The X-Box is the White Man's console. Everything else is nigger tier, PC included

The X-Box is the White Man's console. Everything else is nigger tier, PC included.

Attached: 636434062729442943-XboxOneS-CnsleCntrllr-Hrz-FrntTlt-TransBG-RGB.png (3200x1680, 2.25M)

Makes sense since every xbox player I meet both irl and online is a mouthbreathing cousinfucker.

Those are Muslims, user. They don't fuck only goats but also their cousins.

Everybody knows PD4 is the nigger console. They are too poor to afford a PC

Only Jews and Arabs do that you imbecile. Even Einstein did it.

Consoles are nigger tier

Fucking faggots still playing with controllers u all need to kys


Attached: perfect wife.jpg (1242x1275, 250K)

Never said they don't, you illiterate mongoloid.
Mouse and keyboard is for dumb nerds with no sense of quality.

the thinking man's choice B)

if you ever worked at a gamestop, you would know that its universally only niggers and some very few and far between whites that play xbox one
360 was a different time

You said Muslims you son of a whore. Do Malaysian Muslims marry their cousins? Do you see your mistake you 50iq retarded monkey white trash trailer junkie




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Most Arabs are Muslims, you inbred retard. And almost all Muslims do it.

>PC white
>Xbox black
>Sony japs
>Nintendo kids

>Mgs on xbox

No one gives a fuck what u think you console faggot go twirl a thumbstick in ur ass or something lol

>Sony Japs
Lmao what, they all play mobile shit or Nintendo. Nothing else

Obvious nigger speak.

Arab Christians do it as well, Europeans do it as well to some extent. Out of 2 billion Muslims maybe 300 mill of them are Arabs you mentally retarded piece of shit. Seems like your parents are brother and sister, uneducated fuckboy

At least I dont play with a controller in the year 2019

>Europeans do it as well to some extent
Nope. Only the sandniggers that are invading Europe do it. Your family for example.
I feel bad for you.

Not true. Every Xbox owner I've met has been Spanish or brown.

>Sony European, Japanese
>xbox amerimutts
>nintendo manchildren and brain-damaged trannies
>pc heheu monkeys, russians and other 3rd world countries that can't afford gaming platform

Come in white countries then.

>Microsoft linked games store with pc
>Buying Xbox when pc is vastly superior
They literally want out of the console market

>Sony European, Japanese
>xbox amerimutts
>nintendo manchildren and brain-damaged trannies PLUS amerimutts
>>pc heheu monkeys, russians and other 3rd world countries that can't afford gaming platform

yes, low iq republicans use xbox, everyone knows that. the ps4 is the console for people who arent retarded

>what is the aristocracy
Uneducated twat stop living off of your parents and read a book for once low class trash scavenger


>hurr this guy is right I don't know what to write now durr
Get fucked

Destiny is a So'yCore

Gaming should never be about the consoles. Better story mechanics a mor interactive world are far more important.Photorealism is overrated 4k is useless 32k will be when they achieve it and that's 50y into the future.

>White Man's console
so long as they're LGBT or an ally

No one cares how u feel ur still a console nigger

Aren't you pcfags the ones who want everything to be ultra realistic with 4k resolution at 140fps?

MGS 2/3 HD, MGS Peace Walker, and MGR all play on Xbone but not PS4 lmao.

Asian (except for India and China)
Third-world countries (especially India and China)

Xbox One X is legit my favorite console in a long time. HDR looks amazing. Native 4k looks amazing. Tons of great backward compatibility games that run BETTER. Just for shits I system linked OGbox, 360, and Bone together at our PC LAN party last week. You even have a bittorrent app right in your apps folder. Its great.

Why do only En Words like it?

MGR isn't on ps4? What the fuck.

Can confirm niggers fuck their cousins so they say cuz to every girl to make it so you don’t know who’s an actual cousin

xbox is for spics

>MGS2/3 without pressure sensitivity

>have a crazy muscular manlet of a neighbour
>he often sings retarded funny songs of his own creation about gabagool, niggas, jews, dog balls etc
>has a german shepherd
>cant tell of he Is autistic or not
>I know for a fact that he has an xbone and a switch