*schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop*

Attached: real.jpg (1280x720, 134K)


the reason of this thred?

Attached: 1561591404112.webm (640x360, 2.77M)

*glorb* *glorb* *glorb* *glorb* *glorb*

Stop posting /an/ memes. That place can't handle any more autists from other boards.

Attached: 1541907821825.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

shitposting to be deleted by mods for no reason. Yea Forums is fucking weird sometimes user.

is this the least efficient way to drink something?

Attached: 1541907261135.png (980x700, 665K)


Man, Sekiro 2 looks great.

Attached: 1561781451163.png (629x446, 14K)

best meme from /an/

Attached: 1541908578257.jpg (1280x720, 902K)

I feel like i'm missing the joke

Could be, it can hardly be called drinking, it's just tongue dipping.

Attached: 1541905515572.png (1280x720, 675K)

*schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop*

Attached: bubble-eyed schlopper.jpg (640x360, 91K)

Attached: 1556163692513.jpg (1280x720, 287K)

Attached: 1556163192052.png (850x872, 480K)

This meme fucking sucks man

Attached: 1541912188610.jpg (1920x1080, 297K)

I am fucking thirsty, I keep drink a shit ton of water, but I drink so much vomit it back out. Just get the water in my tummy so fucking thirsty

>back in the ice age
>strong independant wolf girl
>fuck everything i'm the apex predator
>go check what the humans are up to
>10.000 years later
>ahh master~ awoo

I was actually shook when I saw they bend their tongues inwards to scoop the water when they drink.


Attached: basedfish.gif (224x233, 897K)

>ten point zero zero zero years later
What did Germany mean by this?

it's the jews fault again

*hork* *hork* *hork* *hork* *hork* *hork*

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 34K)

What did you think they did? Just absorbed it?

Not him, but kinda, yeah

They make a little bowl with their tongue.


Attached: drink[1].jpg (500x375, 27K)

i came here for DOGS not some gay-ass fish