Do you remember playing Maplestory?

Do you remember playing Maplestory?

Attached: maple login.jpg (500x500, 82K)

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zoomer game.

t. brainlet zoomer

Of course I do. Played it every evening after junior high religiously. Got an online gf and stole from my mom's credit card to buy pets. Those were the days.

Attached: 1516483881317.jpg (1000x800, 61K)

Yeah, came out my freshman year of high school. Some fat weirdo senior in my Japanese class gave me an extra beta account he had made. It was a unique game at the time and it was kinda fun before all the pay to win shit and power creep.

My whole highschool. Golden age of MMO's right here.


It was fun back in the days when I was only allowed 30 minutes of game time a day. Rushing through everything in a day ruins the experience.

stop reminding me that it exists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I like how all the music in this game sounds like it was made by a drunk Korean playing along to a cheap Casio keyboard demo.

Imagine insulting the guy that gave you a free account.

Oh good, this is going to be posted every day.

It was kinda fun but the grind was fucking ridiculous and dying at any point would make you lose like 10% of your exp bar adding hours more to all the grinding.


Attached: 1449425755141.jpg (379x364, 81K)

>Not afking on the airship deck and getting fucked up by a crimson balrig

Played it a few days ago.

>not afking on Mushmom waiting for her to spawn just to come back to some asshole already killing it.

As long as you're mad, it's worth it.

Cc pls

Nah I just wanted to point it out.

Attached: flame dab.png (472x528, 338K)

J>PQ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

S > Ilbis 10 mil @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

I remember hooking up with a chick when I was like 15, she was 14. She stole her dads credit card and bought a plane ticket to me once she found out where I lived. We boned. My Mother contacted her Father, he tried to sue me and have me labeled as a sex offender. Didn't work, then he had me tried as an adult. Almost worked but the judge felt pity for me explaining that we're just kids. Judge forced me to get a job after school and pay for half the expenses charged on that Fathers card. Paid it off, chick wanted to move down to me when she turned 18. Shit was getting heated with the Father, one day don't hear anything from her for a while. Have to call a bunch of people because I kept getting redirected to others. Found out she stabbed her Father to death out of rage and is serving a 20 year sentence.

She'll be free in 4 years and she writes to me every month despite me never replying. Help I'm going to get shanked next.

what does that have to do with maplestory

I hooked up with her through Maplestory. We got started hanging out and got together when we were near each other and kept saying "I love you." to our pets but were implying it to eachother. Back when saying that would trigger a response in the pet.

Attached: 1560897313399.png (439x452, 72K)

>tfw at one time only 20 people could be in one spot
>this is in a server of thousands of people
Maplestory was too ahead of its time with channels.

Yeah I was kind of surprised other games didn't do that at the time.

I want a girl that would kill for me.

See this, this is why you never put your dick in crazy.

Do you remember playing FlyFF?

Attached: FlyFF.jpg (1024x768, 615K)

thanks for the comfy saturday morning maplestory laugh user

I do. I missed it enough to give it a nostalgic go 2-3 years ago and saw that they made it into some high stakes anime superhero abomination and butchered almost all of the classic continent.

I played RuneScape and not trash like maple story also Ultima ffxi and EverQuest are based as well

>tfw RS has eclipsed MS in popularity but back then I felt like MS was the popular thing over RS
Truly a bizarro world.


>4 years
haven't you seen that one south park episode? who gives a shit about 4 years from now

I can't listen to the login music anymore without eventually screeching MAPUUU SUTORIIIII

fat weirdo is a description not an insult

what are you like 38? why are you still on Yea Forums?

People don't usually serve their full sentences, I'm guessing he is more like 25-28

>why are you still on Yea Forums?
Do you really think you can leave once you're here? You're here forever.

>tfw you realize mobile games are the current days equivalent of mmos back then

MMO girl I met and fucked was close enough for a bus ticked she paid for herself.
Never heard anything from any parents or anyone complaining.
She was a cheating slut tho.

poor girl
she's definitely gonna stab you though

Metin 2 was the real nibbas free MMO