Yea Forums approved comics

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Other urls found in this thread:

not this again you fucking faggots


>video games, am i right?

Attached: Swords234t.png (1050x1307, 555K)

Mild Chuckle/10

Attached: vidcomic1.png (872x704, 48K)

Why do cutscenes triggers acfag so much?

Attached: 1556802990700.png (572x800, 504K)

needs more wojak pepe

>Sword [Common]
>20 dmg

>Enchanted Sword of Warding [Rare]
>22 dmg
>+1% poison resist on wielder

Attached: 1553197605473.jpg (425x600, 62K)

Attached: average 4chan user these days.png (656x356, 20K)

Where's the joke?
I don't get it.

Attached: 1444065407607.jpg (300x898, 67K)

Cringe and bluepilled

If that comic actually happens, I'd like to thank all of the fuckers who made me think I was hard and led me to try six ghost pepper chicken wings which took me two hours to eat.

Attached: 1522981462707.png (675x2977, 1.37M)

Based and redpilled

>Yea Forums approved

Attached: 1485589518952.jpg (381x1095, 158K)


Are you ok user?

Attached: 8680c7e656a888952d59ff48b4b4f0f07f85fcf5e49e0bff98f746bdfe8c83ba.png (526x800, 470K)

>can i also be pretty
she was already prettier with the short hair

Why does she grow a pointy nose in the last panel?

Attached: 2014-09-19-1062sea.png (720x563, 178K)

Oh I'm fine, it was just the most genuinely excruciating meal I ever had and put me in my place. I get spicy food for flavor now.

>not even nude in orignal
waste of my fucking time

Attached: 1552273971904.gif (500x375, 799K)

Attached: gamerjox.png (1280x308, 355K)

>posts asuka
>has shit taste
Checks out

Attached: f80eb36cb77c46d7c8298703403ba10a89c38209dcf87e76bfcdc2cf87119c28.gif (500x900, 591K)



Attached: diives.gif (1092x1224, 39K)

Mate, you're the one with the saved images of sissy virgin 2d porn.
>prefering Rei over Asuka
>porn for virgins
Well, that checks out

Do people really get off to this?

virgins aren't people


Fucking /d/ keeps finding ways to take quality content and make it into some retarded garbage. I kept meaning to mock these by making one with willy wonka saying that "you lose, you get nothing" line but of course im lazy.

-t censor fetishist

Attached: censored feet.png (800x800, 734K)

But the sea lion is right

women also aren't

This is true
go back


Imagine being this salty

Do you think a 10% damage boost is insignificant?

That's because you're a gay

seethe more

Attached: many candies.gif (500x800, 467K)

wtf is up with her legs cringe and bluepilled sneething incel

absolute trash tier huemonkey """""""""""artist"""""

Just be glad she said boxes instead of something else.

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>Mfw I hate what this place has become but I can't leave

Attached: Screams Externally.png (505x382, 97K)

>seething this hard over 2D women

you and OP have something in common

Not Seen: The Pit Bull flips it's shit from the sudden movement of him being stabbed and it mauls the fox.


>not liking tomboy haircuts
i believe you are the gay one, chum

>Sword of Being a Friend Killing Cunt


Attached: 1561664280932.jpg (1809x2048, 455K)

Small percentage resistance gains can be meaningful if you're expected to have high resistances. Consider Diablo 2 where players are pretty much expected to be near the (default) resistance cap of 75% in the higher difficulties. Going from 50% to 75% doesn't seem like a big deal, but that 25% difference halves the damage you take. It gets more extreme the higher your resistance is.

>I don't mind most races. But n-rs? I could do without n-rs.

PLease what is the uncensored source for this?
Ineed it

Attached: 1555198328297.png (858x360, 340K)

>"I like girls that look like boys"

Attached: 1536433505704.jpg (440x523, 38K)

whatever shut up incel

just look up diives porn on google images, you'll definitely find it.

Yikers! Have sex, incel.

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Attached: wiw4rh121ul11.jpg (640x640, 71K)

Found it, thanks man,

Attached: 1558226924343.png (1010x1010, 50K)

What is the point here?

What year was that again? Where everything was tv and sports games?

Attached: fbi-1.png (1000x972, 468K)

also ironic you chose Konata as your pic, because she's a tomboy.

Attached: tomboys.jpg (1055x1639, 786K)

Thigh gaps are sexee

Attached: 1561683074584.jpg (640x640, 117K)

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Attached: 1542348134349.jpg (1920x1920, 1.65M)

What the fuck are you talking about. The point of the joke is that 1% means nothing you turboautist.

We're talking about short hair not longhaired tomboys, the fact you have stretch this far is just further evidence you're in the closet

What is that robot head?

why did he lose his arms?

Why is mom naked?

this is so bad it's good

i guess liking her makes you gay

Attached: Pyra.png (192x128, 43K)

Attached: 1559272036212.jpg (753x6922, 2.2M)

short hair doesn't inherently make girls look like boys though. That's like saying long hair makes men look like women.

>dude mommy ahaha amirite
I want reddit to leave

Is this Loss?

Really jogs my nog

Are you saying it doesn't? Why are you so full of hate towards people you don't know? Have sex

Attached: 1559807874705.png (1425x2005, 1.27M)

>when your art is thoroughly uninsteresting as stills so you pointlessly make it a 6 frame idle animation to appear in animated searched and gain free popularity

Attached: 1550490565801.jpg (380x432, 39K)


lol fag

You need autism to get it.
If you have autism it's hilarious tho.



Too real. FUCK!

Why would your mom wear clothes while in the house?

if you like her, you're gay apparently

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>liking women that have no penises
lmao faggot

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Pretty funny

dont be a nigger

Attached: e9dcccdfc174833507f7a61772d5caef.jpg (236x346, 15K)

No one cares


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Incel and seethepilled

I ate a raw habanero once, shit was cash initially but goddamn I could feel the slow process of it moving through my intestines. And that was just 1 habanero.
I gotta try ghost pepper.

Go outside tranny

>stonetoss is a nazi
Hello plebbit

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Eh, at least it's not futa.
If /d/ were ants, futa would be the cordyceps fungus.

>shit was cash

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>dood look at my le epik wacky rageface XDDD
I'll give you C+ for Extra Cringe

Attached: 1561799908989.png (656x356, 88K)

those last panels always get me

Where are my video games?

Why white people don't season they food?



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does /vr/ play with the SNES mouse

Attached: DD67E54B-555C-46D6-987D-DCE03C1A0145.png (640x640, 417K)

That alternatives suck major balls and literally everyone should stay away from them.

No, the idea is that they know that have that loyal fanbase who they think will stay no matter what, but they also think they can expand their consumer base by jumping on current """hip""" trends like fag month or feminist bullshit with no downside. What follows is basically the same result

There should be more FFXIV vs WoW vidya comics. For lulz.

Attached: 1485563014338.jpg (574x1293, 118K)

Eh. They'd be harmless enough if the globohomos in big tech didn't encourage them.

>right actually tries to present the left in an honest light that even theyd agree with
>left is just "strawman strawman strawman"

>six ghost pepper chicken wings
How did your ass feel?

Literally unwatchable unless the audio is off.


I really don't get how you're supposed to see this as anything else than the sea lion being in the right and the fops being unreasonable in their petty refusal to engage. Whoever made this probably just wants to argue based off of 'muh feelings' in a safespace without actually backing their arguments up.

this, she looks like a generic roastie after after he made her "prettier"

More like

I have no idea why I find this hilarious, but I find this hilarious.

A classic


Attached: jack ruselel.png (500x399, 105K)

fuck i’m going to hell for laughing


holy fuck the hips on left I can't stop fapping

I get the argument he’s trying to make but you can’t just start from a place of “being a hateful dick for no reason” and expect me to take you seriously.

Looks like Shrek when he turned into a dude but then he was also a wee bit gay

nobody wants blacks, not even blacks themselves.

>memes are serious business!!!!

As someone who recently dropped 70 pounds without the yo-yo effect, I really lost my patience for fatasses and their dumbshit excuses, because all things considered it was really easy, and I objectively fell 1000% better.

How woke should I be to see the point?

i've tried nothing and i'm all out of ideas

>right actually tries to present the left in an honest light that even theyd agree with

stonetoss isn’t nazi, he’s just stupid, racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist and anti-semite, but aside of that, i wouldn’t say he is a nazi


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>I don't mind many people. but niggers? I could do without niggers.

Attached: 1553688334081.jpg (1000x1869, 314K)

i saved this picture 12 years ago

Attached: 1188665704797.jpg (464x1583, 104K)

Stop eating you fat retard.



Attached: 1555699232567.png (962x549, 67K)

I wonder if that shit actually happens.

Exercise and eat less.

Attached: 1542435048480.png (200x391, 63K)

So the left doesnt generally believe in:
>no hierarchies and societal reprogramming
>equity for minority groups
>globalism above nationalism
>nationalism can lead to fascist states
>dismantling societal norms of the past to be more open and free to the individual
Cause this sounds like any leftist's talking points

Stop eating.
Fast for like 5 days then eat a small zero-carb meal like a piece of meat and a couple of eggs, then repeat.

Replace all drinks with water and dont eat anything deep fried, cover with cheeze, or fatty


Attached: 1555329415823.png (1200x1319, 438K)

That's literally true. Try to ignore the ugly face and just look at the words; it's a pretty accurate depiction of the social left's position.

>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
I was gonna comment on how you should realize how retarded your "allies" are for calling him a nazi, then I realized you were just as stupid and mindless.

What is the point of this comic

i know a couple like 3rd panel. they are pretty cute tbf

She didn't want to start an argument since it was just small talk especially against sea lions since you can't just say that you despise sea lions for the multitude of reasons since those can just be said as minor complaints of the sea lions in the area. Sea Lions are just gonna repeat "WHY DOU YOU HATE SEA LIONS" and "WHAT'S THE REAL REASON YOU HATE SEA LIONS".


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Since Yea Forums is a board for males this comic is very useful.

Attached: 1550546046049.png (1072x4216, 3.48M)

That's not correct.
That's not correct either, because "Anti-semite" is a word the Jews invented to hide the fact that they're actually khazars and not semites.
Rest of it is correct.
You do know that national socialism is just one political system out of many, and you can kill undesirables without needing a central authoritarian party, right?
You could have a religious cult that mandates it, for example. No central party, but more a central set of ideas.
You could also have some form of anarchism where you have to be able to maintain a deathtruck to stay alive, which would select against people with no mechanical skill or aptitude.

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damn those tits are massive, what are you bros talking about though

Attached: 1529326355092.jpg (640x478, 43K)


Christ, kill yourself dumb redditnigger

As a cisgender male I can confirm that I do shit myself everytime I take a piss.

Attached: 1541737253523.jpg (541x533, 67K)

Wash ass.

aside of that

>japs are eeevil
lol the war was like, your fault
kys boomer

>since I started testosterone

Attached: augmented rib.jpg (900x900, 166K)

This comic was made in 2013 Yea Forums you dipshit.

Attached: 1540989106585.jpg (750x562, 67K)

You gay?

To give me a boner, I think.

top: soulless
bottom: soul

>its your fault we invaded asia/the pacific and massacred millions then proceeded to bomb your naval fleets one day
The eternal insectoid

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>Has clear feminine features
>Has boobs
>But with short hair
>"Das gay"
No you're gay.


It doesn't. Pic related.

Attached: Joel.jpg (1200x675, 82K)

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Long hair is still better, as it is more feminine

Basically I started exercising - CAREFULLY - so that I wouldn't burn out so I would for a first month just go to a gym and pretty much just sit around to get used to routine of getting up and commuting. Then I would just go for a steps simulator or skying machine and watch YT videos or something, for ten to fifteen minutes and then I'd go home. After a time I started increasing stuff I would do, not because I planned to, but because I would have more energy and so on and so on.
I fixed my diet, but no bullshit, no chia seeds, no soup starvation, no calories counting, I'd just fixed my country's usual cuisine so that it would be from fresh stuff, without padding.
I still eat burgers, but I don't eat shit ones from McCorps, I buy one from proper restaurant, from Angus meat etc. Price difference is negligible nowadays.

Oh, and I don't drink the fucking sodas. Those are the biggest problem in any diet. Once you stayed off them for month or two, you'll notice that your sugar addiction is gone, and the next time you down a bottle of Coke, you'll feel physically ill. Because I am not /fit/ sperg, I want to feel good tastes, I don't drink distilled water, I rather make real iced tea when I game, or a smoothie - small apple, small orange, citron or piece of banana, glass of water, and mix it up - cheaper than Soda.

Yes user, dont you want to share with us why Yea Forums is looking like that at /jp/?

That's because Amerifats don't have the pure wonderful invention that is the bidet.

I will never understand how you people live without it.

Based Strong Bad poster

This comic is unironically pic related

Attached: 1557874542460.jpg (720x1029, 293K)

Really user


Long hair was for a very long time considered a masculine trait, even as far back as the 1700s European males would regularly sport long hair. Short hair being a masculine trait is a relatively new social norm.

Attached: 1282498052885.jpg (850x4252, 713K)

>MGS 2

>men pee so that means they don't wipe their asses

Attached: 1549181389351.gif (230x230, 1.27M)

Nope. Eat properly. Eat less does fuck all when all you do is eat an egg in the morning and then eat bowl of pasta before bed.

I don't get it

Post the mindfuck one

Yea source that nigger

I recognize some of these but only a few, most seem a bit too broad
there obviously ss13, hotline miami, and bath with purin chan, but what are the rest

Right here faggot.

Attached: King Louis XIV.jpg (534x638, 222K)

>women deserve better
No, they don't.

>Jews are Turks

Attached: 2000x.png (2000x454, 22K)

Let the butthurt commence

Attached: 1446400634780.jpg (1280x1025, 338K)

I want to fuck his mom

Attached: 11 (1).jpg (1280x1851, 411K)


does cultist-chan even exist anymore

Hah I think of that every so often. Now I can finally save it.

This was written by millenial leftshit and I don't even have to click it.

as the creator of the original, i got a good kek from this, thank you.

lemon flavoured lube is katawa shoujo, biker's head is trevor in GTA V i think

I cant wait till I can draw good enough to monkeys paw peopls requests

I wish i would have cool powers as airman

>ftm tranny thinks men somehow get piss on their butts when they stand up and pee and is shocked that they don't wipe after using a urinal
>also believes troll posts on yahoo answers and comes to the retarded fucking conclusion that some men don't wipe their asses ever
the fuck???

>Asian man on black woman
Old internet memes have tought me this is on a mythological level.

This would have required self-awareness

wow this was a stupid fucking comic and i want to unsee this idiocy

90% that has been posted has been shit. Let's post something better

Attached: 1561616758986.jpg (700x694, 133K)

I said eat less, not fucking going nuclear and starving yourself. No wonder you can't lose weight.

Attached: TumblerInANutshell.jpg (700x2921, 636K)

i meeeeeeeeeeeean

Attached: EFG.png (225x225, 3K)

Attached: 1561446493479.png (2418x1760, 2.53M)

Why is Stonetoss so full of hate?


i wanna be bullied by her

Attached: SummonMonsterI.jpg (1200x947, 167K)

lost all his money to the bitcoin bubble and can't get laid


Attached: 1492333474641.png (1150x1020, 361K)

not video games

what the fuck kind of mentally challenged fuckwad made this

God it was so fucking nice to be told in advance when I could tune in and out of ea this year

>Kill Chad
Every time

Attached: Mona Lelsa.jpg (300x275, 70K)


eas e3 conferences are filled with sports games few people watching e3 are likely to give a shit about



Attached: yr.jpg (800x629, 131K)

She's saying that she, herself, is retarded.



Attached: 1558919404077.png (853x704, 35K)

Not based.

Attached: 221.jpg (1280x1146, 269K)

I kekd hard


Attached: 1408786150981.jpg (899x898, 202K)

I miss fatlus posting


This is basically /u/ in a nutshell

Mods, you've got five minutes to clean this up.

Attached: 5_minutes_left.jpg (640x475, 37K)

Source? Image search gives nothing.

he's canadian

>cute f͔̦͕̈ͬͧ̇ę̖͖̤ͦ͂́̌ͧ͆ͅą̰̰̗ͣ̀ͪr̼̖̱͉̪̭̙̽͐

Attached: 1561439054159.gif (320x384, 1.31M)

oh ok then

>former princess rape and torute
Princess Trainer
>beating an anime girl in a bath
Purin-chan To Ofuro

Attached: thatsv.gif (463x634, 9K)

>tried nothing
>all out of ideas

Attached: e7d.png (859x1511, 79K)

Deer girls are so fucking cute

The perspective is so bad in this picture.

Attached: 1559877379963.jpg (600x1046, 167K)

because we life is a world full of idiots and assholes like you

Attached: 1506630724511.jpg (409x687, 55K)

>not posting the correct version
that's pretty bringe

Attached: Blank+_76fbf45358e0dde8159325bb80b4cdfa.png (476x969, 293K)


stonetoss is a redditor and his comics are unfunny normie shit.

Attached: 1432921530047.png (1184x1542, 163K)

Attached: deception.png (458x1344, 428K)

>mfw my first "console" was the Commodore 64

Attached: 1553409310325.png (464x500, 493K)

did this whore ever learn her lesson?

I don't get it.

one kek

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Attached: everybody's beautiful.jpg (1024x311, 74K)

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I like diives, I would go so far as to say he is better than minus8

Attached: Pokemon Sword and Shield.jpg (500x499, 90K)

I can't believe nobody else noticed that.

i dont understand this trannys jump in logic


noice. I have no idea when I saved this one.

Attached: LazerCheese.jpg (850x381, 289K)

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How much water should I try to get in a day? I normally just drink straight from the faucet so it's hard to keep track of how much I'm actually drinking, should I try to move to a more consistent water intake?

Attached: 6.jpg (1431x2046, 1.27M)

This is operating on several layers.

Attached: LazerCheese2TheQuickening.jpg (850x381, 154K)

Attached: 1453800965514.jpg (1200x481, 254K)

>Be me
>Go to gym
>Start exercising to get rid of the chub in my body
>Listen to 80s music whilst doing so to get motivated
>Do this for a few days
>Start feeling ill
>Retards at the gym forget to clean up AC filter
>Get legonella
>Get pneumonia for a week
>Get cured after two weeks of infection
>Refused to eat/barely ate during that time because my appetite and taste was absolute dogshit
>Look at myself in the mirror and see I look like a fucking stick
Well, that worked, not in the way I expected it to. But hey, going to the gym worked.

Attached: Surprised Umberto Eco.jpg (220x281, 12K)

this but unironically

Attached: 1556935355411.png (1009x749, 581K)

I will take it upon myself to make sure the black girls aren't lonely

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i like them both

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minus is better for me, cause he actually draws intercourse, and not just idle animations

Just noticed she is naked.

but still hilarious

Based Poles.

Attached: horror.png (167x259, 170K)

no I was hoping someone would say that it's cencored you retard and then I would say no it's not, and two posts later hint that only sissy virgins have it cencored

Depending on your weight, the amount of exercise you do and the climate in which you live in it’s around a 3L.

Attached: 1462847580705.jpg (698x1083, 108K)

Like clockwork


Attached: BhcjSIyIIAAFzRe.jpg-large.jpg (700x730, 90K)

I see literally no problem with this. What is the punchline?

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Attached: religion in a nutshell.jpg (900x608, 200K)

Was this made specifically to bait Yea Forums? I am physically restraining myself from attacking this

the future is so damn bright

I was there. EFG was legit funny, I loved watching him teleport between threads and boards. It was fun and innocent.

Now everything has to be serious or else it's "cringe". You modern kids wouldn't go 5 minutes without being duckrolled.

Attached: 1541912190785.jpg (443x455, 96K)

Should have ended in the fifth panel
Fucking waste with the tattoos

Holy shit underrated I love how chad the whole family is.

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Oh yea lol

Attached: C66E460C-1BF2-445D-A315-1EB05A4BD96B.png (750x1334, 770K)

skyrim came out in 2011 user

its just a different sense of humor.
nobody is being 'serious'. anytime someone calls you a boomer or says something you do is 'cringe' they are definitely just fucking with you and fishing for a (you)

Attached: baf64ce4-70c8-4b07-ad71-2eaa56140ec4.jpg (905x638, 288K)

>the edit has better art than the original

fuck, I laughed

I'm not a furry but those hips and thighs, fuck

you guys are new right?

I can remember when stuff like this was permabanned immediately. Nothing is sacred now.

Attached: awoo.jpg (901x1824, 577K)

the times they are a-changin

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we need a public burning of such comics

dumb phoneposter

Attached: 1Y5zISu.png (650x902, 215K)

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>we need a public burning of such comic makers

>the author of this actually had to edit one of his comics because one of the swords had a red cross on it
Why are the red cross so god dam autistic about their logo

i know was trying to be sassy, early OC Yea Forums was great. Now reddit has more OC than this shithole.

that's how it starts

how much do you contribute faggot?

Attached: Unicornia.jpg (759x5017, 1.06M)

Ok, that doesnt stop you from being a redditor

Attached: now where could my child be.jpg (1188x675, 1.36M)


careful user or hell post his totally not forced and soulless neo-Yea Forums "OC" comic

Attached: giphy (2).gif (262x200, 1016K)

>he’s just stupid, racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist and anti-semite
What is this? 2018? Did I actually set my clock to the past?

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you're giving me flashbacks
no balls. i hate people who cry about that shit but literally contribute 0 OC in a thread.

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Then don't be such fuckin' nerds then, jeez.

Attached: BJzCr.jpg (680x900, 103K)

That Dobson lol

Attached: mcYzkDq_d.jpg (640x458, 53K)

This is too fucking real, send help.

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Attached: party.jpg (750x4640, 912K)

unironically wholesome

>He doesn't know.

Attached: 46480887_p1.jpg (1210x1748, 1.02M)

>mime jr under "gay, bi, tranny"

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I love these.

A classic. Always gets me.

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n-rs? You mean niggers?

Hope you had fun here, retard

This .gif makes me upset.
The chad isn't even striding. He's just doing hammer dance.

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That mom's hot as fuck.

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deathbulge delivers

Yea Forums approved huh?

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Ah late 2000s dumb fan-fic crossover edginess
How I miss it...

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Princess trainer

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uhm excuze me but wild boars are a pest


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noo it's a trap!

They don't own all red crosses, only one with very specific measurements and color.

>art school
like fucking clockwork

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>pokemon fag
>nintendo fag
>closet tranny
Yea Forums summed up in one image

dose that look like a boar?

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Tombi Rider

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I bet you use filters, lil' virgie...

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Mods do your fuckin jobs

Solid fucking bread


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loving every laugh

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is he just evolved enough to be polite, or is it a subtle nod that the "man" is inferior to him?

really gets the noggin almonds joggin

Altered Beast scared me as a kid

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what household object is that supposed to be?

me on the left

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Why don't you ask her.

Kyou kara Hajimaru Sex Life Encore

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I remember this comic.
She acted like she was raped for showing her license.

Why the fuck even have a license, that's what they're used for.

It's just trying to make it easier for illegals to vote.

its literally gogo from big hero 6

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>not cunnypilled


Attached: 546.jpg (1229x1737, 548K)

I do believe that faggots should be beaten into the red HP and stuffed into round portable prisons.

>and you've had too much
>that mouth
Reminds me of Nuzlocke's comic, but I can't remember exactly what part

The customer is returning her blackman and the customer service lady notes that several other costumers have done the same that day.


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what a virgin thing to say

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neither, he realized what joke he was in and switched places with the man as a smug insult

why is this allowed

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look at the frame of the bottom guy, he would absolutely destroy chad in a 1v1 confrontation

Vivian a cute!!! A CUTE!!!

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tfw ocd makes me spend like 15 minutes wiping after taking a shit

oh my god

he's god

me too bro

Chicken and winnigishpilled

a slut!!

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It's almost like people have preferences huh

jesus Christ

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>Realise I have nothing to fill my 'cute animal gril in an RPG world' niche now that Shield Hero has finished.

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Morals are for the good of all
lack thereof is for the good of self


That's it Yea Forums I've officially fallen.

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But she's our slut

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uh oh

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>me oldfag back in my day

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Dude at that point why don't you just jump in the shower and spread your cheeks

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I only shit at home where I can take a shower and scrub my ass with soap. Even wet wipes for emergencies don't make me feel clean. Also I have to fucking shave my ass or my ass smells until I take a shower.

He would, especially if he lifted weights. But females don't care about that. Giving female the option to choose mates is retarded.

How long would that hug last?

Even Newton would say it's B, because in order for the cube to come through, it has to push the previous sections of the cube out of the way to occupy that space, which uses the normal force of the platform it's on to impart motion to push the previous section out of the way. When the final section comes through the portal, the previous 99.9999% of the cube that came before it gets pushed out of the way and is now in motion. Even if that 0.0001% of the cube that came through last wanted to stay stationary like in A, the other 99.9999% of the cube is moving, and its momentum overpowers the final section's inertia.

That trying to limit your dating pool to only your own race is foolish

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Poor guy

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Is Yea Forums guy trying to jump over her or something? I don't get it.

One of the few /pol/ comics in existence that's actually funny by virtue of good punchline delivery instead of repeating the same in-joke over and over like the rest

20 seconds!

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oh nooo

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i don't care

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A 20 second hug is definitely more valuable than a split-second kiss. For the price of the kiss, I could hug more a minute and a half.
God that would be amazing.

oh god


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because taking a shower takes me twice as long.
and no, just washing my ass and not the whole body is not an option.

wait a second, is this comic unironically saying that you shouldn't engage with racists or try and change their minds?


Oh man, the Left really cant meme.

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If only faggots jerk off to the censored one wheres the original then?

this one is actually kinda nice, took me a second.

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>that webm
>your head

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I don't understand. Why does a man not wiping his dick after pissing mean he doesn't wipe his ass?
Is this because women can't piss without shitting at the same time? Do they assume that when men stand up to piss, those very same men also shit in their underwear?

We gave these people the vote.

There's always a bunch of small things to take notice in GTN comics.

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holy fuck

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>calorie counting bs
It's literally just keeping track of how much shit you eat.

Attached: 12.jpg (699x992, 208K)

Green tea, a high fiber diet and making sure I drink enough water is really helping me lose the weight I put on back when I was in a wheelchair.

Try to do so cardio as well and count calories.


My peenus weenus haha :D

Attached: 13.jpg (699x992, 189K)

>caring about women
>caring about other people at all
>not crushing down any feeling of love or intimacy you might experience in exchange for self enlightenment and superiority through future domination

Even the policeman gets in trouble

just how many levels of irony is this?

this person has never been around black teenagers

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>the whole thing was a plot just so the policeman could get himself lolified
Can anyone honestly say they wouldn't do the same.


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What the fuck is that weird bulge where her vag should be? Did the artist fuck up?

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puffy vulva, user

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I know its a long shot but does anyone have the comic about the wrestler trying to make ends meet so he does the risky thing of fighting randoms and you find out he's bonesaw at the very end?


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Here's a classic.

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the bus driver puts the hand onto the coin slot.
maybe that will help you

and that's it

Attached: 19.jpg (699x992, 192K)

Valve actually answered this question, its A.

just take a shower

>Lmao, imagine having to practise what you preach

valve employees are programmers, not physicists

>already had a chicken in the cooker behind him
Wh-what is he doing to the poor birb in his hands?

This would be right if Islam existed during Jesus time. But it didn't until 200 years later so fuck off.

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They also created the universe of the game and all the logic contained within it, you can try argue about how it works using irl logic, but you're arguing with the word of god here.