The Dragon Quest XI team within the Second Development Division has begun work a new project...

>The Dragon Quest XI team within the Second Development Division has begun work a new project, starting up on a challenge unique to a Dragon Quest for the next generation.

>The mission of this project is to “deliver a new appeal of Dragon Quest to fans worldwide.”

>As a new high-definition Dragon Quest title, why not try to create a new Dragon Quest history that moves players like never before with Yuji Horii and the development team?


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Other urls found in this thread:


>to fans worldwide
Puff Puffing is over I guess.

>now that this old fuck Sugiyama is dying we can finally try to appeal to the outside world
About fucking time.

Fuck the outside world. If I wanted fucking westaboo garbage, I'd play fucking FF.





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>it's going to be a DQ ARPG and be called DQW instead of the next number
Here we go.

And you faggots said XI failed worldwide and we wouldn't get any more DQ games in the west.

Go back to resetera you edgy fucktard.

>And you faggots said XI failed worldwide and we wouldn't get any more DQ games in the west.
This is being made specifically to cater to fans in the West because that's where the money is, meaning XI didn't perform well enough in the West for them to continue with their stale ass formula.

See . If I wanted to play a new game in the series that loses its whole identity and feels like some Western knockoff, I'd play MHW. DQ is perfect as is

>brings up Sugiyama out of nowhere

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Dragon Quest has always had spin-offs that change things up though. Unless this is specifically meant to be DQXII, what does it matter?

Why is DQ so unpopular in the West?

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I just want a new DQM Joker with DQXI graphics

It is weird. Most shit with Toriyama's art style sells like hotcakes no matter where.

The don't ever advertise it. I work with 3 people who constantly talk about how they miss old school, 100 hour RPGS and when I tell them about DQXI they've never heard of it or even the franchise.

>new appeal
Well, it was fuck for 40 years I guess. Fuck you yuji horii for allowing this.

They tend to not come out in the US and when they do its either not marketed, understocked, or recently, sold on platforms where there isn't an audience.

>never heard of it or even the franchise
They're not classic JRPGs fans then.

Admittedly the original western releases didn't use his art.

They're all in their early 20's so "classic" to them is PS2. Point is, Square doesn't try get the name out there for people to find out about the series.

I don't like the character designs or medieval settings.
The very first Final Fantasy however was appealing because you make your own characters and party, though shallow as it may be.
If I'm going to play a forced story, the characters better not be hollow tropes and tired cliches, like DQ evidently strives for.

If they haven't even played or heard of DQVIII, they're not fucking anything.

>were westernizing dragon quest

Just release the full version of DQ8 on PC please. Original graphics with the new content and the orchestral OST
Thats all I want

Westerners are uneducated faggots who cannot appreciate solid gameplay, excellent art or immersive storytelling. That's why you were born in the west, becase your stupid.

Why aren't we getting remakes anymore?

Honestly it would be interesting if they tried to replicate the aesthetics of the old NES covers.

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I just want real party chat like IV-VII

They pretty much remade every entry up to VIII in some form or another. Unless you mean the spin offs as well.

I would have loved 11 to pieces if the gameplay wasn't an absolute snore even with a bunch of the modifiers turned on. As it stands its a gorgeous game with a likeable cast and world that utterly bores me to death when I get into combat. Where is the strategy and depth to the gameplay? The only JRPG worse in this regard was FF13. Hopefully this new game manages to fix that.

Yeah but that was years ago.

Okay? The point is there's not much more they can remake at this point regarding mainline. I guess they could redo IX, but outside the online stuff its still a solid game that doesn't need any major updates to graphics or gameplay.

now its fucked.

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I just want 1-3 on a console I am sick of playing them on my phone

The older games were remade several times, updated to the looks of the lastest game. The next step should be making them in the VIIi/XI style.

I don't really get the point of this, but sure. It's not like they're my friends, I just work with the guys. It was just a little anecdotal evidence, but if you want to insult them go ahead.

Never said it matters, just saying that it makes no sense to say this launch doesn't mean SE was happy with DQ performance in the West.

Because a big part of the appeal is nostalgia, in Japan Dragon Quest is as synonymous with classic gaming as Mario and Zelda. The West doesn't have the same association for the series, so it just looks dated over here.

Imagine if A Link Between Worlds or New Super Mario Bros. came out, but Mario and Zelda had never existed before. Nobody would buy them over the modern shooters and action games and would say "what's this cartoony 2D crap?". The association with nostalgic memories is very important to those series, as it is with Dragon Quest in Japan; without those memories, it doesn't make sense.

They did more than enough for the older games. Remaking I-IV to be like XI would be redundant. At that point new games would be preferable.

Where do you think you are, faggot?

oh no

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Another one bites the dust.


I'm just letting you know you're wasting your time. You're trying to shit post me but I don't care about them. I'm trying to save you the time and effort. Go talk about how outdated the gameplay is or how it should change to be like FFVIIRe, you'll get more bites then just me.

>take unique art style that separates this game series from all the rest
>remove it

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>As a new high-definition Dragon Quest title
oh nononononono
nintentoddlers on suicide watch

The Switch does HD.

All they have to do is keep making the same old games but advertise like dragon ball in USA and Europe. DB was never popular until DBS in the west because they started aggressively marketing it here.

how will Switch run this?

Will DQXIS outsell the vanilla version?

I'd just rather them remake VIII with current gen graphics and improved Monster Team. None of the subsequent entries stuck with me and XII had no open-world feeling to it.

Don't bring up anecdotal evidence if you don't want people opining on it. I don't fucking care if I waste both our times. Next time you see your co-workers call them faggots and suck their dicks.

>silent protagonist

Why would anyone play this shitty franchise?

You know you're acting like a little bitch, right.

Female hero or bust.

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Can’t wait for the amazing MIDI soundtrack in 2030

There is nothing wrong with westernising a series if it increases its quality. Look at the games like Xenoblade 2 that tried to appeal to japs more instead of the west. They turned into garbage.

I don't give a fuck.

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busty female hero

Because they made a PC version, obviously everyone just pirated it. They keep doing this too lol.

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Dragon quest never really caught on outside of japan, to most people it is just another turn based jrpg with not much except the art style to set it apart from competition.

Hopefully not, those looks like shit.

when I traded in my ps4 copy of DQ11, the guy behind the counter had never heard of DQ but instantly recognised the "Dragon Ball" artwork. I told him what it played like, and he seemed put off by that.

I think trying to sell a new DQ to westerners is like trying to sell them a 2d sprite-based JRPG, the games are still basically the exact same as they were back then, and most westerners are too normie for that.


The art itself might be questionable, but I still like the overall style. At the very least, the guy on the cover reminds me of Ronin Warriors.

They don't need to westernize it. They need to fucking market it.

Why would you pay for something you can get for free?

Bringing up the PC version is a non-sequitur, since Dragon Quest has had issues in the west long before any kinds of pc releases.

why has Yuji Horii forsaken us?

I bet it will be an ARPG.

I heard that the PC version gets no updates while the Switch version does regularly.

>i can be a massive faggot as much i want in le epic Yea Forums xD
Summerfags are the worst of the worst. Grow up and have sex.

Explain DQ to me.
What's the appeal?

I tried DQ8,9 and 11 and it's the most generic, boring shit ever. It's like a parody with the most basic everything possible. Is it some eternal nostalgia?
People pretend it's some god like franchise but it's such a boring garbage.

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Sorry, Japan only :)

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>inb4 mass reply
That screencap is very out of date. It was made one month after worldwide release, which happened 13 months after Japanese release. 0.6 mil is a pretty damn good sales number in that time period.
Game's coming to Switch in September and with and with DQ representative in Smash sales will surely increase even further.

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old Ys is the polar opposite of the games you named. Thry are closer to the trails in the sky games. Lots and lots of talking.



>action rpg is happneing
Its going to be shit

They already were going that route with 11s battle system.

Puf-Puf was not hardcore enough

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unironically good

I hope they import the pokemon go geodata I don't want to have to register new stops also there's one right next to my house

no it would not

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it enjoys no special status here, it has to compete with a slew of other notable RPG titles. Compared to those the youth in particular is turned off by DQ, and older players prefer PC RPGs like DivOS2.

>appeal of Dragon Quest to fans worldwide
It's ogre.

Fucking Trunks, I swear to God.

>9 dragon quest games with goku/gohan on the cover
>the one that is full beautiful 3D and comes to PC has fucking trunks

The only one who legit looks like Goku is this one.

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>erdrickfags shit up smash threads for months
>he gets in, but his series gets MHW'd and he only has 2 color slots
how's that monkey paw working out?

Please no, I'm still seething over how shit World is and how future MonHun will be like it.

Because you want then to make more.

>erdrickfags shit up smash threads for months
You mean filthy Smashfags that have never touched a Dragon Quest game and thought Erdrick was from DQ1. The very same people that circlejerk Cloud but have never played FF VII.

Why do you keep posting that hilariously outdated image? We’ve known for over 6 months now that DQXI sold over a million units in the west.

Nice blogpost and fake autismo story that you made up in your head, take your meds, shizo.

>trying to appeal to "fans worldwide"
It's already deconfirmed.

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source please

pfhaha good luck, you need more persona 5 style and not medieval shit with dragob nall z art


Same thing as to why Klonoa didn't catch on despite its great platforming, lack of marketing. The US didn't get a fucking commercial for this series until the Wii remake, and even then that one was under advertised.

You dumb cunts buy it anyway so I might as well pirate.

Erdrick IS from dq1. In fact he may be the only one actually named erdrick since his real name was lost to time and he was simply known by his title. Being his descendant, dq1 would either have erdrick as his first or last name

hopefully they made a modern Dragon Warrior Monsters and btfo lazy-ass GameFreak

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and this is why dragon quest is not popular in the west because people like you, amerifaggots call every mosnter catching game pkmn clone and keep comparing it to pkmn thats why yw failed too

>Dragon Quest going for worldwide appeal
Oh no. It's doomed. Prepare for a DQ with real time hack-and-slash combat where you only get to control one character.

On the other hand it's nice that Squeenix is finally seeing the potential the series has for worldwide popularity.

Playing through XI right now.
God that game is beautiful and good and fun.
Really 9/10game easily.

>Prepare for a DQ with real time hack-and-slash combat where you only get to control one character.


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Maybe you should form a petition for western fans that DONT want worldwide appeal and send it to the devs so they can see we dont want the formula changed, just available for once

That's Russian roulette for me.

The West only plays Persona. JRPGs as a whole are a niche.

I bought the fucking 150$ PS4 Collectors edition if they don’t release the extra features as DLC i’m never buying a DQ game day 1 ever again.

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>>take unique art style that separates this game series from all the rest
What rest?
DQ isn't the only JRPG with Toriyama's art, let alone the only videogame, look at Chrono Trigger, the Blue Dragon games, Tobal, etc.

hoes mad

Eat a dick nigger

Dq had it first. The guy who made dq made chrono trigger. And blue dragon came way way later, like 20 years after dq.

Tobal is nothing and didnt have toriyama style. It had "toriyama" style that doesnt even resemble his work both in 2d and in the actual game

It's “generic” because all these JRPG conventions were first established by Dragon Quest (or it stole them from Ultima). It's not so much that DQ is generic, but that every other JRPG is a DQ clone.

They can't appreciate its simplicity.

the gameplay is archaic even for a JRPG and it take forever for Square Enix to translate the game practically snuffing out whatever interest they had in the first place, which is garbage because the same publisher makes Final Fantasy XIV which had easily triple the text and 10 times the amount of speaking lines and is able to ship that game worldwide in 4 languages.

>Dq had it first.
Matters little.
>The guy who made dq made chrono trigger.
No he didn't, Horii was part of a team and had no real prerogative over the other designers or producers.
>Tobal is nothing
It had two games and Toriyama did work on its character design.
>It had "toriyama" style that doesnt even resemble his work both in 2d and in the actual game
Both wrong.

Nigga it was him, the faggot who made final fantasy, and toriyama who made chrono trigger. If toriyama had script input, and he did, then the guy with a history of homerun RPGs definitely had more than a little input.

And tobal gained no recognition because it looked nothing like toriyama. Its art doesnt look like toriyama and in game the models looked even less. Blue dragon kind of fell into the same trap as it's very slightly off style

You are a complete retard.

Attached: 45354-tobal-no-1-playstation-front-cover.jpg (800x805, 166K)

Thanks for proving my point you fucking imbecile

Oh yeah, and its also a shitty bottom of the barrel fighting game, not a jpeg. So right off the bat you proved you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about

Except in the main series and not as a musou. Don't be coy, you know what I meant.

Realistically, why would Yuji Horii ever allow this?

Yuji horii once allowed me to claim he was my dad so I could ride first class with him.

Kept trying to rub my thigh the whole way though

this when he dies the games can finally have good gameplay to match their artstyle (previously the only good thing going for it)

>They're not classic JRPGs fans then.
What's there not to get. Nothing about being in your 20's stops you from going back and enjoying classics from a genre you profess to be a fan of. They're not anything like that poster just said.

Based Horri

Puff Puff is never over. Ever.

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sounds based af

Not if the Square Enix ethics department has something to say about it!

say goodbye to your big anime tiddies incel!

Square autism is separate from what goes on at enix. The company is split up like those right twix left twix commercials

dg9 pc update when

12 will be the best DQ so far, mark my word.
>class system in
>monster requirement with evolution/breeding system in
>party chat back in
>marriage in
>actual good story and pacing in
>Sugiyama get hit by a car and have a 180 degree personality change, now actively trying to promote DQ outside of Japan with his orchestral music

are any of these things actually confirmed or is this just wishful thinking?

>Sugiyama get hit by a car and have a 180 degree personality change, now actively trying to promote DQ outside of Japan with his orchestral music

He should just die already. That old fuck can go to hell.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?
What is all this shit about Sugiyama since he got outed as a right winger?

You know DQ, since 11 have no class system, the next game or the next next game will have it for sure.

I genuinely hope you die first asshole

>Except in the main series
Nigger Japan literally was ready to burn down Square Enix and kill all it's staff on two separate occasions when both IX and XI were rumored to be Action games. If Square Enix ever turned DQ into a Western franchise like Final Fantasy, they would unironically never be able to do business in Japan ever again.

Nothing to do with politics, Sugiyama keeps restricting the music for the games.

No he doesnt you fucking retard
Stop reading Kotaku articles
Dragon Quest has always had synth music, its part of the tradition of DQ
DQ8 was the only game in the series to get orchestral tracks in the western release and it was done purely to appeal to the west
Stop acting like an entitled nigger and download the orchestral mod


how about 11?

What about 11?

Sugiyama is fucking based

He even inspired all the greats in the video game music industry to get in on that shit.

Dragon Quest 1 could be remade in a souls style exploration and combat system.

Sugiyama made some of the best music in vidya history
He's also based as fuck as a person
I hate how faggot leftist news outlets have poisoned the well and now every redditor hates this lovely man

A breathe of the wild like overworld could work as well.

I think that's literally his point. We get nothing and Japan gets actual music

Why do you think western release get Midi instead orchestral tracks then?

Also DQ8 in 3ds, japan get full orchestral music while western get MIDI despite original ps2 release have orchestral music too.
>inb4 to be fair with original japanese version
That's like saying tales of abyss in 3ds need to be gutted because original western release in ps2 have much more content compared to original jp release.

>unique to a Dragon Quest for the next generation
Fucking phoneshit

>can clearly make out the Americas, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Australia, etc.

what did Hori mean by this???

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Japan doesnt get the Orchestral tracks either bud

Because every game has synth tracks
They are not MIDI, you have clearly never heard MIDI lmao
DQ8 on the 3ds doesnt have orchesteal tracks I dont know where you heard that lie
DQ8 western release on the ps2 is the only DQ to have official orchestral music, period

I'm playing 5 and I want to keep saber because he's important to DICKS, but my rotten apple is so much better in every way that I cant rationalize keeping him on

Monster hunter world wasn't westernised it was casulised. There is a difference

not entirely true
V PS2, the Western version of VIII PS2 and the Japanese versions of VII 3DS, VIII 3DS and XI have orchestral music

rotten apple stop leveling at 20

Then how come the jp 3ds games are all orchestrated and its those that they use as a basis for hacking the music back into the western releases?

He's way stronger though, wont that pick up the slack until better monsters overall start appearing?

DQVIII and DQVII on 3DS both had synth versions of the orchestrated music in the west. Not Midi.

>Then how come the jp 3ds games are all orchestrated and its those that they use as a basis for hacking the music back into the western releases?
They aren't
Where did you hear this?

>the Japanese versions of VII 3DS, VIII 3DS and XI have orchestral music
No they dont

Anyone playing joker 3? Why's my slime stack has at least twice the stats of monster with higher rank and breeding level?
>slime stack, rank E+17
>400 fucking points all over its stats
>slime knight rank C+43
>barely 200 attack, other stats even lower
It's not like my slime stack has lower stat cap anyway

I dont like this bait

The 3DS version of VII has orchestrated music from a concert CD, which was also used in Theatyrhythm.

VIII 3D had the music from the American PS2 release.

XI only has orchestrated in the Switch release.

>designs for everything, from armor to monsters, massively toned down and made more "realistic"
>color palatte notably less vibrant
>fucking full voice acting in an MH game with a focus on story
I don't know how you see that as anything other than "westernized".

It was both.
>more grounded and tame weapon and armor designs
>goofy fantasy language replaced with real voice acting

>designs for everything, from armor to monsters, massively toned down and made more "realistic"
I think they just have shit weapon designer this time, can't argue with it though
>color palatte notably less vibrant
>fucking full voice acting in an MH game with a focus on story
You can disable the voice and change it to wyverian, also are you shitting on 4U?

I swear I've seen a nip lets play of VIII and it had the synth tracks

Is it finally time for souls combat DQ1 remake?

Go back to r*ddit

dragon quest builder

Nope. It's orchestrated in Japan on the 3DS.

As far as Japan is concerned, the 3DS version is the definitive release. Then America got Sugiyama'd.

Can't believe we are being invaded by Sugiyama defense force.

Square made the excuse that they didnt add the orchestral tracks for filespace though
So did they lie? Or maybe it was to accommodate for the english voices taking up additional space

SE makes the game, not Gamefreak.

I cant believe the guy who claimed to troll dq threads, you, is actually doing just that.

I said back then I never saw any trolling. Now I've seen it


Dude all the dq games are like 2 to 3 gigs, max. The carts can hold up to 8 as far as I know. Since pokemon really takes up tons of fucking space

Why are you bringing up Gamefreak?

>party chat back in
XI didn't have it?

SE isn't that incompetent.

Maybe slime knight is just shit.

Retard that does not know anything as usual.

1. Denies Japanese Holocaust
2. Releases midi versions just so he can sell orchestra version CDs and concerts
3. All around just old piece of shit.

Go back to resetera you fucking leftist scum
Nobody gives a shit here

It's a spinoff action RPG that stays in development hell for ten years before getting re-branded as a sequel.

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1. Insects aren't people
2. Synth =/= midi
3. Kys trannyera

God I hope you and your whole bloodline die

Imagine wishing death on some harmless old musician on the other side of the planet just because he said mean stuff once or twice in the past.

The Japanese 3DS version had voice acting too, so...

>mean stuff
You mean supporting the official stance of the Japanese government? How controversial
Westacucks pretending to know a single thing about Japanese affairs is fucking comedy

but japanese voices have lower size than western voices. Need space for all the accent you know.

Smash babbies seething
Secondaries seething
Arpg cucks seething

Thats what Squeenix said, that it was an optimization issue
So they flat out lied apparently
I wonder why they would do that, why would they intentionally want worse sales?

Switch to monster hunter language. And the armor/weapons designs probably have more to do with budget/time concerns. We already know the Lagiacrus skeleton was being worked on but didn't make the cut for World due to issues.

they don't want to compete with FF.

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Sugiyama is the reason the soundtrack is godlike you tranny, go dilate and learn to respect your elders

Yeah, but they reused too many.

>wanting to appeal to the west
Its over DQ is ruined

Based Nippon Samurai

Sugiyama's work in XI was kinda fucking bland to be honest. I say this as someone who loves his work otherwise and is still mad we didn't get DQ Theatyrhthm.

I'd kill of Kenji Kawai did a Dragon Quest OST in the future.


I'd like Uematsu desu
I think he would suit it better

Money. Duh. Costs less to just not dub it