This is a mistake

this is a mistake

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Other urls found in this thread:

Burn my bread

women are a mistake

Stop talking about Persona 3 and talk about Persona 1+2 for fucking once

Talk about Persona 3

Persona started with three, brainlet.

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The only Mistake here is your taste for FES, nigger.

Why don't you start?

My taste is superior

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So? who is getting cucked?

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[sick drum beat plays]

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FES is unnecessary and they could have easily brought back the MC without turning him into a Jesus

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Literally short haired Kasumi

P3 protagonist is the only plothole i want solved they said marie left velvet room to save him but its been silence since P4A maybe should have been the plot of PQ or PQ2

katsumi isn't even out yet so it doesn't even matter

more like fixing a mistake positive

No, Kasumi is long-haired shortstack her.

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Katsumi is the shittier version of Mitsuru all the way down to the weapon

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Junpei being attracted to her when he literally friendzoned her to be with chidori

What has Marie got to do with P3 MC? It's Elizabeth who left Velvet Room just to save him, and it's not just Elizabeth but probably the whole Kirijo group as well.

Saving P3 MC shouldn't be far-fetched by now because of P5 cast facing off Yaldabaoth and people rooting for the Phantom Thieves for saving the world

That won't stop him from wackin it

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persona 1+2 suck though. Just like SMT sucks

>Q2 pretty much confirms multiverse theory
>FemC is from a universe where sci-fi movies reign supreme and the answer doesn't exist

Living the dream.

Then how come Risette is in an ad in Persona 5

She can't stop sucking her producer's cock.

>you can only be attracted to one person at a time

You're telling me. Every cat lady and homo has been nonstop begging for a new playable FeMC in every subsequent game since her debut regardless of how much time/resources it would take to make another route in the new games. It's fucking annoying man.

>Wow bro you found the answer to the life
>Dies afterwards

FES is shoe on head retarded

She's not even that cute for a female protagonist. The only interesting thing about her is how hard Atlus ignores her.

Only because nobody gives a shit about her since Makoto is cuter


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I mean the cuter Makoto

I tried playing Persona 2, but the talking in battle really put me off.
I like it much better in 3 when its just edgier pokemon.
Not to mention the art is pretty terrible.
The dialogue heads look alright, but literally everything else is just blurry pixels with minimal animation.
Also got really annoyed at the range of expressions for their characters (They have one portrait for pretty much every situation, and they constantly make a O_O face on the model because what else can they really do with such a limiited style?).
The movie parts are alright, but they are so few and far between that they just give me a slight taste of what their vision of the game was before they go back to ps1 graphics.
Wish they'd give it a proper remake since the environment seemed interesting, and uses some ideas that the latest games seem to touch on too with the town rumors affecting reality.
It's a shame they 'remade' it on the PSP while improving so little. At least if they go back to it in the future, they are more likely to actually give both 1 & 2 attention if they even bother with either of them at all.

Yes that is true. What's your point?

>Cutest girl
>Best weapon type in the series

...Where have you been?

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That's how it is in Persona 3

Been cucking you with Shinjiro senpai.

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That would only mean Akihiko gets to be with Mitsuru, dumb ugly bitch.

Akihiko and Mitsuru are two forever alone socially inept virgins.

Actually, that's best girl.

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I shared tender moments with five or six of the girls in my first playthrough, but only really liked a couple of them.
Chihiro - total bitch; snaps at you and other NPCs over the smallest things. Fake nerd
Fuuka - annoying voice and really bad portraits
Yuko - easy baka; future babymomma
Mitsuru - really boring despite being one of the most attractive characters; prissy version of Yukari
Elizabeth - nice design, no strings attached. Is an alien or something?
Maeko - great story; cute little sister
Yukari - Asuka of P3: canon, needy, and pretty well developed
Aegis - also canon, but basically an iDog; let's you cum on her circuits. Attracted to you for plot purposes

Mitsuru can easily have her virginity taken because she's a beauty. Can't say the same about Akihiko with his obsession on fitness.


>Mitsuru - really boring
The game made it that way because she is only supposed to give a shit about her father, her responsibility, and the Kirijo group's future. She is never meant to be a canon lover.

Nonetheless, she's still the best girl because she isn't an entitled princess-type cunt unlike Yukari.

I was upstairs banging Mitsuru, bitch-ass nigga.

No she is just the socially aloof rich girl instead so you waste all this time going through the motions of this 'I've never experienced being with a commoner like you before' trash instead of digging right into her main character points in the story that you mentioned: her responsibilities and her father.
It felt like going on a date with Elizabeth except she wasn't stuck in a different dimension for most of her life. Just why?
They had all the works to make her Yukari but better with all the plot of her past, but then they waste our time with that. I'd be with you, but the character interaction just doesn't take her there. Liked hearing her much more as the Tartarus guide than Fuuka.

Both of them

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>Eriko in average
Glad that you exposed your utter shit taste for the world to see

The fact that you have to wait until near the end of the year and ace your exams just to start her social link should tell you how private and closed off she is about her persona life. You have to spend time with her to gradually pick away at her shell and get her to open up. The whole thing with her trying different stuff is to show how controlled her life has been for the good of her company, and the resolution to her social link is to start thinking for herself and taking her life into her own hands for the first time.

She's busy dealing with her studies, becoming the next suitable heir for the Kirijo, and was extremely sheltered because her family is keeping her safe at any cost, yet she still insisted that she must take responsibility, founded SEES, and fought alongside with other members.

She's only seemed to be boring because she is so fixated with her goal to undo the shit her grandfather did to the children. She can completely step away from these responsibilities, but no, she still faced everything as a member of Kirijo family.

It's a perfect taste, patrician choice. You wouldn't understand

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P3 MC made an emotionless robot want to fuck him, made a Velvet Room attendant abandon her duties just to save him, had a harem that didn't talk shit to him when he was flirting with another girl, become bros with Death Arcana, became the best guest Igor ever had, became the universe itself.

What a special snowflake, huh.

Too bad he has the same personality of Squall from FF8.

>had a harem that didn't talk shit to him when he was flirting with another girl
P3 is literally the only game where the girls will get mad and reverse their social link if you're hanging out with another girl.

you start

Hey, at least he doesn't go full retard over the worst girl.
Oh wait, Aigis...

The recruitment/persuasion aspect is pretty confusing. Am I supposed to recruit every demon I can every time I encounter them? Or do I have to somehow KNOW which ones are going to be worth recruiting beforehand?
This is even worse than trying to figure out which fusions are worth making with my limited compendium funds.

Shinji is best boy

Reverse social link is fucking awesome, they should bring it back again.
>Relationship becomes intimate with Chihiro
>No option to friend zone her
>Kiss her instead
>reverse social link

Laughed out loud when that happened. Fucking bitch wanted to handrape my precious MC.

Yukari sure was harsh with Junpei...

Why is this song popular than any other P4 song? What the fuck

Because Persona 4 was soulless

Burn My Dread is classic. What does P4 have? I'll Face Myself?

Your Affection? Time to make History? Heaven? Dude P4 has a lot of masterpiece compared to P3's trash. Fuck you

Because it's a meme song, just like babybaby.
P3 didn't get good music until P3P.

The singer sings in gibberish like ones on P4 lmao

Get the fuck outta here.

persona 4s ost is complete trash compared to p3 and even p5

P5's only good song was Life will Change, P4 has better sounds than P5.


Battle for everyone's soul>>>Everything
Memories of You>>>>>>Everything
Deep breath Deep breath>>>>>>>>>Everything

>Life Will Change
>only good song
>Blooming Villain, Beneath the Mask, Will Power, Price, Sweatshop and lots of other songs exist

>Deep breath Deep breath
>good song

That's like P4's equivalent of Yukiko's Castle theme

I like to imagine the persona characters (those that are teenagers that is) grow up and end up being conscripted to fight in some terrible future war where they lose their sense of innocence and self.

Why, yes. My most watched film is indeed Apocalypse Now.

>Deep Breath
Of all the good songs in P3, you single out that piece of hot garbage?

>P3/P5 babbies doesn't have this

Is that a nipple?

Two nipples in fact.

Mass Destruction isn't even a good song, if anything, it's fucking annoying. We should all agree that P4 has better battle songs than P3.

For some reason Aigis has nipples as well

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Heh, Persona kiddies.


Robots doesn't need these

Only contrarians have this shit opinion

Horny Atlus devs: I-It's just to make her feel more like a human, so she would be able to summon a persona.
Koromaru: *exists*

It's a great track faggots. The Reincarnation version is even better

She actually does in canon and there's an in-universe reason for it, then The Answer has her do the "now I'm a real person" bit.

You're shit. Mass Destruction is only meme'd to popularity just like Akihiko.

literally cheating, we all know we can't match that.
I'm so glad you didn't post B2, while it's great it's pretty much always the one getting posted here when anyone talks about SMTIV OST and I think there are better battle tracks in the game

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I have never played any SMT game

I searched a bit about SMT and turns out that SMT is a spin-off of Persona like Devil Survivor. Is the game any good?

Yeah it's alright. You romance the Personas this time. You can even make a prostitution ring of Personas.
I'd recommend Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth as your first.

Digimon isn't Persona though.

Aigis is not worst girl, she is my cute autistic robot wife!

Well then, your waifu is shit! And she will never have a vagina.

To be fair, you probably spend more time listening to B2 than any other track in the game.

Probably this version

Cute and canon.

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Theo is FeMC's canon attendant


More like "you're a shit" oooo got 'im

Nothing beats this P3 theme

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Some people will say that she was a mistake, but at the same time I believe she was the best thing to happen to P3P, a game which some of people migh've already played twice (vanilla P3 and P3FES versions).
She introduces to us a new way to experience the game, by playing as a completely different person, which changes the events (beach trip, hot springs, etc.), social links and overall reaction of NPC's towards her. The base of the game was changed to more-like VN setting, but in my opinion that was fine as long Tartarus exploration was left untouched. The male protagonist scenario is still canon, but having a female protagonist option was a nice addition for everyone, who either had played the game, or never got a chance to. It shouldn't even matter whether she's cannon or not.

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I just wish she was put in P3D. She got shafted pretty hard, even though they put her in Q2 almost immediately after 3D came out.

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If they actually got to make P3D the way they wanted to instead of having to make P5D at the same time, then I could see her, Ryoji and Chidori being DLC.

>Dancing shit

This is horseshit and not about Persona. Please discuss your flop games elsewhere

user I'm sorry to announce the dancing games have the title Persona attached to them, and are also canon to the series.

>complaining about dancing spinoffs for a VN waifu simulator series

the waifus in P3 and P5 sucks, P4 did it right

>dancing games have the title Persona attached to them
Only by name, but they're the equivalent of Just Dance games and those games aren't fun
Yeah no. Dancing games are insta-flop and has no reason to exist.
Sure. Persona 1 Dancing game when?


P4D is Canon, what are you talking about?

>Persona 2 Dancing with playable Fuhrer-Nyarly
I will now buy your game

LITERALLY who cares?

They still have no reason to exist. P3 Dancing isn't canon since door-kun is dead

More people care about P3D than you.

Both Mitsuru and Akihiko could go out to the street and ask the first person of the opposite sex they find to fuck them and they would immediatly lose their virginities.

This. Atlus makes games for the fans. People still love P3, and P4. So sorry your outdated games get no love, P2fiends.

>P3 Dancing isn't canon since door-kun is dead
You underestimate Elizabeth's power and autism

She has good taste in shotas

I'm still anxiously waiting for the absolute renaissance of Yuki Siblings art, where is it japs??

>turns out that SMT is a spin-off of Persona
fuck you, this bait is so weak but it always hooks me in.
Shin Megami Tensei is the original series while Persona and all the other are spinoffs of it, its good, like Persona, you should play the games from 3 onwards, because 1 and 2 are really archaic, it has a bigger focus on the atmosphere and the gameplay instead of the story, so if you liked all the fusing demons part, then you will like the SMT games because your party is composed of demons plus your mc.

Seething P3cucks, your door Jesus will never be alive

>fusing demons
You mean fusing personas?

>your door Jesus will never be alive
and we wouldn't want it any other way.

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Like I said, fuck you
Shin Megami Tensei has actual demons roaming the streets of Tokyo that you can recruit to your team and negotiate with
Persona took that and made it so that the charachters's manifestations of their beings are demons called personas that have no will of their own.
Any other questions?

How does the FeMC route compare to doorkuns persona 3 is my favorite game and I’m wondering if I should play the FeMCs route

Imagine dying without leaving any of your genes behind even when a fucking machine is more than willing to conceive your offspring despite it knowing it can't.

>Any other questions?
Why do you call Personas demons?

It's terrible

You could have just called them as personas and make it less confusing.
So basically they're personas but they have their own mind?;

I know about the shinji thing and that’s a huge turn off for me and is some god tier ship bait for faggots and fujos

Slinks are actually good and you get to hang out more with SEES in general too. It's great, though not without issues.

Minato's purpose of existence is to replace Makoto as a seal and Elizabeth will do just that, so don't worry, everything will be fine.

No it isn't. The new music is great, and if you pair up with a certain someone he doesn't die this time.

The latter is fucking terrible and ruins his character tho

I swear this is bait but whatever. Because they are actually demons? What would you call the hundreds of creatures from all mithologies that appear in the games otherwise? If you think about it it doesnt make any sense that a physical manifestation of a teenager´s psyche is a demon/person from some random mithology. That was just an aspect that the Persona developers borrowed from SMT in order to integrate demons into the gameplay.
Pretty much the story of every SMT is that at some point demons start invading the earth and the mc has to survive the story by negotiating with them and controlling their actions.

>he doesn't die

Been searching all along
Came facing twilight on and on

How did Aki know?

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>this is a mistake
A mistake that stole my heart.

>Kasumi wont end up being FeMC brought into the Persona timeline
fuck Atlus for squandering such a great opportunity after alluding to it with Q2


Well there really aren't much if any changes to the main story at all only a few minor ones like Yukari being much more friendlier because she has a girl friend to confide in, Junpei instead of trying to get in her pants is all nice in the social link, probably because romancing him means Chidori gets cucked Mitsuru and Fuuka are alot friendlier to her as well. There are some differences in the girls link compared to the guy's for example you know that bit in Yukari's where she gets accosted by thugs? in the girl's route she can't fight them off even if you have max courage to try it the narration says "The odds are against you" and a cop shows up instead and in Mitsuru's rather than threaten to beat up her asshole fiancee you're given the option to grab Mitsuru's hand and tell her to run away with you. The guys links all feel like Otame stuff

there's no "plot hole", persona arena shows that elizabeth will save P3MC eventually. it's just that in order to safely remove him from the door the human race needs to no longer ever have someone that wishes for death.
meaning that until all of humanity either obtains enlightenment, or goes extinct, he's not going anywhere.

There's a reason she says it'll take a "very, very long time"

You just want to stare at her leotard and zoom in at that cameltoe. Fucking dirty bastard.

shinji still has persona cancer even if he survives the gunshot, all this shit does is make it so he gets to live long enough to see his GF die

why doesn't Yukari or FeMC just use Amita Drop on Shinji to cure persona cancer

P3P is worse than the original game in EVERY way and only plebs that got into the series with P4 disagree

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Backside of the TV is pretty fucking good.

They just need another seal equivalent of Universe Arcana to substitute door-kun. How hard can that be?

persona 4's soundtrack is generally worse than 3's but signs of love is much better than iwatodai dorm, which sounds like the craziest quad city DJ's remix

>we should negate this amazing ending so my self insert can come back by just getting someone else to make the same sacrifice instead
mentally ill. seek help

P4 has Never More

Memories of You>Nevermore

it's probably be aigis she is a robot after all

I'm not saying Memories of You isn't great, it's fantastic, but I AM saying Nevermore is a masterpiece.

Where is my Yu x Yosuke yaoi fanfic

Shit, they really shouldn't have had Raimi write Yukari's lines.

>Kasumi wont end up being FeMC
And it's a damn shame. I would definitely play P5 at some point if she was, but as things stand I'm not sure I'll buy Royal.

Changing Seasons and Memories of The City/You are unironically better than everything the P4 soundtrack has to offer. Your Affection is cool though.

They can't, his body is too fucked up, that's the curse of Strega, Shinji willingly did that to himself because of the guilt he felt killing Ken's mother. Just like Chidori in the psp version while he can recover like her they are still going to die from the drugs, why do you think he wears that heavy ass coat everywhere? His body can't even control it's own body temperature anymore so he's cold all of the time, it's why he eats that piping hot raman shit all the time.

P3 is full of tragic circumstances that's the point of the game and maybe that's why the characters persona changes happen in story without the input of the MC and that's why unlike Persona 4 their designs and changes remain canon. Depending on how this dream world shit works out their new persona changes will also become their canon ones in the next game afterwards, hope so because I like William's design

Not interested in having to play the villain and rip away your teammates from their dreams? You have to rip Ryuji away from the dream world of him not having busted legs, Futaba from her mother and Mona from his human form now. The jury is out on it being Kasumi doing this or not, my bets are on Aizen

It's fun in the autistic comparing of the dialogue between the two to construct each other's personality even further kinda way. For an early example FeMC looks for Yukari on the billboard on the first day of school, while the MC doesn't care.

Getting about 15% new stuff and the remaining 85% being the same old is not enough to make me buy the game.
If the 85% was freshed up a bit so it only felt like ~50% of it being the same then I might buy it, but without a FeMC that's not really the case.

Persona 1 and 2 don't exist, everyone knows that the franchise started at 3

Minako is a pedo.

Understood. I never played the original nor do I have a Playstation so this will be a new experience for me


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I offered to be Maiko's mom, but this faggot pussied out.

But she is a teenager herself, so is it really a crime?
I actually know nothing about these kind of laws. Is it a crime when teenagers have sex? Where do you put the line of when its bad for non adults to have sex?

I would.

>Is it a crime when teenagers have sex?

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I 100%'d P3P and this didn't happen

your Age divide in half and add 7 thats the cutoff limit man anything less or more is just weird

Is it?

She’s having sex with Ken, an underage little boy. So, yes, it’s very illegal.

>thats the cutoff limit
That's the average you should go for, not a maximum or minimum.

Not if they're married.

This song makes me miss them

Im talking legalities here, is it illegal for Shinji and FeMC to have sex? if not when does it become illegal to have sex with Ken for her? Wait, how old is Ken anyways, at least 12, right?


>both Makoto and FeMC can't help but fuck every single partner available to them
>insatiable lust that causes them to cheat constantly
why is Narukami the chad again?

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Ken can barely get a boner at his age 15 and FeMC would be around 19 at that age

because he's just so cool nobody hates him and he doesn't try hard to get friends he naturally has charisma. Its why Adachi the incel hates him so much.

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There’s no way he’s 15.

Stop falling for the most obvious bait posted in every single SMT thread you little faggot.
>inb4 i was just pretending to be retarded

>no option to say yes
Thanks for the freedom, fatlus

I just nutted. Who wants to see?

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Ken is 11 during P3. Even in P4U he's only 13.

Ryuji's new persona is shit.

reminder that P3 is the only persona game where you need to actively ask girls out to get slinks with them (justice/strength) vs just hanging out with them as friends and then picking a "do you wanna be gf??" option near the end

Ken would have fitted perfectly with the P5 cast he would have been Makoto and Haru's age during P5

me please

If he’s 13 in Arena, then that milk really did pay off.


Wiping All Out > Mass Destruction

God I wish I was drinking Door-tan's milk too.

'Best Friends' is 10/10

How did Atlus get away with this?
And why did they miss including a daddy love interest?

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I am not a fan of p3p. But i am grateful for the best boy.

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>he doesn't know

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Does Tanaka thirst over FeMC modeling in underwear like he does with Door?

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>people keep constantly recommending I play a Persona game nonstop
>It's cliche high-school friendship/drama garbage with terrible characters and writing, and tedious JRPG combat

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Shinjiro is best boy.

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Why did you pick P4 and not 3

I'm referring to 3 though.

I love Fuuka!

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I want to become lovers with Fuuka and then cheat on her with Yukari!

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>I want to eat my favorite food and then eat actual trash

>get to the part in PQ2 where she’s introduced
>she’s the most adorable lovable girl on earth
>know exactly what’s going to happen to her after the game’s over
>have to live with the knowledge that there’s absolutely nothing I can do to save this precious angel from her inevitable fate

Why waste time on a pile of garbage like Fuuka, though?

>not wanting to bully Fuuka for having moss on her head

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at least she wont be alone in eternity

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This can be said about a third of the characters from p3

Fuuka deserves to be loved and appreciated, not having her trust and heart broken!

Fuuka is not garbage!

Fuuka has a wonderful hair and is very clean!

Attached: Fuuka's Eyes.jpg (391x483, 41K)

You're right

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it there one for each character?
my autism is starting to increase substantially.

You're supposed to make 3 contracts every dungeon with the easiest demons to negotiate with. Ignore the stats and tarots of the demons, just focus on how easy they are to make happy, you can make everything with the free tarots they give you when you have a contract and it will save you a lot of grinding.

please tell me this is a mod

Shinji best boy. Would give virginity to.

Because of the significance of the song? Also P4 was really safe even if bad things happened nothing came close to the desperation of the situations on P3 let along P5

The entire social link is about you blackmailing him, but not really.

the entire town getting swallowed by the fog wasn't enough for you?

Just walk away from it, bro

>no Silent Hill-style horror game set in a timeline where Yu took the accomplice ending

the ost that plays during december is really fucking creepy