Light is consistently portrayed as pure goodness that is ever tolerant and never abandons people even if they stray so...

>Light is consistently portrayed as pure goodness that is ever tolerant and never abandons people even if they stray so long as even a shiver of potential for goodness remains
>Void is consistently portrayed as completely evil and characterized by total homogeneity dictated by objectively evil entities that want to destroy reality
>Somehow, these two sides are now portrayed as two sides of the same coin and (((morally ambiguous)))

what the fuck is with this postmodern bullshit?

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That goat bitch got some thicc thighs.

Scarlet Crusade was depicted as an evil army of the light back in vanilla wow. Void wasn't really developed until legion but shadow priests were always able to do good.

Scarlet Crusade was extreme and misguided, but, generally speaking, they had a noble goal and the Light did not forsake them. In a way, this reflects the supreme moral relatively of the Light in that it doesn't impose some alien morality on people and it respects their own sense of justice so long as it is sincere.

Shadow Priests had no lore before Legion and the few bits it had came from the Forsaken, who were objectively evil even during Vanilla Wow no matter how much mental gymnastics people perform.

Lets take away everything cool about the undead, their monstrosities that you can't play as, no necromancy, and not being super evil and loving it. It's the worst way I could think of of handling the Undead.

WoW grew up, why didn't you?

>t. postmodern shitter

>Light vs Shadow for years
>Void lore gets introduced
>now it's light vs void and shadow
>P.S. light isn't even objectively good either anymore

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yin yan

Guys I want a 8ft tall draenei wife!

Silence bottom

They are the same thing and it never was, see

Confirmed for not knowing anything about the scarlet crusade. Their leader was a dreadlord, their champion sold out the ashbringer, his own brother to kel'thuzad in order to gain power. The rank and file may have just been zealots, but the upper ranks were scum, and they could still wield the light just fine.

Blizzard's writing is just shallow. You acheive this shallowness by writing for 1,000s of quests and plot lines over many years with a rotating staff. Nothing of substance can really be achieved with wow. Just enjoy the smut and don't worry about the small stuff.

This is very accurate, even in Vanilla and BC I hated what they did with the characters. Kael is nothing like he was in Warcraft 3, The forsaken is fanfiction, and all the heroes from warcraft 3 barely interact with the plot stuff in WoW.

>Light is consistently portrayed as pure goodness that is ever tolerant and never abandons people even if they stray so long as even a shiver of potential for goodness remains
No, even if you are retarded enough to think to think Paladin Horseman or scarlet crusade have a "sliver of hope" left they retained the light because of strength of conviction no other reason.
>Void is consistently portrayed as completely evil and characterized by total homogeneity dictated by objectively evil entities that want to destroy reality
Boi ethereal have been in sense TBC using void shit for their own purpose not some evil homogeneity.

Your just complaining about things you never cared enough about to actually learn the lore of.


Me too but even bigger

The forsaken were less evil during vanilla WoW than any other time since their creation.

It's not really anything to do with having to write lots of quests, those have very little to do with the shittiness of the overarching plot. In fact, for a long time most of the best bits of story in WoW have been from low key quests written by some junior guy who actually cares about what he's working on and isn't completely hollowed out yet.

Light's good, but you don't want too much or else it blinds you.
This shit is as old as humanity, I'm pretty sure even a toddler could figure it out.

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