Man this is confusing. Absolution was complete garbage but now I hear Hitman (2016) and Hitman 2 are basically Blood Money sequels in terms of gameplay. Played the demo of the 2016 version and it was pretty fun. So now I want to buy it, but I keep reading you're better off buying Hitman 2 and then some Legacy DLC instead of the 2016 game? Is this accurate? Pls help, the store pages are super confusing.
>being this fucking stupid
Why are they selling a million versions?
the 2016 version is basically pointless now because you can play every mission from that game in Hitman 2 with the previously mentioned Legacy DLC.
The image you posted explains it well enough
All Hitman 1 (2016) content is DLC for Hitman 2, they updated some mechanics and shit for 2, and those apply for the 1 DLC as well.
Yeah, Im mostly interested in the story. From the image Im getting I should do the following
>buy Hitman 2 and Legacy pack upgrade
>play ICA training facility and Hawke's Bay
>play Hitman (2016) levels
>play Hitman 2 Miami package
>play Santa Fortuna, Mumbai, Whittleton and Isle of Sgail
Hawke's Bay is already part of Hitman 2 because it's the tutorial level for that game. It comes after Hokkaido. The game will just order the levels in chronological order anyway if you have them all.
>order chronologically
Now that is just what I was looking for. If the game comes with an option to play all the Hitman 1 and 2 content chonologically that would make my life so much easier.
Yeah no, Hawke's bay is Hitman 2's first level. It's listed first here because you can get it for free, image is kinda wrong on this.
It's confusing because the imagine is not entirely correct.
Buy hitman 2 gold and the legacy DLC, there you go done, you have all the new content.
just download the damn game, shit is all organized orderly in there for you already
It is pointless but you still have to buy it to be able to play the missions on HITMAN 2, unless you already bought HITMAN 2
Different user here. Is the gold edition really worth it?
Wait is the bank level out now?
This is asking for a pirate just to make it simple
I think gold is pretty much ultimate edition, personally i hate missing out some missions but if all you care about is the main story mode then just don't get it
it's always online, you can't unlock anything offline
yea m8, came out a few days ago. p good map, kinda small and not v challenging, but there's a fair amount of shit to do + mess with. not really worth the whole price of the expansion pack imo but we'll see how big the second map is in a few months
You get bank and the future resort map with gold.
premise is like hokkaido i'd imagine?
r/hitman and the hitmanforums are 75% people asking what edition of the game to buy lmao
>Absolution was complete garbage but now I hear Hitman (2016) and Hitman 2 are basically Blood Money sequels in terms of gameplay.
I mean, the actual game mechanics in Hitman 2016 and Hitman 2 are lifted directly from Absolution, right down to having the exact same control schemes. But if you're someone who was assmad about Absolution being less focused on large sandboxes and more focused on bite sized sections, then sure, these new games are a return to form.
One of the problems with Hitman is that there are heaps of people who really liked the more approachable design of Hitman Absolution, but the older fans REEEEE at that, so it's very difficult for IOI to create a game that appeals more widely. And the market probably isn't big enough to split the series into two sub-branches.
is the starter pack good?
um how do you mean? in terms of size i guess it's about the same, lil bit smaller. the mission itself is nothing like hokkaido, youre sent to steal a hard drive or three pieces of a different hard drive and kill the bank director in her office
Yes, for the price difference, you get 2 extra maps (The Bank plus 1 map still to be released), vs just 1 for silver (The bank).
well it is just a couple of tutorial levels, its a very fun game and for the zero dollars you pay it's definitely worth seeing if you like the game
it is basically free to download and try out those 2 levels to see if you like the game, kinda like a demo but then you can proceed to buy the full game from there
Oh i meant that you started with nothing in the beginning and have to move around and work your way to get tools and weapons
I wish they'd add more maps for the ghost mode. Shit is fun.
because warner bros are fucking retarded
i thought Io Interactive completely got back the control?
oh. nah you can come in with whatever you want like every other level, there are a fair few frisk points with ways to get around em as usual.
Absolution just felt like a corridor shooter to me. It was 100% a gameplay issue for me. The controls were fine, but the levels -while pretty- were just so restricted.
Shit like this only makes me immediately disinterested. Is it so difficult to sell one video game and be done with it?
Well technically it's two games
It's a sequel, that's not unheard of. Neither is DLC. The only weird part is that there's also DLC that's basically the first game, but you can just play the first game if you'd want, that's just a bonus.
No, buy H1 goty cuz it's cheap. Play it through H2 starter pack. Get H2 gold edition on sale later. Now you have everything... almost.
Absolution kinda plays a Duke Nukem 64-esque role in the series. The latest Hitman games paint Agent 47 in a far more sympathetic light, and it has a lot to do with Absolution's portrayal of the character, and more importantly the introduction of non-lethal game mechanics. Playing non-lethally was very difficult in the older games. Post-Absolution, quietly knocking guys out and stuffing them in closets is now core gameplay, and it has significantly implications for how the games feel to play. Killing innocent people feels out of character for modern Agent 47, wheras the older games treated it as no big deal.
this is what i did when i first got the hitman 1 from PSN+
playing 1 again in 2 mechanic was quite interesting, the suitcase was huge help
HITMAN 2 gold is on sale now though. Its better to play HITMAN 1 as dlc in HITMAN 2.
This is a long shot but does anyone know if I get Hitman 1 and 2 through the Xbox game pass thing, can I play the Hitman 1 levels in Hitman 2?
so, fellow Yea Forumsirgins, thoughts on the bank? I like the atmosphere, kinda reminded me of that hitman 2 level in russia where you start out at the train station. thank fuck the data retrieving shit is fast enough when you know what to do, but I can't really see many ways to kill the director or whatever. her falling through the clock was kinda lame, and you can kill her through a mirror with a gun (again, but still cool as fuck). currently i'm trying to figure out what the fuck is up with the bank robber costume and how to use it.
Blood Money had none lethal integrated into its core gameplay.
Of course you want to play H1 through H2. Progess in H1 doesn't carry over otherwise.
The question is if legacy H1 is cheaper in H2 or sold separately.
you don't even need to own full hitman 2 to play hitman 1 in hitman 2
it sounds a bit stupid but the way it works is 2 is always free to download the starter pack with 2 introducing level
think of them as game client or launcher, when you launch the H2 you can access the free tutorial levels and all the H1 levels that you already own. All the actual H2 levels are there but locked until you buy the full game
tl;dr: H2 "demo" is free and as long as you own 1, you can play entire H1 again in H2 engine through the in game menu
Blood Money's non-lethal mechanics are borderline useless. Literally the only way to non-lethally and silently subdue an NPC in Blood Money was to take them as a human shield (which means you need a gun) and then knock them out, which was difficult, or use one of the two non-lethal syringes which were painfully fiddly. Absolution introduced being able to quietly walk up behind someone and choke them out by tapping Q. And also introduced being able to melee attack enemies and knock them out. You couldn't non-lethally subdue someone shooting at you in Blood Money.
It's good. I hope the Resort is bigger though.
I like to Vodka poison her, it's a bit too easy though.
I liked it, but Hokkaido is still my favorite.
Just get the Fit"girl" edition
Is the patient zero mission worth it?
I want to know this as well
Was it that much of a hassle? I honestly dont remember anymore. I only know it was possible to do it and I did it. But I took my sweet ass time.
It's cool, they change stuff up a bit in some missions so it's not just kill 1 or 2 people and maybe get something and get out.
Absolution introduced a LOT of mechanics that modern Hitman takes for granted.
>Blending system. If you're dressed as a cop, you can stare at some donuts and nobody will pay any attention to you, even people who would see through your disguise normally.
>Challenges. Again, this has become a fundamental mechanic for the series. Didn't exist until Absolution.
>Being able to hide multiple bodies in containers. Which ties into the game's bigger focus on subduing NPCs and hiding their sleeping bodies.
>Hand to hand combat.
>Instinct system to see where the target is by simply pressing CTRL. This has become an important mechanic although disabled on the highest difficulty.
>All the controls from Absolution carried over. As did the shooting mechanics and general gamefeel. Although of course they have refined it.
It's worth 5 dollars.
Do I miss anything if I download (pirate) the Gold version? I mean in single player
Bank Robber currently serves no purpose other than an easter egg that involves you stealing all the gold in the vault to get a golden version of that new shotgun. You can't keep it after the mission though.
Pirated Hitman misses out on general progression. So you can do the main target for each mission but everything else is gimped.
I don't know, tell me when they bundle it all up for 20 bucks max.
Hitman 2 is always online (no joke) and heavily utilises grinding points to unlock basic items.
Hardcore fanboys completely take this for granted. If you lack the severe autism required to play the same level at least fifteen different times, don't spend too much on the game.
>basic items
Huh? Like what? Arnt all the items you need your .45 and piano wire?
You can play it off-line, and I can't say what "basic" items are missing, they're all upgrades and shit.
There isnt even a cover system.
The rest is standard TPS controls. Blood Money simplified the controls a lot more from Contracts. The only actually bad things are no FPS mode. Instinct is still there but its pointless and you can remove it and play fine without it.
Is it better to play hitman 1 on its own or play it within hitman 2?
There is absolutely no reason to play Hitman 1 outside of Hitman 2 at this point. Playing the game inside 2 allows you to carry over all your unlocks into each game and gives you the updated mechanics that 2 introduces.
>want to pirate
>people say i'll miss stuff
>download size is 77 GB and it's probably just malware
>play the same level at least fifteen different times,
You know, you can always quick save/load and try different methods of assassination and the game will recognize each attempt.
yeah it's not mind blowing but it's good. still didnt get to poison her with vodka.
Hokkaido and Sapienza are still at the top for me. Miami is really good too.
that sucks, I was hoping you could somehow simulate a robbery and blame the couple arguing in the bathroom. bummer
It's on sale now, just buy it. it's a good game.
Does the free starter pack download the whole game?
>but I keep reading you're better off buying Hitman 2 and then some Legacy DLC instead of the 2016 game? Is this accurate?
yes. the legacy DLC essentially adds all the content from 1 into the second game, it even shows them as one linear progress in the correct order in the campaign tab, there's some subtle changes to enemy placement for example in the levels, but you're not going to notice any of this if you didn't play the maps before
Though, I believe you get the Legacy DLC for free if you own both 1 and 2 though, I don't know what the difference is in price, maybe it just doesn't matter what you buy
Boy cant wait for Hitman 3
I'm poor and I'd probably buy other games instead anyway
The game even misleads the player into thinking that there could be an actual bank robbery involving those 2 robbers by having a mission story called "The Heist", except it has absolutely nothing to do with them at all and is just a really slow way of getting a disguise and keycard.
yeah it shows them in the appropriate order in the campaign tab, it doesn't even look like DLC, it just looks like it belongs there
if you already managed to snag hitman 1 and some of the free levels then upgrade it to the GOTY edition. It should be cheaper than the legacy pack in most cases. To get all the content you pretty much have two routes.
Hitman 2 Gold edition + Legacy pack DLC = all content
Hitman 1 GOTY + Hitman 2 Gold Edition = all of the content.
First route is cheaper unless like I stated above, you have a few pieces of hitman 1 already.
splurged on gold + 1 goty
man this game came a long way from when 47 first needed to use a bathroom in chinatown
>The rest is standard TPS controls.
Pressing B to drag bodies, pressing T to switch disguises, pressing X to fake surrender, pressing Q to melee attack, etc are "standard TPS controls" now? Modern Hitman is mechanically nearly identical to Absolution, and very little like Blood Money.
>Instinct is still there but its pointless
It's the single most important navigation mechanic in the game.
Dont think so.
they're huge maps with tons and tons of shit to do, you can easily stumble across six unique ways to kill the target on your first blind run. if you dont want to play the game, dont force yourself, but the maps really encourage a few replays each and each run oughta net you like five levels
Instinct serves the exact same purpose as pulling up the map and watching the circles move around it in Blood Money, it's fine
Those 2 special assignments in Santa Fortuna and Mumbai are pretty shitty, not gonna lie. They don't even have any fun ways to kill the targets like The Icon did.
Has anything changed with elusive targets? Can you get access to all the ones you missed?
I think they should bring back more elements from Absolution. Toggling silencers and point shooting were cool.
The human shield in BM was OP. I'm glad they removed it.
>point shooting
agreed dude, it's just a handful of guards scattered around a tiny area of the original map. i think it's like a few hours later in the day in santa fortuna? like they put a robot dinosaur and an entire working film set in the sapienza village, these new ones are nothing.
Same way as in Hitman 1. If you missed one you have to hope that they eventually cycle through them again. I am still waiting for the very first Undying to repeat because I got the game 2 days after that elusive target was over.
Undying was back last month dude, sorry to tell you this way
That's a seperate Elusive Target for the game. You don't get the unlocks from the first Undying by doing that one.
that's right you dont get the useless pen item for winning but otherwise it was exactly the same mission
It would be good for massacre runs. Just bring back the dual ballers and have it be a weapon perk limited to them.
Is the current steam sale a good deal?
Do you actually not get silent assassin anymore if you get seen tresspassing or get anyone to become suspicious for whatever reason? That little icon they added shows you losing SA in those situations but I know that you could still get away with SA in either of those situations before.
it probably won't get lower than that for a while
Too easy. And the electrocution phone you get from it is way too powerful. The new ET and two new missions were childs play with it.
just buy it then, if it's not good, play something else
being seen as suspicious or trespassing loses you SA immediately unless its a mission target and they dont get a chance to tell their guard or whatever. getting caught on camera temporarily voids it until you wipe the recorder.
>tfw missed out on the the last ET because stupid maid decided to just enter the room
I'll only use exploits to finish ET's from now on, but this weeks target isn't that hard so maybe I'll do this one normally.
>not knock out the maid first and pretend to be a busty maid to lure the target to the restroom
Alright. Just bought Hitman 2 Gold + legacy pack. Now to recreate the Blood Money magic. Thanks anons!
The Bank honestly feels like a Blood Money level. I mean that in a good way. It's small, but not too small.
cheers m8. if the threads still live come back and tell us how you like it
I did the ET using the phone and sedative poison. Took less than 5 minutes and most of that time was just me waiting for the woman to get to her drink again. I'll bet anything that they will change it to a knockout in the next update. Some of the other ETs would be even easier to do with this phone.
We really need a Hitman game where you play as a female agent at this point.It's been 20 years of this bald old fart murdering people.
pretty op to have a legal remote triggered item that attracts targets and instantly SA accident kills them, honestly feels like cheating
enjoy colorado
nah your order is a little screwed up
>ICA Training is included in both Hitman 2016 and Hitman 2, it's a tutorial with one limited sandbox-style map (technically two if you include the yacht)
>From there you'd play Hitman 2016's levels ("season 1")
>Patient Zero comes next, which is part of GOTY Legacy. It's remixes of old maps with some accommodations for speedrunning (one mission requires you to kill more targets the longer you take to complete it). You can skip it if you want but if you ever consider playing ghost mode then pick it up solely for the clown suit.
>Then you'd get into Hitman 2's levels, which starts with Hawke's Bay. HB is also a tutorial level for your initial playthrough but it's a lot more generous with player freedom compared to ICA Facility. You can skip Himmelstein as its a sniper map with a very different ruleset to what you've played up to that point, and go straight into miami and continue from there
So that would mean you'd buy Hitman 2 base game and Hitman Legacy pack. Swap legacy with GOTY legacy if you want patient zero or the outfits/weapons too.
You can even do stupid stuff like run up right into the target's face and place it on the ground. They'll just pick it up as if they just randomly found it. I did that in some featured contract that required you to kill that polka dot dress woman in Another Life in an accident.
>Now to recreate the Blood Money magic
That magic is gone. Hitman is a soulless, dead series now. Enjoy the bastardized post-Absolution fan-fiction that is "modern Hitman".
Nothing is as bad as Absolution
I love it when people post these sorts of comments in threads and just generally get ignored. Can’t even troll on Yea Forums? Being shit in games is one thing but that’s a whole new level of ineptitude
Absolutely false post.
Havent got a chance of playing hitman 2 yet but i've seen all the locations, which one is your fav and how would you rank them compared to locations of H1?
I think the racing track location is very interesting and the shaman one, but havent played 2 yet so my fav one is still hokkaido
Will do. I have a feeling it's money well spend. Install will take a while though.
Im very happy about . Major QoL for me.
Miami and Mumbai are some of the best levels in the entire series.The Bank is a GOAT level too, but I don't know if that's a popular opinion.
Whittleton Creek is also great, but the other 3 are just good.
Overall, the quality is more consistent and no mission is as bad as Bangkok and Colorado.
Probably Miami although Sgail is very cool as well.
And I'd say they rank pretty evenly with the S1 maps.
>and just generally get ignored
And you're doing an awful job at that.
Miami is my favourite overall but Mumbai has my favourite way of killing all the targets on the map out of any mission. The game doesn't have any bad maps like Colorado. The tutorial map is pretty much the worst map in the game and even that is mostly just because it's super short and small. It's not a completely misleading tutorial like Blood Money had either.
Something about “generally” you struggle with there, chief?
what's wrong with Bangkok?
Very few ways to kill Ken Morgan
Getting up to the recording suite is a pain in the ass
Half the hotel is a restricted area
Is so hard that it's bullshit on Master difficulty
It would be worse than Colorado if not for the fact that Jordan is a good character and the civilian areas are comfy.
>beat Hawke's Bay in less than 2 minutes using that new phone
>fastest times are below even 1:30
I don't even know how.
Why do people hate colorado?
It's more of a splitter cell or mgs kind of vibe than Hitman's signature hiding in plane sight style. The whole area is hostile with no safe environments for you to be in without a disguise.
I think it wouldn't have been too bad if they just cut down on the number of objectives. 4 targets plus an objective is way too much in an all hostile zone.
no, if you buy the keys online, you´ll get it at least 50% cheaper, get the hitman 2 key and the expansion pass for example, cost roughly 25$ together
Boring environment
Forced one exit
Too many targets, leading to some of them feeling like afterthoughts with basically 1 way to kill them that isn't just another oil puddle. Almost all the opportunities are just for Sean Rose. Absolute nightmare in suit only runs because the entire map is hostile with only 1 exit available which either requires you to grab that mask or fuck around with the AI to lure Sean Rose down so that you can grab his body.
I think the 3 worst maps for Suit Only are BangCOCK, Colorado and Isle of Sgail. I did not have fun doing runs on those maps. Might be better now that you basically have 1 free accident kill with that phone but I am not going to try that out again.
do they add a guard in master? wiring rose is pretty easy in pro
Hows the performance of Hitman 2 compared to hitman 1?
There is still 1 moment in which you can grab him as he walks by the door down to the cellar but I am not sure if you had to take out an extra guard or not. Been forever since I actually did SOSA Master on Colorado.
Just replayed it last night to get master in 2. The 4 targets really aren't so bad and can be dealt with quickly if you know what you're doing. It's really that end objective of having to get the mask and go into the basement that kills the level for me.
>You can use the starter pack to play season one remastered without buying H2
>Your transaction failed because you are trying to buy 'HITMAN 2 GOTY Legacy Pack' which requires ownership of 'Uninitialized'. Please correct the error and try again.
worse for me when it first came out but it's better now, at least for the S1 maps. don't remember how H1 was to compare now though
It's bizarre to me that the devs stuck with this release model even after getting more creative control when they left Square Enix. It's so fucking offputting and just screams "DLC assfuck", even if it actually isn't.
What do you mean "stuck with this release model"? This is different from the first one.
But they didn't. Hitman 2016 was episodic and Hitman 2 was released as a full game.
Guys how do I open an account at the bank (last missing achievement). Don't tell me I have to wait in line for like 4 NPCs to finish their neverending business please.
>been trying to use an empty teller desk
>been trying to lure the NPCs away by a distractive explosion (but they push back in queue and tell me to get out of their personal space, and no task to interact at the cashiers appears)
>tried to get inside the teller area but it's trespassing
Playing Golden Handshake for the very first time now. Impressed so far but disappointed that it's all indoors. I would have loved a mission where you can run around NYC and enter apartments etc
There is some banker on the other side who doesn't have a line. I think he was near end of the area on the right. Jsut got to talk to him in your suit and then go with him until the challenge completes.
I'm gonna make Bangkok look like a fucking joke.
It's not really the same, they released the first five as one game then the last two individually as DLCs.
Honestly the episodic system wasn't bad because it clearly gave them more time to fine tune and make each mission feel huge and larger than life. Hitman 2's missions were no where near as memorable as Sapienza or Marrakesh or Japan
Also I miss having cutscenes with an above 0 budget :(
DX12 is a must
Miami is actually the best level, but Whittleton Creek is special for me because of the novelty of knocking people out with muffins and rolled up newspapers, and Agent 47 trying to sell a house
I dont know if its because I havent spent that much time on 2 ( Only about 1 full play through) but I cant really think of a level I enjoyed that much..sadly.
Hitman 1 I really liked. Sapienza is so amazing. The level is really beautiful and it feels like its own little world with how big it is and so much going on.
A little disappointed in 2. I did not like Miami level it all. Just seemed like a lot of space was just used as filler/bs/nothing going on.
But I realize I didnt spend much time on the game and ill reserve my judgement a bit. I dont regret spending $35 for it a month or 2 after it came out.
Also sniper missions are fucking stuping and a waste of dev resources
Just goofed around a little bit in the Paris level. Man this game is amazing. Feels like the magaged to capture Blood Money gameplay again. Very happy to have all that freedom.
Anyone else find Isle of Gail completely dogshit and unwilling to replay it more than once or twice?
Nice, found him, thx. Dunnow how I missed him all the time
>smoothbrain answer
Just buy everything dude lmao
>big wrinkly brain answer
Buy the most basic version and creamapi everything
Remember when games were sold complete?
Yeah, from Square Enix, moron. Warner Bros. is their current publisher.
You can still get him pretty easily as he walks by the basement, I usually tamper with the clock in the house then wire him and drag him down to the basement while he's looking at it.
I do the same for the girl I cant remember the name of, she wears a brown jacket, but I use the lethal syringe instead since I don't need her body.
yeah that's the strat I use, dude spends a liberal amount of time looking at that clock even without tampering I'm surprised they didn't add a guard there
People generally prefer everyday urban environments and hate military style missions
It's confusing if you're just looking to get both games.
Gold edition is complete :^)
Is there any easier way to get the secret exit in the Bank without pulling the fire alarm over and over until the bankers leave? Since the two near the computers are enforcers.
Which exit are you talking about?
The one where 47 jumps out a window.