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Goodbye, Wrex


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>Can't I have you both?
>Liara is fine with it but Ashley gets butthurt

Liara was never okay with it. She was just lucky the other one loses their patience first.

>human toasty roastie
>blue alien babe who stays young forever

Why do women get so grumpy about things all the time?


not to mention those blueberries when she becomes a milf

>you can found a dynasty with Ash
>you cannot do so with Ms Developers' Pet
Why would anyone even consider wasting their seed in alien soil?

You do know the kid isn't really "yours"?

>ywn yank Ashleys boots off after a long mission on a hot planet and stick your nose between her sweaty toes to take a hearty sniff
y live?

Calling her a milf is misleading, I mean that Asari stay hot even as matriarchs.

Can't I have Jack instead?

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Ashley if you think with your heart, Liara if you think with your dick.

Can this wait until after this mission down on Virmire?

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Ashley because she's not a slut

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me1 ash was great
why do people hate on her?

They were instantly turned off by her "racism". She has trust issues with some of your crew(with good reasons) and speaks the truth how the council uses you and everyone and their mother overblew that.

I know I did.

Ashley, then dump her for Jack or Tali and finally settling for STEEEEEEEEEEEEEVE only to die and none of the above survive.

Thanks! Made it from this. Will attempt it again with a modified pose though in the future. Involved some rather morbid cutting, then stretching and squishing, posing in XNAlara, and then a bunch of filters to tweaks to make it all blend together to an acceptable degree.

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Except you will NEVER see her as a matriarch. Liara is very young. It would take several of your lifetimes before she reaches the point of being a matriarch.

And look at her growth rate

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>not having a dick to put in her blue pussy and ass
Imagine playing femshep lmao

What does the renegade choice get you?
t. homo so never romanced either.

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>No threesome option

Even then, you could see Bioware cucking out. Jade Empire let me do it.

DA:O had threesome and even foursome as an option

Only fucked up people want Jack. I bet you fantasize about marrying pornstars and other village bicycles.

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Give me sweet innocent Lia'Vael

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There's only room for one girl in my life, and it's the Normandy.

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Note that Liara doesn't protest if you suggest a threesome.

Yeah, she's a slut

Ashley gets pissed and leaves, Liara stays with you.

Weren't the two girls in Jade Empire also relatives?


Liara already has one tho


It's pretty hilarious, you'd think Yea Forums of all places would understand why she is the way she is. She gets a lot of hate for being religious too, but it's literally like one line, and you have to pry her for info.

God bless her

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why do asari have breasts like earth mammals?
do asari even have pussies? its not like they need it for insemination for all we know asari bud and the baby just grows off them.
or maybe they grow like warhammer orks.

All asari are.


>why do asari have breasts like earth mammals?
To feed their young.

>do asari even have pussies?
Apparently, after all it is what they birth their young out of them. A child growing as a 'bud' on the mother is not something likely to evolve anywhere. It would not be a very good set-up for reproduction.

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so almost all life in the galaxy just happened to evolve almost the exact same way as humans on earth?
why did asari evolve to only have women then?

This should have been the first post.

How does Asari skin feel like?

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>so almost all life in the galaxy just happened to evolve almost the exact same way as humans on earth?

It's a videogame, dude. As for why asari are only female it is because they never evolved true sexual reproduction. Asari evolved instead a very different but exotic form that doesn't necessarily need another partner at all.

However, whatever the manner of the child's conception it needs to somehow grow a big brain and be protected and cared for by its mother. Human young and other intelligent organisms are born early in development because their brains need to grow but you can't grow a big brain in a womb or an egg because there wouldn't' be enough room. Outside of the mother's body the infant still needs some method of obtaining condensed nutrients and other essentials from the mother, thus "milk".

Asari, quarians, and possibly drell and batarians, all have breasts because it's just a game and the races were designed to be appealing to humans. Otherwise just one breast either on the chest or some other convenient part of the body is just as likely. Or maybe a species would regurgitate food into the infant like a bird does? Who knows.

Just enjoy it.

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Like a basketball

>aliens are literally humans with a different skin

You went straight to the younger sister when the older one died

>do asari even have pussies?
Banshees do...

It's a necessary evil of game development or film production.

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>I can find a THRONE for you
Is he gonna watch her poop?

She just has a tough exterior.
She's a sweet girl.

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Not really. She's a psychological disaster zone. Murderous impulses and conditioned pleasure response to violence... that's not a positive thing.

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Ever hear of a Cleaveland Steamer? I don't know what they call it in Mass Effect. Probably has some new, exotic, futuristic name.

Yeah, but

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It's a bad idea.

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she's under my command and spergs out and kills another crew member without order
she's also in general close minded, which seems to be a bad trait to have when you're traveling through the space in a tiny can with all sorts of aliens. She would've done her job well in bumfuck Eden prime protecting a human colony, but didn't seem a good pick to continue on a journey where you WILL have to cooperate with other races to win in the end

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Don't knock it until you try it

I want to marry this Jack!

You are a brainlet.

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As a flaming faggot, the friendship between you and garrus is too pure to ruin with faggotry. Same with liara. Best thing to do is pump and dump ash [ reject her in 3 ] while keeping tali on the side.

I'll pass.

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and you are a dicklet letting your cock and not your mind do the long run calculations

I'm not even remotely attracted to Ash. She has an abrasive personality with a chip on her shoulder, she's too masculine, and she likes to quote that shitty poetry. However she's a good soldier and has very sensible politics.

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except she was right and Shepard was a traitor

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Who's this Aglaya Lilich-looking bitch?

I picked Ashley because girls getting jealous and emotional turns me on. Liara would've been fine either way.

she was also right about the aliens not giving a fuck about Earth and humans being alone when shit hit the fan

Humanity itself was the traitor for rejecting the reapers. The reapers chose humans out of every other species in the galaxy to join their nation as an equal in a new and glorious machine form. Humans foolishly chose not to shed thier weak, fleshy shells and ascend into another level of existence; they chose not to evolve!

Gas the Quarians, species war now

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Ash is too retarded to make a dynasty with. She's a career soldier with nothing to pass on to your kids. Miranda is the only correct choice for this.

Miranda is sterile, you idiot.

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Shepard worked with Ceberus after what he saw in ME1, he should be court martialed anyway

>Miranda is the only correct choice for this.
For passing on to your kids?

It's the future, if your skin and bones can be made of nanomachines they can also create a new womb for Miranda.

Cerberus are patriots

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>spent part of the game being nice to her and listening to her, but not wanting to romance anyone due to wanting to do Tali's storyline in 2
>she comes on to Shepard nonetheless, I tell her down firmly all the time
>second game treats it as if I banged her
and that's why Ash always gets NUK'D

I don't usually agree with Biowares choices but I'm glad they didn't make her blonde.

You can't. It's her DNA. No kids with her and she'd be a shitty mother and a shitty wife anyway.

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I love those autistic Tali images

WTF I've converting to space-Christianity right NOW.

I actually liked her. She had the balls to stand up for her racist beliefs.

Who cares, adoption still counts, and any kid you make biologically with donors will still be half yours. She's still tops with connections, intelligence, personal wealth, beauty, and confidence, what else do you want?

I have a whole folder of 'em

>pic is years old and the folder has gotten bigger

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What are you waiting for, a written invitation?!

>Who cares, adoption still counts

Adoption is for cucks.

I'll tell you what I want; a nurturing mother for my children. Not some ice-queen who is career driven and insecure, unable to bond with others, and too busy to spend time with children and their silly games.

Miranda is a good second in command and probably a good fuck, but there is no future there.

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>video game romance

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I'm pretty sure there's a codex entry that says one of the early early races (i.e. before even the Protheans) introduced a common ancestor to a bunch of planets

also from a evolutionary standpoint, bipedal animals have a bit of an advantage in terms of environmental flexibility - we can adapt to a whole bunch of terrains much more easily than something on four legs

Also the ME universe has shit like Elcor and those jellyfish things so it's not like every alien is humanoid. and even some of the humanoids don't really resemble humans (e.g. Krogan)

>It's her DNA.
The entry says a tumor as a result of her genetic history, nothing about that means its not treatable. If genetically linked diseases weren't treatable, half of modern medicine would be pointless.

>Renegade option is to forgive and forget
>Paragon option is to be a needy whiny faggot dredging up the past
But why though?

>when you always like the girl that the fanbase hates
It's not like I do it on purpose, I only discover it after having played the games that people dislike them.

How borderline of her.

I think it's a mistake to think she would be a bad mother. She's very loyal to her sister for example, which proves she cares about family. Besides, you'll have the money to hire an army of nannies and maids anyway.

Normandy SR2 isn't an Alliance ship.

>Not some ice-queen who is career driven and insecure, unable to bond with others, and too busy to spend time with children and their silly games.

That's her arc, dummy. You break through her facade with your dick and give her what her life's always been missing.

Why does it have to be 5 in the morning and I've been up all night when I run into another connoisseur of exotic taste?

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>I'm pretty sure there's a codex entry that says one of the early early races (i.e. before even the Protheans) introduced a common ancestor to a bunch of planets

You are imagining things.

It is in 3

He's a moran anyway. The implication is that Tali stole the technology in ME1.

>Talis naked feet

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Where is it implied? Could've been in ME2 just the same.

I see you are a man of exquisite taste.

You can find me on deviantart. Look for aquarianfetishist. Message me there. It's too late and I'm too tired to post much more in this thread, and that'd likely peev the others anyway.

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No, the implication is in ME1 because that is where the issue of tech theft is brought up. ME3 is only six months after ME2 so that's not enough time for the quarians do anything with any tech that Tali might steal. So it makes no sense. Besides, it's a stupid argument to make anyway and only a brainlet would do so.

>six months isn't enough
I wouldn't be so sure. Especially in a futuristic sci-fi setting.

It's not enough time. Give it up. It's a stupid argument.

Even if Tali did want to steal the tech from SR2 you would still want to prevent her if you had an IQ above 90. Just because Cerberus might have stolen the tech from the Alliance doesn't mean you want anyone else stealing it from Cerberus. You want as few parties as possible having access to that technology.

Use your brain.

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>reverse-engineering is theft
But I bet you don't even buy the games you play.

6 months is more than enough time. Hell in that time the chinks would've already copied the F-22 if they had the blueprints

Hey man, believe whatever you want if you makes you happy.

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>does this make my bum look big?

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I don't know let me stick my face in there to be sure

I loved how her incisors were kinda long.

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I was gonna reply with, "What if Miranda was a vampire?" Then I remembered a fapfic where Tali has fangs in her pussy that bite Shepard's cock and milk it while he's screwing her

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She does jump on him and wraps her legs around the guy instantly. Probably worth the bite marks on the unit tbqh.


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>Ash is too retarded
How? Beacuse from I what I seen form her she be one of the best choices

Best girl.
She infuriated all the landwhales

Aria and Samara are really underrated, easily the hottest characters in ME. Imagine a threesome

Probably why they added the whole infertility thing

Miri can't have children but she shares her DNA we can just piggy back form that the kid would still have some of genes

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Her sister I mean

her sister is an uggo though

1 has the worst gameplay, but a great story.
3 had the worst story, but great game play.
2 had the best of both. Yeah, it doesn't effect the "main" story much, but that's so crap it's a good thing.

>2 had the best of both

user stop 2 was shit

>2 had the best of both

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Space isn’t real you nerd

2 was good.

because women are the future

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How so?

It was fun and you got to btfo batarian scum and fuck tali. I liked the introduction of the new gameplay mechanics for infiltrator as well. Going invisible, using ammo modifiers, and the widow rifle to fuck up powerful enemies and using the heavy weapon on lighter enemies was fun.

All three of them have shit gameplay, 2 is the best by virtue of having the best character interaction and worldbuilding.

Imagine sticking your face in there jesus christ

Not him but some of the changes they laid down for the gameplay with abilities and their effects made a good groundwork for how things would work in 3 and we all know how the moment to moment gameplay in 3 was really the best part because the story had started to become a hackjob compared to what 1 had set up. Thermal clips were a mistake but I understand why they wanted to implement it to add a more consistent pacing to combat. It would have been better if they used the method for the lancer you got in 3's multiplayer that used the original cooling system but also had the option to manually vent heat either when you overheated or had a moment to do so. Most of the other changes were trying to make it more accessible and fit the trends of the time it was releasing and trying to design it more for consoles. Some of the overly tedious shit like probes were just bioware's bad habits with having grindy unfun elements of their games which isn't excusing it but understanding its going to be there because they're fucking hacks and nowadays the tedium can be paired to microtransactions.

The story in a vacuum wasn't bad and had some decent writing and atmosphere which was ruined by it having almost nothing to do with the overall plot formed by 1 or 3. Most issues with gameplay I think can be attributed to catering towards consoles with the limited skill selections per class since they had to assign them all to only so many buttons. Theres a much better game that could have been made if they weren't sucking off consoles but its still a good game. Not nearly as good as 1 and imo a bit lower than 3 if only because the multiplayer was interesting enough to take up a lot of hours, but just good.

She poops from there

girls don't poop

>kills another crew member without order
What you mean Wrex?
It's your fault you couldn't convince him. He was a massive liability to your mission(saving all life in the universe) at that point and she does it to protect you.

>she's under my command and spergs out and kills another crew member without order
It's your duty to save your superior officer in these situations before it escalates further.

2 was good in a vacuum but shit as part of the overarching story. Everything with the Collectors could just get fucking ignored for all it amounted to, but the gameplay was solid, if moving away from actually being an RPG.