Why is Yea Forums so prison gay?

why is Yea Forums so prison gay?

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is it straight to fuck buck angel?

>imagine wanting to fuck another man
Thats pretty gay even if they're wearing a pretty dress

It's not gay unless it's consentual


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They have to mock you for even asking that question because there's no way to answer it without contradicting themselves.


Because everyone here is underaged and insecure as fuck. They're totally okay with rampant faggotry online but probably cried when they got called gay by the bullies in school.
>never touched a woman
>probably furry
>fat retarded disgusting fuck
>only hope of ever getting laid is to find someone on their horrifically low level
Everyone here is a fag

>straight males aren't attracted to dicks
That's wrong though. Deductive arguments only hold so long as the premise is true

just come out of the closet already.

Yea Forums is bi

Yea Forums is full of classical perversion conditioning. It's where you see something sexy, something not sexy, something sexy. Eventually you see the two things as sexy.


Men have been conditioned to be attracted to penny jars in controlled studies.

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Those are all tiny squares emitting light to fool your mind into thinking it's feminine.

Those same exact tiny squares of light could have emitted light of a dick at you at some point meaning you have felt sexual feelings for pixels that transitioned into something feminine when it wasn't before.

You're attracted to something that certainly isn't a woman you faggot.

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No I'm just regular gay

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Human sexuality is malleable. You adapt to whatever partners you have available.
This is so humans can migrate or adapt to their environment without having to re-evolve their sexuality.
This means that if you spend time around men and only men, your sexuality will eventually drift in that direction. "trap" or "sissy" or "futa" stuff also adapts you towards liking penis, and once you like penis you're full gay.
You can easily stop this by just focusing your sexuality more on actual women, or focusing on your disgust rather than your libido. But a lot of people don't even try.


I dunno, I'd fuck Buck Angel. It's not what I'd normally do but I'd give it a try.
>Is it straight
Probably not but idgaf.

because incels frustrated wanting to fuck anything resembling a female with a heartbeat

Being gay must suck. You couldn't play any game without getting hard from seeing the male characters.

What exactly is "prison gay"?

Yeah, you'll find a lot of people on Yea Forums who are "gay" are just bisexual. You can tell Yea Forums isn't exclusively gay, because then they'd like normal men instead of alt-men (traps and futa).

Being gay when in an environment with a lot of men and not many women.

Well, is it straight to fuck Buck Angel or not?

Being aroused isn't a big deal. You can easily keep concentrating through it if you just try. It's easier to keep concentrating when horny than when you're drunk, and people game drunk all the time.

video games

>tfw Yea Forums mindfucked me into being a sissy fag

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Buck Angel has a vagina and a masculine appearance. I'd say it's partially gay and partially straight, sort of like with traps / futa / other words for same fetish.

True, I've seen a lot of people who were inducted into homosexuality by Asriel Undertale or the Pokemon Sun playable.

>why is Yea Forums so prison gay?
Much the same reason Prison is. A lack of women and social isolation

Most of that is on you, for deliberately seeking out sissy shit and mentally engaging with it, while not engaging with any of the threads listed here Personally, I know Yea Forums's affected my sexuality, but I reject the gay shit. The cunny threads, mommy threads, giantess threads, and bleached threads? Yeah, those got me.

I literally wish I was gay so I could have a better chance of finding someone I like, or even anyone at all
it feels like my sexual preferences and general interests were tailor made to play a prank on me so I would never be happy in real life and be lonely forever

based straightanon

>straight men aren't attracted to dicks
I'm gonna call bull on that. I hate any porn that involves anything that looks like a human dude, because I can't stand the way men look(they're fucking hideous), but futa is BY FAR my favorite type of porn.


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>>straight men aren't attracted to dicks
>I'm gonna call bull on that.
I'm sure you would, closetfag

Dude I can't even fap to straight porn cus there's a guy in it. How the hell am I in the closet when I objectively, unambigiously am not attracted to men?

i never really seeked it out it just happened to be in the weeby
well i'm also into mommy stuff too

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Why do gays have so much AIDS Yea Forums?

sounds like you're trying to convince yourself more than anyone else

Stop projecting so hard.
because they fuck men?

are you sure you just can't fap to the women?

>Stop projecting
It's not "projecting" when it's literally your own admission. Sounds like he struck a nerve

Yeah cus I fap to dyke porn, futa on female porn, on a regular basis

>I literally wish I was gay so I could have a better chance of finding someone I like, or even anyone at all
That is a monkey's paw wish. Monogamous homosexuals are very rare, much more rare than monogamous women.
Once someone gets used to fucking a new partner every week, they ruin their ability to pair bond. And if they can't bond, then they won't really like you. They'll like fucking you, but that's not the same thing.
You won't be happy together, because you won't be together. Physically you will, but emotionally it won't even register.
To cure loneliness, you must first enjoy your own company. Most of loneliness isn't caused by social isolation, it's caused by low self esteem. If you try to fix your loneliness by getting attention from other people, it won't fix it - you'll just spread your misery to them and push them away.
Presumably you don't want this, so fix your loneliness first before you go looking for a partner.

I'm sorry you're mad that I find men ugly user.

>How the hell am I in the closet when I objectively, unambigiously am not attracted to men?
Because you ARE attracted to men. Dickgirls and traps are the same thing.

Don't take advice from Yea Forums, ever.

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you're becoming incoherent.


>tfw discord friend specifically conditioned me to have a pit and navel fetish

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>Monogamous homosexuals are very rare, much more rare than monogamous women.
This fucking depresses me. Both of the guys I've been with just ended up cheating.

>Why do gays have so much AIDS Yea Forums?
Because there are intestinal parasites that secrete chemicals. By pure random chance, they've figured out which chemicals have a chance of turning their host into a gay slut. Those intestinal parasites then spread. It's natural selection.

I literally don't have any women at all I could even interact with with my general interests and hobbies, and even if I did my problem is supreme anxiety about approaching people and escalating things, along with genuine cluelessness
I never feel truly comfortable or among peers anywhere except on Yea Forums, evidenced by the fact I only talk to one guy on a regular basis that I met from here while all my "real" friends barely ever talk to me at all
I'll take the monkey's paw I don't give a fuck, just let me be fucking gay so I can at least have a chance

I said futa, as in they have both parts, and who ever said that I fap to traps? I actually don't.
>Because you ARE attracted to men
Except I'm really not. male bodies are not appealing to me, but I do like penis as long as it's attached to the right source like a female body. I know it doesn't make sense to you, but honestly it doesn't have to. I'm sorry you're mad that I'd never fuck you dude, men are just ugly to me.

I swear to God trap fags have the absolute worst sense of humor

>and even if I did my problem is supreme anxiety about approaching people and escalating things, along with genuine cluelessness
Your problem is low self esteem. D'uh.
Do you think being emotionally close to another person to the point of feeling their body heat will make you less anxious, or more anxious? Do you think having them do things with you for hours at a time will make your cluelessness easier to hide, or harder?
Think, man.
A partner WON'T fix your emotions. Your emotions are your own problem.

>I'll take the monkey's paw I don't give a fuck, just let me be fucking gay so I can at least have a chance
The monkey paw won't give you a chance you fucking retard. The monkey paw will get you laid, but you'll be even more socially isolated.

I don't even consider Buck Angel a female. To be female, the minimum requirement is that you not only have female parts, but also identify as a female.

Even going by trap loving fag logic, Buck doesn't have feminine features.

should have fucked better then

What kind of weak willed fags are you guys?

a really dumb weak one?
not like you can fight it, read that article

Now, the good news is anxiety can be treated. You can practice mindfulness, train yourself to not feel it, take medicine to reduce it, and build confidence in yourself to offset it.
Tell you what DOESN'T treat it? Getting emotionally close to people.
You feel lonely because you're stopping yourself from enjoying the connections you already have.

>but I do like penis
Just gonna quote this

Nah, fat women. Fat women have the worst sense of humor.

>Now, the good news is anxiety can be treated.
-t never had anxiety
the drugs are useless and have worse side effects and don't actually fucking fix the anxiety anyway

I'm anonymous and it doesn't my point so go ahead, sorry you don't get it.

False. You can. You can fight it so hard that it flips and goes in the other direction.

t. trapfag trying to make himself look better

*doesn't change my point

turns out its impossible for males to have conditioning removed, an user posted the article on that the other day
women can though

you're saying a whole lot of nothing
there are very few girls that are into the stuff I am and they're very hard to find if not outright impossible, whereas I could find a guy into the stuff I am and want to like them but can't because I can't force myself to be attracted to them

>tfw friend of mine conditioned me to be submissive and attracted to chubby/overweight men with uncut cocks
>tfw it worked
>tfw I haven't had a boner for a woman in 2 years
>too disgusted with myself that I won't even go out to meet men or women for sex
Please save me.

I know enough about it to know that social isolation doesn't cause it and social connections do not treat it.
Also that a lot of people make a lot of inaccurate self-diagnoses when their actual problem is anxiety. In particular autism, which I DO have, and it constantly pisses me off that sadcat-posting lonely faggots mistake "Immune to social connections" with "Desperately want social connections and can't get them".

I will say it more bluntly.
Having a partner won't fix what's wrong with you. You will still feel sad. You need to fix yourself first.
Does that clear it up?

liking traps is at least some mild form of bisexuality, but the Buck Angel part is true

no straight man would fuck that, i would even argue fucking Buck is gayer than fucking a trap

post discord i can fix you with my uncut cock and tummy

>attracted to chubby/overweight men with uncut cocks

what if there's a guy I like that's everything I would want in someone but I can't actually commit myself to them because I'm not attracted to them
how would me being more gay not make me more happy in this situation?

anime promotes homosexuality, its a scientific fact

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How fucking dense are you, you fucking brainlet.
>what if there's a guy I like that's everything I would want in someone but I can't actually commit myself to them because I'm not attracted to them
This person is imaginary and does not exist.
You couldn't commit yourself to them even if you were gay.
>how would me being more gay not make me more happy in this situation?
It'd make you realise that you're a stupid motherfucker and you have no idea what you want, and why you even want a partner.

Would you rather just kill yourself now?
You're not looking for a partner because you want a partner. You're looking for a partner as a porter for your emotional baggage.
Well, you won't find one. That emotional baggage can't be unloaded. You can only copy it onto others.
You have no idea WHY you want a partner.
You're gonna spend the next 10 years unfulfilled, and then you'll kill yourself because you realise it's either suicide or spending the rest of your life with your problem.
Is that what you want, you stupid faggot?

Fix your damn problem.
Stop thinking about a partner. A partner is not the issue. You are the issue. Fix yourself first.

Or how about this.
You find your ideal partner.
Your ideal partner locks you in a cold room alone. No internet. No radio. No human connection whatsoever.
They give you food and keep you alive, but other than that no contact.
They keep you that way until you stop saying "I wish I had a partner" and start saying "I wish I could be happy in this cold empty room by myself"
And if you never say that, then you stay in that cold empty room until you die of old age.
That is the ideal partner for you.

they literally do exist and I'm fucking upset because I want to go out with them but can't bring myself to you stupid nigger
my only problem right now is your retarded posts and presuming you know more about me then I do
fuck off and fix yourself being alive by shooting yourself

You will be alone for the rest of your life because you refuse to even try to fix what's wrong with yourself.
These are the choices you have made.