Do you have the gamer horn?

Do you have the gamer horn?

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Ya i have em

>used to have a giant one
>feel my head and it's gone


No, but I have the gamer headset indent.

Phones only make people dumb because of dopamine overdose. This shit has no basis.

Kaz, I'm already a gamer...


Yeah, looks like.
Pretty sure it's from walking around staring at the floor like a dope, though, playing videogames is like the one time I don't have retard-boy posture.


Fuck, I actually have it

>tfw slowly, but steadily we're all turning into succs and inccus

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it's called an Occipital Protuberance and yes i've had one for most of my life

I don't get where gamer horn supposed to be.
Maybe i did too much good stuff in games(like no flaming, helping comrades) to stop it's growing.

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I never thought a soft, foam setting would cause not only a rather deep recess in my fucking skull, but also cause minor baldness along that valley.
Guess that's what I get for wearing a headset in the exact same spot and the exact same way for over a decade.

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goddammit satan, check my 5

>You were born too early to have a natural blowjob handle that your daddy can grip while he fucks your throat.

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this article was already debunked like a week ago

If I sit on my phone can I grow a cool tail

Wait, I have one what the fuck is this shit

Guys the study wasn't don't scientifically, and was denouced already.

I put my phone in front of my penis so that it will grow longer, actually

>zoomers literally have a bone created from being a bunch of casuals

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Human skull is deformable, lot of ancient civilizations used to deformate their heads to look more upstanding.

a fat faggot full of wrinkles, spots, a scraggly mustache and a receeding hairline wrote this

If we compressed our skulls to be smaller, would a squeezed brain think faster since the neurons would be closer together?

I am a little bit pudgy :3

I actually hold up my phone up like a doofus so I don't have to bend my head because my head is fucking heavy. I must have really dense bones or something because it feels like a 40lb weight when I bend my head down. If I don't walk around with perfect posture, I get tired like I ran a mile.

Kinda makes sense. Remember when you were a kid and you could imagine entire sagas of invented characters in a single playtime? Prolly because you had a smaller brain that was able to figure out sensible story arcs and interactions with other action figures.

>phone use
>gamer horn
so which is it? people playing phone games are not gamers

if i was a girl and had a hot fit dad i would probably be tempted

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Fake news.

cute :3

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>horn growing from phones
>somehow related to gaming
Gamers don't play games on their phones, so to call this the gamer horn is inaccurate


>mammal brain thinks he can compact neurons as well as bird

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For this the brain needs to be neuron dense, reducing the space between the neurone

The flesh being squished together makes no difference to the neurons but you will have a permanent headache from your meninges being pressed all the damn time

Look at this no fun faggot posting facts!
Point at him and laugh!

we should genetically modify humans to have tighter neurons then

When this guy forgot that the horn was growing from the back of the skull.

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>no source whatsoever

>yfw /x/ wasn't a meme
>/x/ had the last laugh

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Those mad fucks finally did their ritual.
I accept it.

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>there are literally HORNLETS posting in this thread unironically RIGHT NOW

Are people turning into Demi-Fiend?

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Ocipital buns (protuberances, whatever) are predominantly genetic carry-overs from Neanderthal DNA.

Furries are turning real, the merge is happening
Get the flamethrowers

Call me when 02 is real.

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>That image
You got the one with the tapeworm?

That one always makes me laugh.

Why would you vividly picture something like that user? Are you getting off to it?

>tfw have the same headphones and the same dent
kill me

No, I'm pretty horny though.

No fucking shit autist, people are joking in this thread.

does it really make you bald? im gonna start wearing in-ears now


What the fuck is going on here

rather than a recess i have a sort of peak at the top of my skull from my headset

Νο,it's because they are cucked and now literally (cucked is translated as "horned" in my country)

>not posting the real one

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that's what that bump is???

He’s projecting. Fat and receding hairlines I understand using as an insult but spots and wrinkles seems too specific. And I’d assume a majority of the posters here are in the 16-25 range, wrinkles on people this young?



The tumor moved when it realized you found it.

>Worn headphones for years
>Skull shape is exactly the same

ya'll niggas just have soft heads

>tfw good volume of hair on my head prevents me from getting the retarded headset dent
Feels nice to have good genetics lads

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No it doesn’t. It’s been proven to not affect your hair or skull at all. He just has shitty genetics and is balding naturally.


No user, he’s just describing the average overweight trannies. It only takes on example to give you a specific image, and agdq will give you plenty of horrific imagery to image when you see le kawaii posts

too bad you're still a faggot


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They did that when they were children with growing skulls that weren’t completely made of hard set bone. They didn’t just mold their heads like playdoh, the closest thing I can think of is foot binding, but i’m sure even that starts early and I don’t think it needs to reshape the individual bones of the foot.

This is what a fully leveled up human being looks like.

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who puts their phone to their ears nowadays? people just use air pods and other similar products

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>man I really need some way to distract people from my thinning hair

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I thought this was only a meme. lmao. Good thing I use my iPhone headphones and a blue snowball mic rather than the virgin headseat

I am horny, yes

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Isn't that because he used to be a football player? A lot of them have fucked heads from the helmet

>not transferring your scalp flesh to your sides

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I've worn many gaming headsets since I was a teenager and my head is still the shape it should be.

>tfw have gamer diabetes

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skull deform when you have headphones 24/7 on

That seems unlikely.

You probably suffer from shit tier genetics mate.
The indent thing is very real but also nothing to write home about. It usually goes back to normal after not wearing your headset for a while, like going to sleep.

shave your head and take a picture from the side

Bone is really, really mallable and it takes just a minor alteration in your genetics to change it entirely, even causing different skull shapes and posture.

>tfw you never take your headset off and you try to remove it after 10 years and realize your skull has grown around your headset

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You want that tinnitus, user?

This isn't from the headphones, he just has a deformed as fuck skull. you can see that shit on the sides as well.

I just checked myself because of this thread and felt my heart sink into my ballsack, now I'm in a full-blown panic. It's real bad in this picture, but it's even worse in the mirror with strong artificial lighting. This isn't permanent, right? I Googled solutions and half are saying rub vitamin E oil in it every day, the other half are saying that's broscience with no evidence.

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All shitty anime aside, people with horns would look much better.

gene manifestation and malleability are 2 completely different things

I'm not shaving my head just for you but I had shaved head a year ago and it was perfectly head shaped still and I doubt that has changed since then, because I mainly play consoles games these days.
I can still find the spot where the fontanelle used to be when I was a baby though.

I'm sorry dude, you have soft gamer cranium.

Its just the meat and fat on your skull being squished. It'll go back to normal in a few days if you rest your headset on a different part of your head. A fucking headset isn't going to morph an adult skull you tard.

>Penn + Brendan Fraser + Pain

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please no

I had that shit for two weeks because of the flu turning into ETD. If it was permanent I would kill myself. I just hope it doesn't return.

Don't use in ear shit and don't blow your eardrums out with loud noises boys it ain't worth it. Id rather be deaf.

I was insinuating that they were both quite easy to change.

Just looked in the mirror for gamerhead. It's over. Pisses me off because I was a bud man all my life, but my parents got me a headset for Christmas one year and I felt obligated to use it.

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>Never liked headset cupping my ears.
>To this day route sound through TV/speakers.
>Find out people have this problem years later.
>Start laughing until my Tinnitus kicks up again.

I've had tinnitus my entire life and I'm 31. It fucking sucks. I have to sleep with like 5 fans and a white noise machine just to drown it out.

Thank god I never fell for the headphone meme. I blast my music and audio through speakers, I don't give a fuck about what anyone else thinks. You fuck always keep falling for memes.

I always hated using headsets, people on voice chat just have to deal with the reverb and horrid sounds from my dogs, cats and fan

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Embrace it.

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The Chad embrace. Imagine a girl finding out you're so insecure about gamerhead that you go out of the way to hide it with hats and shit, it's ten times worse than gamerhead itself.

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of course is Fake retard, the evolution takes several tens of thousands, even hundreds, that shit don't happen overnight.

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I have minor tinnitus and I just ignore that shit most of the time, almost never lose any sleep over it

God Indian people are hideous.

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switch back to buds, bud. maybe it'll heal itself, if the body is deformable, why not reformable?

>feel a pain on the side of my jaw for that past few days
Am I growing a fucking horn?

Your teeth are fucked

But I went to the dentist a few weeks ago. And the pain isn't where any teeth lie, it's where the jaw connects beside the ear lobe.

gamer bone

TMJ, mine went away halfway through my Invisalign treatment. If your teeth and bite are already straight, then I dunno what you can do about it.

I looked it up and that's probably what it is. I'm assuming it's because my jaw is in a weird position when I sleep judging from when I wake up.

>using a headset

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>headphones 24/7 on
>24 hours, 7 days a week

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i stopped wearing a headset and just got expensive speakers when i noticed it was there for atleast a year before it went away

can confirm it goes away though im only 20 so i dont know if it can fix itself if youre older

I never got this. Sure, when you are a kid you don't want to make too much noise in the house, but as an adult, there's literally no excuses.

its one australian based study headed by chiropractor

So I guess only baldies are affected by this

>tfw i have puffy hair so when i wear headset it doesn't even touch my skull and the only problem i have to worry about is pulling hair out of my head and out of the headset

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betas that live in apartments and dont want to make their neighbors a little inconvenienced

No because my posture isn’t that of a retard with scoliosis.
If fucking only.

>mfw I barely use the phone cause I basically have no friends


I never use one at home (I live by myself)

This was just a clickbait article that was debunked in less than a day.

Zoomers have a literal mark of shame.

Long story short, this is probably how most people end up with misshapen heads by parents(mothers) leaving stuff like baby bonnets on their kid all the time and other head caps. Babies skulls are literally still forming until the age of 3, I think. Same reason why babies need to be pulled away from pacifiers after a certain age otherwise they'll have gap teeth.

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Imagine being fucking retarded to the point where you're that nigger who actually believes this bullshit and starts panicking like a little nigger hunted down by a lion in apefrica

Idiots, get off my motherfucking lawn

It is my sincere hope that nobody here actually believes that shit and is just playing along because pretending to be idiots together is how things are done here.

More like a demon horn.

Empy NPCs, aphantasia and now even a fucking anti-christ horn in their fucking skull.

Same but as a caution I'll switch to earbuds from now on.

No. A you can't fucking deform your skull with a headset you braindead weeb fucking retard. You're just a genetic failure piece of shit who should have been fucking buried the second your parents saw your downie ass face you fucking worthless brain aids ridden cocksucking ape shit. Fuck you you idiot. NO FUCKING PLASTIC CANNOT MOLD YOUR SKULL SHAPE YOU DUMB FAGGOT THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS I DONT KNOW IF YOU DROPPED OUT OF KINDERGARDEN OR SOME SHIT BUT IM PRETTY SURE EVEN A RETARD KNOWS THAT BONES ARE PRETTY FUCKING TOUGH, SOLID AND NOT MALLEABLE BY A FUCKING 3 INCH LAYER OF PLASTIC YOU STUPID FUCKING COCKSUCKING MOTHERFUCFKER I WILL FUCKING BURY OUPALJDSpkg\sdf mlgh

I actually have been using earbuds for a while now, because my sister fucking broke my headset, so i just decided to get a dedicated mic and earbuds so whatever.

>gets skull protrusion
>parents: "it's because you be on that damn phone all day"

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This is likely an osteoma, (bone on bone growth) in the external occipital protuberance, which is a bump on the back of the head that we all have. Of course this is bait though.

the headshape is the least of your problems man


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What's yer offer?

>Phone use is to blame
Name me 5 published studies that corroberate this.
Also I have that since childhood and I didn't get a cell phone until I was like... 14 or something.

fuck bros i have this shit too
what to do

Does anybody have the image of the asian girl with the "gamer wrist" or something?

Fucking kek


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>lvl 99 Gamer

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jesus dude did you never think to just buy a nice set of speakers instead?
maybe playing less online voice comms trash? the only games that require voice comms is like joining a guild in Eve Online etc.

*beep beep*

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>haha what kind of dumbass has a horn
>*touches back of head*

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I've noticed that I have occasional lumps in the skull tissue by my ears. Am I going to die bros?

Evolution requires pressure, unless people were dying from phones nothing would change in a fucking billion years. Evolution is just insanely inefficient blood magic.