On June 17, 2019, U.S. brewery company Anheuser-Busch filed a trademark for the word mark, “The Official Beer of Esports” with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
In addition to this, Anheuser-Busch filed trademarks for the word marks “The Official Beer of Gamers” and “The Official Beer of Gaming.”
On June 17, 2019, U.S. brewery company Anheuser-Busch filed a trademark for the word mark...
>implying the official beer of gamers isn't Rolling Rock
I hate how people use the brand esport. There's no "Official X of SPORTS". People who watch fighting games will usually just watch fighting games. People who like MOBAs will probably just watch MOBAs.
imagine trying to call yourself the official drink of gamers when Mountain Dew and Monster exist
Why is bud so shitty? No other conglomerate beer is like this. Must be the rice.
>Mountain Dew and Monster
>Not water
>implying gamers drink water
bud light lime is unironically good
havent tried that orange one but i bet its good too
>not gamer girl pee
get on my level fags
the gamer community is really gonna fall apart once everyone becomes an alcoholic.
Its shitty watered down beer, its plain garbage how can you americans drink that, drink some european beer and tell me otherwise.
When the fuck has water ever been associated with gamer beverages. Don't project your shit taste.
How the fuck can you do that? Can a company just name their product "official product of Sports" or "official product of earth"? I realize this shit only flies because the people who make the decision haven't got the slightest idea what technology past the 1980s actually does (aside from facebook that is, boomers love their facebook) but come the fuck on. Isn't there some sort of law against wide sweeping copyrights? Can they just come to any tournament/game and claim that their drink is the official drink?
you can't call yourself the" official drink of (organization)" without getting approval but companies have and will try to say shit like "we're the people's drink" and shit like that, no matter how much you say it, chances are someone else is also saying.
look faggot my favorite beer is rince cochon, i drink plenty of yuro beers, i drink craft all the time much of which is better than yurotrash, i drink better beer than you. but theres nothing wrong with a refreshing bud light lime. regular bud light is trash
the european superiority complex is so pathetic
Its not a complex if its true.
I've been to several European countries and the beer was dogshit except for Britain and Greece. Spain, Portugal and France was some of the worst beer I've ever tasted. Spain's beer tasted closer to turpentine than any discernible beverage and it was their most popular drink.
It's pretty much like trademarking a slogan, I think.
Like how the cowboys are "Americas team" when no one has given a shit about them since the mid 90's.
june 17th is my birthday
yea okay. ill just sit here with my cases of Natty Ice like a real gamer. loser.
>not PBR
Burgerland beer is super trash. Might as well drink mineral water instead of that piss.
i challenge you to a mich ultra drink off
You should have tried based Deutsch beer niggah. Now that shit tastes fucking great and gets you drunk after downing 2-3 of them.
too many muslims there now
based and muttpilled
this is a womans beer user, still 95 cals is the miracle of the world just like non sugar coke
I just got some Budweiser Budvar the other day for the first time, haven't tried it out yet. What am I in for?
Pairs well with Total War games
Shouldn't there be some sort of law restricting the use of the word official if you aren't actually officially anything
>not a proper beer
>not a proper sport
Seems fitting
Companies try to trademark a shitload of things.
They've only filed for the trademark.
If their claim is strong enough, they will receive it.