Explain this valve

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Other urls found in this thread:


what is this shit you keep posting about?

Based valve dabbing on corgi niggers

>retarded bird and bunnyniggers see best team winning
>go into full damage control mode trying to contain team corgi

A little jewish dont you think? Can' we atleast have a chance?

>retarded bird
You take that back.

Attached: waddle.gif (389x293, 3.09M)

>corgi and bird won anyway
Stop bitching

>Can' we atleast have a chance?
Nah kill yourself bandwagoner.

>both sitting in 4th and 5th place as it should be
time to put reddit in their place pig bros

Attached: file.png (700x376, 461K)

I like dogs you fucking chink

>a "race" to motivate idiots to buy a ton of games they don't want

Kys. Us birdchads won't let you dirty reddit filled niggers win.

it was pretty stupid to let people pick their team for something like this. can't believe it didn't cross anyone's mind to have people randomly assigned to teams automatically

They did that five years ago and that was back when Summer events were fun and the sales were actually unique.

I miss the daily sales and the 8 hour sales with voting options and the final day having the top games on sale again for those who might've missed out.

never ever gonna happen again because of the refund policy. they'd be flooded with retards who bought a game 2 hours before it went on sale wanting a refund because they could have saved 8 dollars.



I'm a fucking genius. I new this was going to happen by day one. I knew Pig would be the least popular and thus be in last place at first and that Corgi would be so overly popular that they would have to re-balance it by altering the multipliers, thus pig would have the most favorable outcome despite it's smaller size. All Animals Are Equal, But Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others. Sorry brainlets I've already won something

Attached: MV5BNzQ4Y2U5ZDQtM2U4Yi00MWZhLTk4OWUtYzM2OTU0MTBiYWQ5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMDY3OTcyOQ@@._V1_SY1000_CR001357 (820x550, 69K)

since when is a mans best friend considered reddit? dogs are based as fuck you mongoloids

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Actually user, we can't win, because pigs are also fucking reddit.

This event is so obviously rigged I don't know why you retards don't get it.


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Since reddit picked that team as the one they want to win?
And basically if you support it you are a fucking redditor?

i hope every corgi in the world fucking dies

So Corgi is reddit dog now? Does that mean it's okay to like shibas again?

I dont even know what this is but I like birds so

Most people who picked team corgi picked it because they like dogs, is liking dogs reddit now then? everything is reddit these days...

because 4chiggers also thought this april's fool wasn't completely random.
there are just retarded drones

Hey can you win more than one game? I've already got a reward so is there still reason to care about this race?

Are there some loopholes in current sale that can be exploited to get free games?

Attached: chamberOfUnderstanding.gif (300x400, 1.72M)

This post is reddit

Based edgy retard.

>i miss a marketing scheme meant to jew your wallet

Youre a mistake

They're both reddit dogs.

corgichads literally getiing opressed by fuckin witey

spotted the jew

im 100% sure your mother was a whore

>is liking dogs reddit now then
Yeah. Infact likely anything I don't like or liking something reddit has a positive opinion on makes you reddit.

We all reddit user.


your faggot dog is going to lose

Seethe harder reddit.

I once saw a corgi get run over. The stupid bitch.


You bird fags are gonna drop like your sisters abortion

I take it this is your first steam sale?



Attached: NONONO.png (192x176, 78K)

remember to dilate, corginiggers

>Get extra income
>Spend insane amounts of money on Steam
>Max Boost is through the roof but I can't boost
>"Oh I suppose I have to do at least one quest before I get to use my giga boost."
>Drudge through a single casual game of TF2
>Go back to GP screen
>I have around hundred boost out of like fucking gorillion
>Increasing Max Boost is just the limit how much boost one can have instead of any actual boost
Out of all the games, why can't this BS game in a god damn gamestore be pay to win?

Attached: suffering_from_success.jpg (1500x844, 718K)

It's rigged. By the second or third day it was obvious the last one was rigged, too. This is the same exact thing and is rigged in the same exact way. How do you people not realize this?

What counter's dilate again? Everything but 'Have Sex' right? Seethe.

fuck off zoomer the lottery has been rigged since coal.

Guys can you stop spamming "reddit" and answer my question: Can you win more than one game? I've been awarded already and i want to know if i still need to care about the race?

get to it furry fucker

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Steam is for redditors. Epic is for Yea Forumschads.

Prove me wrong, oh wait you can't

This is a reddit post if I've ever seen one.


Non corgichads are going to be btfo again today ahahaha God the salt yesterday fucking kys you redditanimals

No as you can't win more games or "NO" as in you won't stop spamming reddit?

although your post is bait, i distinctly remember a massive group of anons discovering that tim's store is spyware via using wireshark


Attached: 1561600743214.png (1031x641, 99K)

You know what is funny, that was a reddit discovery.


bunnies, pigs, dogs, birds, and rabbits are all reddit

>thinking i wasnt replying to bait with more bait

Attached: 5645733.png (405x396, 243K)

How do you guys know that reddit picked corgi is the real question.
Because you`re a redditor piece of shit.
Get the fuck off this board with your "you have to pick whatever ((we)) pick mentality.

remember those apehoop wannabes shitting all over us corgi crew for getting blasted on the display charts although they still showed us ahead on multiplier?

>How do you guys know that reddit picked corgi is the real question.
Another anons have been talking about it in the other threads. Come on user. Why would someone lie on the internet?

I’m starting to get the feeling Yea Forums talks more about reddit then reddit does about Yea Forums.

only redditors talk about reddit here.

What are you talking about, 99% of Yea Forums users are active redditors with at least 10k of karma. Yea Forums is reddit and reddit is Yea Forums

Point illustrated thusly

Attached: wipes away tears with benjamins.png (1081x111, 10K)

Don't bait with bait, people might believe you.

I recently found out Steam and EGS are price fixing (prove it wrong, you can't) and Valve is helping EGS by Steam being shit for devs/publisher/consumer for the last few years to help a competitor survive longer than uplay, origin, GoG. Steam is shit because they needed to sell us EGS to make more money. Which is why EGS is so good right now.

The real winner will be the hare.

Attached: angryreact.png (564x622, 658K)

playing this minigame is reddit
buying games during the summer sale is reddit
even using steam during this time is reddit
if you reply to me you are reddit

Ha, it was reddit all along

every animal will end with roughly the same amount of wins, podiums, etc. shhh don't tell anyone its rigged.

here's your (you)

fucking redditor

Being on team hare was suffering that night.

Do I even have a chance to win anything if I haven't bought a single game?

what even is this?

i dont know, i bought a few dollars in games and wonder if i am in a similar boat

Keep those disgusting pigs off the podium. What kind of piece of trash what consciously join pig, how much of a low worm do you have to be?

Depends. Have you bought anything since Chinese New year?

No, I don't think so


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Eat my dust birdbrain

Attached: turtle.webm (630x436, 311K)

bruh last night corgis had more than double than the guy in second but it was still somehow neck and neck, slipping into second near the end

Are we not entitled to the sweat of our brow? It's not our problem if the rest can't keep up

>event blatantly fails because everyone picks 1 team, boosts it 9000 points ahead of every other option due to the size of the population, and everyone new to the event can just hop on the team with no way to lose

Attached: 1553347300961.jpg (307x323, 29K)

>he actually thought Valve wouldn't go out of their way to rig the results

Pig: Multiplier of 0.0258657815225226649
Hare: Multiplier of 0.02318937799
Cockatiel: Multiplier of 0.01644663899
Tortoise: Multiplier of 0.01206381834
Corgi: Multiplier of 0.001473809

Pig: 1x
Hare: 1.12x
Cockatiel: 1.57x
Tortoise: 2.14x
Corgi: 17.55x

if i buy the 5 dollars off thing can i just save it until after the sale?

>Valve notices
>starts rigging the event to make it "fair"
Should have just made the team joining random instead of picking a team.

>27486if i buy the 5 dollars off thing can i just save
i dont know, i have been wondering the same thing since this event started

No, you can't. Even if you redeem the voucher, the coins stay in your current balance until you complete checkout. Coins are wiped at the end of the sale so you'd lose them from your account and be unable to spend the voucher anymore.

dont you mean last years april fools with the teams?

thanks, ive been putting off buying papers please for years and was considering picking it up
thoughts? i mainly like playing gsgs and rts's along with a few rpg games here and there mixed with some roguelikes (risk of rain, not caves of qud) here and there

also i enjoy playing shooters like war of rights, hell let loose, red orchestra 2

It's not man's best friend. It's specifically corgies, the biggest meme breed behind shiba

ok thx

Looks like a ripoff of that eastershit last year. fanarts where

You guys do realize this event is just like Publishers Clearing House and just a ponzi scheme for you to sink money into Steam and get little to no kickback from it, right? It's blatantly obvious nobody is getting any free games except a select few after they count all of their dimes from profits.

For the record, fuck Epic Games. This shit is low though.

Attached: Steam old.gif (370x107, 159K)

wtf so you actually have to do stuff to participate or can i just hop on a bandwaggon and get free games?


Attached: 1561056222694.gif (342x304, 2.15M)

just pick corgi you idiot literally free games

As a poorfag, the prospect of getting free games is kinda alluring, but there's no way I'm going to sink money into it beyond the 4$ game I bought

I miss when they did stuff like the potato sack bundle, or the first steam summer sale they made an event out of, where you could spend the points you got on bargain bin games or cosmetic items in tf2 or whatever. Not this "wow look the team you picked had the biggest numbers and you got some trading cards that are worth 1 cent* *Before gabetax" bullshit.

I hope we don't get rob of our win again bros. I literally bought a game worth 10 bucks just to boost that last part only to find out the next we were in last.

Attached: 15d.png (550x704, 507K)

Where can I see all the avatars?
So far I've only seen Corgi, Turtle and Pig.

i wish they would release an old green steam skin for the client

Anyone who thinks Corgi are in their position right now legit is a fucking retard. Even though I'm not Corgi myself it's obvious they got nerfed by Valve. Corgi faggots got cuked, but this just feels wrong.

this shit is rigged

Attached: Knipsel.png (1419x807, 144K)


non-corgi reddit faggots probably overdilated in protest of the corgi war effort and to bitch about it on reddit

corgichads are literally being opressed because slow pokes couldn't handle it
FUCK VALVE for opressing us

but corgi was fucking reddit, there was a giant thread with 2000 replies for people to join team corgi

just like real races

wouldn't know, I'm not a reddit browsing fag

then you must not be a Yea Forumsirgin either since the link was spammed here all day on day 1

>mfw i thought his far ahead and choose pig

Attached: When you successfully jerkoff in Church.png (655x688, 336K)

Cocks are getting fucked over too. Today is gonna be the only day Corgi/Cock haven't gotten a podium finish. Funny how that works.

Pig assault shall reign supreme in the end, although I only picked it because no one else did.

I'm out of the loop
do you get anything for winning or why do you care?

>not realizing Valve always fucks up and le epic dog was most definitely going to be so unfairly big and pig was going to be so unfairly small that Valve would re-balance and end up making Pig win, giving Pig chads a higher chance of getting a game as a result of their small size
You don't deserve to be part of the 4th smartest animal group
If your team in in winning postion(meaning not 5th or 4th) You have a chance of winning a game on your wishlist. I've already won Monster Hunter World for free. I regret now changing my wishlist to have cyberpunk on it sooner.

Attached: 1560743397152.jpg (313x382, 37K)

>You have a chance of winning a game on your wishlis
by that i mean the game you have the highest on your list.

Anything to shit on Epic. This event is fucking fantastic for showing why Steam's sales are infinitely better than the dogshit Epic puts out.

No matter what team you're on the chances of winning are less than 1% so people that care are either autists or just want banter.
I only wanted a way to increase capacity without paying so that I can get the discount. I got that so I don't care anymore. Now I'm just waitin to see if that thing is a daily

Did anyone else pick tortoise?

>mfw this retarded event was so broken and unbalanced valve had to alter corgi just to give the others a chance
Just when I thought they couldn’t give less of a shit.
I picked it because I saw it was a light year ahead of everyone else. And even then I did it just for the chance of a free game.

Any limits? Seems like something exploitable running 20+ accounts.

> Monster Hunter World
I am so jelly, I hope to win that game too.
I choose bird but it seems like they are in a loosing position right now oh well.

You're only elligible if you use that boost and if your team ends up on 1st, 2nd or 3rd. To use boost you need boost capacity and I'm not sure but I think you only get that if you have a purchase history prior to the event

>MFW Corgi is last nigger

Attached: Smug_Chino.jpg (800x800, 78K)

>mfw losers are proud to win by valve cheating on their behalf

Attached: pathetic.png (500x483, 247K)

You can download a custom steam skin that makes it look like that

If everything is Reddit then nothing is Reddit.
Ha checkmate liberals

Something ain't right.

Look here. It shows that attacks are getting counted in real time, and automatically subtracted. And the Corgi is still in the lead, according to that chart. But then somehow Corgi is show above losing by nearly 1,000?


Attached: steam race.jpg (1195x659, 291K)

i would imagine its got alot of probelsm though

Shit is rigged.
Valve is in full damage control.
They will also "fix" the badge exp because rich shitters complained that everyone can get a high steam level now.

Whether it's because of their incompetence or they're just rigging it, all these numbers at this point are just fluff and no indication of anything. Just wait until the end to see who wins, nothing else matters before that as far as the race is concerned


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hello gabe

Birb is getting fucked over too. This is the first day we aren't getting a podium finish. The speeds from the first 3 days basically got inverted and it's fucking over Yea Forums's birb bros not just the soi redditards.

Okay, I'm completely out of the loop.
What is this thing now?

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I dont get how bird is doing so badly now. This event sucks dick.

what happened birdbros?...

Attached: birdbros.png (1178x435, 38K)

Valve cheating.

I'm guessing birb had the second most users (because of course it would, birb is almost as much of a meme as corgi let's not kid ourselves) and Valve's weighted system is heavily penalizing having a lot of team members. Not quite as bad as corgi, but like 80% of the Steam userbase is probably on teams Birb and Doggo, so the other 3 teams have free reign now basically and the 2 most populous teams effectively don't get to compete.

ya got too cocky

valve rigged it. Every team gets wins now for a chance at winning games.

Also, I randomly lost 1500 tokens for some reason. Valve is actually turbojewing

Attached: tokens.png (313x147, 18K)

Just the amount of triggered people on steam forums and how easily baited they are makes this event the best valve has ever done.

Attached: 1517181865000.gif (425x425, 448K)

>team that had most points are way behind
>teams that had least points have a big lead
Gee, I wonder

>Yea Forums
>Using steam or epic
>playing video games
You must be new here

Yesterday at least the weights were such that for every point pig got corgi needed 17

Attached: Desktop 2019.06.29 - (714x866, 1.32M)

seems like you should go back

Reddit sure loves to run jokes into the ground

how are pigs reddit

is this like the easter candy contest

Attached: mini licky lick.png (511x567, 17K)

Every summer sale race has been rigged. Is anyone really surprised?

i'm dizzy now :(

faggots want it to be but its not

>event starts without rigging
>"wtf only team corgi is winning please do something about this valve"
>event is updated with rigging
>"wtf every team is balanced please do something about this valve"

I dont like them so they are reddit
Prove me wrong protip: you can't

Is this that April fool's event?
Peanut bros, still feeling the victory?

Attached: 14b (1).png (680x700, 454K)

Is it all rng and boosting is just placebo?


>"wtf every team is balanced please do something about this valve"
Except every team isn't balanced, because teams with more players still have a set number of potential free games to win. So now not only does everyone on team corgi have a reduced chance of winning a free game if they win the race, they have 0 chance at winning a free game because they can't even win the races anymore.

>mfw valve can’t even fix their shit without blatant rigging
They should have just randomly assigned teams but they would have probably fucked that up too. Whatever though, odds are I’m not getting a free game anyways.

Attached: 7FED5C1B-3044-4461-BD0D-3AA6FCB558D3.jpg (567x438, 144K)

shouldn't have joined the bandwagon for easy handouts in mind then, negro

Im about to join a team, quick which one should I pick?

>jump on reddit bandwagon
>cry salty bitch tears when you get btfo


Attached: 9d906d_5762907.jpg (600x476, 44K)

The one that's currently winning, duh

It is balanced in the backend. Picking a team is only a cosmetic choice now and you will have the same chance to win as every other team now.

>We’ve made some back-end changes to help mitigate some of the snowball effects we’ve seen that have led to Team Corgi running away with the first two days of the races despite their tiny legs.

>We’ve changed some code to help deal with the imbalanced team sizes across the board.

All day every day

Attached: 1522674921472.jpg (1639x10000, 880K)

Corgi is slowed down, because boosts are scaled now and corgishitters probably have a lot of normies that don't participate anymore. That's what you get for choosing the easy way out fucking redditors

>inb4 steam listens to the normalfags and buff the dog

>event is a race
>one team races too well
>blow their engine to make it fair
>blow everyone's engine to make it fair
>manually push each car yourself so everyone wins once (to make it fair)

Attached: 1537002423747.gif (349x282, 294K)

Feels good to be team hare

Attached: db0.jpg (315x330, 30K)

you are gonna lose first place soon, because both piggies and turtles will want to slow you down

>Peanuts losing the entire day
>Become the most chivalrous of the teams
>BFFs with chocolate (The Reeses alliance)
>Those that hours pushing from last to first
>All those hours spamming 'peanut butter' walls finally pay off

Attached: d0f.png (1535x2143, 709K)

>pigs turtles and hares start slowing each other down
>birb gets podium finish once again

Team birb are truly 5d chessmasters.

a friendly reminder

Attached: steam grand prix.png (1900x900, 640K)

im on bird team too. I predict second place, behind turtles.
make sure to not use all your boosts at once, because thats a waste, wait for your speed to slow down to use another boost

I should have picked the Hog but my greed took over. I regret everything

we made a pact to slow down corgis no matter who is in first place

no its not
its just a sale and there is nothing to make banter about here because its literally 5 bars

oh my
i've been exposed

Attached: 1393281164242.jpg (620x916, 126K)

Birdbros we got too cocky.. kinda ironic if you think about the name our based bird has.

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they're just redistributing your points to the underprivileged, reddit

Right, but corgi has like 10x the amount of players, so the prize for winning first place (300 players get a game) is already a form of balance. Corgis were already getting fucked in the sense that we had little chance of actually receiving free shit, but at least we'd get that chance every day. Now we don't even get that.

I've killed dozens of monsters, but got not a single point...
any fix?

Fuck off back to rebbit. This is not vidya

>team joining random
I doubt it would've mattered either. I'd wager that Valve has an algorithm in place to select all 11k+ winning anons by the end of the event that have the least expensive top 3 items in their wishlists. I'm sure the daily winning teams are chosen similarly. Its' not like they're going to publish a list of all the winners with the game(s) they won either way. The only times these goofy Steam things swing in our favor is when they can be exploited like cards and gems back when they were introduced.

lick my anus

are we gonna lose again?

Attached: kisspng-symbol-nazi-germany-nazi-party-eagle-nazi-party-5b1d68ff76f899.4813058115286540794873.jpg (900x460, 90K)

I thought they stacked so I used them preemptively. Well, it makes little difference, I'll just piggyback off the efforts of others.

Attached: boost.jpg (359x246, 18K)

you can play any game for 30 mins and use SAM to unlock achievements. free game.

if birds are nazi

what are turtle bro?

fascist italy

i was thinking the same lmao

>Literally only 5 bars

Attached: dk0p3jtmhlp01.jpg (1078x846, 114K)

Tortoise-Cockatiel-Hare Axis when?

Are hare japs?

Attached: Oh+yes+milk+chocolate+waifus+_4f9ae3e6cfbb72effa213caaee1761d8.jpg (645x702, 116K)

Quick. Pump those levels before Valve fixes it.


go back.

Attached: 64626541_393892027899187_7135362690788098048_n.jpg (720x691, 46K)

>everyone has the same amount of points at the end of the event
>no one gets free games
>official valve blogpost: the real prize are the friends we made along the way :^)

Is that a schnauzer?
Whoever cut it's fur like that needs their fingers removed.

>free game.

What the fuck that turtle can run faster than me

Mini sure is a fine bitch. I would fuck her so hard.

Why can't I boost anymore? Why is everything at the start line?

See this? Corgy will be 1st, cock will be 2nd, pig will be 3rd, turle will be 4th, hare will be last. Mark my words.

Attached: 1.png (1194x458, 35K)

Slow and steady wins the race. Last place is really the first.

Jesus people take this shit to serious

Why doesn't it work anymore?

Attached: SteamEvent.png (1790x389, 76K)

Aren't levels pointless anyway though?

You get 1% better chance of getting a 30 cent booster pack

>make a racing event
>do the equivalent of blowing up the lead racers engines and deflating the others’ tires in an attempt to damage control
gg valve
You get a slim chance of getting some worthless booster pack that will net you some cheap csgo skin.

i've been stuck on 800 credits all day. It wont let me earn more

why are corgis being oppressed. I just want that £5 discount

The higher your level the more frequently t you get card booster pack drops which you can sell on the marketplace for credit.
I don't know who it is that is buying the cards though since you would never actually make enough doing it to get what you spent on cards back

So why the fuck did my maximum points drop from 11000 to fucking 7000? What the fuck is going on?

Nah, this time they're rigging it properly. They're still not the brightest so they're not being subtle about having the teams that currently have the least amount of points win today.


Attached: ss.png (597x239, 28K)

Hares are sissy little furfags

Attached: 78a61dba31478d996364025a03ae7215.jpg (850x1081, 270K)

You're right, I'm a chad that doesn't care what animal other people chose, unlike
>corgi is reddit


Wait, how did I lose like half of my max points?

back and forth, like watching tennis

People are attacking Hare as much as Corgi

Guys let us have 1 win, were last in standing

Attached: dont.jpg (360x406, 38K)

Wait a second. You mean to tell me you guys play games? You don't just level up? I just buy games to craft boosters...

When does the race end?


Attached: 1561574791369.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

It's not like levels matter. They will just normalize the booster distribution.


tortoise and the hare dude
but instead of the tortoise and hare it's literally everyone else and the corgi

1h 40m

Just went through a CS match and a couple TF2 matches but I'm getting no quests completed what gives?

It's all the corgis who are salty because of what happened
I say we tank the damage for the other teams

Attached: aight (2).jpg (225x225, 7K)

If they were going to rig it this hard then why didn't they cut the crap and have everyone draw a number like a regular ass raffle?

It's obviously rigged.

Or the people who attacked Corgi for being first, which in turn is now you.

Got my free cyberpunk 2077 on team corgi so you all niggers can go kill yourselves, fuck this trash event. It's broken and it reeks of jewish trickery.
Keep raising your good boy points, goy, have this onions to freshen up.

Attached: 1530143067831s.jpg (249x249, 8K)

That's where you're wrong, fucko!

Attached: haru towel.png (264x699, 37K)

>Hare is doing the worst in terms of attacks and boosts
>they're also in first and consistently push ahead of the Tortoise

Attached: rigged as shit.jpg (1171x729, 328K)

we are probably getting attacked, i think it wasn't as bad before

It makes no fucking sense.

remember, valve pulls jewish tricks and reverses the order now. so hare is actually in last.

Numbers are completely buttfucked. The only thing that really matters right now is who reaches the finish line first.

I'm like 80% sure valve fucked up somewhere and the placements are inverted

you can get 30k tokens which means you get a free $10 game

They literally altered how the race works yesterday to remove the finish line so that there's no way to know who "reaches it first". The first three days vaguely pretended there was a semblance of reason, but now it's gonna be fucking WWE matches where there's surprise turnarounds and illogical bullshit.

It's okay Tortoise bros
Take your time.
Even if we don't get first we're getting there.

Attached: 48285UNILAD-imageoptim-Tortoise-and-Hare-FB.jpg (800x431, 27K)

Well this shit went down the toilet fast. Now we know Steam is manipulating this no matter what. Who ever wins of the fantastic 4 not being corgis we know they won't win the next. It doesn't matter if we play or not, everyone is getting a participation win anyway.

>Every summer sale race has been rigged. Is anyone really surprised?
This. HOLY SHIT PEOPLE IS THIS LITERALLY YOUR FIRST EVENT? Valve always, always rigs it. And I'm not even saying they're wrong to rig it! Because there are also always bots and click farmers and shit who try to figure out how to game it too, so they probably have to rig it a bit to counteract that if nothing else. But it's still always rigged one way or another.

The bonuses are generally pretty meh too. Actual sale prices are what matters.

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Attached: Shit.webm (594x892, 478K)

Correct me if I'm mistaken. Active Attacks refer to the multiplier of 'speed reduction' against that specific team, right? Corgi has almost as much Active Attacks as Hare, but also five times the Nitro Boosts to compensate for it.

Yet Corgi is last but Hare isn't? I don't understand.

the numbers don't mean shit, Mason

it's backwards, they'll reverse the order right at the end just like they did yesterday

das ist nicht geil man, alter

harebros.......... were doing it

it literally is, corgi was always the big leader, bird was the second best with turtles not far off and rabbit and pig shitters were always last. Now it's completely reversed

That's pretty much why I only contributed for the $5 discount for nabbing DMC5, leveled my badge with the leftovers and stopped caring. It's basically a broken mess and I never figured i'd be lucky enough to win a damn thing, but the tantalizing idea of "YOU /COULD/ WIN A FREE GAME" made people genuinely pour more attention and money into this shit than was ever worth it.

Yes, though if you mouse over the Nitro Boost it also says that it's accounting for the attacks in those sums, which is probably why the other team bars aren't filled all the way. Corgi's getting so much boost consistently that they were hitting 1k and even 2k and the attacks meant jackshit. With everything in light recently it's pretty obvious it's all just falsities.

did you refund a game, you mong?

Steam has manipulated every summer game

Because people take the team things to damn serious and its always unbalanced, so they feel need to 'fix' it
They should have just stuck with fun mini game crap like aliens shooting one or something. Also let people slowly earn their way up to a choice of free indie game or something

When they have team based where 2/5ths of their userbase has zero chance of winning, people get pissed at Steam and complain. Never good thing for a company

Look at the speed at which cock multiplier rises.

>They should have just stuck with fun mini game crap like aliens shooting one or something.
You mean the one that was literally fake?

>won't let me earn or claim these extra 3200 points

this event blows

if you look at their numbers, corgi is going faster than everyone else at 0.7km~ per tick compared to the rest that is going at 0.3-0.5km, but they are so far behind that it doesn't really matters
hare is slowing down a lot too since it's getting attacked so much, tortoises may get ahead of us if nothing happens

>to motivate idiots to buy a ton of games they don't want
That's every Steam sales since forever, no need of any stupid "race" for this to happen.


Attached: Screenshot 2019-06-29 17-44-18.jpg (460x108, 8K)

i'm also in the same situation. give me my points you jews

Hey Mr. Hare, why are you 'haring' around?
'aven't you 'eard of Cadbury's Caramel?
SEE how the thick, Cadbury's milk chocolate MELTS into smooth, golden caramel!

Attached: caramel.png (470x360, 214K)

Steam literally giga cucked Corgi and Bird because so many chose it, so even though a fuckton of people picked Corgi and Bird Steam throttled the boosters to pretty much nothing in an attempt to balance things out, which go figure ended badly. Corgi in particular is also going the fastest but is still dead last, even though it was far beyond everyone else not too long ago. I know this race is just some pissant excuse to get people to buy more games in an attempt to get the free wishlist game dangled in front of everyone’s faces but holy fuck did they botch this up.

>dogs are based as fuck
Fuck off redditor

Why do you retards even care. The chance of winning a game are even less than 0,01 percent.

>but the tantalizing idea of "YOU /COULD/ WIN A FREE GAME" made people genuinely pour more attention and money into this shit than was ever worth it.
I honestly don't understand what makes everyone throw away their brains about this shit. Maybe, maybe maybe MAYBE a few people are like professional marketers or game theory loving autist scripters or something and can actually figure out a way to profit off of big corps schemes. But for most of us:
A) the corp is the one who has hired the professionals on this and thought it out and

B) THEY'RE DOING IT TO MAKE MONEY. It's an ad. Whatever they're giving away individually, on NET they expect to make more money, not less. They're not a fucking non-profit charity. This isn't some hidden undisclosed fraudent thing either it's right fucking there.

I find that it's a lot easier to assume that I'm just never going to out psychologize professional marketers and that the House always wins long term if you don't have some special edge, which I don't. It's better to just make a wish list of games you want over a year or two, check the historical average, and then see if any of them happen to go on significant sale and not ever window shop or spend a single second on skinner box lotteries at all.

Attached: 1271014992951.jpg (215x157, 21K)

Based pig bro.

Animals are pretty reddit honestly, robots are cooler.

What do I buy lads: Bayonetta, Vanquish or Hollow Knight


Attached: Pig Pepe.jpg (600x800, 145K)

based and robotpilled

i was asking myself the same thing and went for hollow knight at the end

HK > Bayo > Vanquish

Is it fucked for anyone else? I can't redeem any points and I'm seeing everyone's score as zero, half the assets aren't loading either. Both in browser and launcher.

reminder that all teams win

Attached: Screenshot 2019-06-29 17-52-23.jpg (300x270, 16K)

we're just under an hour away from their next store front update, I wouldn't be surprised if valve's fucking with and tinkering shit right now

Where did they say this?

Doesn't matter what you pick you're in for a good time. But honestly in the long run you should buy all 3. If length is a factor, then Hollow Knight is the one that will last the longest for a single playthrough, though you will probably end up doing multiple playthroughs of Bayo and Vanquish anyway. I'd personally recommend Bayo > Hollow Knight > Vanquish.

>usable points never go back to 0 so once you used your points you've used them for good
I stopped caring the instant I realized the 40k+ points I have in reserve are unusable unless I buy shit or do some shit mission that unlock like 1k at best.

Valve wtf?

Attached: Captura.png (598x147, 13K)

I don't understand why valve felt the need to include these minigames in the first place. Who the fuck asked for this? Just give me the sales. None of this bullshit and the potential backlash that comes with it.

speaka la englisha

They need to make up for the lack of flash sales and other things that could attract a large number of consumers. They need gimmicks so it won't be just another sale.

>Valve caught rigging the race for corgi
>Lets rig it against them because two wrongs make a right

Oh, that bonus savings thing? So you can discount a game to 0$ with it?

I joined corgi because every single person besides one anime avatar dude on my friendlist was on corgi.


Attached: Capture.png (1095x186, 28K)

Hollow Knight

Plebbitniggers are probably rigging this shit again

Yeah. I saw someone get two of them and apply it to a $10 game like Oblivion, turned it free.

>I don't understand why valve felt the need to include these minigames in the first place.
Probably because you're fucking retarded. You see all the free marketing they're getting out of this on Yea Forums alone? I haven't even logged into my Steam account in like 7 months or even gone to the site, yet thanks to this game I've found out about the Steam summer sale. Which isn't going to get be back on anyway right now because I'm waiting to fix/upgrade my PC which won't be until Fall and have a big backlog anyway, but it's still damn effective.

I mean WTF don't you understand user?
>why would valve do a skinner box thing that makes people go apeshit and pay tons of attention to the sale
>None of this bullshit and the potential backlash that comes with it.
I'm sure Valve's many professional marketers have calculated that rather carefully and determined that no user, it's absolutely worth it.

Just open up games you have loads of achievements in that should count to a lot of points

thanks lads, might go for HK then. Maybe Bayo as well if I manage to get another 5$ discount


The whole "anyone could be a winner" spiel is fundamentally how lotteries are promoted. It's disgustingly predatory. The question of why is never difficult. It's always about making money.

>Valve's many professional marketers
imagine thinking valve have "many" anything. the average length of employment's like a year.

I still haven't got cyberpunk, at least hold off on the races until we get our copies

Literally just open up a game you have achievements unlocked in, sit around for half an hour in it, and it'll sum up all the points you've earned for that game. Rinse and repeat with each game you've unlocked achievements in. The quests are just their attempts to recommend paid and F2P games as advertising.

they are getting too close, probably will get ahead of us soon
it's time to unleash your shit if you can

Attached: file.png (1712x734, 280K)

It’s all just glorified advertising and a gimmick to replace lackluster flash sales.
Not to mention the way Valve operates.

Get defecated upon redd*toid

>imagine thinking valve have "many" anything. the average length of employment's like a year.
Sure for every position EXCEPT MARKETING you dumbfuck because that's their business now. They're not really a game company anymore, haven't been for a long time. They're the Steam company. Their core effort and competency now is running the store and marketing, getting people to buy and expend attention on Steam as much as possible. Marketing is basically the most important area in the entire company now.

It's like Google. They are infamous for fantastically bad customer service nearly everywhere... EXCEPT ADS. If you are a big ad spender you interact with an entirely different set of people who will help you with fucking anything you want at the drop of a hat. And then you really realize where 95% of Google's money comes from.

Yeah, but I don't think you can get to 30K points without spending a shitload first.

>inb4 they flip the standings again

>join winning team
>valve analy holocaust bandwaggoners
Golly, you're a NIGGER

Attached: 1482911772362.jpg (399x386, 35K)

So Valve went from having the race broken on day one then sort of fixed the next few days and then back to hugely broken on the fourth day.

Good job Gaben, please don't make Half-Life 3 if you can't even manage shit like this.

>Corgi in particular is also going the fastest but is still dead last
Corgi boost is more than all other teams put together and is still dead last lmao

history repeats itself, you try and you succeed
unless it's the steam summer sale, in which case yeah sorry

I had 15k points capacity this morning and now when I checked back, it dropped down to fucking 13k limit.

Attached: chrome_2019-06-26_23-16-18.png (385x398, 234K)


Attached: 2QmbSzB.png (325x237, 94K)

>Literally only 100 people in team pig
Valve wants them to win because they save 200 games a day, people should join team pig to foil their plans

idk m8 this event is fucked

Attached: 2019-06-29 18_10_53-Steam.png (475x42, 5K)

Now bros?

Attached: 2boost.png (1203x597, 155K)

did you refund anything, they'll take tokens/points accordingly away

it'd be a waste to do it right at end


>Peanut butter last year
>Joined Corgi because it was winning
>Just realised Corgi is team Creme

I didn't do anything at all. I had 14k and something points in the morning, very close to 15k, did some of those quests they handed out for increasing your capacity by 500 points and now I'm down to 13k instead.

Fun fact: Corgi only looks like it's behind because we lapped all the other competitors. Still first place.

Attached: woj.jpg (601x508, 31K)

>I'm a self proclaimed chad xD, also a corgi

Attached: 1539364451426.jpg (480x270, 34K)

I've literally not been able to gain any credits on team corgi today. none


Attached: f6jnhCk.jpg (1041x331, 51K)

>le meme dog isn't reddit
cope town

Attached: 1459060518365.jpg (601x601, 86K)

reminder that the standings are reversed

Probably true.

your stepdaddies skin color is reversed

It's actually
>reddit is corgi
not the other way around.
Have sex.


Attached: 1514098209820.png (500x336, 198K)

Pay the corgi toll, fag


>Was Team Creme
>Joined Tortoise cause I like them
>Tortoise is going to be the Team Peanut Butter with Hares being Chocolate

Attached: 1561433602836.png (895x657, 844K)

why is bird so far behind?
I thought all the hate was on corgi

Fuck, my bad, can't read

Attached: 1524999587440.jpg (753x611, 87K)

tortoise too fast they'll get ahead of us

Attached: 1558640758632.jpg (671x918, 91K)

The steam sale team events have been rigged since literally forever. Did you expect it to be different this time?

it makes no sense. no idea
>second fastest
>least attacked team
>still 4th place
the fuck

it's nothing personal harefriend. just remember that slow and steady wins the race

I think the biggest upset to come out of this whole event is that some corgifags are mistaking shibas for corgis

Attached: 1458733157160.jpg (300x304, 37K)

Why is corgi dead last when they have had consistently the highest nitro boost?

>He only has 4700 points

Attached: 1561704893888.jpg (409x618, 58K)

So why does it only list 4 days for races
is this going to be the last race

as long as corgifags and cocksuckers don't win it's all good
not like there's any realistic chance of getting a game anyways

Attached: 1558634347044.jpg (1057x1200, 133K)

Share some Nanachi porn for your harebrethren.

Why does Pig have so many attacks on them?

because valve rigged it

Yes, just like everybody else that had more speed the entire day yet there's absolutely no change in the distance between each other

>Claim 2100/23063 Points Now
Why I can't claim more points?

I'm saddened by the lack of any cats in this event.

Attached: 1489738055905.jpg (1129x1600, 240K)

It shows percentage in the code. Scale changes.
But the real problem: yesterdays results were fucking reversed.

tortoise takeover

This event has been a confusing clusterfuck since the very start, doesn't help they keep changing the rules every day.

>the one I picked is my chad meme therefore I am superior
Kill yourself, sweetie.

well shit
that 2km jump was odd
did anyone ever got a steal boosts power anyways? i got 3 slowdowns but none of these

Attached: file.png (1606x500, 199K)

Looks like the tortoise and the hare story is gonna happen again. Im sorry hare bros. i used up all my boost now

just used my boost


Attached: 1540729647424.gif (400x400, 1.46M)

we've got this

Attached: Best Team.jpg (485x231, 34K)


Attached: SLOW_AND_STEADY.png (790x602, 462K)

Fucking redditors

>hare and tortoise niggers using bots to boost their team

I've seen behind the scenes, I know what you're up to

Attached: gpLS3aT.jpg (512x397, 45K)

hare takes the lead again

Attached: 1556550542974.jpg (630x475, 53K)

Why are people still attacking corgi? Fucking tortoise is going to win at this pace.

What are you going to do about it?

>corgis seething

Just hop onto a tf2 achievement cheat server, type in some console command to unlock all achievements, then you'll have like a million points from the achievements


based. pigchads where we at


Why would corgis care at this point? It would have looked better if you said hare.

Which doesn't matter since you actually have to buy shit to use those points.

because fuck those niggers. as a turtle i don't care if i am first or second as long as those fucks are last.

Attached: igmhb277l4731.png (631x330, 266K)

what are some good games on sale? I tried lobotomy corp and couldn't get into it, thinking of trying out Prey

Attached: 1519645940868.png (409x306, 102K)

Harechads, as a tortoisechad I just want to say that regardless of who wins this day, at least Corgi is in last fucking place get FUCKED

Attached: file.png (343x199, 8K)

eat my food and watch because I am utterly powerless in this absolute landslide of a race

Corgi fags on suicide watch.

Attached: girls laughing.png (560x500, 477K)

You boys ready for another podium reversal? I sure am!

If you like System Shock, you'll like Prey.

There's no way they were coming back since an hour ago.

>Corgi was in last place yesterday
>Still said they won in results
I wouldnt get ahead of your self

I've never played a Tomb Raider game before, but I'm interested. Where should I start? I'm open to all generations.

even so they can get hit by any slows/steals that i have

birbros, the fuck happened?

valve happened

the new ones are considered the best in the series. get those first since they are prequels .


>got my points reduced from 9300 to 8400 for some reason instead of getting the free 100

I'm sorry piggy bro's I can't help with Valve screwing over like this.

Attached: cutepiggu.jpg (225x225, 8K)

torts are running away with this

Hold the fuck up. They're reboots, not prequels; Shadow's ending even released initially in trying to hook into the original games before the devs went "no sorry that wasn't the actual intended ending" and replaced it entirely. They're also pretty much NOTHING like the original Tomb Raider games, so trying to compare the two is like apples to oranges.

everyone gets wins now and birds have gotten 2nd place like everytime so they don't get to place this time.


waaaah mommy a girl is in my game. stop distorting the truth you fag.


Kino places:
Prove me wrong


Do they know how finish lines work?

Here's your (You) considering you're trying to pull this on a franchise that had the most iconic woman in gaming since day one.

Attached: i came here to crow at you.gif (268x325, 1.96M)

Attached: file.png (800x543, 118K)

Best of luck Tortorise bros, Its a shame being on Corgi team is now being associated with Reddit, I just like Corgis, they're my favorite dog breed and my pet Winston is also a corgi.

Attached: 1561501145739.jpg (500x374, 49K)

Fuck hareniggers and fuck furries

checkmate retard

Corgis have got 3 wins, I don't think they are gonna be bothered by missing out on one.

Might get Tomb Raider 1 (original), Tomb Raider Legend, and Tomb Raider 1 (Reboot) just to be bipartisan about it.


Attached: wtf.png (1273x457, 26K)

are these the raw numbers without attacks?

Attached: Capture.png (1285x371, 46K)


H-he's fast

Attached: 1533974338415.png (477x151, 9K)

anyone else seeing this corgi shit?

Based pig brother

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Attached: nanithefuck.png (1525x457, 159K)

it's time to put the Corgis down

wait, who won? how do we even know someone got a reward?

Attached: dgtrtr.jpg (474x354, 29K)

>implying we can be stopped
who else /corgichad/

Attached: 1521313227973.jpg (487x432, 47K)

this, turtle bros took the win though

Thy're going to mass attack corgis again and they won't be able to recover for the rest of the race.

It'll probably take like 10-15 minutes to sort shit out. I think Tortoises won but when Valve moved to reset shit for the day it showed the true, unrigged values.

Seethe harder.

turtle but its not showing up

>corgi redditors resorting to cheating once again

How am I not surprised at all.

Valve won.

>People attacking turtle heavily once the new race started
Chill senpai.

Attached: 1560432385264.png (636x852, 608K)

Fuck the retards who confuse Corgis for Shibas.

Attached: 1557426121671.jpg (327x316, 32K)

>turtle in dead last

Attached: 1560020048047.gif (400x300, 954K)

is it rigged if they have thing a so the bigger the team is the less points that they get?



Attached: 1561812375530.png (785x1000, 254K)

harefag spotted


Do the Qualifier Tasks reset at some point?

Why must Rabbit be robbed every fucking time

>But when Piggies cheat its okay
Based retard.

Actual scores from yesterday without Valve's "behind the scenes adjustments" aka rigging.

>It's ok when everyone BUT corgi cheats

Attached: ABfio2l.jpg (500x395, 17K)

Doubt it.

their in third

you talkin shit nigga

Attached: tort.png (1112x431, 35K)


Attached: 1535058825138.png (375x374, 170K)

this whole event is such a fucking garbage shitshow
fuck this

>muh rigging
um, no sweetie, you just got raped by slow downs and steal boosts


We're toying with you.
We're giving you false hope.

t. corgi

Attached: 1534162782698.jpg (3264x2448, 2.67M)

this shit is just easter but more chaotic somehow

I love how the winning teams still haven't been shown for day 4.

no, bird.

>SEETHING corgis

Attached: 1552680639424.gif (640x480, 1001K)

>because valve literally gave corgi a 0.001 multiplier on distance gain

i thought the dog got nerfed, what is this?

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (1241x442, 67K)

>Update store page
>see Corgi in 1st place
>Had this playing in background youtube.com/watch?v=h9f1RfLtAek&t=54s

Fucking neat.

Attached: 1551985662353.png (240x262, 91K)

>Daily challenges to increase capacity without spending $
Thank you, finally.

why did my max points drop? i was 1000 points away from another $5 coupon yesterday. where did it go?



Values reset per day, I think. Gotta give it time for more people to start attacking them.

Corgis are in 1st place though and have won 3 times already, why would they seethe?

how good is Dead Cells and Monolith? I fucking love NT and Gungeon and ive heard they're similar


It still is, corgi's consistently losing total distance from time to time.

Where? I did that qualifier shit yesterday and it didn't refresh for me.

What happens if my highest wishlist game is not yet released? Do I get it when it releases or it gets skipped to the next available one or I get shit on?

is it daily? nonewhere is it shown that it is a daily task. I dont think they can get anything right in this shitty event.

I am using mine on team reddit, i'm using it on those piggies.

ask them

If it's available for pre-purchase your good, if not? No idea frankly.

I'm assuming you get it when it comes out since a lot of people apparently won Cyberpunk.

Move it down just to make sure.

>didn't get my daily 100 capacity yet
wtf valve

I swear to god if you're not blasting GRID soundtrack near the end of the races

Attached: 1543778421524.gif (320x180, 1.11M)

What time does the race end?

Attached: 1304280313138.png (221x179, 86K)

I still got some points left to use until I hit max amount but it won't let me withdraw from achievements.

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (516x306, 31K)

If your game isn't up for purchase/pre-order, then you'll receive your 2nd game on list.

>teams are going backwards in some cases

same here. shit is busted

Not this instead:

It's broken right now.

Just did, none of them are actually seething, falseflagging as usual.


Is that not the whole fucking point?

Noon July 9th, U.S. Central.

LOL everything just went to shit again, corgi in the lead again, after a whole day of losing distance despite being the fastest

it's unbelievable, I don't think I've ever seen a billion dollar company struggling with arithmetic

when will we see the day 4 winners?

Attached: 1535862162295.jpg (1069x266, 28K)

It makes no fucking sense that corgi and bird lost the 4th race. This event is shit.

shits broken atm

Attached: asdfasdfasdf.jpg (544x115, 13K)


lol seethe harder kiddo this is what competition is

They're up: Tort, Hare, Piggie



good job Valve, good job


Attached: C3E1eMbUcAEcuQ0.jpg large.jpg (250x250, 7K)

They lost because Valve faked the proper values so the Tortoises and Hares could get victories

Sweet, now how do we know if we have won anything?

It's been broken since it began.

The race today, not the whole event...

Attached: goomba.jpg (330x327, 25K)

I warned you all, Team Corgi is the biggest and the loudest, that nerf was only temporarily, they bitched and moaned to Valve and now Corgis have been un-nerfed.

You'll get an email if you won.

valve is going to great lengths to ensure this is the worst event they've ever had

Then noon tomorrow.

they send you a notification and email

Corgi's are just plain gibsmedats. Prove me wrong.

Nice to see tortoise beating hare. It's like in the real fairytale.

Being able to choose your team was the biggest mistake, of course everybody was going to hop on to the team that was ahead.

yeah, valve can't upset reddit since they're the biggest cucksomers they have

We still have no chance, do we pigbros?

Attached: pigg.jpg (398x335, 19K)

Hello can someone update me on this shit I've been away for a whole day today. How the fuck did Corgi lose on Day 4? Was that even possible? Did Valve update something again because I just got a fuckload of cap??

>seething autists mad at valve for untying their opponent before the race

Exactly, 70% of steam's users chose team corgi, that's atleast 60% from reddit, its over lads, Corgis are winning from here on out.

Tortoise here
Pigs are getting the least attacks so go for the boost