Witcher 3 is the only good AAA western made game in the past decade

Witcher 3 is the only good AAA western made game in the past decade

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Does Kingdom Come count as AAA though?

haha o wow.

It's good except it's shit

whats the replay value of that game? any mods that give the combat some kind of depth? i kinda want to explore the painted world again

Nah, it's just a okay game. Cyberpunk will likely be the same.

That was shit though.

thats a solid argument you have there

what the fuck is wrong with yennefer in this pic

>uselessly huge and empty open world shit
>garbage controls
>"detective vision" automated bullshit disguised as actual gameplay

Uhhh, think again, sweaty

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At least it was a demo how to make open world not too boring especially considering it came out not long after DA Inquisition which was a demo on how not to make open world games

>copy-pasted enemy camps plastered all over the map are quality, meaningful content
lmao delusional witcher 3 fags

>people bash it
>go back to skyrim
>go back to witcher again
every time

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I cannot wait to regret buying this for the switch

That's MGSV

Theres a mod that gives more deph to the combat on nexus mods.

And The Witcher 3.

Being stupid on proupose isnt funny

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You never really played the game, poorfag

Except in V the camps are all there is while W3 is full of story driven sidequests you dumb shitposter

> Game targets for you
> just press atack or dodge button

Oh wow, this game is a fucking masterpiece.

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>defending shitter 3
That's not a solid bowel movement you have there


Yes it is.

>Pre-downgrade bullshot

Both are AA games. Also Souls.

Your Metaphors are total shit.

My analogy is Witcher 3, so yes it is shit.

witcher 3 is bad though. Incredibly boring game

Sidequests putting some decent effort into offering semi-decent stories and choices is literally the only good thing about the game.
Still, all the actual gameplay you get to experience is retarded "follow the red dots" garbage that plays itself, so who the fuck cares?
At least MGSV is fun.


>At least MGSV is fun.
If only desu, the dead world just puts it down so much and it adds nothing to the game except making you wait in a helicopter for 5 mintues every time you want to do anything. The game should have been a series of big missions like GZ. That way it would really have been an improved Peace Walker. The way it is now it's just a turd

Tell us what are you currently playing?

>getting GOTY
toppest of keks, my ugly poorfag spic friend.

user is upset not everyone likes his favorite video game

Yea Forums is so braindead and full of pathetic waste of space newfags trying so hard to fit in and absolutely failing at it that they didn't realized this was a joke. The Witcher isn't a western game you absolute worthless sacks of shit

>Top scoring game on metacritic on all platforms (by user score which is the only score that matters on metacritic)
>Won the highest amount of GOTY awards of all time
>2nd highest rated game of all time on Steam according to Steam Top 250 with 190,000 reviews, of which 97% are positive
>Its DLC (Blood and Wine) won RPG of the year over Dark Souls III
>Still rakes in 15,000-25,000 players monthly on steam 4 years on release
When will The Witcher 3 haters learn that they're objectively wrong? I'm sorry you were not able to enjoy one of the best games of all time, but it doesn't change the fact that it is indeed one of the best, if not the best.

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>one of the best games of all time
Wrong thread

>muh cold war geography
Europe is still the west, even its eastern reaches.

Without the helicopter part you wouldn't know which vehicles are starring in the mission though

>uses metacritic and journalist awards as objective argument

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>everyone calls it good must mean it's good
Ever heard about argumentum ad populum?

warhammer II and three kingdoms total war games are legit.

it must not be very popular since the mods that show on nexus about tw3 are just eye candy shit and what not...

doom is pretty good.

Thanks for proving me right.

More like contrarianism in order to "fit in."

Surely THIS is what superior breeding looks like

where did I say that, you absolute fucking brainlet? I'm saying it is at the top spot by every kind of assessment you can think of, which makes it objectively good.

Stop saying western. It's european.

All you americans are unable to make good games for the last 30 years.

>everyone's opinions are less important than my own shitty opinion
get a load of this snowflake

>Nobody gives a shit about metacrittic rates that are only fueled by fanboys of certain games.
> last GTA and Red Dead both outsold The Witcher with GTA having done so 6 times as much, but sure ignore that.
>10 years ago it was the same with everyone and his grandma putting Half-life 2 as the chosen century messiah of gaming
> Last of Us in that list proves it's also merely based on cucks who care more for story than gameplay.

The Witcher 3 is still a brainlet normie RPG for people who actually just want to watch a movie rather than play a game.

Shit you stink

>uses copies sold as a measure of merit
>calls witcher normie
I think we're done here now that you've started contradicting your own shitty arguments

As always, just ask anyone who disagrees what they think is better, it's always some genuine trash

For me? It's Matilda Vermentino

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They are if there's zero argumentation backing them up and instead popularity is used as a bludgeon to silence dissent instead of explaining the merits of it.

Other retarded open world garbage action game "wrpgs" being worse doesn't make it good

>Start witcher 3
>Get to Novigrad
>Drop the game for months
>Play it again to completion
Has anyone who owns this game and beat it never not done this on their first run/?

Your post didn't contain a good game, so I'll assume you don't think any game is good, which is okay, this is Yea Forums after all

There aren't

Implying you even argue, you retarded samefagging nigger.
Guy just posted a general consensus on the subject and proof that backs it up, you think the general consensus is wrong? then the burden of proof and argument solely lies on (You) my friend. We need argue nothing here. Feel free to type up something that isn't a "i'm seething it got GOTY but shitborne didn't" one-liner anytime.

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>witcher 3's combat

>witcher 3 haters
>having brain

You don't wanna see this guy argue, he bitches about mundane stuff and turns the best attributes of the game into negatives. He's a poorfag spic with legitimate autism, or maybe a sopa de macaco shill on bethesda payroll since he honestly proposed skyrim as a better open world at one point.

>each of the 14000 metacritic reviews of the pc version alone has written argumentation
>lmao zero argumentation

can you come up with your own argumentation, fag?


>"teh witcher iz shit coz combuts bad"
>goes back to jrpgs, obsidishit and gachashit
what did he mean by this?

>game made in poland

>beautiful graphics
>interesting, well written story and dialogues
>great VA
>choices that matter
>2 expansion packs that would be released as their own games by any other studio
just off the top of my head, i would write more but I'm busy playing vidya

So nothing about gameplay, interesting.
Nice "videogame" you got there, fag.

>God Hand

the combat is servicable but anyway all the best rpgs have shitty gameplay

Yes I dropped the Witcher 3 for months after starting out too. It's an ok game, even great sometimes but I did have to force myself to complete it.

Witcher 3 was like $80M total
KC:D was like $35M total
I really doubt any From game costed more than $20-30M total.

W3 is the only AAA game on that list. It has enough high quality localisations to stand on equal footing with first party Sony/MS titles.

What other western AAA games with zero black people in them are there?
Witcher 3 doesn't have a lot of competition.

this. the combat/gameplay is bad meme only exists because it's literally the only aspect where witcher 3 is not 10 times better than everything else. It's still AS good as everything else, but the haters gotta cling onto what they can.

That's some serious damage control...

Yes, and? There's the east and the west. The east is all the asian countries, the west is europe and america.

but tw3 is poorfag consoletard game. unlike the first witcher which required the best pc at the time and its pc exclusive still.

>Muh PC
You get nothing but shitty indie games, godawful console ports and Sims on PC retard.

is it really western-made when they are made in eastern europe

look here people, this is the most retarded post on Yea Forums all week

That's actually how it works though?

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witcher 3 is shit. deal with it retard.

for his own shitty self, sure that's what's important. but when we're talking about objective facts, no.

They use tools made by western companies
Speak english, hire internationally, bend the knee to EU etc.

Yes retard. "The west" includes europe, all of europe.

I'm sorry you were unable to enjoy the best game of all time. user. Must be sad, being unable to enjoy what so many enjoyed so dearly

the replay value is making different choices and seeing different outcomes. Sadly, I replayed it once and made all the same choices the right ones

>kingdom cum

but they use black magic and child sacrifices

>uses a photo of his long-gone father as an objective argument
What did he mean by this!?

and I'm sorry that you never got to play witcher in 2007 because all you had was threeshittu

Lmao objective facts.
No such thing.

no u

I can agree with that

The universal utility of Stirner makes his philosophy very appealing

It is unless you don't understand what western or eastern means for video games.

Sorry user but that's how autism works. Look up theory of mind

western is pretty much everything not made in japan

it's okay. every video games these days is a ubisoft sandbox with enemy fortresses and treasure boxes around every bend and you press a button to batman vision. the world design was p detailed but i can only watch so many hours of shot-reverse-shot in-engine conversations with tiny impacts in cookie-cutter missions

It's shit though.

does she have any rule34 stuff

witcher 3 - 10/10

both expansions 11/10

original sin 2 - 10/10


>go to dead body
>activate batman vision
>Geralt comments on the body
>follow red blood trail with batman vision
>kill beast or bandits
>some twist in the writing to give the illusion that it's not a generic rpg quest
>rinse and repeat for 100+ in game hours
Wow great game guys.

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There's a funny pasta about this and the fact that you didn't post that instead makes you a fucking idiot.

>Witcher 3
Stopped reading there

>>"detective vision" automated bullshit disguised as actual gameplay
This here is my biggest gripe with the game, you're not doing any investigation yourself, Geralt does everything for you. You can just shut your brain off and click on red things to progress through the quests.

Turn off everything but the quest log retard, I played the whole game like that and only had to use batman vision for like 10 seconds every hour.

Even when you turn off the batman vision you're still not doing any investigation yourself retard.

>reviews, sales and awards determine quality
Fuck off NPC

Yes, you are. I've done it hundreds of times retard.

It was a kickstarter game made by (mostly) first time developers

No you don't, Geralt still says his lines when you click on something with batman vision turned off, the quests progress exactly the same, that's simply how they're structured.
You're not doing any investigation yourself, but CDPR seems to have mastered the skill of giving low iq retards like you the illusion that you're doing something.

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not with geralt's goofy wide head and silly animations it isn't

You can't interact with quest item without the retarded "witcher senses".

Aren't almost all games basically RPG's?

You're playing a role in every game

In the same way that almost all Yea Forumsirgins are basically retards

What other games are "normie Yea Forums", that is games that are like, if you filled a shopping mall full of anons then these would be the games that the most normie of them all like, games that aren't actually all that good and are more mainstream than you realize and are only held up as perfect games because anons think playing them makes them real gamers when it really doesn't?

The first few games that come to mind are witcher 3, fallout, tf2, skyrim, any souls game and mayyyybe hollow knight?

I tend to completely disregard the opinions of anyone who says any of those is their favorite game of all time because they usually can't form an original thought

Like I said, for 10 seconds every hour.

There's tons of quests where you can skip one or many steps by using your brain retard. This is how I know you've barely played the game.

pure contrarianism

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nothing wrong with fallout. I agree with nv being a normalshit magnet though.


>tfw you're a newfag and trying to fit in

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Like going directly to a monster lair without following a blood trail? Wow user you're smart as fuck for doing that.

Stay mad tranny.

hardly, a lot of them were from 2k czech.

Arthur should have looked like this in the final game, way more character and soul


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I should really play original sin 2 ha. I played like 30 minutes of it and wasn't that into it. I'll try to give it another shot.

wait, so you're saying all Yea Forumsirgins are not retards?

that fucking pic

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