Grind on low tier creature for easy XP

>grind on low tier creature for easy XP
>OP version of low tier shows up to kick you butt

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name five (5) games that do this

I honestly thought I was looking at a giant turd or something

thought it was a giant foreskin covered cock.


Is there even more than 1?

>here's your (ewe)

Is that motherfucking Shrek? That guy was an absolute unit.

you should buy a matte screen instead

only one i can think of is OSRS

The Witcher 3 is another

Xenoblade Chronicles

Witcher 3 Wild Hunt kind of did this

How did sheep even manage to live before humans came along to shave them?

life, uh finds a way
even a better story is about the Italian cows that escaped and scientist paid the guy to allow the cows wild to see how the would adapt back into nature
too bad recently poachers killed a few

sheep arent natural you utter brainlet.

New Vegas has that huge rat

There's this fuckhueg tree that will come and kill you if you chop a lot of trees in Don't Starve.

Can’t believe nobody mentioned FFXI


How did it not die of heat stroke?

Legendary bloatfly in new vegas is the strongest enemy in the game

Look at those leafs on the ground should give you your biggest clue. Farmers and herders let them grow out in the cold seasons then shave them once it starts getting warmer.

hid in cave for 7 years

how would sheep shed their coat in the wild?

>in italy
>poaching cows of all things
but, why?

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by not being selectively bred by humans specifically to not shed their coat

they were selectively bred to be that way BY HUMANS

man people are fucking retarded these days

oh yeah the treants
they only come after if you chop down a LOT of tree without planting any pinecones. if one spawns near you, all you have to do is start planting pinecones to pacify it, and then move to another spot so it doesn't aggro again when you start chopping another

Terraria has the pinky slime and the king slime.

>not kiting and killing it
>not getting those logs of it for free

They've been bred by humans to produce wool in
quantity. In the wild, they wouldn't get like that.

Playing nfs payback right now, they jsut replaced the drivers from the first races with new ones in my game.