You actual labotomites are aware that you can own both a PC and a console right?

You actual labotomites are aware that you can own both a PC and a console right?

Attached: pc-xbox.png (750x330, 238K)

why own a console when I have a pc already?

I could also own a Yugo to park next to my Audi A8L, but lol wtf who would do that?

Why yes, I am aware. But, why would you own an Xbox as a console when the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch both exist?

Or you can be like me and own all 4

What's even the point of getting more platforms when you already have a backlog long enough to last until you die on a single one.

Okay but what's the point? I think the only game on console that's not on PC that I'd even give a shit about playing is bloodborne ,and I'm not buying a console for one (1) game

You realize buying consoles is supporting anti customer practices?
>walled garden
>overpriced outdated hardware
>forcing monopoly or at least preventing fair competition

Exactly thanks to retards like you (lol bro, just buy every single machine) is the reason consoles even exists. They are inherently anti gamer machines. And now shutup and go pay for game pass or whatever the jews come up with now to lure even more money from you. And dont worry, they will disable the servers of your favorite game anyway despite paying premium for it because they want people to buy next gen games.

Attached: downloadfile.jpg (2560x1440, 486K)

I will eventually own a PS4 for Death Stranding and Last of Us II, there's nothing for me on it until then.

consolefags need a PC to shitpost with

PCfags are all set

Don't be ridiculous, user, nobody here bought Labo.

What your saying is right and blatant but pc is a cheater fiesta. Bring on ps5 with kb/m support so pc can be a cheater graveyard.

>cheater fiesta
Depends on how expensive games you play. Free to play / 2€ for steam key multiplayer games often end up dumpster fire for many reasons, not just because of cheaters. Its mostly because poor people and kids can easily afford to play them.

Play some game which costs more than 30€ and there will be barely any cheaters because its expensive to get banned. You cant expect csgo to be with mature audience once it went free to play...

Or even better: stop plaing multiplayer games where cheating happens. Try street fighter 5.

>own both
>shitpost against both depending on the thread
bloodborne to me is both the best souls game that will never make it to pc, and worse than ds2/glad its not on pc

yes. i use my pc for pc exclusives like indieshit shovelware #92734523 and euro truck simulator

i use my console for real games

Why would you? The Xbox store is cross platform.

To play nintendo games
xbox isn't a censorstation

>op still havent realize that a lot of poorfags from thirdworld countries posting on Yea Forums

>Consoles were supposed to fucking die this gen
Goddammit bros, I'm sick of platform exclusives, why can't everyone just buy a PC and have access to every game?

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>why can't I just buy a PC and pirate everything with ease

The cheating epidemic is prevalent in all genres. It has ruined online piracy station gaming and it gets worse every year. When ps5 comes its going to be the clear winner for obvious reasons.

Don't forget the commentary hacks for all your online games.

based and redpilled

Attached: based_and_redpilled.jpg (750x537, 114K)

I've had a PS4 for a few years now and I only use it to watch Netflix and porn.
Of 5 games I wanted to play, one was garbage, 2 nothing remarkable, other came on PC and the last one is Bloodborne.

God of War looks boring
Horizon is shit
Spiderman looks like noise to me
Not interested in RDR2 but might give it a try someday
Can't think of anything else, meanwhile I've played a ton of stuff on my PC, old and new, and been using my 3DS as emulator, good times on those. Fuck the PS4.

Attached: 1413492258325.jpg (1200x1200, 234K)

YUZU and CEMU doesn't run on nintendo consoles though.

Attached: Cemu_2018-05-21_16-15-12.jpg (1920x1080, 609K)

Consoletards has been repeating this shit every generation. Enjoy your 30fps leltraycing machine for 1000$.

At that point, might as well wait and get a PS5 since it's gonna be backward compatible