the proper way to hold an n64 controller.
The proper way to hold an n64 controller
That's how I did it as a kid
what if i have little faggot hands tho
Damn, those are some big hands
>using middle finger for Z button
L bumper was only ever used when control stick wasn't necessary.
What is it with the meme that people didnĀ“t know how to hold the fucking thing? Was it started by fucktards that were born after the 64 released? It was kinda weird to play with analogue-sticks for the first time after only playing with a d-pad (for the first few hours at least), but holding the controller was never an issue.
then you cant play the n64 anymore
You nimrods, you're supposed to fucking hold it like a paint palette. It's laid out so you hold it with one hand and have easy access to all the buttons.
Pro-tip, there are 2 ways to hold it, one for 3D and one for 2D games
Nope, left hand on middle handle with index finger on Z button. I don't remember using the d pad for shit back then
>I don't remember using the d pad for shit back then
iirc you have to use the d pad on Mischief Makers and Pokemon Stadium
Also held it at an angle. I had huge hands btw
The zoomers struggle with the idea that having a button configuration with all buttons being accessible at all time wasn't as self-evident of a necessity as it seems now.
shut the fuck up i'm trying to watch my copy of richie rich from blockbuster
you're not supposed to hold it, you're supposed to throw it in a dumpster where it belongs
imagine being blinded by nostalgia on this shit controller
This is the right answer
You're gonna want to develop that further consider I didn't give my opinion on the quality of the controller itself.
I just mean there is a lot of fondness for what is objectively one of the worst controllers ever made. Not as a rag on nintendo, because aspects of it made sense at the time. But with the advantage of hindsight, it's fucking terrible.
>Digital stick is prone to serious degradation with normal use.
>Impossible to use rumble and save simultaneously.
>No revisions ever released
>Unprecedented status of 1st party controllers being inferior to 3rd party.
the proper way to shit
I agree.
>always thought n64 controller was huge
>actually see it again after so many years and its small
what the actual fuck
The whole idea was pretty much having two control configurations, and you held it different ways to access them.
Problem is very few games used both. It was usually one or the other, which could often make the second configuration seem silly to a kid that only plays games that use the stick, and so on.
Everyone thought it was retarded then, too
Way to out yourself, zoomer
>Everyone thought it was retarded then, too
>Way to out yourself, zoomer
That has nothing to do with anything I said.
what happened? Did he have diarrhea and decided to run despite of that?
None of this is wrong except for the saving part but it's still my favourite controller of all time
If they ever release a N64 mini with an inevitably more durable version of the controller we'll all finally be able to appreciate its brilliance
Yeah it's pretty common for runners to forfeit dignity for glory when their bowels give out mid-race
You just shit yourself and carry on
Nobody wants to run with you though
3 ways*
Anybody got one of these?
I know the first gen version had an issue with the stick and left shoulder button colliding, but assuming they fixed that.
I have never played a game that allowed the center one.
Quake 2 required it.
This is the correct way.
I once ran a race where a lady got her period (and was not ready for it) mid race.
I don't remember any games that actually used the dpad so I simply ignored the left side of the controller at all times.
fucking nintendies
Funnily enough, I've bought two of these but haven't actually used them yet (sister is borrowing the console).
I'll get my 64 back when I eventually feel like playing some of that old vidya, but I assume the control stick would be a lot more robust than the original. That's really why I decided to buy them since I can't justify buying yet another official controller because of how easily they wear out.
Why didn't they use the stick for the camera and the dpad to move? what's the difference between a dpad and wasd?
moron japs