Why is the american speedrunning demographic so vastly different from the european one?
Why is the american speedrunning demographic so vastly different from the european one?
who actually slams that
>Hey Peter, tonight me and Bonnie are going to play some video games, you and Lois should stop by.
ew dude jesus christ, mods mods mods
Tell me this is photoshopped
Wait what's going on with the top part of the body and the waist/legs part ? This is shopped ?
does it get slammed tho. who says it gets slammed
Of course it is.
not by much
Why bother trying to be a tranny when you look like this?
and whos that in the back
i am vomit
It's already SMASHED and SLAMMED.
>when you want to turn into a woman but have zero understanding of what a woman is or how to behave
>make 0 attempt to act feminine
>but im a girl guys
it's so disturbing when men try to copy how woman act, its such a uncanny valley feeling. most woman have this grace and just way about them men will never be able to copy.
You will NEVER pass, you will always be a false image a poor imitation
how do you look like that and go outside
that dude could beat the shit out of all of you to be fair
That dude looks like he really doesn't want to be there
layers upon layers of self delusion and a hugbox to enable you.
of course
Any good webms come out of this years gdq?
Trannies don't copy women, they copy caricatures of women. Look at the guy in the OP, He dresses like a cartoon girl would, the juvenile hair bow, the bright pink shirt etc., because in his mind it's the closest to a female he's ever known. They don't live in reality.
Reminder that there's nothing more terrifying to a tranny than the sight of a non-ugly woman.
Except looking in the mirror.
By releasing the twitter hounds on anyone who looks at you funny.
uh. what's he reaching for in-between his legs? is something dripping? did he just take a whiff?
couch kid
Fuck this thread, Fuck you OP and fuck all of you who whine about off topic threads and then use this one just to post about your hatred of trannies.
A tranny is the female equivalent of a blackface.
Go contribute to your 41% suicide rate faggot
it's just disgusting, these people need REAL mental help not retards encouraging them
Don't make me contact 4chans ethics department, beautiful women aren't real
Also fuck trannies.
What the fuck is that bro
that's what they want you to do faggot
>editing proto
Is there really a need?
americans are rich-worshipping, mentally deranged psychopaths who live in an ironic culture of "liberty" when the country's wealth was founded on slavery and stealing European innovation.
Post some ESA pictures to compare, I've never watched either of these autismcons
chair sniffers
own sweat sniffers
who is the grossest community? Smash or GDQ?
the wrong side won WW2
that ogre is the one doing the slamming from the looks of it
based and truthpilled
Steve Gutenberg has really fallen from grace
They're all autistic losers who need to be culled, I don't really see much of a difference.
>implying you wouldnt sniff it after THAT ass
these people surround themselves with likeminded people. they create small reality bubbles where their own brand of normalcy reigns. and when even they get out of the bubble they are shocked to find out that what they have been conditioned to think is normal is actually not normal at all so they cope with denial. and they try to change the normal outside their bubble into the normal that is within the bubble.
Jesus Christ annon
That's James Spader.
He gets pussy non-stop.
Nazis absolutely would have become trannies eventually.
There's even a ridiculous amount of images of them crossdressing.
why did he smell his own thigh sweat
these are considered a 8/10 in na
Proto is one of the loonier trannies
who am I kidding, they are all loony
they are from the EU, though
Whats wrong with the demographic
When are people finally gonna stop encouraging this kind of shit? Don't get me wrong, I laugh my ass off at these wastes of life, but I'm also saddened by how fucked up our society has gotten and is getting. There's a point when it's not funny anymore, and I think we passed that a loooong time ago.