Horizon Zero Dawn

Is it kino?

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30fps cannot be kino

Pretty kino. Can't experience something like it on another console or pc. Fag above me is too poor for ps4.

I’m sure 30FPS is just fine.

I've been playing it for the first 3 hours and think its pretty good. Seems pretty easy, despite the fact I started on hard. (haven't fought giant machines yet, but the skills you can unlock especially the takedowns and stealth options are bound to break the game)
Movement is wonderful and doesn't feel restricted in any way ; you're fast, with a free camera to make your moves.
Jumps, rolls, and sprint are hyper responsive so you can dodge, circulate through enemies with ease and skill.

The world is quite interesting in the introduction, a bit less so once you're introduced to the main plot.

The dialogue is bland and boring : most of the extra dialogues option they gave you, NPCs end repeating or re-formulating things you can already assume on your own ; worse they already said it.
Makes you feel like a brainlet.

Alloy's lines are pretty sub-par for now, but you can empathize with her being an outcast.

Graphics are alright if you like that sort of thing : love how the faces are modeled with little imperfections.

7/10 will continue playing.

poor man's monster hunter

its really good

No, it's garbage

the combat is beyond terrible, one of the worst i've played in the recent years

best game on ps4. prove me wrong

Trannies liked it, so no.

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Unironically a 9/10 game. Despite being a photorealistic game, it actually has Soul in it. Just looks at the fucking designs.

>enemy robots
>bits of text and sound files scattered around the world

And the combat is magnificent too.

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It is worth $10. I paid $20 but oh well.

>Trannies liked it
>transrights reddit frog
Speaking from experience I see.

It's great honestly. I wanted to dislike it but the gameplay is so good. -1 for forced diversity tho

I don't get the forced diversity meme.

>there are blacks and asians but their race is literally never brought up
>the matriarchal tribe is viewed as savages, they are ass backwards and believe in superstition. They live in huts and forage for food
>the sun worshippers are patriarchal, women are treated like objects, but they have by far the best technology and their cities are modern and expansive, beautiful even

Nothing in this game was SJW at all.

>transrights reddit frog

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>main character gets blacked
>not SJW

>he doesn't know
Guess you were busy dilating to realize.

>Nothing in this game was SJW at all.
Maybe, but the trannies on Twitter wee extraordinarily forcing that shit to the point where I can't help but feel disgust when I hear of this game.

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Seriously, what the fuck are you on about?

Its pretty mediocre.
Sure seems fun at first but the combat get repetitive too quickly, half the main story involves visiting samey purple caves and the story never does anything unexpected.

Not to mention the world looks pretty but its essentially a carboard box, pretty plain and little to no interaction, also weather changes way too sudden.

At least botw allowed you to make your own fun. 6/10

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Boring and a chore to play. It’s so fucking clunky.

Visually stunning, fighting machines is pretty fun, fighting humans is cancer. Doesn't reinvent the wheel but it's the most fun I've had with an open word game in a long time.

>things that didn't happen

So a savage woman that doesn't shower and lives as an outcast is ugly, so what? I much rather have the right side one too but Alloy was passable because she was fucking based as a character.

>takes no shit from anybody
She's a legit good video game protagonist.

Also, stop caring about Twitter trannies. It's what they want.

cope tranny

>Also, stop caring about Twitter trannies. It's what they want.
Fair enough, but this IP is still runied forever for me.

What a terribly shit opinion, but whatever you do you user.

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>Couldn't even go two posts into the thread without "O-ONLY ON PS4"

My dick start hurting after 4 hours of non stop playing

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It's the definition of alright. A technical masterpiece, but other than that, everything else was meh, the characters, the world building, the lore, it just all felt flat to me.
>fighting humans is cancer
This was easily the worst fucking part of the game, the melee was garbage so fighting humans was the worst

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Asking Yea Forums about this game is pointless because everyone has dissenting opinions on it. Some will say it's beautiful, others will say it's shit. Some will say the combat is great and others that it is a turd.

It's a $10 game now though so I guess it's easy to find out. Don't hold back, it's worth playing at least.

>literally the worst exclusive.
Here's a (You) retard.

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Unironically shit taste.

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It's just average, dude.
Combat is nothing special and becoming boring after some time. Even with all that big arsenal you need to use like only 4 weapons.

Visually it's nothing special either, sometimes it's even looks like Fallout 3 or Skyrim tier in animations. And let's not forget how awful it looks during conversations with those cuts and animations resetting.

My hope is that next game would be better, like with Uncharted. First game was clunky, but 2nd was magnificent.

Great lore and world story btw.

I really enjoyed exploring the world and meeting new, scary types of robo dinos. Being able to hack them so they fight for you was also cool.
I got really into the lore and it doesn't have the SJW shit Yea Forums always whines about, unless women doing anything other than bear children makes you angry. It even shows the matriarchal society as ignorant and ineffective, and Aloy loses confidence in the leaders after she learns some hard truths.
What the game could benefit from:
>more useful skills
>much better facial animations
>a cuter Aloy
>more opportunities to execute well-planned takedowns on tough dinos, like setting traps that are more than just a temporary stun
>more interesting human vs human combat so they aren't bullet sponges (maybe a weak point system similar to the dinos)
>a much better final boss instead of just the Deathbringer AGAIN
>more ways to customise Aloy and improve her weapons (spear upgrades are locked behind story progress)
>better stealth mechanics vs humans. If you're going to include them, at least do them right
>a post-game world with a few more things to do

>worst exclusive
name a better one and dont say bloodborne

repetitive as fuck

It would be if the mc doesnt talk every fucking second. Look at that log, oh snow, this plant is good, look more logs, wow a tree, oh more tree, one more plant.

Pretty dumb story desu
>Silicon valley hipster try to save the world
>But fail miserably
>People have now regressed to early tribal civilization due to their incompetence.

Also how did people ever learn language?
And how come all tribes seem to speak the same language?

The game is also utter dog shit, everything about it is so lazy and mediocre, so milquetoast that it makes me mad at how bad it is.

And yet zoomer retards are praising it as "kino" or "GOAT" when even Botw is a better game overall.

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>repetitive as fuck
Just like horizon then, at least spiderman had a story that went beyond purple exposition caves and forgettable characters.

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They were taught language as kids, by the nurse robots. Of course it's English, it's in America. They don't have any any academic knowledge because Mr. did-everything-wrong thought knowledge was evil and corrupted humans, which is proven wrong because the world was still fucked up.

You would know the answer to the language issue if you had actually played the fucking game.

Human clones were left under the care of AIs who spoke english. They raised them and taught them fundamental linguistics and basic skills, but the network meant to teach them their origins, history and anything more complex than the knowledge a toddler can gather from a parent was destroyed.

The aforementioned hipster dude erased all records of human history before killing the rest of the people trying to save the species. He believed it was the only way to prevent the same mistakes from happening.

it's generic and boring. Also short by RPG standards, and broken mechanics means your 50 battle options are meaningless because 2 will roll over the game without any effort.

>Also how did people ever learn language?
All savages came from "Kinder gardens". Robots taught them everything, after food run out they release teenagers from vaults.
It's explained right after Alloy entered Mother's Cave or something. Did you ever played it?

>Silicon valley hipster try to save the world
He fucking destroyed it with his AI malfunction and later destroyed all history and knowledge database and killed whole council, because he was afraid future generation would see him as a monster. Alloy's "mother" was the one who saved the world by creating new AI.

>People have now regressed to early tribal civilization due to their incompetence.
Do I even need to explain this for you?

HZD has
>much bigger world
>much better combat
>variety of weapons
>different ways of travel
>better music
>better story

>Silicon valley hipster try to save the world

that's not the the story, at all, who told you this nonsense?

Horizon actually has a fairly decent sxi-fi story. It's a tired setting, though, but some of the lore and world building was pretty good.

Like how you can find a fort filled with dead soldiers in battle suits, all scattered about with machines around them, and you can see/hear how they died. Also those letters you find where the soldier writes to his family about how hopeless it all is, and how they can't win and will all die, but he's at least glad his family is safe behind the battle-lines, only to find the same letters edited by the government to make him sound hopeful. The same gets done to the letters from his wife, telling him that it is all gone and there is no hope.

The game had legitimately interesting stories with great voice acting. It just kinda gets lost in the main plot's more derivative nature.

He never played the game or dropped it after first 2 hours

I'd say it's at least above average, the whole reveal about how the world died due to the gray death and 7 AI units were supposed to put it back together, and after 6 failures the system finally got it right only for the AI unit (which is designed to obliterate the planet) no longer has a purpose and goes rogue so the main system creates Aloy to stop it

It's pretty interesting there's a lot to work with in that sort of setting especially since you only meet two units.

Did you enjoyed The Frozen Wilds?
It's kinda challenging then original game and I really love those snow landscapes.

Also does it mean Alloy and others are hurting Terraforming Program by destroying all those machines?

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Imagine multiple clone Aloys

those machines are supposed to be turned off once people show up, shit went sideways

30fps is deffo kino, movies ain't filmed in 60fps, or are you one of those idiots that doesn't know what kino is?

Isn't Terraforming still not complete? And they are still serving their purpose?

If you think a female muslim with a religious headscarf can became a super serious scientist, then maybe.

The machines should not have been around in the first place, landscaping is finished but, because every system gained sentience, it's out of control.

The only unexplained thing in HZD is the "unknown external signal that caused all the AIs to go sentient". That's for the sequel.

yes, people showed up early because of the rogue AI not much you can do about it now though unless the plan is to reboot the planet and try again.

She was historian who has been collecting data.
Why are that much triggered? Why you not mentioned that pro hacker who created Doom Machine AI or Polish biologist?

>super serious scientist

she was a sociologist not a scientist

I think they will try to revive AIs in second game and rebuild all deleted data.
I hope they will rebuild world in the end.

Is this real?

Better than Yea Forumstards are willing to admit. Some of it is pure kino, some too close to far cry. For me everything after crossing the mountain was kino.

Damn I hope so. As if that faggot wasn't unlikeable enough he just had to go and erase the entire compilation of human knowledge, history and achievements because of his shallow personal convictions and guilt.

No, there was too little content in Frozen Wilds. That DLCs got shilled to no end and it's basically like 3 actual missions and a tiny location. Sad. Also the story is just a repeat of the main game's story, boring af, no new information on the negro either even though that was teased.

problem is he did it half assed you can't just remove history you have to edit history, since his goal was to prevent people from retaining modern prejudices but since he left them with nothing they just fractured naturally anyway like people have always done

The expansion DLC was rather decent, and the base game had some nice locales and interesting robots to fight even if it was too easy.

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His goal was to make sure that the tech that caused the end of the world didn't exist anymore and couldn't cause the second end of the world. And it didn't until the negro fucked it up

What prevents people not creating new one after 10k years?

Yeah, that was done pretty solidly. I liked how they went into detail about the reason behind the machines' designs.

The AI having a fondness for animals and seeing their anatomy as practical for terraforming was great. Also how that same fondness towards animals and their designs turned allowed for the creation of combat machines.

The fact that The whole thing about the machines living with and being "hunted" by humans was great too. It wasn't intended to happen; machines just stayed over, then the ones being hunted detected humans as a threat and the AI's autonomous systems used its database to create combat-ready machines. All because it was acting out to protect the terraforming machines, which were meant to prep everything for humans.

the more i played it, the uglier i realized the characters were
the main character was the only one that didnt look like a complete retard, especially with clothing on
also any reasonable AI wouldnt spam minorities literally everywhere if it was trying to get civilization going, because it supposedly had an asston of knowledge on these things to know that minorities are shown to not do a good job at spreading civilization

He honestly thought that humans would lack the ability to replicate the feats of their past. He was shown to be an egotistical fuckboy, so him believing that humans wouldn't eventually reach that point makes sense. Either that or he was content with merely delaying it.

I mean it common sense. If people in his time could develop this far and build those machines, what prevent it for new generation.
I mean it could be even be easier for them with all junk, that old gen left after apocalypse.

Who is that faggot? And why are you all mad at him?
Can you kill him?

No he's dead, he developed the robots that eat humans and they ate all humans

It wasn't a hallmark of that man to think about long term consequences of his actions.

>let's make AI controlled war machines
>that can hack and control other machines
>make copies of themselves
>feed on biomatter

What could possibly go wrong?

The faggot we're talking about died thousands of years before the game. He basically did what I described above as well as erase all human history, sabotage the project to safeguard humanity and killed everyone that was supposed to stay alive to help keep the system running.

You really think that they guy who thought a machine powered by literally eating corpses, was super intelligent, independent, unhackable and self-replicating was a good idea has common sense? The dude was clearly delusional and self-centered as fuck.

He didn't even care for the Horizon Zero Dawn project beyond funding it. He's shown as withdrawn, cynical and egotistical to the point where he constantly made unilateral decisions, which led to everyone getting fucked.

Dunno why you mad, but that sounds based as hell.

I wonder who could be behind this post

got you covered

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The whole thing is pretty well put together too.

They show design documents and transcripts of people telling him the machines are too smart, too secure and adapt too well. They also have potential for developing a network and that if they were to do that, they would become even better and smarter.

He thinks that's a plus, but then the machines start to do more than just eat grass and trees; they actively start to devour humans, which is cool because they are meant to kill people anyways, but then a video gets leaked of the machine feeding on a pod of dolphins and he loses his shit. All in the name of good publicity and brand awareness.

They tried shutting the machines down, but the built in firewalls and hack protection are now networked, and developed, beyond their original scope. There is actually a voice file of him yelling at the IT team to remove a "backdoor" early on in the development process of the machines, because they would never need to use it and it would just make the machine "vulnerable."

I wonder who's small white penis is behind this post

God I remember this anger. Hearing him announce he had erased all of humanity's knowledge so we won't repeat the mistakes of the past pissed me the fuck off. It's like he thought of the idea and then didn't apply even the slightest critical thought to it whatsoever. Also, why was all of humanity's knowledge not backed up a little more securely? At that stage there's got to be data storage well beyond what we have today. Why not have multiple copies in every single facility? God I hate that faggot.


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>feminist game

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The thing was that every facility HAD copies, but they were all under the scrutiny and supervision of one of the main AIs, which would be the judge of when to release the children of each facility into the more advanced levels, as well as when to educate and eventually release them for good.

He destroyed the main AI, so the system had no way of ever activating by itself as intended, and he went ahead and murdered the people capable of re-starting it manually. They were all outraged and dejected when he made the announcement, but I bet they could habe figured it out in given time if left alive.

Remember that he was "in charge" of the whole operation due to his financial backing of it, so he had access to several things he shouldn't have. Plus, he was an idiot, but still smart enough to develop all that tech, so he probably knew how to deal with a machine no one thought needed protection from other humans.

That AI was both the back-up as well as the master control system for that particular task. I bet the PCs and terminals in each ark have some kind of local storage, though.

Yes, aloy is the epitome of a western female character. Absolutely disgusting.

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the story and lore was pretty great
the art direction is really cool, especially in context to the architecture of the Cauldrons
but the world feels very sterile and structured like a Ubisoft game
side quests are very mediocre

If you actually read and listen to anything, there's a bunch of insight into how it was made. There as a file detailing how, out of all possible storage methods, the only one reliable enough was DNA. So, all the information of mankind is stored as DNA somewhere.

Meant for

>Tribal matriarchy gets blown the fuck out by every other civilization around them throughout their history
>Best, most secure and advanced nation is ruled by men who claim themselves to be living gods
>It is revealed that the matriarchal belief system of the tribes was born of a misconception and that they have been acting like tards for generations
>Several men are shown in sympathetic and important roles, including a father trying to fight his way back to his family, a single father leaving behind trinkets and lessons for his son before his death, and Alloy's own "father" keeping her safe and training her

>imagine playing this garbage

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>multi-dimensional heroine

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Yes, but the encoded genetic material can't be accessed without the direct supervision and intervention of the AI designed to do that one task. Aloy is a a fast learner, understands machines and is smart not just because she's a clone of a genius, but because some of her DNA was enhanced with the things she would need.

My point is that he erased not only the main source of the information, but also the means to decode the back-ups.

here is your lore bro

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Unironically this.

>poor man's monster hunter for girls

Just because the refugees we have in this living age are shit doesn't turn the term "refugee" into a bad word. Sometimes bad shit happens, like your country being swallowed by the waves, and you gotta move elsewhere.

That bit of lore was established to give you knowledge that the world had been through some shit even before the big extinction happening.

>tfw a game has like 200+ of these collectable data things and you get triggered so hard by one that you keep spamming it years later
