Now that the dust has settled, can we stop pretending this guy was some sort of a legend? His content was on par with that Jinx dude who was blasted for being a "reactor" and you'd have to be genuinely low IQ to enjoy what either one of them had to offer.
Now that the dust has settled, can we stop pretending this guy was some sort of a legend...
Who's pretending he was a legend?
Everytime I see a picture of this fucker I get enraged.
>Now that the dust has settled
It's been a while since we last met. Where does the time go?
I never wished death on the man, but I genuinely hated his content after it was painfully obvious he was hamming up his reactions for clicks. Back when he first starting getting really popular, I loved how authentically he was hyped to see Mewtwo come to Sm4sh, but he had to keep raising that bar, which really annoyed me in the end
Well I mean it's also kinda what he talked about in his last video. That he got himself pushed by the online crowd to go further and further and with that fucked up everything.
Cautionary tale.
I still don't know what happened with this guy
look at this dude's hair, haha
He was the real one
He killed himself because he got permabanned from twitter and jewtube for saying "nigga"
Based and Godpilled
His name is black guile, after reacting to the Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Ridley Character Reveal Trailer, he lost his mind and went insane, culminating on his suicide a year later when Banjo was revealed.
literally who
Every single gaming related Youtube channel posted something to the tune of "RIP a great content creator, you will be missed".
>authentically he was hyped to see Mewtwo come to Sm4sh
Yeah I'm sure screeching and jumping around his room like a retard was authentic.
Now that the dust has settled, stop fucking posting this dead nigger
The circumstances in which he passed away was very sad. I can't speak much of his content though as I never watched it outside of some short memes being shared around. May he rest in peace.
>Yeah I'm sure screeching and jumping around his room like a retard was authentic.
Dude, not cool, he was a negro. That's how chimps react.
>Every single gaming related Youtube channel
then why make your shitty thread here?
>dude low IQ lmao
IS this the new r.eddit insult? The fuck. My IQ is 115 I still laugh if some retard slips on the street. The fuck kind of cuck shit is that.
>I only laugh at mature jokes for high IQ individuals such as myself
Lmao just say you hate that the guy's getting more attention than you'll see in a lifetime and get over it.
Literally who?
>didn't even finish a single part of JoJo
and yet they mourn as if he were some sort of dedicated fan, lmao
He was just a young dude with mental health issues who liked vidya, if I put a camera on you in your early 20s v/edditors I bet you'd jump off a bridge too. You don't have to beat a dead horse that hard for (you)s go post about cyberpunk or something
>loved DKC and DK64 as a kid
>wanted K. Rool in Smash for years
>finally happens and I lose my shit
>see Etika's reaction
>it's 10 times louder and crazier than mine
>he never even played any DK games
Fuck this retard. I'm not happy that he's dead, but I am happy that his cancerous fake reactions are history now.
lol nigga in hell
What part of "gaming related" did you struggle to understand
I'd also laugh if I saw you slip on the street desu
Lmao. Keep seething. A nigger kills himself and you STILL seethe. Fucking cucked political retard.
haven't even heard about him until he died
where did all the money he had on him go?
He was an anomaly of the nintendo community. When he wasnt doing reactions he was just being a positive dude. Look up some of videos where he talks seriously about life and himself.
Today i'll remind them
>Yeah I'm sure screeching and jumping around his room like a retard was authentic.
Well he was a Smashfag
>IQ poster
Nobody but retards bring up their IQ. Bet this nigga is in the 1-10 range
He blew it all ong drugs, hookers and stupid shit like gold jewelry and Yeezys.
i took it
>What is thi- Ridley!?
And here you can see exact moment he started dying.
>oh my fucking nigger
Seriously though, what did he do other than react to videos and play Nintendo games
He was a heroin addict nigger nothin else.
his deep web videos were great
>E-scort what the fuck is an E-scort?!
>he knew as soon as the trailer started
he's a lot more entertaining when he's actually genuine
oopsie.... watch out you might get banned for that!
Why would anyone watch or enjoy this? It's just some coked up mouth-breather narrating what happens on the screen. There's literally nothing amusing or interesting about this. Jesus fuck imagine if all of his fans were to follow in his footsteps and jump off a nearest bridge, the world would unironically become a better place.
who did he betray? And he was pure attention seeking, he probably didnt want to an hero himself but slipped off whatever bridge he was on. Maybe, oh well. I didnt get upset when me gran dad died n only a bit when me nan died.
The only people that watch these videos are people that completely hollow and empty inside, this reminds them what emotions look like. Of course, it's all exaggerated, this is emotion porn.
i think you are talking about yourself?
He had a sick haircut, your argument is irrelevant.
He has 36 pounds of compacted shit in his intestines according to the autopsy. This happens because of opioid abuse.
based janny
how do you even take care of such a finely shaped block of hair?
even my loose hair gets messy after a single nights sleep
There's 0 racism in what I posted. Unless you mean that I'm promoting a racist by making a thread about a dude who repeatedly dropped n-bombs on his streams.
Perhaps, it's like their McDonalds job doesn't give them enough time for normal social interactions so they then pretend to have friends by throwing money at dudes who chimp out over irrelevant shit on Twitch.
>he probably didnt want to an hero himself but slipped off whatever bridge he was on
This, he was probably trying to film a pretend suicide and ended up actually killing himself lol
Kys all niggers need to dilate and die of incurable anal aids, especially that gay pedo nigger cunt, hope he died a slow painful death in that water
link to autopsy?
He was enough of a fan that the Jojo intro singer payed respects
Precisely this. I’m positive Etika’s fans are just as suicidal as he was
You've been saying this for days user. it isn't true
Wow, he had to feign excitement for Nintendo characters to get money. What a hard life.
>my IQ is 115
Seriously? Are you black?
not vidya at all not even close mate
He's the epitome of
But he did seem like a genuinely nice guy at least
WHY do people watch reaction videos? Is it because people are so alienated they can’t think of how to react themselves? They enjoy watching others autistically screaming for 5 minutes? There’s just so goddamn many of them reactions vids I’m genuinely baffled
Did you see the sticky on page one that says "Dead Nigger Storage"?
i really fucked hate the branch of weeb culture he is responsible for
I get what you're saying, but you're telling me you never get excited for anything ever? Not a new video game? Not new music from an artist you like?
Were you here the day it eas announced he died? It was the most obnoxious reposting of RIP threads since Tbiscuit, Anthony Bourdain, Robin Williams, Iwata
>he did seem like a genuinely nice guy at least
Same shit as Let’s Plays: they’re friend simulators for people with anxiety and depression
>inb4 this retard claims +130 IQ when he fucking posts on Yea Forums
Higher than yours
>there are zoomers on this board who actually watched this trash
>rich eceleb starts complaining about being depressed
is that the itaka dude there was a sticky about?
But not THAT excited. I mean, control yourself, man, it’s just a video game/movie/CD
>Remembering some CEO that didn't develop jack shit
I love Nintendo, but this is some next level delusion
Are you surprised?
I don't react in a way youtube has conditioned me to, see , do you think thats natural, appropriate behavior, or did the kid just watch too many "react" videos?
he isnt a legend, he is a funny guy, not as bad as jinx because his reactions were always over reacted
I mean, a Let’s Play makes sense: maybe you didn’t have that console or game, and you want to know more about it/remember it
Reaction videos are just fake overreactions most of time
Is killing yourself for attention always the wrong answer?
>yfw Etika is just HMK but (slightly) less obnoxious, genuine and likable
Most people who go to university have an IQ of 130. Like, it’s basically a requirement user.
Good god, you’re fucking stupid man.
Been a fan of him since he was at 3K subs.
Gonna miss him.
he was a lolcow
not if you're a nigger
Deaths are different. But it is kind of a weird reaction for a Japanese businessman. The other guy is wrong though. Iwata developed a bunch of stuff. Maybe I'm not big enough of a Nintendo fan. I could understand if it was a musician, maybe.
>"can we stop pretending this guy was some sort of a legend"
>posts on Yea Forums, where literally every post about Etika is celebrating his death
How delusional do you have to be to believe that? Only 2% of the population have an IQ of 130+.
oh wow
Just feel the need to point out that enjoying dumb content does not mean that you yourself are dumb, at all.
In fact I would even suggest that higher IQ people seem to appreciate the absurd even more than normies. Higher IQ people are less likely to be normie.
You're probably dumb yourself if you came to this conclusion lol
not just rich but:
how the fuck could you possibly be sad unless you warp your mind with drugs (which is what he did)
The worst one is this when he starts singing
Kinda reminds me of chrischan
no, not just high IQ people, they're often normalfags. only ridiculously high IQ people like newton or tesla and others are the intelligent people who aren't normalfags.
other than that, self aware low IQ retards like me aren't normalfags
I literally only know him for being dead.