Jesus Christ Yea Forums wtf is wrong with me

Jesus Christ Yea Forums wtf is wrong with me
I'm taking about TF2

>My aim with every class is shit
>I die to random BS that I can't control constantly
>one of the few gamemodes I enjoy now is mediveal
>I find myself in games with hackers more often than not
>I don't have anything valuable
>My plans never work

So why do i keep coming back Yea Forums wtf is wrong with me

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Familiarity is comforting.

At least half the time 'random bs' is you going where you shouldn't. Of course you'll get sniped in a sniper sightline. Of course you'll run into the whole enemy team if you overextend. Of course passing next to a flank route means an enemy scout will be there a nanosecond later.

git gud

>turn around the corner
>enemy pyro right there and says hi as he burns you

fuck around with your mouse sensitivity. you've probably got it too high or too low if you're not hitting shots you feel you should.
don't go around corners so tightly. you have to act like every corner has a heavy or pyro right around it to give yourself a chance to get into a good range to outdamage them or escape. as far as actual random crap like crits just wait until they get removed because let's be real it's gonna happen at some point.

get mastercomfig

helps out with interp and gives you a steady fps

remember to read the instructions thoroughly

because you don't have any goals, I made myself one to do a tier 6 jump map and now I'm done with it.
now I don't care about tf2 right now, but I may later.
what I'm trying to say is: try a bit harder to improve yourself, because I only starting getting good at the game like two years ago and I'm a newfag by most people's standards since I started in 2014.
The reason you keep coming back is because tf2 is a fucking amazingly rewarding game and you always feel like you can improve yourself, just try a bit harder to try a bit harder

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>literally just a set of text files
>requires you to install a .vpk and and launch a mysterious .exe

Attached: disgusted rat.jpg (500x430, 56K)

What mysterious exe? It's literally just one file to put in custom, that you can open in notepad and verify each line.


Attached: have sex.png (856x2292, 911K)

You're using an old version of mastercomfig.
If you get mastercomfig 7, you instead get a nice little program that lets you customize each and every one of these parameters (shaders, post processing, sound, networking etc) and adds some stuff on top like transparent viewmodels, null script movement etc if you want them.

Go on the website and get mastercomfig 7.

It's fun. Recently got back into TF2 and my aim has gone down the fucking drain. Running around as Scout is just embarrassing now.
>Heavy with his back turned
>Perfectly still as he's trying to snipe a sentry
>Run up to him
>Keep moving around for no reason despite him being still
>Miss everything
I need to get gud again.

>My aim with every class is shit
How many hours you got, whatsn your sens in cm/360 ?
>Die to rnadom bs
welcome to tf2
>find yourself in games with hackers
happens to a lot of people, just disconnect, nothing else you can do, report is useless and people are too retarded to use kick effectively
>Don't have anything valuable
be glad, having an expensive backapck is a hindrance, hats will get boring
>plans never work
well, that happens to the best of us

Have you tried stretched?
I used to play in 16:9 1080p, now I play 16:10 1440x990p (could be 980, not sure), I hit so many more shots, it's incredible,only took three days to adapt.

Just play Black Box Soldier then
It requires no skill

We'll get there, bros.

No it does not you nigger, just extract the .txt files from the VPK you retard

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It's a really fun game user.

yup. this is one of MANY reasons why it feels like you had 10 minutes taken from your life to lose in *if I say it's name people will defend it,* and "that was alright" in tf2, even if the game was twice as long

You should get good, the cut off for being a newfag in tf2 is 10 000 hours

I might try that although this has happened every time I leave TF2 for a few months. I can always feel my hand trembling when aiming. I just need to relax, not try to be some mlg player and build my confidence back up.

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or phlog pyro. may result in death threats though

nothing else to play until Halo.

any place outside of spawn is a sniper sightline
i remember the enemy team just happened to have """several good snipers""" and we were shut down the whole match, uber cant do much if we're being pushed away

the virgin hitscan vs the chad projectile

Attached: sni1d.webm (640x320, 2.86M)

Aw fuck. I'm only 65% of the way there, gotta go

Vacc hard counters snipers of any skill level.

Feeling your hand trembling could mostly be a sleep thing, do you sleep enough?
Does your hans tremble outside of aiming?
Also maybe you're just not taking your timr and you're trying to be a flick machine too early, I reccomend you download tr_aim and practice for 30 minutes, then stretch your fingers and go to playing.
Also there's this channel called Dr Levi, he's got plenty of exercices for video game players for hands like stretching, massages etc.

>do you sleep enough?
No but it's nothing serious. I get easily stressed and in a fast game like TF2, I can feel myself tensing up just from trying to keep track of everything. After a few matches I tend to notice how much I started to sweat.
But thank you for the recommendation of Dr Levi. I'll check it out.

And so, how many hours? I used to clench my anus and shoulders in the beginning when I started playing.

Just relax, TF2 is pretty casual-friendly due to the 12v12 format of casual games

How many hours of sleep? It's very irregular. Currently a NEET trying to get a job so I'm always too stressed to actually get some actual rest.
I know, this always happens when I get back into TF2. Overthinking too much, trying to be MVP instead of just schanfreude after a funny kill.

Attached: How it feels to play Spy.webm (1280x720, 1.85M)


>See Steam event
>"Hey, they remembered TF2 is a thing"
>Three of the quests are for comp
Oh Valve.

People still play TF2 in 2019?

this is a headshot

Attached: .png (789x484, 409K)

People still play Tetris in the year of our lord 2019?

>TF2 is now full of summerfags that want to do quests for that shitty race

>Actually managed to get into a comp game
>Some retard on my team got 0 points and did nothing the entire time
Oh good so now not only is it nearly impossible to find a game, now I have summer questfag babies who can't play fucking heavy

I wish it had better descriptions on what each option does. Maybe include screenshots...

Learn about interp, server fps and how the source engine works.

Remember to thank your Medic for the good job he's doing.

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>not being the medic saying "good shot" constantly

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>learn how to play with shit netcode
no thanks, ill play other games

On no user come back :-(