>I ragequit whenever I'm about to lose. I'm not some pussy who takes shit from a video game.
I ragequit whenever I'm about to lose. I'm not some pussy who takes shit from a video game
>I'm getting 5's in virtually every thread i go
Absolutely based
>Not learning from your mistakes and becoming a better player.
Actually me. I quit games whenever I face a challenge.
>i rage quit
>I exclusively use multiplayer videogames to harass other players
You took shit from the video game the moment you allowed for it to anger you silly gigachad poster
>Why yes, I taunt after every kill. How could you tell?
>Yes i do start stalling whenever im starting to lose in a turn based game
>gets invited over to play vidya
>throws your controller to your TV
>Its not my fault bro, this game is bullshit. I ain't paying you back
>Why yes, I always spawncamp
Sounds like something a virgin would do
>w-why yes ay-uh I, always play support or healers in online video games, what gave it away? *cough cough*
>Why yes I blame my team for me dying.
He mogs me.
>Why yes, I'm always the tank
Precisely. Playing gran turismo taught me this. It's worth it to lose over and over because you're learning each time.
Kek, but I'm about to ragequit life soon too.
holy fucking shit fpbp
>why yes, I do purchase rare items off the auction house solely to resell them for more gold. How could you tell?
anyone here have the giga hanging the other giga by the neck with a rope while they're both mid air?
The auction house is unironically more fun than the actual game.
>why yes I watch lets plays and pretend I played the game
>Why yes i always make sure to call people nigger in allchat every chance i have.
user I don't know how to tell you this being a quitter is the most unchad thing you can possibly do.
I think you should stop chadposting for a while, I think this reaction image is more your speed.
Imagine getting upset at losing in a video game. The fact you take it so seriously means you have nothing in the real world that you can feel accomplished over. Such a huge percentage of the playerbase of games like League are literal autists who can only get satisfaction over smurfing in lower elo.
>Why yes, I use child porn as sprays
>why yes I ALWAYS play DPS how did you know?
>Why yes, if my team mate is in the way of my vehicle I DO run them over instead of going around.
Is there a story here? Is this from a show or something?
nice 4 faggot lmao
Look at my 5!
>some retard stands in the middle of the road
>speed up, hit speed boost key if available
>the shitter proceeds to start flipping out and trying to get me vote kicked
Yes, I do quit after failing on my side in an RTS at the start of the game
men of war multiplayer and when i used to play a lot of napoleon total war multiplayer
OP, do remember that irony and facetious statements are lost on the tiny-brained youth of today. Examples:
Please think of the children, they don't know any better.
ugly ass nigger
Nearly every game counts quitting early as a loss for stats anyway
>”why yes, Sakurai is pretty spotty on who he puts on the fighter pass. I mean, No Jibanyan? Come on.”
this is instagram "comedy"
Why yes, i do constantly shittalk the enemy team as a form of psychological warfare without personally getting invested in the banter, only using it as a tool to distract and make the enemy make mistakes due to acting overzealous around me so he pushes in and when trying to kill me so he can talk shit, ultimately giving my team the advantage, how did you know?
>sore loser thinks he's chad
>I play online games
>why yes, i shitpost daily on this retarded ass website every single day because i'm a fat fuck, how can you tell?
>Why yes, I always pick the cutest girl character in my video games, how could you tell?
next Etika right here
This is me. My life is so void of meaning that I can't handle losing in a video game. I just end up avoiding all multiplayer games.
>why yes, I do main necromancer. How can you tell?
i die then hang my head and say "okay".
When did he say that?
Based illiterate yet strategical chad.
I just found out these guys are real people, I thought they were CGI because they look like caricatures