No DUDE you don't GET it

>no DUDE you don't GET it

Attached: Z.jpg (225x225, 8K)

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I dont know who he is but, he is right.


Oh shit.... is he right??? Maybe very video game is just some sort of role playing game. Huh.

I too identify with the mirror L block from Tetris

Attached: tetris-pieces.jpg (433x242, 15K)

>bro you see every game is a RTS, cause in real time I'm strategizing what to do next!

Attached: 1536364235573.gif (307x343, 22K)

I think that's called chaotic good

Chaotic neutral, like all trannies.

Attached: hoes mad.jpg (750x782, 152K)

Don't look at me. I'm chaotic evil because I most identify with the Heath Ledger Joker.

Every game is an action game, because I need to move my hands into action in order to play them

Attached: 1547122332022.png (464x500, 493K)

All PC games are point and click adventures because you use your mouse

That's tactics

TECHNICALLY correct. The best kind of correct.

Not really, because without game time matching real time like in a real RTS, it's not "real time". If you pause the game or just wait forever while you look up what to do on youtube that's not "real time" in the game.

I dont fucking understand why people want to water down genres when they have clear cut genre defining examples available.

All RPGs made in Japan are JRPGs

Is he wrong? Think carefully, and consider that merely posting a picture is

Every game are actually shit because I fucking hate video games.

He can't keep getting away with it

When you determine the genre of a movie you don't look at how many people get killed, how many guns are in it or how many lines characters have.
You classify them based on what the one watching the movies gets out of them. If they watch the movie to get spooked it's a horror, if they want to revel in the violence - it's action, if they want to see cool technology, then it's sci-fi.
What do you get out of an RPG? You get to characterise your character through your actions and choices. If that's the focus of the game, it's an RPG. It's not about the implementation, it's about the result.

Maybe LIFE is a roleplaying game.

The square?