474, 232K)

current places are the exact reverse of the standings so far
sure valve ;)))

we're catching up user

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>the absolute state of r/steam right now
absolutely worth it

how do i check it?On steam is broken for me

It was obvious that Corgi would burn out rather than pull ahead constantly.

I made the mistake of thinking that but choosing corgi regardless

the steam reddit is a front page of corgi butthurt (yes i browse reddit)

if valve is rigging with the even that doesnt matter then there is 100% chance that they also rig the invtational pool and the dotards live in a lie

link? idk how to browse rdddit

>tfw picked corgi because my favourite colour is yellow
>tfw forever branded with reddit on steam

In the same boat, Autismo dog had all my friends playing on so just clicked it.

Wish I had grabbed the Mighty Cock


Attached: HARE WINS.png (1746x833, 500K)

yo my dude

>the cock starts to catch up
>nah better stop them too

at what time does the race end and the day restart?

what a shit show. they can't even rig the outcome to look real

10 am PDT

Stay down mutt

reminder to keep spending all your slow down on corgis even if they're in last. if it weren't for slowdown they'd be going 4 times as fast as anyone else

Someone post the datamined pic showing even a single 3rd place with other teams gives you a better chance of getting a game than Corgi winning everything since it's so stacked.
Redditors played themselves.

No the wouldn't.
Heres the raw scores
Hare = 4294.55 / 0.023189377 = Raw Score 185195
Tortoise= 4329.25 / 0.012063818 = Raw Score 358862
Corgi = 3529.89 / 0.001473809 = Raw Score 2395080
Cock = 3869.35 / 0.016446639 = Raw Score 235267
Pig = 4313.68 / 0.025865782 = Raw Score 166772

how do I unlock slow down and steal boosts? I only get daily boost

hoping for some more capacity freebies so I can get the discount and grab a free game
I don't play on spending any money on this sale, and the 100 dailies aren't gonna get me to 15k
otherwise I'll have to dump it all on the worthless badge, I guess

Attached: Untitled.png (381x146, 19K)

How did you get to 12k without spending any money?

Some people just got a shit ton of points for no reason
My gf got 30000 points and she has 40 less games than me on Steam, I got 4000

started with 8k from previous purchases (only thing I bought this year was Devil May Cry 5 back in March)
2k from the freebies they gave for changing the rules
2k from the tasks
few hundred from the dailies

damn I'm stuck at 6,400
when does the event end?

July 9th

>Picked Corgi because I love dogs and Corgis are actually one of my fave breeds
>Somehow end up in last place
oh well, the only thing I can do now is root for team tortoise, fuck the pigs.

>somehow end up in last place

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I actually feel bad for you catfags, you didn't even get a chance to participate in this, honestly this whole thing is a mess.

You do know Gaben will cave in and change the numbers again to put Corgis back up front right? If Corgi is team reddit as yall are suggesting then it means they are the loudest, enjoy this temporay victory for now fellas, reddit will beat us again.

we'll get our chance... someday...

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Its the majority of the userbase of steam. by a huge margin, but yes reddit is also a vocal part of that.

>me in 4th place

Attached: maxresdefault (4).jpg (1280x720, 80K)

>tfw realize that all teams will get equal wins and losses
>70% of Normies, redditors and retards choose Corgi
>Yea Forums split into Tortoise and Cockatiel
>Should have seen the signs, and pick Pig, with the tinest amount of people, with the highest chance of getting a free game
Fuck Gaben and fuck Corgi. If I knew this would've been rigged and tampered with to ensure "we're all winners!" I would've joined fat cunt pig bros.

Attached: 1561380692297.jpg (1120x630, 77K)

People simply chose Corgi because they like dogs, retards were the people who chose Pig.

hare has the best mascot desu, wish I picked them


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Pig bros,
We are not in last anymore.
We have a chance.
Also keep fucking over corgi since without the slow downs they would be in first.

Yea Forums is a pug board

Attached: pug.gif (498x278, 772K)

you're over thinking it people chose corgi's because they're cute. People chose pig because they're contrarian, and its the most contrarian option out of all of them. That's it.

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>went to r/steam
>Jesus fucking christ
And people say Corgi isn't Reddit.

>liking pugs
>literally admitting to supporting animal cruelty
fuck off

cock master race

Attached: Allan.gif (239x239, 40K)

buy games to grow your boost then refund them

It got me a game yesterday so retard I be.

I got two boost ready Hare bois. Ready to boost near the end of the race

Attached: 15d.png (550x704, 507K)

well consider this

Attached: AU AU.jpg (670x496, 37K)

Not corgis in general numbnuts but people that chose corgi for this event is reddit. There's a fucking difference. Corgis are still cool but steam event corgis are shit tier.

Go King Tortoise!!

Attached: King Tortoise.png (1526x466, 44K)

What are the stereotypes of the people who chose certain animals?
Cock= Memers and underageb&
Corgi=Reddit and Normies

furries & trannies

Attached: D4so9_JWsAEVGVg.jpg (1242x1624, 412K)

Hare is based and cute

Attached: e89.png (331x250, 95K)

>furries & trannies
based hares

Cock = 4cha.n
Pig =
Corgi = red.dit
tortoise =
hare = tu.mblr

tumblr is dead you mean twitter.

Dear Tortoises, Turtles, Terrapins!

I come to you as a representative of Team Hare.

I know we've had our differences. A long rivalry that has lasted hundreds of years, ever since we first challenged you to a race.

The others... the others weren't around back then. But we remember our first and most famous race, known as "The Tortoise and the Hare".

We remember the old Tortoise slogan, "Slow And Steady Wins The Race". We remember how you beat us fair and square. Yesterday we were on the podium together but we were robbed of our victory. These are dire times.

I come to you with a proposal.

That Tortoise and Hare lower their weapons and do not Slow Down or Steal from each other.

In light of these recent events I propose that we unite and form Team Fable.

The others will never expect the most bitter of rivals will join arms.

Together, we will stand against Team Meme.
Together, we will take the podium.
Together, Cyberpunk 2077 will be ours.
(Copied from Steam forums)


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I chose pig since it was red.
Also pig emotes.

I didn't pick Corgi but Corgi's are objectively my favorite dog breed.

You already won the first three days and you're still number one in the podium. So what's the problem?

cute doggo

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this is all the fucking page of reddit

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same reason i picked cock

>that page design

Attached: bahhhh.gif (330x259, 3.1M)

thanks bro

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>not picking the unpopular team to give statistically better odds of getting free game.
We all know it's rig and every team will win roughly the same amount of times anyway


I bought 5 games, but they were basically free. Sold all my steam cards and some items for games I had laying around coupled with 20$ off from the event. Had over 65k capacity from the start and just jumped on games for 30mins for their achievements to count as points. Also, got my steam level up to 60.

They grow up so fast.

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>Team Corgi contains over 70% of the people participating
>TFW you balance your event game for your store so poorly that your attempt to fix things actively drives most people involved to use your competitors instead

Attached: topcorg5.png (255x255, 28K)

How does this make me a commie?

This is reddit tier posting.

is THAT his dick?!

Red is commie color

>fag wolf is the fastest
>fag wolf is last
those bars a glitched again and dogs are actually 1st?

It is also the color of blood. The color red has many meanings user.

kek, just noticed

we Turtles dont care anymore about shit shitfest

Apparently excuse my manners

cockatiel chads, should i bother using the 2000 boost i have available today?
or should we save it for a day where we're closer to first
still a chance for a comeback?

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I know. I saw that shit in the steam forums and decided to post it here. Thought it was funny

Corgi will lose everyday now after the "rebalance".

why do everybody wishlist cyberpunk? you literally can't play it for 1 year even if you get it...

sekiro, re2, dmc5, octopath traveler, etc are way better picks

Its a game a lot of people want and its full price. People are jews.

because its an expensive game and not everybody who gets cyberpunk wants those other games, not difficult

Am i the only one who picked Corgi because of the Lancia it drives?

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Depends if you recently spent real money on steam

I have not bought anything since L4D2 so i get 1000 caps with a 500,000,000 points from TF2 achievements. its fucking retarded.

Why can't Valve do anything right?

you're 1 in a million, no strategy you come up individually matters

Literally all they had to do was randomize the teams from the start.

yes, but i'm sure there are other full priced games that you can play in 2019...

also i can't believe that people who can't afford cyberpunk have a pc that can run it

Well they have a year to get a new PC and they just saved $60...

even someone that can afford it would want it for free, why wouldn't you? personally I don't care about Cyberpunk so I added Doom Eternal to my wishlist just in case, since everything else there is dirt cheap and a full-priced game is a much more worth prize

I personally wishlisted Sekiro.

What has caused corgi to be left behind this time?
Seemed virtually impossible.

>even someone that can afford it would want it for free, why wouldn't you?
because it won't be released for a full year...

i have sekiro as first too

Volvo "tweaked the formula", corgi now needs to spend 10x-20x as many points as the other teams to compete.

Yeah but then people would bitch and moan about it even though I'm pretty sure the teams were random in 2014.

Valve over nerfed it since 68% of players are corgi and they were too op.
They can still get in first but everyone is slowing them down.

nerfed it in base of the number of users

is like weight, you need extra power to push it

So it's rigged.
That's fine I guess.
It's not like these events are competitive in any way.

Corgi was unstoppable.
Nobody else was going to win unless nerfs happened.


corgi have way to many point now anyway

he already win the cup with the full prize

there're still 11 more races to go after this current one ends

Valve rigged it. Corgi actually went backwards and got an impossible amount of attacks so that other teams can win. I'm not a Corgifag, so I find it hilarious, but it's definitely bullshit.

they deseve it, reddit should be punished

Obviously people went with the popular option and should not be punished by it. Valve really fucked up by letting people decide which team to join

>mfw joined corgis who are dead last
Fuck steam I just really like corgis

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>Hare/Pig/Tortoise are the only teams who only won once
>mfw they are now leading the race with significant space to corgi/cock
Hmm really makes you think doesn't it?

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teams are LITERALLY in the opposite order of the gran prix points, kek

>All teams have been in first place for hours
What did Volvo mean by this?

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Display broke, mine did too.
I fully expect Corgi to be first again when the results are shown, yesterday had the placings inverted aswell.

>be at 5.2k boosted/5.2k max
>suddenly have 5.2k boosted/8,4k max
>cant get more points from my achievment games
How can one company be so incompetent

Corgifags literally on suicide watch, holy shit

not gonna lie, former corgi poster here, its fun watching the reddit dog crash and burn, in all seriousness we can't let him win.


Attached: E2TsCr5.png (518x142, 16K)

>cockatiels a key contender on all 3 days
>suddenly quite far behind third place today, despite a relatively small attack
wtf is going on valve

>Hare overtakes Tortoise in the last 10 minutes
>Can Tortoise make it to first?
>Event crashes as soon as the day ends
>Neither of them make it into the podium

Reminder that a corginigger stole a neighbours credit card to buy games just so corgi could beat tortious yesterday.

is it broken for anyone else? everyone is at the start


mine says 12,972 POINTS BOOSTED / 16,172 MAX POINTS, even though I used all my available points
it's broken

Valve really cant do anything right.

Attached: volvo.png (535x43, 4K)

yup, it changed for mee too, i had 13k capacity

Attached: Capture.png (561x148, 12K)

>abuse glitch day one to get a 1000 profile level
>dont participate at all after
>resume pirating

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I mean I really don't give a shit, I'll get 5$ discount from doing absolutely nothing, and I couldn't care less about a 0.0001% chance for a free game. All I care are the games.

Nevertheless, this event has some hilarious fuckups so far.

I dont give a shit either, its just funny to see Valve fucking up repeatedly.

>joined corgis because they were dominating
>mfw today

I don't have any regrets but god damn what a failure.

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>I didn't spend money I spent time!
You're retarded.

>joined corgis because they were dominating

Oh, so you are a retard, good to know

Cock is more twitter desu, thats where most of the "birb" people reside.

stay mad loser

corgis are still dominating point wise.

My choice = Yea Forums
Rest = Reddit resetera

But I'm currently winning.

Bet you bought bitcoin at $20k as well.

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this but unironically

go cocks


Attached: Untitled.png (1109x411, 73K)

Who do you think is going to win overall?

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Hare or pig, unless ((they)) change the formula again.

Use all your slowdowns on corgis no matter where they are in the race
We need to increase salt production on /r/steam

Attached: Evil_Bunny.jpg (500x666, 332K)

>display is inverted
>people stop attacking corgi cause it's shown as last
>it keeps getting faster

cocks, because they will consistently end up on the podium without getting nerfed

silly user
resetera doesnt play games

Corgis already won 3 days in a row already. They are also number 1 in the podium with most points now. What's the problem?

Pigs will win, I can feel it!

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You just don't want them to be used on your team you lagomorph fuck.

To be fair this is probably the least jewish event valve have done so far. Buying games doesn't net you many points but playing games gets you a buttload. I played Bloodstained and got like 10K points by just playing through the main story.

>he doesn't know
somebody tell him

Based bunny poster. Cocks, bunnies, pigs and turtles all unite to fuck with Corgifaggots.

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This is just wrong, yeah you get showered in points because theyre worthless. Only the max amount matter.

I honestly only want corgis to lose. The content we get is too good

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Based, right with you bunny bro.

People who are on team pig

all other teams.

guys i dont want to be dog anymore how do i change

Get fucked, Redditor.

You cannot

bragging about 1(ONE) win

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Fuck off chinks.

now that's a odd turn of events, we bunfags are a full head ahead
also when exactly does the day ends? got a slowdown but i don't want to waste it

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2 hours and 10 minutes.

To be fair this is the worst possible way they could have done this whole thing. Obviously they wanted everyone to be free to pick their own team but what they should of done is make it so that is one team is getting too stacked it takes that option off the table to try and naturally spread the population.

Instead they're just straight up rigging it, which is borderline government shit and the government is evil.

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I also got two boost to use at the end of the race, get ready hare bros. It's our time now.

Will I ever get Cyberpunk 2077 for free?

>libertarian is mad that corgi got nerfed
Get fucked also I believe you cannot join corgi now.

torrents are free

the presidential elections are also rigged in the same way valve rigged this race

is there a good rec thread? haven't been gaming in over a year so I need to catch up

>Have the opportunity to rock a good event to shit on Epic without even adressing them
>this entire shitshow

Attached: 1275956793767.jpg (374x306, 23K)
Is this worth getting anons?

what systems do you have?

I'm on Team Corgi, stop attacking us

Based and pigpilled

Attached: Orc.png (588x846, 408K)

I have a PS4 and gaming laptop. I am looking at all the steam sales and there are too many indie games at like $4 to sift through.

they couldn't attack us corgichads even with every single one of them combined, so they had Valve gimp us.

If you participate or care about this event at all then you're a retarded subhuman.

I'm on Team Corgi, we already won three times in a row, go ahead and attack us, we might still win in the end.

Attached: corgivictory.jpg (625x626, 22K)

Everyone attack team corgi

Attacking team corgi is like hitting a real corgi

You're not a heartless monster are you?

You get the badge of the team you're on for the event, so I was going to choose Corgi regardless since it's the best animal.

If you're into high quality indie games, look up VA-11 HALL-A or Return of the Obra Dinn
As for puzzle games, I highly reccomend Baba is You. It's completely mindblowing how good that game is.
Also Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is supposed to be good.

Points get saved now even if they're over the max.

I hate animals, so I guess I am

feels good

Attached: white hare of inaba.png (426x547, 209K)

>gaming laptop

my point was that they don't reset daily, so you can contribute 100 points max per day without paying money.

this is LITERALLY the most jewish event they've ever done

But how?
Attacking corgi team just makes the collective horde pissed off.
Attacking a corgi is actually bad but attacking corgi team is beneficial.

I chose Tortoise because of Jeb.

Attached: jeb.jpg (636x382, 52K)

>picking a one-time third place team

Attached: WHAT.png (438x386, 75K)

but that's wrong
none of these require spending money

Attached: tasks.png (254x367, 26K)

>electronics anything from aliexpress

based bunny, dab on them redditard

Attached: 1549857914920.jpg (485x231, 34K)

>give away free games and discounts

retardbro at it again

it's just a one time thing, they are not daily yet

I've got 2 boost ready to use by the end of the race. Get ready hare bros.

Attached: Oh+yes+milk+chocolate+waifus+_4f9ae3e6cfbb72effa213caaee1761d8.jpg (645x702, 116K)

Can we talk more about the games instead? How's Elite Dangerous and Rebel Galaxy? I kind of want a comfy space sim even though it's not the type I'm usually interested in. I still need a good action, feedback on hits and that sort of shit.

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peak goy right here

those corgi's tears sure are delicious

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Attached: JEB!.jpg (474x355, 34K)


Watch corgi win again because valve calculates game winners in a way differently than the "real-time" animation lol

I guess I just missed that thread

>they don't have the literal $268k badge

fuck off poorfags

Attached: 31.png (850x440, 205K)

These all look awesome, thanks. Also looking at the Witness.

Pass me the sauce, bunnybro.

Attached: sauce.jpg (622x960, 59K)

>you share a board with these people

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based bunbun

Attached: Judy.jpg (962x799, 118K)

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I dunno, but at least I won my free game, cockbro.

corginiggers on suicide watch lol

Attached: 1561733592708.jpg (178x216, 9K)

screenshot or fake

>valve balance the formula so it's proportional to the team size as it should have been from the start
>corgi redditards who joined the most populated team for an easy win act surprised of the inevitable fix
seeing them screech "rigged" is hilarious

Attached: 1554767390563.jpg (900x602, 99K)

Screenshot of what? It just appeared in my inventory and I saw it next day. Was in my wish list. Rome II Total War Emperor Edition. Had it pirated and thought it was fine, now will be able to get those workshop mods without any fuckery, though in a hindsight I should probably have put something else on the top of the wish list. Didn't think I would win.

Someone explain what the fuck this does. Does it increase my point capacity?

Does it add these to my points? What does it mean by claim only 6060 before reaching max?

Attached: Annotation 2019-06-29 110142.png (1314x597, 244K)

good for you, I see this shit since the first hour the sale started and never change. That button never even appeared for me

Attached: faszomat.png (536x144, 9K)

you can claim the point's value of your max capacity (check pic)
once you claim those points you can boost your team,each boost is 1k points (or less if you don't have 1k)
once you spend them all like I did you can only boost 100 per day,and you'll only get more capacity by spending money (or doing those 4 objectives if you didn't already)

6060 must be your maximum capacity, clicking that button will fill that capacity, you can only increase the capacity buying games, completing the quest in that clipboard and by 100 free points each day

shit forgot pic

Attached: 11.png (607x139, 13K)

the capacity is like your reservoir, and those points are what you use to fill te reservoir. The capacity is defined by games you bought recently. Those points come from games you played recently. You use ths button to put this points into your capacity. When you use boost the capacity depletes. Once you've used up your capacity you're limited to 100 per day, unless you buy new games.

You have no capacity left. You'll get 100 more tomorrow

corgichads what do we do? how do we reclaim our place on the top?

Attached: day 4 race.png (550x3548, 2.51M)

help me anons, how do i browse the summer sale like a normal fucking person? I don't want to even see this stupid grand prix bullshit, I just want to spend my shekels

There is this thing called "Store page". Maybe use that.

Literally impossible the multiplier is about 100k less then anyone elses

I had this same masssage when i had 4k capacity. I had this when I finished the quest valve given. and still the same when i got the freebie 1k points. its never changes

>hey this tiny list of shit that's 75% off and always is off

honestly steam is such a fucking shit show. Sales used to be easy to browse but now it's a clusterfuck of minigames. I want to see spotlight games for summer sale, not sift through a list of games that's always on sale

Are you legit braindead?

Also use your fucking wishlist, like you have a single braincell available.

>had 24,000 maximum points yesterday
>look today and only have 16k, putting me over my max
What the fuck is this shit? Why was my maximum reduced by like 8k points?

Attached: what.jpg (556x133, 14K)

display is bugged right now, ignore it

I want the $5 off coupon. So I don't collect my points from the game and just focus on increasing my capacity every day? I don't care about the race I just want enough points to get a game for $5 off

there is no tactic. Everyone want that 5 euro coupon BUT YOU GET FUCKED BY THIS UNHOLY EVENT.

I have 16k boost. Do I boost all at once or over time?

you should ask reddit, buddy

I don't use steam often. Hence why I'm so confused why this summer sale is ass to navigate and understand in comparison to a few years back.
>top sellers
>vr junk not even on sale
>games that are on sale every other week for the whole year
thanks for proving my point you absolute mongoloid. seething corgi bitch.

>mfw corgi in last
did the other 4 team collectively slowed down and stole corgi's boosts?
actually hilarious if it continues, though I still stand that letting people pick teams is what ruined the event

Attached: 1415984718962.jpg (480x360, 16K)

>doesn't know how to find a button or the search function
>calls someone else a corgifag

Attached: 1383520419807.jpg (347x269, 33K)

>I wan't steam to choose the game for me
how about you filter the genre you like?

Attached: 1545378018278.png (600x600, 122K)

what team are you?
im saving mine for when my team is in a closer final stretch than today's

this, steam used to have a sort by "on sale" function

your connected mail has a message

Piggy. So even if the speedometer is at max 1k, boosting a bunch at once works out?

No Volvo rigged it so dog will always get last place now.

i also want it but it seems impossible to get without spending some money,so it's the same either way

they got a 100x slow down algorith because they were too fast. Corgies trying to make it go so much that they are still constantly the fastest the whole time, but last because they are fucked over

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can you still win games without doing anthing at all?

no. valve has their fingers in this race

>give option between random animals and a fucking dog
>not even a cat option
>wonder why a lot of people joing the fucking dog team
>nerf dog

Slow and steady. Just a little more.

Attached: bestteam.jpg (1920x1200, 370K)

valve made the algorithm proportional to the team size, but also the other teams rightly hate corgi normies so they keep attacking them

Attached: 1531281764207.jpg (1024x567, 313K)

That speedometer is showing how much your boost will be, if you have over 1k points to spend on boosts it's always at max.

you have to boost your team,so use those 100 points Valve gives you

the max for a single boost is 1k, and that raises the speed of your team and jumps it forward 1000 metres
if pig is close to another team, you could probably spam those boosts and get ahead
idk if they're catching up tortoise/hare rn hard to say

that fucking turtle is gaining on us Harebros. WTF I hope you saved your NOS fo the last 5 minutes you turbo niggers

steam used to be able to just focus in on summer sale focus games and not shit out games that are always on sale.

thank you

Go tortbros
btfo those shitty furries

reminder that valve reversed the order yesterday and they'll do it again today

>we're gaining on pig but its not going to be fast enough

I remember flash sales too, this doesn't change the fact you are a drooling retard for failing to filter games on steam

Attached: 1531532608952.gif (238x178, 1.64M)

holy shit, whoever is behind this is a master fisherman
they may want to randomize teams at some point though, the majority of steam players joined corgi. obvious shitstorm is obvious

Attached: 1470438359838.png (609x601, 619K)

We're gaining on them Turtlebros

Attached: 1561252739477.jpg (800x1041, 279K)

flash sales were fucking annoying, i'd often find i missed a 75% on a game i really wanted because they were on during USA times while i was fuckin sleeping


I guess you're right.

Attached: Untitled.png (364x558, 192K)

what filter should i use then? Because none of them show the same shit and shit tier games. Or are the games really that stale on being on sale? The games I see despite filtering from top seller or what not are games that are usually on sale at least once a month

cock bros we gotta slow down the fat piggies

i dont care who wins as long as corgie loses, fuck reddit and anyone who goes there

Attached: 1559327255286.jpg (300x300, 35K)

>putting a $15 game at the top of your wishlist

Let's go turtlebros

Attached: yeeboi.png (1761x830, 1.38M)

nice congrats

>reddit downvoting anyone who tells them it's not rigged

Attached: 1416927794339.gif (374x400, 100K)

>be cock
>corgiredditfags and winnie the pooh pigs are simultaneously attacking us

Attached: 1521540593834.jpg (692x960, 69K)

filter by genre retard, look at the reviews, the gameplay video and the discounts

yea this one is lost cockbro
Unless we get some whale to spam nitro

so valve just ignored what happened yesterday? it's gonna happen again isn't it

It has shitload of dlc that I'm going to need to get and I'm already over my sale budget. But again, in hindsight I might have put something else there, I didn't think I would win something. I usually don't win free shit.

Team Hare here, while possibly getting a free game off my wishlist would be nice, the important thing here is that the Reddit Dog loses.

same here

Attached: 1544792408684.gif (480x283, 492K)

>tfw no arabian oil princes to rig it for us
im saving my 2k boosts for tomorrows race.

they fail at basic math, they can't understand what proportions are, I would expect anything different from brainless bandwagoners

Attached: 1544525555294.gif (400x400, 1.46M)

>mfw chose corgis because dogs > all
>mfw bathing in the tears of literally everyone else
>mfw watching everyone scramble over “MUH PIGS IS MUH OFFICIAL Yea Forums TEAM” “NO ITS COCKS YOU REDDIT” like insecure kids

Attached: D8B51F70-BA8F-48F2-9112-EC3ABE466E3A.png (251x398, 95K)

>you can save up boost
shit i feel retarded,i tought i could only have 1k boost per day
It's "you can use 1000 point per boost max" instead, right?

yeah, if your capacity were 2500 you get two full 1000 boosts and one half boost
everyone gets a 100 boost for free every day tho

yeah,I used 2k boosts because of those tasks

Attached: 2012-10-27_15-29-29_253.jpg (750x500, 123K)

unironically this shit is rigged. The numbers like the current speed number and the minus attacks numbers? They mean absolutely nothing.

12 minutes left
Sets see who wins.

You HAVE bought all the turtle emojis, right anons?

Attached: turtle.png (103x38, 4K)

>mfw bathing in the tears of literally everyone else
you sure that ain't piss?

Attached: 1560896633006.jpg (1200x800, 162K)

>YOU ALREADY REACHED YOUR MAX POINTS Upgrade your maximum points or wait until tomorrow to claim your points

Attached: 1532468147418.png (269x188, 90K)

>buying shit I'll never use

>look at race torts finally take the lead
>play a game for 10 mins
>come back and see somehow furfags are in the lead again despite having less boost and more negatives

Attached: 1512707740103.jpg (289x333, 14K)

congratulations bro
long as you're not corgi you're my bro

this rigging ended up screwing us cockbros too
it's fine though, the corgi tears are worth it

i wish i didn't waste all my capacity before the rebalance

Attached: helloddd.jpg (422x750, 55K)

I'll just buy the pig shit after the event is over for 0.03 euro on market

it's proportional to the team size, dumbass

Attached: 1530360820435.jpg (800x800, 52K)

>more negatives

Thats not negatives.
That's attacks
Rabbits have around 1000 more attacks made than the turtles.

tomorrow is our day
i feel it in my nutsack

Attached: 1561742243437.gif (420x400, 1.01M)

Haven't used steam in awhile desu

Untradable and unmarketable, dumbass.

corgis have 17 times the player count of any given team so they have to put in 17 times the effort. one tortoise spending 10bux worth of boost is the same as a corgi spending $170, how sad!

whatever you do don't pick team corgi


Attached: 1558625901599.png (396x193, 9K)

I don't give a shit about the race.
I just want to get enough tokens for the discount.


Piss, salt, seethe, tears, boyjuice, gamerfluid, whatever you call it, was enjoying every bit of it along with the immeasurable amount of rage and cope

Attached: F7E29427-35D4-48FF-8692-6B4C8A7D8148.jpg (440x523, 38K)

Not like it matters.
Same shit happend yesterday and Steam still gave the price to the Reddit dogs who finished 5th

Attached: 1555276413463.jpg (576x480, 52K)

It's not fair harebros

Attached: poop.jpg (225x225, 6K)

Again, its rigged. After today there will be another "balance" so they can try to make it look less blatant. At the end of the whole thing it there will be a tie for 3rd between every team not in first or second place and they'll go "totally not rigged, every team wins the chance for free games!"

this desu
sure I'd be thrilled if I got a free game but I'm not counting on that

>Corgi - Peanut
>Pig - Peep
>Turtle - Mini
>Hare - Creme
>Cock - Chocolate by elimination
Now I understand why everyone acts they way they do

Attached: 1542525078615.jpg (250x250, 6K)

Attached: shut it down.jpg (736x981, 105K)

Install games with most achievements you have earned, and let it run for 30 mins.

Attached: 123123123.png (1136x547, 407K)


Looks like tort will win just like in the story, We had a good run hare bros.

Attached: fluffy but also despair.jpg (1280x720, 90K)


>the city of bunnyfags

Attached: 1494984146230.jpg (317x291, 8K)

doesn't matter unless you have enough point capacity

>watched Cowboy Bebop few days ago
>sees corgi
Of course I picked corgi without thinking, but fuck this jew event at least I have a badge of the best animal.

if the qualifier tasks reset on a daily timer then you'll easily be able to get at least 5bux off

T-Minus 5 minutes


>pick pig cause i dont give a shit
>figure the teams dont matter anyway and every team will get a hard win
>i was right

i just want tokens anyways this shits for fags

Attached: 1523688481585.jpg (750x430, 28K)

>Corgi not even at 5k
It's not rigged guys :)

You really are autistic. How can you be distracted by 4 pixelated animals this hard? AUTISM

>already bought all the games I wanted to get this sale including the 15k voucher
>pour all tokens I get into the badge to sate my Steam level autism
Feels good lads

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 8K)


Attached: 1558628842296.jpg (432x587, 47K)


Attached: file.png (1596x459, 73K)

Also Valve just didn't fill up my tank, which cripples my team even more.

>turtle and hares are sluts
>cocks are the ultimate chads
makes sense


going on Yea Forums and calling someone autistic is like going into whorehouse and calling someone a whore


Attached: 123783.png (1751x530, 194K)

well, shit

gg valve

Off to a good start

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.39M)

ah yhiss we da bhes

Attached: awwyiss.png (1872x831, 341K)


Attached: file.png (1404x437, 43K)


Attached: too late reddit dogs.png (1143x403, 64K)

>tfw fell for the corgi meme hoping for an easy cyberpunk

seethe corgi SEETHE

This is how it actually looks like.

Attached: corg.jpg (1497x452, 70K)

Anti-corgi trannies KEEP SEETHING

Attached: rn.png (1419x425, 29K)

but we were so close

Attached: 45c64a63e2916a654312c270de415e03.png (497x480, 213K)

Also how the fuck am I now unable to boost period now? Fucking valve.

Attached: Its broken.jpg (1570x811, 75K)


Attached: Screenshot (212).png (1481x443, 73K)

>Hare - Creme
Yeah, no, fuck off. Don't compare us to those faggot cremes.


People are really seething about this event. It's one thing if they were seething about not being able to get the discount bucks, but they are actually mad about the shitty badge levels and meme dog. What the fuck.

Congratulation to our fellow hares and pigs
sorry cockatiels
corgis can eat shit

Attached: 1544769679393.jpg (720x525, 200K)

Yeah, but it says Yea Forumsidya games so I hoped for autism related to vidya games not to some epic Yea Forums vs reddit fight. It doesn't involve games

>reddit dog calling himself a chad

So, who won day 4? It’s not showing in the table.
inb4 Corgi, I wouldn’t even be surprised.

>team parrots
>losing that 0,00001% to get free game

Im always the loser, am I?

I just hoped I could get that game that is too expensive for me.

Attached: 1558417449407.jpg (1280x720, 468K)

>Reddit think Corgi is DOGE and thats why they picked the thing

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.03.[640x480].[1C88CED3].v2.mkv_snapshot_06.39_[2019.03.23_18.20.17].jpg (640x480, 59K)

they are made because of the chances to win a free game retard
if you are in a team which places 5th and 4th you dont have ANY chance for game


Attached: file.png (1022x232, 4K)

how did corgis win again when they're in last place lol
how did turtles lose again when they were in first place lol

>-300x on tortoise already
someone's salty, hope pigs take the gold today


eat shit reddit

Attached: 1561564060676.png (1012x612, 119K)


Attached: 1466294293378.jpg (356x374, 36K)

Attached: 15.jpg (816x1000, 162K)


Wow, that's worse than the chance in 10 million you have by picking meme dog

Go back to where you belong, reddit.

>70% of steam from all over the wolrd are on the winning team - corgis
Never fails to make me kek. Sore loser trannies, your hate only makes us stronger.

Attached: corgi.jpg (311x162, 10K)

>from nearly first to almost 5th place
Yeah not rigged at all bro

Uh, did anyone else just see the sudden shift where cock was in 2nd then randomly got pulled back to 5th?


>now gotta wait 1 or 2 hours until the grandprix page is updated properly
guess I'll just go play something

Attached: 1487033101610.jpg (2048x1536, 257K)


fuck off harefag, back to the bottom where you belong

Yea Forums unironically is where redditors belong

>Harefags constantly posting that one bunny
>Creme surrender threads
I don't like where this is going

Attached: 1544894151083.png (153x153, 18K)

Aboslutely based dog

keep attacking corgi, lets 5th place these fuckers for the rest of the sale

Turtlenigger actually but close enough

stop wasting attacks on infighting, hit corgi with slows/steals or they'll take first for a 4th time


So who won day 4?


Attached: 1556899976092.jpg (960x924, 169K)


Attached: AueZQ3U.jpg (750x600, 76K)

Tortoise I think


t. reddit
go back to /r/Steam and cry there for all the world to see how embarassing you are lol

based af

Gabe’s deciding it right now.
I bet Corgi found its way through Valve bullshit again.

So what games did you all won so far from the races? Happy with the results? Enjoyin em? Best of luck for em!

Attached: tIE 3.png (496x496, 537K)

>keeps crying and calling "muh reddit"
You are more reddit than corgichads, tranny.


Attached: 1555908529428.png (1924x3286, 3.2M)

1st tortoise
2nd hare
3rd piggu
4th cock
5th reddit canine


>still haven't put the day 4 results up
So who won this time for real then? I guarantee you they're fucking with the results like in race 3.

Cuckatiel BTFO


Attached: file.png (1662x494, 169K)

Attached: winners.png (757x55, 62K)

a new race just started

they'll be back in the pit of shame soon enough from the massive attacks

I always knew us hares were the tops while our turtle subs were the bottom

Attached: hehe.png (373x188, 8K)

lol this redditor is SEETHING with COPE what a KEK go DILATE FAMALAM because I am BASED and REDPILLED


Attached: RTUcXMZ.png (648x648, 595K)


>pathetic no argument, 0 banter level
Hehe. Eat dog's shit, tranny. We already won 3 times in a row.

the results are in the scrolling banner, my dude

Attached: Capture.png (1017x52, 84K)


TORTUGA'S REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: crappybara.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)


disgusting corgi redditors
fuckin cringe


Attached: unknown.png (485x231, 144K)

Not when I made the post.
Also I guess they had their hands so blatantly in the results for race 4 that they decided not to fuck around with the results this time.

This is literally an obsession

Attached: Screenshot 2019-06-30 at 00.17.30.png (2410x1618, 908K)

some people were in the 100K capacity before the start of th race, probably because they bought a lot of shit.
I started with 6k. I spent 60$ and spent 90 miute on two old games of mine and I now have 17K, so it's not that bad. I can get the coupon plus some level boosting, plus the cockatiel emoji

Not likely, reddit moaned to Valve and now they will never lose.



Attached: cute.gif (560x314, 3.37M)


WTF Cockbros, how did we let the turtle get ahead, come on pick up slack

Attached: COCKBROS.png (1028x866, 100K)


>Confusing Shiba for Corgi
Absoutely retarded, god anti-corgi fags are quite literally braindead.

Depends on what you like.
I really like monolith.
Get eu4 but pirate the dlc.
Dark souls is a good choice.

hey mactoddler, try playing this video

Attached: iToddled.webm (960x1702, 548K)



the numbers are completely fucked, lol
it would be great if corgi wins again in the last second, for the salt oc, I am a pig


I hated this too. I could see a game on 80% off in the morning and by the time I've fetched my wallet it'd passed. If they did everything around GMT it's easier to gauge when stuff is happening.

It's made visits to r/steam enjoyable.
>wahh it's unfair and unbalanced. Why can't you do anything right Gaben?
>"you corgis weren't complaining about balance when us pigs were in last the first three days"
I don't think they can cope.

Reddit crying that Corgi team is too big to have a chance to win muh CYBERPUNK game and now Gaben is rigging the results

Attached: 1555358604111.png (620x583, 312K)

Multipliers for this race:
Hare 0.0209492925293382933
Tortoise 0.0147763700565738329
Corgi 0.00507102289838844839
Cockatrice 0.0182428818937864397
Pig 0.0254651783881275316

valve decide to nerf us along with the dog

Anons so should I boost today or tommorow?

how could this happen, fellow Tortoharepigcocks? How could the dog, Muslim/Nigger retards such as I keep mistaking for shiba inu, win AGAIN? How will us dog hating subhumans ever recover?

all me
who the fuck even talked about shibas? cry some more

Attached: 1561390433811.gif (366x272, 2.48M)

what i think is happening
>shit resets, corgis obviously take the lead from sheer numbers at the very start
>corgi hivemind shits on whatever is second at full force, explaining tortoise's far at the very start and now hare's fall, cocks may be next but they are stronger than the others, second only to corgis
>corgis may not fall on this one
>pigs being so slow got completely ignored and will take advantage soon because they didn't get attacked as much (only -360x~)

That’s an obsession too.

Imagine needing Valve to rig the game for you to win.
Atleast Cocks and Pigs got their 2nd place on day 2 and 3 by actually earning it.

Based reddit spy

whered you get these stats
also do you know how people figured out the % of steam users on each team?


Attached: Screenshot_1.png (656x898, 76K)

That meme pic I just replied, to, he confused shibas with Corgis and i'm laughing at how stupid this whole event has made all of you.

there's literally not a single good game out right now, wait for my indie game to go on sale and then buy that

It's certainly Valve's fault for picking a Corgi instead of a Wolf, a German Shepard, a Black Lab, a Golden Retriever, literally anything else in the Canine family.

>steam doesnt work properly
>cant boos my cockbros

/r/steam is a literal dumpsterfire right now holy shit lmao

>Back to only being able to claim 100 points a day

You can just check the page source for the stats. For the amount someone mined public profiles for the team badges.

>he confused shibas with Corgis
are you serious? that was a joke

Attached: 1547352897512.jpg (1024x677, 41K)


any dog would have been at the top, except if they added a cat. since usually most people love these animals.
had they made all teams different dogs then it would have been more fair.

what is your cap?

I don't want to go through that garbage site, can you post some examples?

It would still come out on top because human's best friend is the most popular pet. I personally prefer birds, but that's how it is.

>the mind of a corgitard

Attached: Screenshot_20190629-192511_1_1.jpg (716x468, 38K)

The fuck kind of gold he's talking about?

Anons when are the games given out?

epic bug

Attached: 1541804691392.png (544x174, 17K)

Some dude wanted to know if Elite Dangerous and Rebel Galaxy were good:

Elite Dangerous is alright. Make sure to also get the Horizons Season pass, otherwise you won't be able to access some of the content, which is really annoying.The game is decently polished, but simply gets boring after a while, because there is little emergent gameplay, at least for me. It's worth its price.

Rebel Galaxy is not really a space sim, but more of a napoleonic naval warfare, but in space. You navigate your ship in a 2d plane and exchange broadsides with other ships, with some additional quirks. Again it's alright and worth its price, but it does not really have the simulation aspect as E:D or X has, instead it feel more arcadey.

tl;dr: both decent games, just don't expect too much time out of them

>He didn't see the other thread
People generally mistook Shiba for Corgis and vice-versa some people literally could not tell them apart.

lol the corgi fags are going to waste all their points at the start of the race

>they don't know the real race happens during the night and on the next morning

People crying that corgis are getting rigged and that they are losing their 0.01% chance of winning Cyberpunk 2077 and calling valve the worst company ever

Attached: Screenshot_20190628_215456.jpg (1080x693, 165K)

elite dangerous fucking sucks
t. bought this pile of shit


Attached: bleh.jpg (904x864, 84K)

>the average corgi redditor

This is literally every post
>corgis getting nerfed is unfair. Steam should have done [insert stupid idea here that would benefit corgi]
>nah, seems fair to me.
>reeeeee, downvoted

Attached: Screenshot_20190629_183020.jpg (1080x1444, 292K)

I'll keep that in mind, thanks.

>actually browsing r*ddit
Is this why corgi haters are so obsessed with it?

what does Gold even do?

Attached: 4chan gold.jpg (642x756, 57K)

no bug there

r*ddit gold, the little medal at the top of his post means someone spent a few dollars to give him that

>this is literally 90% of the people in this thread

>all these retards mad that corgi is winning
Why didn't you pick the team that was winning? It literally shows you who was winning when you pick your team. That's what you get for trying to be contrarian.

Attached: salt.png (1487x360, 21K)

I still have no idea how the points system for this event works.

Attached: dumb frogposter.gif (487x560, 1.23M)

Because bandwagoning is for faggots


Attached: nice.png (360x148, 20K)

>thinking everyone is late to the party like you
I chose cock because 1- Everyone was basically equal, 2- Birb is best animal in the event

no one has anymore, not even valve

Any prizes yet Turtle bros?

Attached: 1552659681844s.jpg (187x250, 6K)

no ads + 1 month access to a subreddit for people who also have gold, and you also get more exposure to your post since people can filter posts by gilded but that's it, it's a total scam

this is a 3-year old mentality

nothing it means you wasted 4 dollars on reddit.

Lets you upvote Yea Forums posts


Attached: 1540761291870.png (876x304, 108K)

i picked the team with the cutest animal because i'm not a metafaggot

Attached: 1558630966993.jpg (898x1170, 130K)

>Notice: Sales of Metro Exodus have been discontinued on Steam due to a publisher decision to make the game exclusive to another PC store.

>valve makes a minigame with a huge loophole
>intellectuals start taking advantage of it
>valve realizes they made a huge fuck up
ultra yikes my dudes

Keep seething bunnyfucker
Back to the trash with you

this, confused if we still get the game or?

>some convoluted racing game analogy that doesn't apply to the rebalance is reddit's only way to cope
If you ever feel pathetic, remember that corgish reddiors got assblasted for missing out on their 1/1700000 chance of winning the Witcher: Future.

>cutest animal
>n-no you're the reddit!!11

Nice one

Attached: 1554540042010.jpg (1920x1080, 149K)


How it worked at the start: whoever spends the most money wins.
How it works now: It doesn't. Valve are breaking things more and more as they try to put out the dumpster fire.

On a funny note, this is a contest with money involved, changing the rules mid game to keep some of the contestants from winning is fraud. Nothing will happen, but there is a legal case against Valve for their fuck up of their shitty event.

why can't valve
just do a fun event

that's how you sound like tranny

try to enunciate your words next time you want to make a point, retard

Corgis just won't stop seething holy shit

Could someone explain the event to me? where are my free games?

>any intellectual choosing corgi
The thinking men chose teams on the first day that looked like they would finish second or third to max their chances of winning (albeit barely) a game.

Just seen your other post. Clearly a delusional reddior in denial. Don't worry bro, you'll get over this loss eventually.

i don't have to, only retarded nigger redditors would have a hard time understanding what i'm implying :)

I chose corgi because of my love for doggos, not for free shit or winning. Fuck plebbit.

Attached: corgi.jpg (960x540, 90K)

Same goddamn problem here
"9,668 POINTS BOOSTED / 11,668 MAX POINTS" and yet I can't get those 2k points that suddenly appeared, even the meter says that my current capacity is at 0.
Something's fucked, again.

when in my post did i even mentioned reddit
also it's a hivemind event with a lottery, there's really no way for anyone to win without extreme luck so there's no point on going for the team with the best chance of winning even less reasons because the most populated team gives you a even lower chance


Attached: 1551341156508.jpg (450x600, 61K)

yeah thats what you all gibsmedats say

How would you know

They removed Metro

just found out about this today, i chose hare and got cucked.
how do i attack other teams?

message on steam and email. I don't know if anyone has received anything yet because they are working on the Day 4 stuff still

>Qualifier Tasks dont reset
what was the point lol?

select the team then hit the slow down.
use it on corgi

no u

Attached: corgass.jpg (1200x1171, 295K)

Not in my case, but I do expect someone from Corgi to figure this out and start a petition (lol) to revert the rules to how they were at the start under threat of legal action. It is funny because they have a solid case of fraud but no one is going to pay the bill to take them to court just so they can get a slap on the wrist with a fine. But I predict the corgi boys will make the empty threat.

Gabe send me the Index headset I wanted. Just arrived in the mail, I'm oogling high definition tits in the virtual reality while simultaneously shitposting right now

>joining the team with the less chances of winning games and the most chances of being rebalanced
you are just dumb bandwagoners

So you can get a couple emotes or a background. lol

To shut people up for a day.

mr newell, if you need consultation on how to run successful, engaging events for your players, i can do it for 12% of the revenue

Attached: 1014109804.jpg.0.jpg (1200x800, 54K)

friendly reminder to give your corgi some exercise at least once a day

*huf puf puf huw woof huf puf woooo huf *whines

Attached: doggo.jpg (386x334, 10K)

>boost 27k points into tortoise today and we actually won
>dont win any games from my wishlist

Attached: 1560217227336.png (400x416, 156K)


Attached: 15618297515570.jpg (991x382, 72K)

>corgi has -12000x from attacks but still has more than triple the speed of other teams
>corgifags will still complain if they don't get first

I joined corgi as soon as I could get the stupid grand prix page to load on day 1, how am I a bandwagoner. The google algos sent me to a corgi race on youtube and I took it as a sign. I'm just schizophrenic, not a plebbitfag.

Attached: ebin1.jpg (500x444, 117K)

>that neck
dude could become a gigachad if he just put in the effort

thanks bro

people are receiving awards rn, the award page keeps changing.

It really baffles me how Steam after all these years can not manage on lousy event

Attached: basedsteam.png (996x287, 119K)

hire a lawyer and sue valve

oh shit you are right
i lost my hope when i saw it at first but guess it still is going

Even if youre a dog and corgi wins everyday you have less chance of winning a game than being on a team that gets 3rd place one day.

capacity will be reset in about 5 minutes from now

how do you know

yeah that's what I was talking about

>solid case of fraud
How? The steam user agreement which you have agreed to by using steam (hence this event) basically says you give permission for valve to shaft you in any way they want.
Also, how would that chat with a lawyer go?
>yeah, want to sue a company for fraud, my animal got nerfed so now I have lost my lottery jackpot equivalent odds of winning a free game

why are the games changing?

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (875x288, 113K)

so literally a Yea Forums pass

confirmed best taste in vidya

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Regional thing

maybe they are removing metro since it won't come to steam?
they could be taking some time to make sure it runs well.


Attached: losing_to_a_bird.png (745x388, 144K)

I used to be an hardcore Valve fan, but now I just can't trust Steam anymore
It's future is covered by shadows and I'm somewhat scared of loosing my games

Attached: WhosWho.jpg (751x165, 24K)

honestly at least with a Yea Forums pass you skip captcha