All hail the queen of Yea Forums, Junko-chan!

All hail the queen of Yea Forums, Junko-chan!

Attached: junko 3.jpg (850x1112, 721K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Disgusting. Thats not Ruruka

Yea Forums has no queen, we're tribal.

And FUCK Danganronpa
fuck off

didn't except to see this video here but i'm glad its here

I want to despair all over those titties

>not the live action version

All hail the queen of my heart, Mukuro!

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my negro of taste

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what happens if choose okay?

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She makes fun of you

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How does she get away with not wearing panties

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I want to hug Miu

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She doesn't wear panties because Izuru fucked her so hard.

Who are you gonna main in the Danganronpa fighting game?

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Junko’s junk!

What does despair milk taste like?

the queen of hearts

Best girl Tenko of course.

i really wish there was a danganronpa fighting game

I want to fill Junko's despair with my thick hot hope.

I want to climb in Junko's bunk and gunk on Junko's junk!

I can't think of a more pathetic fanbase than Danganshitters. Imagine devoting your life to one of the worst mystery franchises on the planet where every single character is so one dimensional it hurts. Their character trait is their entire personality. And don't get me started on le epic hope man, the most overrated character in the entire history of video games. Danganshitters standards sure are low if Nagito is the most beloved character of the entire franchise.

Take away the one dimensional shitty Japanese pop culture reference characters and what do you have left? An insanely easy game where the """"""""""""""""mysteries"""""""""""""" are laughably easy to figure out. Not even once was I surprised by it's """"""""twists"""""""""""". It's all so easy to figure out and by the time you've figured it out, you're just waiting for the retarded characters to exposition dump their retarded reasoning behind the mystery. It's a mystery game where you're forced to see bumbling retards trying to figure out babbys first mystery and there's nothing you can do about it. Nothing to speed up the process other than holding the skip button.
Imagine unironically liking Danganronpa. Imagine unironically eating shit.

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>Nagito is the most beloved character of the entire franchise

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And her spunk!

Kokichi is better

I bet her pussy smells like roses and is sweet as candy

a while back my best friend linked me to a thread on homemade Danganronpa transformation hypnosis tapes

that’s a really loaded sentence so let me ease into it

they were like, hour long recordings you were supposed to lay down and listen to and focus on nothing else, that started off with some relaxation techniques then eased into like, “remember komaeda's happy memories. imagine yourself literally becoming komaeda. imagine your white hair. you are literally komaeda”

all with the goal of putting you in a mental state where you were convinced you were this anime boy. and it was full of people like “wow! this was so relaxing. i felt like i literally Became hinata”

the problem is that human brains are kind of, buggy? so people, especially if they listened to the tapes too much, started like, accidentally going to this mental state they’d created at random inopportune times. the thread was suddenly full of people desperate to know how to stop it because they were turning into byakuya in the middle of driving on a highway to work, or whatever

anyway, i’m just burdened with that knowledge forever, now. i think about it a lot

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>3 games
>no multiple routes or endings

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>not knowing about the pregnant aoi ending
go back

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can you even count that as an ending when it continues and does a redo? no.

Junko's pussy smells like the absolute despair of not showering

Is 3 worth picking up in the sale? Really enjoyed 1 and 2 but 3 is always really pricy no matter what.



>buying any games

Subliminals you mean

I pirate everything

why would you buy things when its already up free


I haven't pirated anything in years and don't know the good sites any more, last time I pirated was back when piratebay was fine to use.

Since this is an awful thread, I know this is a silly and niche request haha but does anyone have any pictures of The Goose related to this feel? haha I just think it'd be really funny

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It still is fine...just got dark souls 2 today , doing a 100% no death run now

I'll give it a look then see if I can see a decent torrent for it

1337x is the best one currently. Check IGGames or Fitgiri(inb4 'durr russian bitcoin miner') are two popular and solid uploaders

>durr russian bitcoin miner
You think that tranny is giving you free shit for free? Out of the goodness of his heart?

>the thread was suddenly full of people desperate to know how to stop it because they were turning into byakuya in the middle of driving on a highway to work, or whatever
I'm losing my shit right now.

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I love my gorgeous wife!

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dungeon ron paul sux