Why would any self respecting straight man play as a female character in a video game?

Why would any self respecting straight man play as a female character in a video game?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why would any self respecting straight man make such a fucking gay thread? Maybe you should answer that first, OP.

Because im comfortable enough with my sexuality to not care what other people say about which gender I chose to play as in a videogame

have sex?

anyone got the extended version?

>Why would any self respecting straight man play as a female character in a video game?
Autogynephilia is a thing.

those cute boys should be kissing each other

Time to dilate, Matthew, I mean, """"Matilda""""

>Trans flag colour pallet

Get out of here with your mentally ill propaganda. I play a female lalafell dancer and am very confident in my cis heterosexuality.

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so this is your fancy way of calling someone a tranny because they want to play as the other gender in a video game? maybe you're overthinking it

But why would you play as one? Surely it would be simpler to play as a man and just get a Girl companion/wife?

>I like girls
>so I play games where they refer to me as one
>where they treat me like one
>and where I get to play dress up like one
>I like girls

And cuck myself? No thanks

comic should have ended after the 2nd panel

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t. Male human warrior

>But why would you play as one?
See this is why homosexuality is fucked up. Imagine being so mentally unhinged that you can't comprehend why men find women appealing to look at. Projecting all your psychological baggage onto straight guys because you can't come to terms with your issues.

It's not complicated, it doesn't require a fucking psych evaluation. Guys like hot girls. Guys like to look at hot girls. Now let it rest and take your AIDS medication.

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But your character is YOU. you can deny it, but the perspective of the game will always imply that your character is you. This "i like girls so i will play as one and everyone will refer to me as one" is a bit strange, no?

seethe and cope

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Finland get


For one, most games tells the story for me, so there is no point in "self inserting".
Secondly, the very same reason the image says.

I feel like it's something more...

>looking at one
Just watch videos of cute or sexy women if all you want to do is that.

Fucking 3rd world shit stain peru.

I like controlling women and having them follow my orders

This one i kinda understand

I play both.

they're in denial dude there's no point in talking to them they straight up just want to roleplay a slut

>tfw no friend to flirt with while we play vidya

Because I have autogynephilia and the self-inserting as a female character and imagining her getting ravaged is the hottest fucking shit ever and you guys should honestly try it out sometimeinb4 reeeeee tranny I don't feel like cutting my dick off I'm very happy being a guy

There's a difference between fantasy and reality. I'm pretty sure as much as I'd like to be a cute anime girl having a period and female hormones would prove to be too much of an issue

Admitting it is the first step

>Because I have autogyn
>I’m very happy being a guy

??? what


I get off self-inserting as girls, but I'm very much happy being a guy in day to day life. Whats hard to understand?

>I play a female character because __________
just take your skittles already

if you drop below a certain weight (dependant on body size) you stop having periods, or so I've heard women claim (mostly former or currently anorexic women)

If the game has gender selection then your character story usually doesn't matter a whole heap. Short cuts have been taken in the writing to allow "self-insert" protagonists. This means I really don't give a shit about the character anyway. It's just a vessel to experience the rest of the story and gameplay.

>any mmo
>elder scrolls
>dark souls

So I pick the character model that I like the most. Not always, but a lot of the time it's the girls because I like how they look.
But I don't RP or invest myself emotionally into most games so it's such a trivial decision.

because I roleplay in games. like, I don't pretend I am the character, but I pretend that I am watching the character's adventures. Very few games have female characters, and even fewer have female MCs who are stunningly beautiful and/or non-white. so, I usually play as a female POC. Asian, Black, Indian, whatever.

I like variety in my media. seriously, if every story were about a bisexual Arab woman kicking ass, I would get nostalgic for straight white guys.

also, all the reasons mentioned in OP's comic. especially the last one.


Because in splatoon the female inkling is objectively superior to the twink male option. Simple.

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This is a similar situation to
>would you get fucked in the ass for 1 million bucks
Anything you say besides NO is the wrong answer.

Choose three to take with you

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>get a dick up the butt
>AND a million dollars
if you say anything but yes you're retarded

cuz chicks are hot
>self inserting as every playable character in every game

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This nigga gets it.


>But your character is YOU
no it's not

>Are YOU a boy or a girl
Answer that in front of your father and look at his face.

Fuck you I lost

When I play Bayonetta or DMC I am not either of them. The plot happens to them, not me.

We are clearly talking about games that allow you to pick your gender you deflecting closet homo.

>this thread again
Do you never get bored of reposting the same threads with the same op?
Is this like meditation for you? A daily ritual you go through before you go to sleep or some shit like that?

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Why is it any different? If I were to make a character in the game that was male, but he had a different skin tone, different hairstyle, different height, build, eye color, would that still be me? Would that say I wanted to be a different race or something? That just seems a bit silly. Why are we supposed to only play as ourselves?

He says if right there in the comic. Outfits. Nigger if you ain’t playing for fashion then please off yourself.
That’s said though, if guys has sexier looking armor I’ll for sure play one.

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Because I like girls

I'm a guy so I typically play as a guy. I don't put much stock in self-insertion though, and I have no issue with playing as fixed female characters like Bayonetta, Jade, April Ryan, etc.
t. homo

Imagine not enjoying and playing as vidya girls, fucking gay

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Did I say that? They are basically asking you to choose your pronouns, you, as a gay, choose she and her.

You said it here.
>Your character is YOU.
Not every game is very "Self Insert" friendly. Hell, some even assume you are, and mock you for doing it. So why care at all? Why do we have to be ourselves when we play games?

Reminder that op is the tranny fucker autistic shitposter

I did not.

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So I can jerk off to them, idiot.

>Y-You're the tranny!!

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Because I like to look at cute girls

Isn't it obvious? They'd rather look at a girl's butt than a guy's

Man, this guy had a FIELD day in march

I sure am glad I'll never be quite this pathetic, and all OP can really do is call people Trannies and closeted homos.

Watch, he'll do it to me, too.

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I want to be a cute girl so baf Yea Forums!

The only one having been called tranny here is me, the OP. I don't think it's a tranny issue.

Seetthing tranny, stop deflecting and kill yourself

>it's an Eric thread

>why do you always pick girls?
>cause they're cute
>i said cause they're cute, why are you leaning into me like some kind of an autist, you retarded?
no need to thank me

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Basically this >have sex
A man would play as a female in order to have sex with his best bro, especially when fucking a polar bear doesn't cut it.

haha benis

why even have different races in fantasy games with retards like you around. total waste of effort.


Because I can. What are you gonna do about it?

nobody is stopping you user

So, what are your pronouns? Before I start assuming.

>discord tranny trying to trick people into joining his cult
Dilate and kys op

stop trying to pinkpill me

blizzard apparently even added fat humans into wow. and now I understand they did it so fatasses have an easier time self inserting. they should add a race with gaping bleeding anuses so that people like you also have an easier time self inserting.

Technology isn't advanced enough yet user
Wait until they can actually do it instead of turning you into a eunich with hormone problems

just try it user
buy and wear some cute panties, nobody will see it, it could be your own little secret, no one will know but you!
if you don't like it you don't have to do it again
but you should give it a try, you'll feel great, promise!

Shizophrenic freak

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So no one is going to post the art with them fucking?

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should I really?

why wouldnt they?

I play strictly females because there's legitimate autists out there that actually cares what gender the fictional character I'm playing has

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yes! if you want to feel cute you should feel cute!
there is nothing wrong with it, don't listen to those hatefull anons!

Your post is based, but you posted the amerifat fuck godzilla. Tsk.

fuck off, 2014 godzilla is based

>he doesn't play as female vidya characters
what's it like having horrible taste?

>why did you write a book with a female protagonist?
>the character is literally you, tranny
Same as making a character, you make a character and "write" a story for them based on the options you choose in game. Kill yourself self-insert retard.

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Self insert vs alter ego

Only good post ITT

Gimme the best one pls

>let's show barely any footage of godzilla in full view
I don't think so tim. The sequel was definitely a lot better. But it still has the shit design so it's automatically worse than the showa era even.

>2014 bearmode godzilla is a shit design
meet me on the corner in ten and I'll fucking stomp your lights out bucko

Because he plays what he wants

because the idea of being a girl is hot but not getting fucked by a guy and being a girl irl seems terrible

roll time baby

Because I imagine fucking my character before going to sleep.

I dunno, it depends on the game. What's the big fucking deal? What kind of insecure twerp even think to bring up a discussion like this?
Honestly, some of you folks blow my mind sometimes.

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Anyone with even a shred of logic can see that it's better to be a girl than a guy. Especially in the idealized visuals of a videogame. The armor and outfits look better, the body type is visually pleasing, the voice acting is more pleasant to listen to. There's no reason to play as a guy unless you're a pathetic loser in real life that needs a power fantasy.

And yeah, it's better to be a girl IRL as well, but there's no way to pick your sex there, so you gotta deal with what you were given.

Because I want to, faggot.

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Only time I play female characters is in fighting games, since they can be fun and they cute

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They are teenagers user.
They care way to much about minor shit like this.
I don't know a single adult that would care about what character I play in a game, not to mention that pretty much nobody would ever find out

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In Lost Planet 2, I play a dude because I like the costumes more and because they have actual face coverings so I don't have to look at my character's dead eyes like all the female ones.

In Mass Effect I play Femshep because her voice acting is better and because I like Garrus more than the other romance options and think it fits the story the best.

Trying to read into either of those things further than the surface level decisions they are is some Community College Beginner Psychology Class logic.

Those would be the other trannies that will only play with you if you are "cute" (yikes)

trannies mad x24

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Based. I love wearing panties. They're so soft and comfy, all made for men underwear are fuckin' dystopian.

Because they're cute.

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Maybe I want to self insert as the girl and stop halfway through a playthrough, drop my pants and fap to the thought of my character getting defiled by the various enemies the game throws at me, ever think about that you gigantic faggot?

Someone post the gay edits.

this is good

Can confirm, love pretending to be a cute girl while jackin' it, wear panties, but could NEVER chop off my dickie, love that thang, small as it may be.

Plus, I'm self aware enough to know I'd never make a cute girl irl, so it's just fun to pretend.

Daily reminder that if you crossdress and act girly in your own home to help cope with anxiety, you don't have gender dysphoria.
Gender dysphorics have the minds of actual women. When actual women are in their own home, they dress comfy, and they don't try to act girly.
What you have is discomfort with your own emotions, so you pretend to be female so you can pretend to be a different person, and hide from your own emotions.
Hormone replacement makes it worse, since the hormones amplify your shaky emotions. And if you make the female your main identity, you won't be able to escape from the anxiety.
There are ways to cope with feeling uncomfortable in your own skin or feeling stressed by your own thoughts, but they don't involve sexual fetishes and pretending to be something you're not.

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Guys who never pick the girl are insecure wieners. Guys who always pick the girl are creepy fetishists. Guys who don't care and will play either male or female characters are alpha chads.

Shin Godzilla is the superior movie with superior design

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Getting referred to as He or sir in games makes me uncomfortable even though irl it doesn't bother me. What does my brain mean by this?

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They are beautiful.

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Give me Australia

>He still self inserts
fuck man, this is pathetic

>self-inserting as the character you are playing

Anyone have the edit that says "i'm a girl, faggot"?

there are a fair few boomer youtubers (Max and Northerlion come to mind) who are always very insecure about picking girl characters and it always comes off as pathetic. Nobody should care that much

I'll play my game as a girl, thanks

truly we are all mario

Fuck off, discord tranny.

Because in games where you can make your own character, making the girl as hot as possible makes the game more fun.
Meanwhile, when playing as a dude I just wear whatever, and I always play the default anyway.

so what the comic's artist or name?

>this is what self insert fags really think
Pathetic desu

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>hey are basically asking you to choose your pronouns.
This is a falseflager.

Top looks boring.

So, what does it mean if a femoid plays as a male character?

you haven't forgot about me, have you?

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Dont you faggots even dare joke about this ironiclly. Pinkpillers are fucked up.

penis envy


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They're pretty much Kanji from persona

She wants to bounce on his dick.

this topic is such a Yea Forums zoomer thing
never see this shit anywhere else

Because I want to.

haha y-yeah, it's all a joke

I play as whatever I want so fuck you

>all those Fortnite pros that are now officially trannies

based Yea Forums logic
people that relate EVERYTHING to sex really need to have some
get it off your mind
no wonder it's such a big topic on here

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because i want to bully the enemy team with her of course

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post the r34 of these


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>remove tranny from the list of mental illness
>add gaming addiction so most of them are still considered mentally ill
Based WHO

But what if you crossdress because you like cute shit and don't want to be a woman?

WHO only acts according to what makes the most money.
Removing trannies from the list of mental illnesses means they lose all possible cover they could receive, and now they have to pay for HRT and surgery by their own pocket, which costs a fuckload, specially the surgery.

this has been a common topic on Yea Forums since at least 2005

an addiction is always a mental illness


No user, boys can't possibly like being cute!

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Being unable to see the difference between the game and the reality is literally mental disease. Do you by any chance have a Down syndrome? Because it very common for them. For example it's hard for person with Down syndrome to comprehend that an actor is not really a character played in a movie.

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t. Mentally ill

I don't self insert in any game I play. I play as god controlling the character and fucking up the world by proxy.

I do not have down syndrome, user, why are you getting upset? I'm simply an immersive guy


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Read this post


i'll take 3 sticks

I only play female characters because I like to self-insert in games and I can't do that with male characters

You know the rule



>Giving a fuck about ecelebs/streamers/journalists/twitterfaggots
Don't do that

I really like girls.

Who do you think their audience are?

>thumbnail: T-FUE T-RANSITIONING? *in bold on top of a pic of Tfue in a wig* *Myth in the background captioned "kinda hot, no homo guys"*

The eye candy makes the game more fun.

This is less gay than the OP.

have sex

Post mizuryu kei version

you have no idea what you are talking about if you think anything like that will happen

That's why I like girls user. I already had sex.

here u go

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I only play as a female in Fortnite so I can look at their fatasses when I’m bored out of my mind running across the map for 15 minutes without finding anyone

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They've been complaining about it for a while.

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>twitter retard

Is WHO, dare I say, /ourguys/?

>self respecting
I wouldn't know.

So, what does actually happen?

Change of pace. Sometimes I get bored always playing a dude.

>had a weird chance of friendship RNG of meeting 'girls' that played girls and only girls, no matter the genre, even if its 1st person
>turned out they were all guys
A kid who decided to pick up and prefer the Barbie figures and not the Superman figures may raise some eyebrows. I'm also certain that there are studies of what character you customise/create has mild and/or heavy connection with how one sees themselves. Granted, not everyone who plays girls exclusively are trannies or autogynephiles, but a considerable portion tends to be, or eventually will be. Speaking as a dudebro who took an eventual interest into autistic weebshit, the mentalities of OP's topic changes drastically between both groups of weebs and dudebros. You do you anons, stop getting baited.

But speaking as someone who's met the people OP is trying to weed out, simply watch out for the depressed, moody and neurotic argumentative ones that do only ever play girls - as it does indeed go hand-in-hand with the tranny/catfish stereotypes.

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you realize its still a treatable disorder in the ICD-11?
its just not under mental illnesses
its under Conditions related to sexual health with the name of sexual incongruence

Based self-insert chad making the Yea Forums-cels seethe

>tfw no reverse trap tomboy gf

Self insert is the most pathetic thing out there.

>it's a mental illness
>therefore the solution is to mutilate your body

That's like treating Alien Hand Syndrome by cutting your arm off

Less pathetic than playing as someone else, cuck.

>It's a mental illness
>therefore the final solution is to kill all Jews and kys.


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>brainlets still self-inserting and roleplaying themselves
what is the color of being unsurprised?

>It's a mental illness
>send them to an Asylum and be done with it


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No, you just send them to an asylum along with the schizos.

>gender swapping
it's sex swapping, faggot. have some.

John Francis.

This adventure is going to be great, if we fail no one will know, if we win, then they have to immortalize our dumb asses in statues.


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so you can't watch a film with female protagonist then? The female is not you, is the character you are playing. Games like Dead or Alive are the opposite of gay. Also most women prefer to play cute boys like Link, that's why Zelda is so popular among them, and that's why a lot of weeb girls enjoy reading Yaoi It's the same with males, if you enjoy watching yuri that's the opposite of being gay

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Why does plastic surgery make you so uncomfortable?
If you deny yourself a useful tool simply because it reminds you uncomfortably of your mortality, you have uselessly and pointlessly crippled yourself.

I'm incredibly bored.

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>go play an rpg
>they ask you to input your name
>to choose your gender
>to customize your appearance
>to choose a dialogue option
>t-that actually isn't you by the way

Please tell me you knew I was joking.

>eggplant emoji with scissors

Yes I know you were joking about not joking about killing them along with the jews.

Because I wanna be a cute anime girl, but I know that can't happen and I'm not a brain damaged retard who will fall for the tranny meme so this is how I live vicariously as one, now fuck off

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Just buy a wig and a skirt.

I really enjoy his simple personality: he may be a stereotyped hero, but I enjoy him

Nah, I'm not cute enough to pass, I'm not delusional, but like some others said, self-inserting as a girl is hot as fuck, esp if your character can get raped

I'm interested on this original comic. Can someone hand me over the original source, please?

That's kinda gay.

You can make a male character without self-inserting. There are a certain breed of people who make and play 'cool' dudes, but jack it to 'pretty' girls. Not whatever this black-and-white shitfest is in this thread. The insecure autists are the ones who fear female protagonists in any medium.

Yea kinda, not as gay as having a remote controlled internet enabled sex toy up your ass and having it abused by people around the world while you try to hold in moans over voip

Extremely (and that's a good thing - here's why)

>your character is you
Self inserters are mentally ill, no big surprise.

haha Why would someone do that? haha

what are these mental gymnastics lmao

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y-yea, why would anyone surrender all control like that haha

yeah haha I'm not interested in doing something like that ever haha I'm not gay haha

It most definitely says something about people though. I mean, tastes exist for a reason and come about for a reason.

isn't the point of gymnastics supposed to be working your muscles? how are the people exercising and getting in shape in the wrong

>You can make a male character without self-inserting.
Well duh. I'm just saying that it's not surprising that dumb people cannot into roleplaying as someone/something else.

What if someone crossdresses in comfy clothes?

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Then they're comfy faggots.

google lovense, it has an open source api, programming enables degeneracy, which spurs creativity in programming, also edge>hush, and the hole while neat is kinda small

long cotton socks are not comfy because you always fear them falling down
>inb4 glue

Then I want to get comfy with them.

I really do not understand this argument. Does anyone actually care?

should I start crossdressing?

but I said I'm not interested haha thanks, user

The tomboy/reverse-trap edit is the best one. Better than all the tranny and trap edits.

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>self inserting
As if your life is not boring enough

Shut the fuck up faggot, just wear oversized Hoodies and joggers like the rest of the actual males on this site

I'm attractive enough that I don't have to self-insert as a man more appealing than me.

I can just enjoy looking at cuties like every other man that doesn't have low self-esteem.

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But the material and feel are totally different

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no, youtube.com/watch?v=9ejzqm1KWjg

if you want to, yes
nothing wrong with wanting to feel cute

If you can't appreciate seeing a cute/sexy girl in action, you're either extremely insecure or just homosexual.

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I like where this is going

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If it looks cool I'll play it. Sometimes guys look cooler, sometimes girls look cooler.

PINK oversized hoodies and PINK sweatpants

G-go on...

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take your pills though

Imagine knowing eachother and being friends for years before you actually realize that you're both girls. Then imagine having sex with eachoters as girls. Then imagine having an BFF that you can both regularly fuck and play vidya with. That would be great.

Waifufags aren't people

>destroyes your community

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If you're pounding futa pussy and your nuts slap her big sweaty futa balls, does that make it gay?

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>Overtake your thread
Nothing personnel gaymer

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thank you

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i never always pick one or the other, it really depends on the game
in sea of thieves and RDO2 i played a very old gruff man
while in mmos and GTAO i played as a girl

You can literally just say "Because i wanna." if they dig into you any deeper than that they're looking for a fight, theres no need to humor anyone but yourself. It's just a game so people need to relax.

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Kaze-san no, don't cheat on Yamada like this

Why would any self respecting human post the same garbage thread every single day?

same reason I like crossdressing
not a faggot or a tranny btw

pink is an ugly color

Yea that is the point in this kind of RPG you retard

it is not inherently gay though
>A transvestic fetishist is a person who cross-dresses as part of a sexual fetish. According to the fourth edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, this fetishism was limited to heterosexual men;


I already have to play a man IRL

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Well yeah, I like to bait here on Yea Forums, but because it's easy banter on a anonymous website. No one really does this irl, people don't actually care that much about whatever character you pick in a videogame. Even playing tabletop games in public there's always guys roleplaying female characters without issue.

Except for the kind of guy that always pick the loli character, now that's real trouble with normies and you will get some weird looks for sure.

Yes. You literally are encouraged to pick the character that you want to be. Why create a character that you wouldn’t want to self-insert.

There's no point talking with self insert trash like you

It's never gay unless you kiss eachother.

please kiss

Not an argument faggot.

Anyone who seriously, really, no-fooling, honest-to-god feels uncomfortable about the sex of their player character is almost certainly insecure on some level.

A good test is:
Who did you choose in Dishonored 2 (at least for your first playthrough, if you did more than one)?
The entire plot was clearly written for the purpose of Emily's character development. The Corvo option was awkwardly bolted on so that they could put the iconic mask on the cover (albeit with the option of a nice twist ending if you play him with high chaos).
If you automatically chose Corvo because of his sex, ask yourself why.

>Who did you choose in Dishonored 2

i dont play shit games

Well if the choice is as unique as D2, then choosing Emily is about ‘authenticity’ rather about gender per se.

I always make my character as silly as possible, my Sheppard was cartoony French, my chosen undead starving and black, my arisen was a fat midget and my courtier was a gay Asian dude
What does that make me according to that study?

Being a girl might be cool, being a tranny not so much. Seems pretty harmless to pick your vidya character as a girl if you ask me.

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A shitposter

Why indeed

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I want to cuddle with a self respecting straight man who plays as a female character in a video game.

I do the same if the plot is somewhat nonexistent, I make and love the fuck out of joke characters. I value comedy and laughs above all else.

A cool dude.

Are you too stupid to understand that people might be looking for a different and exciting new experience? Making your exact same copy is the opposite of that.

Playing as a girl is only acceptable if it affects gameplay

I'm not mentally ill, I'm a degenerate.

I don't really give a shit what someone elses's taste is as long as they don't start going around, acting like their perception of reality is the objective fact instead of a crude facsimile filtered through a cavern of flesh and bone, whose clarity is and intensity of perception is dependent on their environment and genetics. To a man with poor eyesight and without glasses all of the world is a blurry mess. To a self-inserting normalfag all people that don't do the same thing he does are mentally ill trannies. Fr a baiting shitposter on Yea Forums this thread is a goldmine.

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They always are because they always speak volumes on many perspectives.

Such as?

Because I'm not a closet faggot who's identifying with the character that he's controlling in a fucking video game.

>self inserting
Kill yourself, not kidding.

For me it's autogynephillia and high libido, so of course I'm gonna play as a female, but only if she's attractive looking or I can make her attractive looking.

Otherwise I just play as a guy because I get no pleasure playing as an ugly woman, an example would be The Division where every female preset is so ugly I didnt even bother and just played as the guy instead.

Attached: Descriptive-data-effect-sizes-and-reliability-for-other-measures-of-interest.png (850x272, 52K)

Also autogynephillia =/= tranny 100% of the time, especially if theres no gender dysphoria, just in case some clueless ignorant /pol/fags or false flagging trannies from /lgbt/ want to start shit

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god i wish that were me

Anyone got fem version like these ones?

how fucking shit is your suspension of disbelief if you think you are always personally, literally you, as the player character?


A concession of utter defeat


how insecure must you be to make this same thread over and over and over and over

>Flower Maiden
>Fuschia Striker

I accidentally clicked on our neighbor one too many times over the years. Pretty simple, really.

Attached: original.gif (500x281, 784K)

Transgender isn’t a mental disorder, but gender dysphoria is a disorder that can be treated by transitioning.

I guess murder does solve all problems. No man, no problem.

>self respecting

Despite what /pol/ and /lgbt/ might tell you and make you assume, autogynephillia can be just a fetish and enjoyed as such


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if you're even remotely trying to imply that a guy 'refusing' to play as a woman because he might get bullied on the internet makes him a closet homo is the stupidest thing i have ever heard. every single one of you faggots who plays a chick all come out huge homo faggots. not ONCE have i seen a dude who plays a dude be gay. i seriously cannot tell you how many guys i've known and grown up with turn out to be huge legit faggots now because they played girls growing up.

The r63 threads were usually fun, but we can't have those anymore because mods are nofunallowed after the murder of Yea Forums and discord trannies will throw a fit and the boogeyman brigade will piss themselves over /pol/.

Gee billy, why does your mom let you have TWO bikinis

>Why would any self respecting straight man play as a female character in a video game?
Because girls always have the best looking gear.

Attached: 1561567756020.webm (854x480, 2.85M)

>play as girl because attracted to girls
>this makes you a homo

Does not compute.

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Shut up, you're gay now.

Where the fuck is her right nipple supposed to be?

Where the fuck do Japanese artists take their anatomy classes?

Attached: Confused Doomguy.png (226x204, 4K)

That poor girl is falling from very far up, she's sure to die on impact :(

Gay for girls!

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Attached: tenor.gif (300x270, 1.33M)

I have huge TG fetish and sometimes i wonder what i would be like if i found tumblr instead of /d/

God, I wish that were me.

Pretty rare for nipples to be shown in official promo artwork

Yes, that's what we usually call "autogynephilia" or transgender.

Plot Twist: they're both girls.