Is this a gud game for a girl that likes skyrim

Is this a gud game for a girl that likes skyrim

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play gothic

play nothing and hang yourself whore



It's not great but has better story and characters than skyrim. A lot of busywork quests. Don't even try to 100% any of the areas, it likes to waste your time

yes a roastie will feel right at home with such a diverse cast of characters

that game is the opposite of fun

I swear eu posters around this time are insufferable faggots and trannies
don't you need a Yea Forums license or something to even post

it's a shitty single player mmo with shit story and characters

So yes?

>having a QT GF makes you gay or a trannie

Seething incel detected

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tits or gtfo

nah you have shit taste

its a terrible game

t. Cuckiest of cucks


That's what makes it so great

nah, gothic has shit combat

Skyrim, probably

dick or gtfo

So is Pathologic 2 but it's still good.

Arlanthan is almost certainly the black city.
Fen'harel is a sleepy pupper inside Solas, sleepy from tricking all the elves out of immortality for being dumbasses and "taking shit too far" with this "fuck up dragons and titans" plan.
Dragons and titans actively fucking hated the elves and were regularly opposed. Tevinter dragon worship is directly related to being basically conscripted footsoldiers/worshipping idiots of dragons. The darkspawn curse is basically a modified "fuck with dragons" game plan the elves had to wreck their shit. This is why darkspawn dig for shit-scared hiding dragons and go apeshit blight when they find one. It has nothing to do with the original intruders, just unfortunate coincidence they were the exact idiots the curse/weapon was designed for.
darkspawn are actually really the tevinter idiots who put their foot in fen's trap by entering the city and were subsequently tricked to mutative-half elvish dickery
Humans never invaded arlanthan. At best, they were enslaved there and some got out, the history got corrupted here as elves all basically fucking died or were stranded on the primary plane with absolutely no resources and no connection to their immortality, provided somehow by the fade.
The fade is literally just 40k's warp combined with 40k's webway fucked up royally and elves were either planar hijackers tied to the real world or were fucking about in their planar kingdom pre-fen's hjinks.
Dwarves are literally Warcraft's dwarves: cursed with turning fleshy and were originally the spawn of big rocky titan assholes.
Lyrium is titan blood
Lyrium fucking up mages (and pretty much everyone) isn't a coincidence, and tranquils being the 40k equivalent of a null isn't either.
Mabari are good dogs.

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play the witcher 3

Dragon age has been getting progressively more shitty with each sequel. Just play DA:Origins

My ex loves both. She's playing Cisquisition now.


i wish sera was straight desu

>gothic has shit combat
kek nigga u gay
Gothic 2 has one of the best combats, it plays like a rhythm gam--
you are a jew so you don't have a rhythm
Carry on then, no wonder you dislike the best the Krauts ever gave to the world

Ok you're my girlfriend now


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based and redpilled