My canon name is Ardbert. Please take me seriously

Attached: ardbert.jpg (1280x720, 383K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Gunbreaker is 10/10 best tank ever
Its weapon is 0/10 only fucking STORMBLOOD weapons are Ryumyaku/Scaevan, to say nothing of HW/ARR

Is dancer fun?

>qeue into frog memelands
>tank pulls only one pack
>healer wont dps
>other dps wont aoe

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you'd think they'd learn doing job quests and hall of novice stuff.

Rate the expansion:
>9/10 I’m very happy with it overall

Yep. Having a blast with both it and GUN.

Why do ffxiv players accept micro-transactions so readily when the wow community calls it out?

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Ardbert is a loser cuck, no way would WoL have his name

8/10, didn't fall for the doomsaying meme.

I wish I had my own Scottish pixie

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>that main boss and desert zone theme

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People are more willing to overlook the flaws of a good game rather than a bad one

this. just on presentation alone. wow looks so disgusting over all. they cant even be bothered to make decent atack effects.

I don't know and I hate it. It's why you can't get items from past events that reoccur in the game.

Is healing harder now or are the tanks or myself just shit?

Why does Rise of the White Raven play when fighting against Gaius?

>suddenly the amount of inputs you do has tripled
jesus christ yoshi calm down.


Dead thread dead game
>hopefully dead ff trannys next

show me your parse user

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All dancers I met while doing leveling roulettes(2 times) are shit dps
I bet that contributes a lot

Does Shadowbringers have any reference to the player being a Dark Knight? Wondering if I should bother levelling one before playing the expansion.

>start tank role quest thinking I'd be learning about my man the warrior of darkness Ardbert
>it's actually some gaybro shrek reject paladin
Biggest disappointment in the expansion so far

The MSQ has a bunch of you bonding with ghost Ardbert.

>90+ minute tank queue for alliance raids
simply eric

Pretty disappointing desu. I hope they at least add primal weapons eventually.

>d-dad pls s-stop hitting me the picture

I assume that’s a top tier FF player?

>BLM AF/UI timer
Holy shit I have so much time to do whatever I want now.

Nah that’s some tranny Nintendo “leaker” that’s has almost never been right about anything

How's DRK looking bros?
Is this our expansion?

Attached: vampirehunterdamanobanner.jpg (620x401, 79K)

>log in day 1
>already pf sales of all content
>"order now"
>"fast and discreet delivery"
why dont they already ban these rmt vermin

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Worst tank but not by much. All tanks feel very samey

You faggots keep talking about trannies to the point you fucks sound like a gay bar

People selling healer queue times lol


It’s all the same really, onions and HRT

Why didn't the Eorzean Alliance just make their own version of the Black Rose and force the Empire into a stalemate?

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>t. Seething ff tranny

How did the launch go yesterday? Lmao

Basically, the game nearly died and still inst all that popular really, so Square played up the "please help and pray for us" angle. So now these people are emotionally enthralled.

They will defend pretty much anything at all the company does, they could literally add gambling loot boxes and they would defend it.

Wow players aren't in fear of their game closing or going f2p or anything so they don't give a shit, they call out anything bad the company does. You will never get that from most ff14 players, and the developers know it.

Pretty smooth actually unlike the dick up your ass

I'm loving the expansion so far but what the fuck was that Titania fight? It's so pathetically easy and uninteresting, makes me wonder how could it have 30% clear rate at E3

I find it really fun but I feel like an asshole playing it as my first tank

You forgot to mention a pretty important thing

>all the HRT ff players are on

Yoshida will be added a new cash shop item soon, a dilate plunger.

You seem upset tranny
>quads don’t lie btw
>stay seething tranny

>this WoWcuck delusion
90% of WoWcucks currently playing the game hate BfA but still continue to pay a fucking sub despite that. They are the most battered wife fanbase on the planet that will bitch and moan about everything in WoW but continue to give Blizzard money like the paypig chucks they are.

Can Final Faggot niggers stop posting gay emos already? It's getting annoying.

Don't you have a general on /vg/ for your shitty MMORPG for homos and girls?

What I dislike is how few defensive skills we have now pre-70. Just got into Stormblood and the only skills I have are Rampart and Shadow Wall pretty much.

because they're morally superior good guys who would never deign to commit something that reasonable or awesome. also theyre not nearly as good with the cyber as the garleans

Masturbated to miqo'te sluts again

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You seem upset my transgender fren, did the doctor not give you enough hrt pills this week?

>no argument
Keep sucking that Blizz cock and pretending that you hate it buddy

Imagine being so pathetic that you waste time going into into threads about games you don't like when they're are 149 other ones to go into

WoWcucks don’t like video games, just WoW.

God you niggers are becoming worse than the gaping wounds at /vg/.

I'm retarded, lads. Please help me out here.
When do I use sharpcast? I used to sharp fire so I could firestarter at the end of AF, convert, and throw out two more fire IVs, but with sharpcast having a 30s CD now I'm guessing I should be using it a lot more. I can't quite get the timing right for thunderclouds. If I sharp thunder at the end of UI going into AF, I feel like I have to throw out thundercloud in the middle of AF which seems a bit wrong. Am I meant to time it in a way so I can always reapply thunder using the proc during UI so I would barely have to hardcast it? How do?

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>n-no I need more HRT pills doc!!!
>I NEED to be a cat girl irl!!!!
>d-dad p-pls pay attention to me

FF players in a nutshell btw.


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Ardbert's clearly going to be the big one that everyone gets after doing your specific one

You will never have an orgy with generations of Minfilia's

Still not dark knight

>masturbated to self-insert avatars created by men
I mean, I don't judge but at least be honest about it. It's only healthy.

Also, because using it triggers the world collapse, apparently (unless that gets retconned by lv80).

Things definitely seem like they hit harder now, and that may have something to do with protect being gone

Imagine this scenario

>FFTrannys spam every board with their garbage upcoming title
>day of early access release has arrived
>peaks at 26k viewership on twitch on a Friday between EU/US
>minecraft had more viewers
>bfa had double the viewers
>niggerball had more viewers




I just got Gunbreaker to 70 and my Paladin is at 70. I just can't fucking chooose which one rEEEeEeeEEEEE

>tfw havent played in 2 years

is resource managment just not a thing anymore?

About what? Masturbating to doujins?

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it's almost like people are actually playing the game on release rather than sucking off their favorite e-celeb in their twitch chat lmao

Healers run out of mp like a motherfucker

How is crafting in the expansion?

You have to be over 18 to post on this site.

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I've really only played DRK and SMN in the new stuff and a bit of SCH on the side, but I've been going through MP like nuts

>Thinking that Twitch views are a good metric on measuring how good a game is

Well the issue is that after 1 or 2 dps spells even on shitty pulls the tank is already 80% dead.

Lancer, Samurai or Ninja are my main interests. Give me the lowdown, this is my first time playing. Also I know i cant do sam or nin right away

am I too brainlet for blue mage or are you actually supposed to just run around killing random shit from 1 to max level?

I played the hall of novice for tanks recently, it teaches you to not pull too many enemies at a time. Your tutorial guildhest emphasises only pulling a small number of enemies as well.
The DPS hall of novice doesn't mention AOEs at all. I don't even have any AOEs (level 32 DRG).
I haven't got far enough with CNJ to try the novice quests for those.

>replying to him

Judging by my experience of one run of the 71 dungeon in a voice call with a party of good friends who are somewhat competent at playing, it’s definitely your tank being bad. Had no issues healing mostly with oGCDs and the occasional Adlo while the rest of my MP was constantly being drained to zero by spamming Art of War on wall to wall pulla.

Gunbreakers are laughably useless as tanks and contribute nothing but they're fun to play, i'll grant them that.

It's been a hundred years without night to the point people don't know what it's like and have adapted to permanent day. Yet when you bring night the reaction from people was pretty mild. Not to mention that the infrastructure they have was designed around 100% day yet they managed to stay pretty well lit at night despite being unprepared

>juggles you
>juglges you again
>keeps juggling you

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I dunno man. PLD and DRK are pretty crazy at 80 while DRK doesn't evolve at all form the moment it's unlocked. I'm not sure how WAR is doing, but WAR manages to be really fun every expansion so I doubt that's changed.

>level 1-70 of the game is dodge the telegraphed aoes
>somehow manage to not be able to do this at level 71
what are you doing user

Go back to /vg/

based retard

How does RDM even work

>really fun every expansion
Piss off its been boring shit since the minute stormblood dropped

Cast spells
Get procs
Build meter
Spend meter

I only want the original Minfilia

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literally what are you talking about

unless you mean the dungeon is 73 in which case woops

Lancer is really fun but feels a little old-fashioned. You'll feel amazing playing it though when you get good at it. SAM is really easy but satisfying to play. NIN requires input combinations for special moves, dunno how they feel playing though.

You're an idiot, just dodge the water puddles

Press X X X Y Y Y like everything else

That's ARR Minfilia. Original Minfilia is 1.0 or do you was Ascilia instead?

Ninjas gimmick are the jutsus which you need to cast through mudras, fuck up the input and you end up doing nothing and wearing a bunny on your head as a sign of shame, so don"t fuck up
With the release of ShB judge has become 2fast2furious as your rate of ninjutsu tossing has increased heavily with the change they did to Kassatsu

I find it funny that someone is trying to talk about trannies here when in the WoW thread they are talking about draeni futa horse cock

They're the same person so it's still OG Minfilia, compared to whatever the fuck the Minifilias are

Dragoon it is, catboy or catman is the decision now

>tell Ardbert to stop edgy because I'm trying to eat dinner
>He tries to think of something dinner appropriate to talk about and mentions how even though he was a hero he was forced to go on a fetch quest to collect food
>Our character is shocked when we realize that he really is exactly the same as us

It's not as good as the tomestone scene but it's close

highlander chad male

other than new quests what am I missing if I dont buy shadowbringers?

Thats more paladin imo

They've done a good job of making me like Ardbert a lot. He's a good boy and did nothing wrong.

You can't be a hero without having to go on a long inane fetch quest all across the realm just to make someone's dinner, despite the fact that the realm is in danger from a primal right that very moment

The chaddest job

the two new classes
level 71-80
every dungeon/zone/raid/piece of content relating to shadowbringers

bunnies and lions, gnb and dnc

msq really doesn't fuck around this time, huh
Tearjerker after tearjerker
>Still not understanding that titan quests taught you all boss mechanics
But sucks for free trial people because they stop around that terrible chain

>my character refuses a drink
excuse me this isn't very immersive

I havvent even done the stormblood quests, probably months away until I can access shadowstuff anyway kek
but I also wanna play the john wick job...

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What do these "Where the Heart is" quests unlock?

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>Alpinaud basically outright admitting he sees your character as family

>still taking random drinks for people
If you actually tried to immerse yourself in the story that would have been your reaction too

Wait, did they? I think I'm doing those quests right now and I don't recall learning anything in particular from them.

I call bullshit

>The lvl 65 paladin quest is literally just watching a cutscene


Alisaie best trust DPS

Can you use the trust system on old dungeons or just on the new ones?

I thought the Paladin tourny crap had one of the most difficult challenges being that you had to win 3 straight fights with the 3rd having several cheap hits

So has anyone reached max level yet?

Guys. Nobody told me bunnies would be so... ENDOWED.
I'd assume it's due to having zero muscle memory from playing on an unfamiliar account.

I hope they do something with Lakeland later because it feels completely soulless. It's just a big field with a couple trees and some ruins for the msq scenario to happen. Il Mheg and the Forest were great in comparison to Lakeland.

The new areas look so barren and shit

plenty of people, at least on EU

Yeah, I am also suprised with how curvy the bunnies turned out to be. Sex-appeal aside I noticed a lot of the old gear looks really good on them because they're naturally proportioned and the size really brings out the detail on the gear. Saw a bunny wearing Zidane's gear for example. It was great.

only cutscene skippers.

Trannies, how are we enjoying the expansion?

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>commie yuroNEETs max level already

where the meme that trannies playing final fantasy xiv come from? is it really that bad? i kinda wanted to try it

It's bad on one dedicated tranny trash server

there are tranny quantine servers like lamia and the discord server that dictates the NA meta is filled with actual raid trannies. Its funny because Japan doesn't give a shit about them and has faster and more numerous clears without following the Transition's strats.

>Lakeland theme
I knew I'd heard this medley before.

Bros what is this. Is the launch that smooth that there are no hangups? Do they even need the instances? I see less people.

trannies like it because they can pretend to be cute dainty catgirls instead of hairy golems
WoW is the same with belves, but it's more prevalent in XIV because of the anime art style

I think its great. If you liked Stormblood DRK then Shadowbringers DRK is better. The only problem I have with it is that the mana regen is a little low. Carve and Spit could either use a shorter cd or a bigger mp boost and Bloodspiller and Quietus really need to give MP outside of Delirium and Bloodweapon. Otherwise, its much better. Blackblood accumulates faster and Bloodspillers are more regular. MP management is harder so you are actually punished by missing a TBN pop and you have a steady stream of ogcds and Bloodspillers to make the 123 rotation not boring.

Where the fuck did all the au ra females go

Dragoons are canon elezen and elezens are the biggest chads in the game. Male cats are canonically huge cucks and incest babies. All cat adventurers have been chased out their home because their dad is fucking all their sisters. Don't be a cat.

The forest's theme is so fucking good.

Name one zone that doesn't have 10/10 music. I'll wait.

hol up when did lamia become the tranny server. I had always suspected it

is it weird that i find SMN shitty to play now? it's like there's too much to keep track of and none of it is actually fun, i think the thing i hate the most is that i had to add the two stupid pet cooldowns

it feels kinda alright for a fight but you can get caught between cooldowns or something and it feels like shit

how does SCH look? or do i need to level something else up? closest thing i have to 70 is a PLD, they any good? what all tanks/dps/heals are good in 5.0?

Idyllshire day
Nobody likes bagpipes.

Rhalgr's Reach
Yanxia Day.

Because they aren't the focus of the game. The cash shop stuff is on top of the regular and constant content patches that have things for every kind of player from raid tranny to erp slut. People who play WoW are frusterated because they wait 7 months for a patch only to complete all the content in literally 2 hours, then Blizzard puts all their effort in a unique store mount. The vast majority of in game earnable mounts are now reskins while all the unique mounts are store exclusive. Contrast that with FFXIV where the store mounts are exclusive but there are far more unique mounts added to the game that you can earn by playing. Not everyone has an Ozma mount and you can still look at people who have one and go "wow, I wish I did that content". In WoW, the only thing you think when you see a unique mount is "that faggot is enabling Blizzard to be lazy".

Best writing in any MMO i've seen. The new zones are really good, good dungeons, Trust system is fun and doing fates feels reward.

My only gripe with the expansion is that they have gone waaaay to far in streamlining all the roles. All jobs within a role feel almost exactly the same now. The expansion is a 9/10 for me provided the 8/24 man dungeons end up being good and they tweak the jobs a bit.


Not Mooncats

I meant in Shadowbringers.

>Nobody likes bagpipes.

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Has anyone found a fate that has a unique reward attached to it like a pet?


Would it have killed them to make a couple of the AoE's proc-based to switch it up? It's feels so uninspired giving every melee the same AoE combo

DPS jobs are still different and the only thing about Tanks that got streamlined is their AOE rotation and having an Inner Release window. PLD and DRK don't play anything alike other than pressing big damage buttons 3-4 times in a row.

>Alisaie actually died

PLD and WAR, only WARs will deny this


>it feels kinda alright for a fight but you can get caught between cooldowns or something and it feels like shit
Did you play SMN at all in SB?

Play RDM.

>people are actually playing a game rather than watching it
Oh no no no bro

Use your Raise bro

The ruler is a king, regardless of their genitals

Explain the Queen of england than ya cunt.

Is Vauthry actually fucking the sin eaters in his room?

you really think he can even find his penis anymore?

So GNB are basically built for off-tanking, unsynced farm and doing casual content, right? Because they offer nothing in terms of utility or gimmick other than pretty crazy deeps.

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don't they do basically the same dps as the other tanks?

I just sharpcasrt thunder during my Umbral Ice now

I really hope there is some explanation for why the General is so strong. He makes Zenos look like a fucking joke.


Any multi-part FATEs found?

I don't see how a paladins 1-2-3 is supposed to keep up with GNB's 1-continuation-2-continuation-3-continuation combo

lol what
>own version of TBN
>slightly scuffed shake it off
>built in self sustain
>good damage
GNB are strong as fuck.

Paladins potency's, in combination with Fight or Flight's 25% physical and Requiescat's +50% magical, are massive

Lol. even as healer it's 30m wait for new dungeon
They really fucked up it, huh

Most erotica is created by men, so what? I don't masturbate to whoever wrote or painted it, I masturbate to what it is, because it is hot.

One could feed all of Ala Mhigo with this lad

Attached: ff14sb-vauthry.jpg (1040x1100, 180K)

>Iguana enemies are using the toad skeleton

Those will always be the 30 minute ones

Oh, that;s because there not enough mirrors for dungeons

I didn't really pay much attention to what was going to happen in shadowbringers since I am still only level 32
What the fuck happened to my break, drain and diversion

Oh god it's almost all gone, it's been fucking neutered

Of course queue is bugged for trials
Finds all members but nothing is happening

He didn't say GNB was shit, he said that GNB's non-dps kit seems less suited for main-tanking than the other thanks, which is true. GNB has obviously been designed to appeal to players who don't like other tanks more slow playstyle and prefer to dps.

>using break and drain ever
You're like that guy in my FC who complained that they removed DRK's "DPS" combo.

Having less options is never better

Because Paladins don 123 for 1 min straight? What is it about tanks that make them compare a 30 second damage cool down with the base rotation? Let me guess, you also think that DRKs only press 3 buttons to dps now too, don't you?

Well yeah but I was still surprised to see them gone

Is trial roulette experience efficient to do or is it a waste like 50/60 roulette?

I mean it is marginally better at off tanking since you get more value out of heart of light, but it's still a perfectly fine main tanking kit.
It's no worse than DRK or PLD and WAR is only ahead of everything else because of holm.

gobert hehehehe


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They were never options to begin with. Name one scenerio where you would ever use Drain or Break over an actual damage spell.

Why are you surprised that useless abilities you had no reason to even put on your bar are gone? The only useful one is Diversion and that was only useful because tanks refused to use their enmity combos.


song of the year

holy shit the level 79 dungeon

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>heart of light
Meant heart of stone.

Gem vendors deep inside zones is annoying as fuck. Since by the time you can buy the riding map you can just get the aether currents. Il Mheg and Lakeland are nice because the vendor is in the starting hub.

Are these 2 supposed to be the FFIX jesters?

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goddamn people are at 79 already

I hate not being a neet anymore fuck

>replying to a post over 90 minutes old
>all to justify his kinks to the internet
Oh no..Buddy..

not a neet aswell i just took days off

Every time Ardbert is on the screen I just know it's time for things to get sad.

Because 100% of mogstation earnings are reinvested into the game. Yoshi P wouldn't lie to me.

>queue for titania is over 1 hour because the game needs to reserve a server
holy shit
is this 2005?

please respond

I feel like Delirium and BW need to be like a second or 2 longer, too, because if you don't double weave them or wait until the GCD is about halfway, you can just barely miss an extra hit

Red chocobos

works fine on elemental

If you put your dick in a sin eater do you get corrupted or does it only happen when the sin eater dicks you?

Sin Eaters are not for fuck

>95% of Vieras are tiny pale chicks with neon hair
Finding one that even remotely looks like Fran is a blessing.

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>break, drain
who care
Tanks are now always in tank stance if they're MT. You don't need it anymore.

Does Shadowbringers have any reference to the player being a Dark Knight? Wondering if I should bother levelling one before playing the expansion.

>Hyoton so bad they had to make a trait that turns it into raiton

They should have just turned it into a real utility mudra.

Don't give a shit about timestamps, when I see something I want to respond to, I respond to it, if that upsets you friendo, that's your problem.

You should do them all

Yeah I bet they'll get ascended into whatever that fucking thing Thorn and Zorn turned into. It's a neat reference, obvious without feeling forced.

>the music in amh araeng reminds me of ragnarok online

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Doesn't bother me in the slightest, for I get to snicker at your insecurity. Give me your hardest seethe now.

>urianger keeps throwing cards like he's Gambit

A true astrologian.

>(You) cringing at the sight of tomestones
>Feo Ul threatening the other faeries with all the old crusty shit in your inventory
Based and redpilled expac

the battle theme is growing on me

I still don't like it though


the humor is actually on point this expansion, none of that hildibrand slapstick shit

the ratika bgm is kino as fuck

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It sounds like a fucking man.
Fuck you, Reddit Fox.

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inb4 koji fox is found tied up in the basement of SE headquarters

>he fell for the dub meme

Hey i see that they put a dyeable version of the lighthouse tank chest piece in shadowbringers. I need to know if they put a dyeanle agrias chest piece (monastery) in too and what it's called

>tribal viera town
>all of them are wearing the starting Viera bottoms because it's the only thing with heels

At least someone on the dev teams knows that the heels are literally a defining trait.

It is a man you retard. They even refer to him with male pronouns

all the new zone tracks are, soken upped his game this time around

problem with that is that that white hair looks like shit in XIV's color palette/temperature

so did trusts completely kill dungeon ques once and for all

I got instant queues for the first two dungeons as a dps because so many people are just going straight to trusts.


Anyone have problems with reshade too? Is that normal when a new expansion hits?
It worked fine yesterday morning but now I get some error when starting the game, uninstalling reshade fixed it. Guess I should just play without it for now but I've really grown accustomed to the more saturated colors.

How does the continuation mechanics of GNB work?

>servers totally broken
>70m+ queue times

Does voice 7 viera sound completely different in the character creator or are they people that actually think that abomination sounds good? I've seen multiple people using it.

>last trial endboss

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As a guy with a dark skinned character its probably for the best. The lighting engine of the game is complete dogshit that causes dark skin to look really fucking shadowy

You can only use trusts for the first clear

How many people noticed that these broken robots are the ones from Final Fantasy I? It took me a moment. I thought they were broken Construct 8's.

Is this expansion just a FF1 love letter?

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you press an ogcd after every cartridge combo GCD

What level is the second dungeon?

The emotes in character creation do not include the combat sounds

It's bugged right now and everyone knows about it at this point so people are using it for the meme.

>Thinking of changing race
>Know I'll regret it and miss my elf
Shiny new stuff never lasts

Because it was the Extreme version at E3

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73 with ilvl 400 drops, same pattern as HW and STB

DNC really is BRD but more fun

I made mine brown.

Attached: Capture.png (994x785, 1.59M)

What purpose does this glove serve? She's not even wearing them on both hands.

Attached: yshtola glove.jpg (1920x1080, 531K)

I was going to make mine look like Fran but dark skin in the FFXIV engine just looks bad.

Why did they fuck up most classes so hard?
They literally removed what mane AST, BRD and SMN unique jesus

I thought I was the only one. I was getting heavy RO vibes in Amh Araeng. Hell, even the main city reminds me of Geffen and Juno.

This expansion overall just has a very RO-feel to it. The Sineaters look like something straight out of RO's Norse-inspired monster roster. The music. The landscapes. All of it. I like it a lot for that reason.


Attached: Geffen3D.jpg (600x600, 205K)

BRD didn't really get anything new, but all the QoL improvements have made it really fun for me. No longer being attached at the hip to crit is also a blessing.

ffxiv is for furries and anime cat lovers.

prove me wrong.

It's fashionable you cretin

I can see your issue with SCH no longer being a DPS in disguise and AST having their cards standardized, but are you really that gutted over losing Foe Requiem in exchange for an entire new bar and a dumpster of improvements to how the class plays?

It's more summon based than ever

>Tfw well never get a collab between SoundTEMP & Soken

Attached: MiniFilliaSway.webm (1324x1080, 2.98M)

right there with you guys

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just did the fairy dungeon
it was amazing, I was expecting some alice in wonderland / minigolf course shit but it ended up being one of the most beautiful dungeons in the game
well played yoshi

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Playing in Japanese but why is so much of the talking not subtitled?

You can do as many clears with trusts as you want. That's what I've been doing every time it tells me to fuck off and level up to get the next msq.

>the tightrope phase is a static path every single time instead of random

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>tfw AST actually doesn't feel that bad and it'll probably get buffed anyway
>don't even have to worry about queues to 80 as a DPS anyway

Wait for the lvl 80 one
Holy fucking shit

why do you keep spreading this misinformation

Do Minfilias just pop into existence or is she hijacking random pregnancies. Is there a rabbit that just gave birth to a little white human girl at some point?

square is a small indie company like blizzard

Dont skip the cutscenes and You will know why Your character do that.

Duty finder busted on NA or is it just EU?
Not even a full pre made group or solo tank/healer pops queue

WAR was pretty boring at lv70, doing the usual 123 rotation until berserk is ready so you can press fell cleave 10 times isn't fun after the first time you get to do it.

Honestly DRK is and was more fun.

>complete a quest
>five others pop up on the map
For some reason I start feeling very tired whenever this happens. I know this is common for MMOs, but goddamn.

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Because they cant leave thier houses without muslims beheaded them.

faggots have.

>50% chance of granting Flourising effects
50% my ass MAYBE it's 25%

Alphinaud or Alisae first?

You should be doing the minimum amount of sidequests required until you can fly in a zone.

Where in the fuck is the wolverine enemies in Lakeland? I could've sworn I saw them during the healer quest but now it's disappeared.

haha yeah, people who are better than us are faggots right, real dick sucking homosexuals haha

Because your wow community are just dumb sheeps.
They just follows a moldy food eating virging, while repeating everything he saying.

>getting fucked by corporations = good
>saying no = bad

If the general isn't some super light hybrid to explain his power i'm going to be pissed. At least Zenos had an actual excuse for shit stomping us beyond he fought a lot.

Everyone gets Hasty Touch II at level 37. With half of the cross class skills gone, grinding at low levels has become more annoying.

The lighting and shading engine looks really bad on non whites

> Fuck blizztard. They are just greedy jews
> Damn this 80 dollar mount looks sick i gonna buy it

If you use a level boost potion for a job, does that also skip you past the job quests as well, or would you still be able to experience those?

As much as many people are still concerned about how simple enmity management has become with the new tank stances, and the obscene amounts of enmity they provide, I can honestly say that I've been loving the change.

Tanking is so chill now, especially in pugs! I don't have to worry about swapping to dps stance once I've grabbed a decent enmity lead and, in the case of tanks that aren't war, delayed my opener, and I don't have to worry about using resources like defiance into unchained and da+p to reestablish enmity because a dps couldn't be bothered pressing diversion or using their dumping tools. I don't have to worry too much about taking over for the MT if they die or have to split off as well! I can just enjoy my rotation now, try to output as much dps as possible, and pay more attention to using all the sweet new OT skills effectively, like giving dps more uptime by letting them ignore mechs.

As much as it makes the roles slightly less complex, and less interactive between one another, I'd never want to go back to how things used to be.

mankind doesn't deserve such a blessed collab

thats the fallacy here yes

Yeah. Enmity is an absolute non issue now

Alisaie. You learn more about the First and Sin-Eaters with her and its a better story overall.

Man some of these textures in this game look like trash up close. Unless there is hidden texture setting.

Literally hour to get into first duty
what the fuck

Playing a tank?

How large is the range on standard step?

Everyone who wanted to do it early in the morning did it yesterday.

The GNB story is so fucking boring holyshit.

Holy FUCK the final story trial is sweet

I can’t believe ishgard is gone

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As a fucking healer
Waited 20 minutes in duty finder, then said fuck it and decided to try trust system, now on 40 minutes

>everyone jumping on the GNB/DNC train
>at the same time piss off healerfags
Makes sense desu. At least you have Trusts for the ShB dungeons, I'm trying to get through SB and it sucks.


>something sad happens
>flashbacks multiple time to it within 10 minutes of it happening
>15 minutes later it's completely fixed with zero actual consequences

Well that was a massive waste of time

I can't believe you're a fucking asshole

I believe it's inspired by gloves for fishing. Gripping.

Two questions about the story from someone that just dinged 71

Does the story pick up pace and possibly exp after obtaining the twins? It felt like it took a good bit of time for each of their respective quest branches.

Do we see anymore transformations into Sin Eaters in the MSQ? That was a pretty intense scene for what could be a one-off segment[/spolier]

Has nothing to do with role. Even has tank/healer I got 40 minutes+ and still not in. Something is up with the servers

How can you tell if a skill can be used without a target or not?

Still not sure if I want to continue with DNC at 67 or switch to my 70 SMN.
I dunno looking at DNC's skills things don't seen like they change much from here and I'm not sure if I'm in love with this playstyle.

try using it without a target

If it has a range then it requires a target

delete this

took me 15 minutes as a summoner.

Everyone is sleeping

>MFW if you play your fucking cards right you can get 7 fucking bloodspillers in a row

Is this the power of unga to bunga ?

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not true in the case of the new Dragon Sight

DRK turned out way more fun than I thought it'd be.

Oh my bad then. Is it only for ShB dungeons?

>Living Shadow
>Conjure a simulacrum of your darkside to fight alongside you. Duration: 24s Blood Gauge Cost: 50
But what about potency? How much?


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How? Seems worse in most ways. Siphon strike's mp drain being nerfed like hell makes the new 3000 mp skills hurt.

>running Holminster Switch
>tank gets 8 stacks of vuln up

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why does anyone like dancer

> Play WAR, DRK and PLD
> Decide to try GNB
> 25 minute queues to do anything

Fuck off, DPS cucks that wanna play the big new cool man with the cool weapon, you're not gonna stick at it anyway just like with all those shit DRKs in Heavensward.

It's less of an issue with everyone want to try GNB and more that nobody wants to play healer anymore

Maybe. But I've held off SB side quests for so long I've only cleared the maps of them a few weeks before ShB release. The fuckers add up and end up clustering around aetherytes. Seeing a map clean of quest markers puts my mind at ease.

Where's that armor all the crystarium guards wear from? It's not a craftable. This had better not be an npc only kind of thing.

You literally get a glamour set of it by doing the MSQ

You get that armor set from the MSQ around level 72-73.

you get it in the msq later

>nobody talking about MCH

how do you like gadgetbros? I feel it's very fun, attacks animations are satisfying as fuck and mechanics feel very rewarding

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Well at least there's new free space for a new house

PLD bros where we at?
>those potency changes
>proper aoe
>INSTANT Holy spirit
I'm having so much fun, it feels weird not having shield swipe anymore but Shelton changes are good too

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It’s not real. The Wol was just thinking about if his home got hit by the black rose.

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But my home's Gridania


>PLD gets prominence at level 40
>WAR gets Mythril Tempest at 40
>GNB gets Demon Slaughter at 40
>DRK gets Stalwart Soul at 72
I mean, DRK does get Flood of Shadow at 30 and Abyssal Drain at 56 for earlier AoE, but a second hit in a melee combo is kinda an underwhelming ability to get that late

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I can't play at the moment I was just wondering if GNBs AoE combo and Bow Shock could be used without a target and they don't have a range so I'll assume so.

I'd fuck sue

Why does no one have a screenshot of the last zone? Spoil me bros.

Any other healers who were worried about the lack of DPS options happy about the fact healing is a bit harder to do now? With SCH I have so many options and feel incentivised to use them now. Solo content is a fucking drag though.

It's fun and I like playing support

EU has the same Rauhban issues Stormblood had. No one can do MSQ or Duties because it doesn't reserve an instance correctly.

Great job Square

What does the voices of the Fairies sound like in Japanese?

Instance servers have been shitting the bed for the past hour or two.

Probably generic cute voice like almost every girl in this game

Not having Flash feels way weirder.

>shield swipe gets taken out
>but shield bash gets to stay
I don't get it.

..Paladins don't have Flash anymore? And here I was, yelling at all new gladiators I ran into for not using it. Just as well, they were clearly doing something wrong anyway

>WoL is absorving all the aether from the lightwardens
That doesn't sound healthy wtf

>MFW I just noticed how big Viera tiddies are.

Only beaten by roe tiddies I bet.

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The fuck are you smoking bro? Harder? I find myself sitting on my aetherflow more than I end up having to use it, healing has never felt so trivial.

Hell, if you need more evidence of the disdain for healers just look at the sodding role quests, you'd think they'd be about the actual fucking role but no, just go over there and spam broil on something, yup, that's all there is to the fucking HEALER role quest.

The exarc said that the flood of light woulf cause a rejoining
But If the void didn’t cause a calamity, why would the first ?

Watch as we end up needing to expel it somewhere and it becomes the final boss


Sue a cute

Because the black rose functions off of light-aspected aether, which is what's causing aether to stop flowing on the source


harder? i get mad when tanks do not wall pull even in the level 77 and 79 dungeon.
i remember bardams mettle where this would have been a death sentence. if anything its even easier now.

Party I was in had a black screen after 2 hours of waiting, had to leave
This is the issue having everything instanced in the game and Square leanred nothing from Stormblood.


is GNB+MCH the most chad combo of 5.0?

Yes, we're just missing a garlean race to make it sss tier

the tesleen bossfight makes no sense, what are you supposed to do?

yfw going on a merry adventures with your acian bros

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Is it kino?

>Its weapon is 0/10 only fucking STORMBLOOD weapons are Ryumyaku/Scaevan
It has SB dungeon weapons. I hope they at least add the HW/SB Primal weapons down the line.

it's noticeable if you replay older content where you need to heal slightly more than you used to, but 10% more healing when you only had to heal 10% of the time and you have lots of new healing options is pretty trivial.

living in your head rent free

tfw tao bai bai is in the game now

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Post you're lion.

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We're already an immeasurable aether nuke how bad could it be

Pick one

How is gunbreaker? Seems fun but I haven’t tried it yet

Oh look its the average cat player

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very good, very fun


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That's only because your gear is relatively worse now, again, I find myself casting heals far less often and I'm constantly just wasting aetherflow because the cooldown is coming up and I might as well fill up the faerie gouge, there's usually little to no reason to actually use it.

I mean compare this to the start of SB, where healing as SCH was actually legitimately "difficult" due to poor balancing

She's kinda cute though

is this "reserving a server" thing fucked on other servers too?

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sure feels like they put more effort into the zones this time around. shame its all gonna be dead after msq.

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>GNB literally has everything they took away from the other tanks
Fuck off Yoshi

>log on
>go on MCH
>Mfw heated reassembled Drill

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Whatever sort of retardation-condoning idiot you're pretending to be, it's not working.

So, when's the time to use Nocturnal Sect over Diurnal Sect as an astrologian? Obvious is when you're running with another AST, but what about when you're with other healers?

How we doing DRG bros? Hanging in there?

First time playing since 4.1 whats the quickest way to level a DPS class from 60 to 70? Is Palace of the Dead still relevant?

>XIV did Crystalsong Forest justice

heaven on high, spam 21-30

I would guess it's because for some reason there was no corresponding dark calamity on the Source side of things, but we don't really have the full details of that, do we?

>players are too weak to triple pull in new content
>the trusts can
absolutely based

>playing AST
bros... dont tell him...

Just don't stand in red circles and cones and attack like usual

I pretty much just macro'd those together. Nothing else to really use Reassemble on right now.

That looks like complete garbage. what the fuck.

They are so big you cant even try to make them flat unlike Elezen and Human

Having to do disembowl to get our "heavy thrust" buff is stupid but so far its been good.

>tank pulls only one pack
>This is a bad thing
No it's great.
As a BLM I can safely say fuck every single tank who just runs through the level pulling every mob.

Don't run Nocturnal when you're with a SCH because the shields aren't compatible, unless they've changed it for 5.0

>MFW The new summoner rotation
>I'am only 73

Wew Gaining control over pets changed quite a bit. Also, you motherfuckers are sleeping on Fucking Titan.
>A fucking barrier that doesn't let you take damage for an ungodly amount of time.

I fucking tanked a Fate boss for one other person until people came to help. That shit is amazing.

You're not supposed to put down your leylines until after the tank's done pulling, you dummy

>as one of the god-kings of AoE, I say fuck tanks who pull big groups.
Huh? You sure that came out right?

wow. you must be one of the worst players i've met on Yea Forums.

I like how each NPC has differences to them.

Minifilia sandbags on bossfights, Urianger cheats (he literally ran outside of the bounds of the arena to dodge an aoe) and Thancred is apparently a gunblade, rogue and ninja combined.

>DNC has all the utility they took away from BRD
I'm noticing a pattern desu.

Yeah but I am expected to Scathe while running after him.
Fuck that.

As a black mage AoE is hella smooth at level 72 with the zero cost ice magic and freeze buff.

Minfilia is for....

never, there is no reason to use noct unless you absolutely need shields to survive certain mechanics. You have to heal less with diurnal and regens can stack, so there's no reason not to use double diurnal.

>God of AOE
You do know that they got massively nerfed for AOE years ago, right?

>wow I have to press A SINGLE BUTTON while running? Fuck that
You're the worst BLM ever.

>Hit level 72 BLM
>Keep forgetting to use Freeze and use Transpose After Flare Spamming
God DAMN This feels weird to use Freeze, but holy shit its so amazing. Fuck you Blizzard 3 taking 5 seconds to cast at 1 UI.

Overall thou, BLM feels really fucking great and better. Can't wait for level 80.

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>one of


Good lion!

Bruh, Thunder IV, Flare Spam, Freeze being GODLY and cutting downtime by like 7 seconds, and Foul.
BLM is bonkers at AoE.

>thancred tanking
>urianger just straight up dies to mobs around halfway through dungeon

Still better than Buttz.

did you literally ignored blm's change for shb
their rotation is so smooth now that their aoe may as well be unmatchable

>My canon name is Ardbert
Wait, really?

Does Minfilia TA Y/N?

>back in queue

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>Keep forgetting to Despair instead of going straight to Blizzard 3
Getting rid of Muscle Memory from 2.0 fucking sucks

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>minfilia is a melee dps
>won't use limit break
>Alisae the caster will

Can't seem to find a straight answer but what's the class priority for Closed Position?

I'm assuming it's something like BLM->SAM->RDM->MNK->NIN->errybudy else

Nerd forgot to get out of the red floors

the pet skills actually feel like skills instead of clanky buttons that you pray work when you hit them

You and Alisaie called dibs on LB rights

>game knows that the fairy still exists when scholar uses dissipation now
>still don't generate gauge from using aetherflow when she's temporarily gone

They were so fucking close to finally making this piece of shit skill good. But they still managed to fuck it up.

Attached: fairy.jpg (636x900, 138K)

>He doesnt salivate at the opportunity to sharpcast->Thunder II x2 whenever a large mob forms

I feel like a fucking psyker or darth sidius

What happens when trust members die anyway?

Because literally all the stuff in mog station isn't even relavant to story or raid progression. It's all mounts of visual stuff or stuff from passed events.
What's the problem?

>log back in after sleeping
>expect a fuckhuge queue
>players in queue: 3


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any other trust member can raise them.

Aside from the PC DL issues last night has an MMO launch ever gone this smoothly? Really fucking well done and well planned.

>tfw you'll never have your own loli to headpat and protect

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>2 expansions and the skill is still worthless
Yup, they were too busy removing half the class to bother with actually fixing dissipation, please understand.

Fuck english voice acting. Seriously.

My catgirl really likes riding big black chocobo... Anyone else know that feel?

>job is fun to play
>not interesting thematically
it's not fucking fair

Theres still so much crap left un voiced

I just realized. Next expansion has to be a caster DPS expansion or healer expansion right? Right?

That gif related closely to dragoons.

What is the actual point of quietus now?
>doesn't work with blood weapon
>doesn't recover mp
>still costs 50 blood

Fuck Thancred, abusive piece of shit.

So how is dancer?

He just misses his waifu. He has his own stress and sex-relief loli to help with that though.
Not gonna lay, the entire concept of him with the child version of someone he loved and he doesn't know how to deal with it makes me uncomfortable just based on implications of what he could have done.

You would be mad too if you found out you daughter died 100 years ago fighting unholy light monsters and keep coming back to life just to suffer more.

>job is fucking cool battlefield tactician in a swanky-ass coat and hat, hits enemies in the face with the spine of a book, supports allies and poisons and broils the enemy alive, comes with a personal fairy onahole

Any other AoE use Blood?

Just hit 72 with blm, can anyone tell me whats the optimal aoe rotation with the new freeze?

Geomancer&Green Mage hype!

Will Minfilia die just to grind Thancred's heart into ittier-bittier pieces, or will he finally die for her?

It does work with blood weapon does work with Queitus, and it's an AoE move to use blood on

>He just misses his waifu
Yea, every abusive piece of shit has their excuses, doesn't change what they are, fuck him.

Being mad is fine, being a piece of shit because your ward is not who you want them to be is just a dick move regardless, he's meant to be the adult in the room, not some simpering lovesick fop.

Minfilia is his daughteru, user
He'd much rather slam it in her catmom if anything

Punished Thancred has now evolved into Suffering Thancred.

Freeze -> Eno -> Thunder Iv -> Triple Cast -> Flare -> Flare -> Manafont -> Flare -> Ether (You can buy these off NPCs now) -> Swiftcast -> Flare -> Freeze

No but it seems like a big cost for only marginally more potency. In SB you'd use quietus to gain tons of mp so you can keep spamming abyssal drain/TBN/dark arts.

The blood weapon tooltip says that only the first hit will heal mp though, compared to every mob hit healing mp?

I feel like the first 4 zones are pretty average. Nothing really stands out as "wow, look at that!"

is there a primer for someone who hasn't played since HW?

Given that people on the first have somewhat different names than their counterparts, no.
Unless that really is ardbert in the op and not wol

Yeah they're called Main Story Quests.

>finally hit level 76 on ninja

It took 6 years hyoton but you're finally good. All it took was turning you into a better raiton.

>flashback to HW out of nowhere
yeap.... that was a good expansion


mechanics and shit


Each expansion launch did get progressively better and the only real problem with stormblood was the whole raubhan ex thing

in the end he really meant it

>buy augmented 50/60/70 poetics gear
>do main story quests
>do blue icon side quests
No old content should give you a problem unless you're a brainlet.

Oh. It's not that complicated. Just smash buttons until you find what works.

If you're a healer then your class just got lobotomized, healing is easier than ever and your dps rotation is literally one button now.

If you're a dps not much has changed, just some new toys

If you're a tank, you lost some tools and your job is easier.

Basically Yoshi looked at WoW and decided "gutting every class was a great move!"

Just go through low level dungeons till you get used to your moves again, or use a training dummy

Or a few rounds of potd.

yup, whm

DF is completely broken right now and it's been a much worse issue than infinite raubhan. Best not to talk about things like this until you actually know what the fuck is going on mate.

Just restored the night in first zone and returned to inn
Really love this shit, music, story and characters were great so far

No job is more complex than anything that was in Heavensward, just different because of skills getting pruned and added in Stormblood and now Shadowbringers, plus new jobs bring new flavors into the mix. Look at the job guide and see if there's currently something that appeals to you.
Except for healers, don't play healers because the devs hate you and believe you're an idiot for playing them

>making jobs simple is gutting them
xiv was never supposed to be some kind of elite esports game you stupid parsetranny
yoshi always said he wanted xiv to be the most accessible mmo in the market, where new players, casuals and metatrannies can have a more fair and balanced grounds and even then playing a class optimally in harder content still requires skill

>Nu Mus are basically cute dog-like people that just wants to trade and hang out with humans

that's really adorable

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>not sharp casting thunder

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Except funny enough the one area where WoW has kept a lot of it's class flavor is healers.
Which is why I play it over XIV

EU has been broken for 4-5 hours now and we can't do MSQ or any Duties in Shb

Why do tanks get so much damage all of a sudden?

Minfilia will grind my dick.

Attached: Minfilia.jpg (481x771, 68K)

>I want to play da bideo geam by pressing da button durrrrr
Jesus dude, what the actual fuck is wrong with you?

They're pseudo DPS classes now. I think it's great.

No more protect

>changed to hrotgar but don't like it
Theyr animations look so goofy i want my catboy back!

>literally a non argument
as expected of the parsetranny

Maybe on your shitty server. Runs well on mine.

Except their dps is even worse than healers.

works on my machine

>changed to a meme race
that'll be $10

>I didn't give any arguments but I insist on people using arguments against my non-arguments while I keep just calling them names!
Yea, jesus fuck you're retarded, as expected of a "hurrr more than one button is esports tryhard durrrr" spouting faggot.

I was playing a second ago and everything was fine.



I didn't change to viera

>explain that depending on your class some good or some bad happened to it
>proceed to say that everything got gutted like WoW

>>I didn't give any arguments but I insist on people using arguments against my non-arguments while I keep just calling them names!
so literally what you just did after ignoring my disregarding everything in my post
i'm glad yoshi will keep focusing on the 99% so you will seethe harder and harder in the next expansions