Other urls found in this thread:
>vr still has no games that arent ports, small experiences or tech demos
Just get wmr
>vr is still just strapping a monitor to your face and waving a wiimote around
Just kill me senpai
Wrong. There's at least 20 great games available now. It's also growing rapidly, pretty much every big developer is working on a VR game and/or VR support for already good games.
no i dont want to have to stand and move round to play games playing games is for relaxing
its not trash BUT there is just one, 1 , game which supports the index controllers fully thats it
Name 5 games that:
Take at least 12 hours to get to the credits
Arent an old game that got a vr update
Ill wait.
There are a couple of relaxing games as well, but sure, VR is designed for people, not tublards. Even my 400+ lb friend has no problems playing Beat Saber on Expert+. Also it's a fantastic way to lose weight - equivalent to high intensity tennis (obviously not if you intentionally move as little as possible).
I won't because those don't yet exist. I see no ptoblem with replaying games in VR however. I have hundreds of hours on GORN and Beat Saber for example.
The second point though. Serious Sam in VR is the definite way to play the games now. It's insanely satisfying to "be" there.
i have no desire to lose weight it will only be a waste of my time
post proof you own one
>VR nobility trying desperately to justify themselves to peasants
Repulsive behavior
that's pretty disgusting man
>fix close to HMD tracking with a simple software update
Friendly reminder that inside-out tracking is now superiour
Unless you have abnormal IPD there is no reason why 400$ for the Rift S wouldn't be the best choice
I mean suit yourself. I won't argue weight loss, just saying it's a popular and highly effective choice.
I have a vr headset
I want to like vr, but its genuinely a waste of money to buy a headset if the full priced games dont give you the full priced experience.
Its nice to have games like gorn, beat saber and vr chat where you can kill time in, but at the end of the day theyre repetitive and dont really satisfy a true sense of completion that getting to a credits would gie in any other game
what good is it going to do me?
>He fell for it
Yeah, playing is low res PS1 graphics with terrible framerate blur everywhere sure is immersive.
>implying i bought it
The Rift S has higher resolution than the Index retard
Here comes the shill which only argument is saying that people criticizing vr are poorfags
Is it even wireless?
I didn't say VR isn't a waste of money. It ABSOLUTELY is. But it's a highly luxurious new gaming platform, this is a fact.
VR is so far exclusive to richfags, and idiots like myself who live for games and can't actually afford shit.
As a sidenote it's also quickly become a new favorite for porn.
Well, it is. Poorfags will stay jealous, richfags will buy just because, and retards like myself love games and new tech too much to care.
This doesn't change the fact that VR is progressing rapidly and positively, and there's already a growing library of really good VR games.
The new gen of VR devices are basically the opposite of what people wanted
Friendly reminder the Quest is the best entry to VR right now.
Friendly reminder that the Rift S is the best PC VR headset now that inside-out tracking is flawless.
I would really like to know Gaben's reason for releasing this considering how doubtful he was in that one interview.
I want vr to just be good
I cant sell my friends on it until there are good games
Im not a fan of vr porn just yet. They keep getting too close to the camera, and it fucks everything up. Im not a fan of going crosseyed because the actress thinks its cute to pretend to kiss the camera. Studios just dont know what theyre doing yet
Quest is an okay minimum budget family friendly* (*turbocasual) option for those who don't care about the best experience (or even a good experience). For those who just want in.
Rift S (last gen) doesn't hold a candle to Index (new gen 2).
I wish there were more cute mouse games
Beat Saber usually sells it to anyone I show it to. Beat Saber wannabes are starting to show up too with their own mechanics and twists. It's pretty much the new Guitar Hero, in an expensive sense.
What is inside out tracking?
>There's at least 20 great games available now
Name 20 games that do this
and that is way better than non vr games.
I could explain it all to you but it's exhausting what VR has been put through due to Oculus and HTC
It wasn't supposed to be this way but the wrong person got involved and ruined everything
The Index controllers are an expensive gimmick that aren't it compared to touch controllers and only have a reason to exist because the vive wands are garbage change my mind
I am jealous of that 144 hz panel tho
Probably just testing the market
You retards keep forgetting that there's an ecosystem outside Oculus' deliberate walled garden and that many of us want nothing to do with Facebook
Hell, I just assumed VR was totally dead when I first heard about the acquisition
I love quill
No external sensors. Requires no setup and much more convenient.
The Rift S used to have issues tracking close to the headset but they fixed that with a software update
I love VR but even 400 was a bit much to justify it. If you're buying an Index, you either better be living in vrchat or doing cardio with Beat Saber two hours a day.
>Talking shit about VR when you dont own one
Just try it if you ever get the chance, its actually very fun
Just get used to the weird feeling you get when you jump
>Rift S : 2560×1440 (1280×1440 per eye)
>Valve Index: 2880×1600 (1440×1600 per eye)
Plus the Rift S can only do 80hz while the Index can go up to 144hz.
The Rift S works with steamVR though? I get your point if you don't want to give money to facebook but you aren't forced to use the Oculus Store.
The Quest is also more open than PSVR with sideloading and modding beatsaber
Valve what are u doing
pls stop
>that controller dissapearing
>that jiterryness
>those huge donuts
>having to play always in a well lit room
>cant put hands infront of one another
lmao inside out tracking is a meme
Enjoy being banned and bricked because you say a bad world ocushits.
>The Rift S works with steamVR though
In a just world, Valve would reciprocate and lock Oculus out of Steam but Valve is magnanimous.
Anyone stupid enough to trust Faceberg will get what they deserve in the end.
>The Index controllers are an expensive gimmick that aren't it compared to touch controllers and only have a reason to exist because the vive wands are garbage change my mind
that post reeks of COPE
I've tried index controllers they're fucking incredible.
And I don't like touch even compared to wands because they are slippery tiny soap bars that are uncomfortable and ocujew is too jew to even put a real battery inside.
>supporting company that fucked over VR future and is to blame for lack of good vr games and slow hardware development
>supporting a company that literally sells rebranded lenovo as its highest tier headset
>supporting a company who bans your account for piracy
>supporting a company who can remotely ip ban your hardware for saying a bad word
outside getting quest or rift s for entry level headset being with oculus is stocholm syndrome.
It's a shill, they regularly make threads and try to push Oculus products and use the same images and webms and "memes"
There's two of them at least and they're both faggots.
>that controller dissapearing
Yea, it doesn't track behind your head, big deal.
>that jiterryness
There is no jitter?
>cant put hands infront of one another
I can retard lol
>Enjoy being banned and bricked because you say a bad world ocushits.
is this what Pcbros actually believe?
>supporting a company that literally sells rebranded lenovo as its highest tier headset
Rift S is getting thrashed across the net lately
I see so much buyer's remorse in the places I frequent but that's what happens when you trust Zuck
It's the best vr headset right now.
Anything headset under 144hz is trash.
>thinks he knows what good tracking is
>doesn't notice all the hallmarks of bad tracking
Buyers remorse
>supporting company that fucked over VR future and is to blame for lack of good vr games and slow hardware development
But this is literally Valve. They fucked over the Vive by using it as a testing ground for ideas that just straight up don't work, like their awful trackpads instead of an analog stick. Half the reason they did this is so they can charge people 300 dollars for thumbsticks they explicitly removed from the original design when they were working with HTC.
They haven't made any games, their software is an absolute joke, and their latest hardware upgrade is literally just a cheaper Vive Pro with touch controllers.
Everyone who has had more experience with VR other than base system trashes rift s.
Kids who managed to get their parents to buy them the cheapest tier poorfag vr headset shill it to no end
>supporting company that fucked over VR future and is to blame for lack of good vr games and slow hardware development
Oculus is actually funding VR games unlike Valve.
Where are those three VR games valve promised three years ago?
>supporting a company that literally sells rebranded lenovo as its highest tier headset
Rebranded WMR headset with 5 cameras instead of 2
very big thinking
>supporting a company who bans your account for piracy
deserved, cancer of the industry. There is no excuse for taking the fruits of someone elses labor for free. You aren't better than a dindu shoplifiting.
Did Quest have the same problem and is that getting patched as well?
I've had my fair share of headsets
OG rift dk1, dk2, cv1, vive, vive pro, now index.
Setting up basestations is something you just have to do once. It's just a tripod adapter its not that hard. I get that inside out tracking is easier but its not like you're drilling into your wall everyday lol. Just set it up once...
Anyway, index is pretty great, not perfect.
>Vertical FOV is amazing, horizontal you can still see the edges though.
>It's clearer than the vive pro, no screendoor
>Way way more comfy. Although I still think the CV1 is the comfiest that ive used.
>Controllers are fantastic, very solid
>I really really miss wireless on my vive pro
>No linkbox makes it hard to extend the cables at the moment. Waiting on some 1.2DP extensions to try
>144hz is a big big improvement
If i was on a budget I wouldn't upgrade over a vive pro but I would buy the knuckles for sure
VR wasn't even supposed to be on the market yet but they couldn't let Facebook run amok even with Rift being in such a halfassed state
Valve hardware is improving. Oculus, well they drove everyone but mobile meme Carmack out.
But you already knew that, kys shill
I don't think any wireless signal can broadcast at the resolution and frame rate the index is capable of.
Redpill me on 144hz. It's literally the only thing I care about on the Index, everything else I prefer my Rift S. Well maybe Audio as well.
I do have a Vive, even bought a protube.
The tracking isn't noticeably better and the comfort of not having to deal with external sensors and garbage vive controllers is great.
It's incredible how much peope hate on Oculus with no experience of their own.
144hz is a bit buggy sometimes.
120 seems to work fine tho
Everything feels smoother. Its pretty noticeable in fast moving games. Beat saber is a great example, you can follow the blocks much easier.
I forgot to mention this but the audio on the index is insane. Its good quality, not incredible but the thing about it is. Nothing touches your ears and it creates this feeling as if you actually are in the room you're seeing. It's really hard to explain but its very very convincing.
I haven't noticed or cared about the drop from 90 to 80 from Rift to Rift S, so I'm not sure 120 would make a difference. But I admit I could be wrong because I love my 144hz monitor.
Xbox Kinect
I have a VR headset and I unironically enjoy it.
My main issue is it gets too hot on my face, which is not fun during the summer, and I don't exactly have a ton of room for it so I end up nearly hitting or smacking walls sometimes.
Granted I didn't spend even close to 500 dollars on mine.
I don't think the Quest has had the same problems close up since it has more camera overlap with each wide angle camera being positioned on a corner.
Its still receiving the same software update soon apparently
VR has already outlived them, and just released the second generation, effectively.
Have a (You), because I feel sorry for your broken little microbrain.
>supporting a company who bans your account for piracy
I was thinking about getting a rift s, can they really detect and ban you over using pirated games?
>Valve hardware is improving
Barely. They solved a problem they caused, and they put out something that's really not much of an upgrade from a Vive Pro.
My real issue with Valve is the software. Sure, having no games sucks ass, but SteamVR is one of the worst things I've ever been forced to use. Despite "supporting" dozens of input devices, most of them don't work right. Why? Because the custom mapping support is an absolute joke. If you're dumb enough to buy WMR, you literally have to wait for devs to patch games for you. You can't just emulate a working controller. If you need more buttons, you can't do things like have control groups, or shift-toggles, basic features that have been on any other limited input devices for the past few decades.
They're "terrified" of people mapping in auto-fire and shit. Despite the fact any retard with a ardunio and 3 minutes of soldering can hack any controller to burst fire however they'd like.
apparently 120 makes it more comfortable for long sessions.
>Nothing touches your ears and it creates this feeling as if you actually are in the room you're seeing.
Will the neighbors be able to hear my porn
It's definitely better but I don't think I can justify it for 1000. I like my Rift S even though it gets bullied.
Also I live in Canada and Valve doesn't care about us
>second generation, effectively
Eh, it's really just an iterative upgrade and a mobile branch. Far from a gen2.
But VR is here to stay this time that's for sure.
maybe? It's only loud for the wearer. But people around can hear a muffled version of it. Not clearly though.
Whats your IPD? I have a Quest right now but was thinking about getting the Rift S for my steam library. Is 68 going to be fine?
100%. That's why I have pretty much no interest in the Index, you'd think they'd realise that a huge proportion of their market wants to occasionally look at porn through these things.
PSVR got like 10 exclusives on the last several few weeks alone. Half of the best VR games are still due being ported and Oculus has a bunch of exclusives too, both released and in production.
People have this weird notion that VR has no games because the news outlets they follow for games don't mention it, ever. The truth is, there are specialized outlets and news sources for VR stuff and there's always good stuff being announced and released. You just don't care to find out yourself.
>Yea, it doesn't track behind your head, big deal.
that kind of is a big deal.
So what's the best VR-set to get right now?
What game actively has you put stuff behind your head or back?
The IMU sensors still passively track behind your back so picking up gear from outside of the cameras field of vision is not a problem.
Note that the Rift S has an even wider tracking range than the quest
>Tetris Effect
Oh, one decent exclusive huh? On an infinitely inferior VR setup, on a multiple years old inferior system. Wooow.
good fucking lord robo recall looks like a ps2 game on the quest. i'm sorry.
>psvr has more exclusives than ps4
Just why? VR didn't sell more than 5million. Just a handful of games sell more than one million where is the logic in that. Deracine for example only has 50k players according to gamstat.
These games aren't talked about because they're dogshit.
You will only very occasionally see a game with any promise, and most of the time it'll wind up being indie garbage like Budget Cuts.
VR is a joke. The best online shooter for VR right now has 1k players, which would be considered dead as fuck for a flatscreen game, and it's literally just a poor clone of CS:GO. Everything else barely manages 50 players peak on a good day.
Depends on budget and your playspace situation.
Have $$ to burn/your own place to set up basestations? Index
On a budget? Rift S
Are you a casual? Quest
>Tetris Effect
I'm tired of Yea Forums's Mizuguchi dick sucking
well for starters, playing robo recall with any kind of skill you'd be shooting in two different directions whether you're facing that way or not. it ruins immersion if you aren't given the chance to do some pro maneuvers just by being aware of your surroundings.
I like to shoot at things behind me sometimes in space pirate trainer/superhot
Sony has proven in the past they're not averse to blowing wads of cash just to get their foot in the door. In fact they might be planning an unprecedented thrust into VR though I do wonder how they'll deal with the sicklet issue.
You can still do that though? Quest and Rift S are not WMR
don't be pedantic, you're still being positive about a shitty game.
weird that's a really fucking giant gap directly behind your head. but you claim you can still aim directly behind your head with perfect tracking. hmm.
I'm seeing a lot of mixed opinions everywhere. Is the Rift S worth getting, or is it shit?
Tetris Effect looks comfy. What's wrong with it?
>Get VR to play cool games
>Want to play stuff like System Shock and DX but in VR
>Everyone else wants to play stuff like Guitar Hero and Tetris
How is fate grand order vr? Censored?
You shouldn't even have to ask if you had a pair of eyes and a functional brain.
But it's shit.
$999 for this shit
wtf, I'll just buy a vive for half that price, and have a better experience.
It's lazy
It's worth getting for low-end and entry level because the CV1 and Lenovo Explorer are now both unavailable thanks to Facebook
You're getting completely ripped off but your options are limited at that price point
Skyrim VR is actually the first time Skyrim has been enjoyable. It's an utterly shit game normally, but something about experiencing it immersively in VR makes it pretty damn cool.
With the close to headset tracking its totally worth it for 400$.
No other inside-out tracking headset comes close so you shouldn't even consider WMR headsets.
The Vive is an outdated piece of shit with bad controllers, low resolution and the worst lenses in the PCVR space and still costs 500$. Avoid.
If you have money to blow the Index is likely the best but anyone who says the Rift S is shit just has an irrational hate boner for Oculus.
>and have a better experience
That's where you simply are objectively wrong. But sure, spend less and experience less appropriately. Vive is the new entry level since you can get it cheaper from everyone selling off after receiving Index.
I don't even care, I put on my headsets and regularly jack it to a hacked build of cathouse tale (dead patreon porn furry game), wild life, honey select, wild life, yiffalicious and many other good ones. I play some games too but most feel like shitty tech demos and I prefer ddr and stepmania over that beat saber game. Feels like vr osu to me. Call me back when we get some .hack level shit or body feedback. The porn is fun though.
I just don't understand how you're an incel
Is virtamate good yet?
>supporting zuck the cuck
just get pro vive or steam vr
>If you have money to blow the Index is likely the best but anyone who says the Rift S is shit just has an irrational hate boner for Oculus.
Nobody disagrees that the Rift S has shit build quality and its no surprise because Facebook contracted Lenovo to make it.
It's a $150 hmd being sold for $400 and the only good thing about it is some Oculus tech and software.
Functioning adults can look at the entire ecosystem and see where Facebook is going with it. It's not surprising many nope out at that point.
Wipeout is a 60 hour game easily. Sure you can play it without VR but it's honestly half of the experience. Blood and Truth should be just short of 15 hours, too. I think RE7 can be that long too.
I haven't played it yet because it's not out on PSVR yet but I think Tokyo Chronos was a 15 hour+ game too, not sure.
Most of the best SP VR games seem to be around the 6~10 hour mark but that depends on replayability. You can get hundreds of hours out of something like Tetris Effect, Firewall and The Persistence and 20+ hours to platinum these games. It's not like everything has to have JRPG -tier lengths.
Don't get me wrong, I do want VR games with more content but consider the following: most of these titles were 20~40 USD on release.
Tetris effect looks gorgeous and runs at 120FPS. PSVR is made to be affordable but, in the end, it's the games that matter. Isn't that what Yea Forums used to believe in?
More exclusives than the PS4? I doubt it, but it certainly has more worthwhile exclusives than the Xbox One.
It's only natural developers would flock to PSVR though. Every PC HMD combined has sold less than PSVRs. Installed user base is all that matters for developers.
It's a free experience, you just see Mash talking to you. It'd be 6/10 if original voice actor but it's fucking dubbed.
Weebshit is the PSVR library's weak point. Fortunately, it's getting better in that regard thanks to Tokyo Chronos and Focus on You coming soon.
Only if you're an ascended big brain with a NASA supercomputer who doesn't mind edging for a few hours/days to set up his own personal degenerate fantasy and/or stealing stuff from reddit/discord
Depends how good your PC is. If it's shit, Quest. If it's decent, Rift S. If money is no object, Index.
>even a stable 60fps when most games don't even run a stable 30fps
I wouldn't buy a Vive now. A Rift S is going to have much sharper visuals.
>Isn't that what Yea Forums used to believe in?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH holy shit what sort of mythical ideal of Yea Forums do you believe in
Vive is entry-level/budget choice now with every Index owner selling off.
Vive Pro is significantly overpriced, way more expensive than Index while being inferior.
Index is the go-to.
Don't trust the Facebook apologists.
I've only encountered frame drops in some games on a base PS4 like Rec Room and Super hot VR
Vr patch
Vr patch
Tokyo chronos fits
I dont know what blood and truth is, so ill give you that too
Tetris effect is a tech demo. It doesnt have an end game. Its an endless puzzle
Dont know firewall nor the persistence.
Platinuming a game and getting to the credits are different.
I dont want games with jrpg length, I just dont want to spend $20-$40 on a game that'll only give me 2 hours worth of unseen content.
If im gonna spend $20 and get 2 hours I could have gone to the movies and watched whats popular.
I want AAA games made with vr in mind.
it's true though
consolewars are a meme for poorfags who can't own every latest tech on the market
you are poor and mad you can't have it all because you rely on handouts from mommy and daddy
>More exclusives than the PS4? I doubt it, but it certainly has more worthwhile exclusives than the Xbox One.
Sony uses all the AA budget for vr games. Even the games from the china hero project are not exclusive and will just be released for other platforms later. So yes it does have more exclusives than the ps4.
RE7 had VR support at launch
Don't fall for this retard, the Vive is absolute garbage.
I had to fix both my controllers because the trackpad on each stopped registering clicks. This hasn't been fixed either and HTC is still pumping out the same bullshit.
The headband without the 120$ comfort strap is also pretty terrible. The resolution is the worst on the market, with a relatively wide field of view also leading to the lowest pixel density of ANY PCVR headset. Add to that that its an OLED panel with lower subpixel count and the image quality is miserable compared to a lower priced Rift S.
Youre a fucking retard if you buy a vive in current year.
>i had to fix
You dropped it too many times. I literally never had problems with my Vive once and I haven't even put my trackers as recommended. It just works.
Where's your tard wrangler?
you must have forgotten how good being healthy feels like
imagine being able to be in a room alone with your thoughts and not feel disgusted by your body and feel fulfilled and energized instead
you can't run away forever
In the last two E3s the big devs already dropped it like a turd
Get VR and lose weight while having a ton of fun in the process. Don't forget to drink a lot of water.
Go look at facts, parrot. Sony will refuse publishing the game if it doesn't do 90 FPS. At the very least you will find 45 FPS games reprojected to 90.
Wipeout's VR patch is the perfect example of a VR patch. The entire game was adapted, even the menus. It gives total freedom for comfort settings too, it was the best game on the system on the first year.
RE7 is not a VR patch, it was a console-exclusive content. It's not an afterthought.
Blood and Truth is the biggest PSVR title this year but it's no surprise to see people not know it. It had quite a bit of hype, too.
Firewall is basically Rainbow Six in VR. The Persistence is a roguelike that lets people outside of VR, watching your screen, interact with you by adding enemies and controlling the environment. It's basically "couch co-op".
I don't know about you but $20 for a 6~8 hour game sounds like a really good deal for me. We're already behind the 2 hour experiences granpa, where have you been living?
>I want AAA games made with vr in mind.
The kind of stuff that goes by "AAA" noways have budgets in the hundreds of millions of dollars. It's much too early for that, a top selling VR game right now sells over 1m units. It just doesn't make sense.
It's like you people don't understand how the world works.
That's a good thing I guess. A company supporting their brand new and expensive peripheral is everything you really need.
No, the rubber actuator literally wears out with use retard
Its the result of absolute garbage build quality and quality control.
VR really is a mess
Imagine if Valve actually produced enough Indexes to cover demand
Imagine if HTC had produced a mid-priced lighthouse successor to Vive instead of...whatever the fuck Cosmos is
Imagine if Facebook Technologies: Oculus Division weren't filthy backstabbing kikes that did everything doomsayers predicted and more
Imagine if MS gave a single solitary shit about WMR which got like 10% market share on its own with zero advertising, zero market presence and late to the market
Hmm, I really wonder which one is more comfortable to use
I've heard some people wear wrist and leg weights while doing vr. Any experience with that?
I haven't tried it but obviously adding weight = harder to move = burn more cals.
>At the very least you will find 45 FPS games reprojected to 90.
Actually it's 60fps reprojected to 120
>buying a used vive
enjoy all the cum smears from other degens using it for porn
>Or about twich as many Sega CD accessories
Kek! What's up with the comparisons? It's when Nvidia tried to compare itself with the Power Glove and the Dreamcast for no reason
PSVR can do both.
>I really really miss wireless on my vive pro
This is what kept me from preordering. I have an Og vive so index would be a nice upgrade, but there's no way I'm going back to wired
Are you sure?
I've only seen stuff saying PSVR does 90 and 60 reprojected.
There isn't much to compare PSVR against. MegaCD is about the best because it was the price of another console it attached to. Surprisingly, their penetration was 1 in 3 Mega Drives.
It allowed you to play types of games that would otherwise be impossible, another apt comparison.
Only problem would be finding reliable weights that don't break the bank
>In September 2015 it was revealed the headset would have three rendering modes for developers to choose from: native 90 Hz, native 120 Hz, and a mode where gameplay running at 60 Hz would be displayed at 120 Hz using a motion interpolation technique called asynchronous reprojection.[22] The interpolation would be achieved with little system resources and a small latency of under 18 milliseconds. The technique would also be utilised in the native 120 Hz mode to ensure consistent framerate.[23] According to a Sony representative the company expects the interpolated 120 Hz mode to be a popular choice for games.[22]
I am pretty sure I read that 45 reprojected to 90 was a thing, I guess it was wrong. Either way, this is even better because a game has to be no less than 60 FPS to even pass Sony QA.
Yeah I definitely saw Sony saying that games have to run at 60 minimum on PSVR.
nobody defends vive anymore with index being out
Samsung Odyssey and Lenovo explorer are my favorites. Tracking could be better, wmr software has it's issues, but overall they were cheap and I refuse to give any of my money to Facebook. They can eat a bag of dicks IDC if Oculus becomes #1 headset
That nigger is always lashing out against nonexistent vive fanboys its pretty funny
For Xbox Scarlett, do you think Microsoft will simply allow WMR to connect to Xbox or will they make an actual Xbox-exclusive headset?
Im lashing out against the fucking retard saying the vive is good entry level, which it isn't
Not even Microsoft knows what they're doing anymore
The explicitly announced the OneX as VR platform so they have *some* plans.
I hope they allow wmr. Odyssey is extremely comfortable good audio and good mic built in.
It's cheap, offers a minimum of 200 bucks saving on Index, comes with 2 controllers you can strap to your feet for leg tracking, at a value of 150 bucks, AND you get a headset you can probably still sell for 100 bucks or so.
Given you can probably pick up a Vive for 300 dollars these days, it's actually a fantastic purchase.
Well maybe that's why they're low key sabotaging WMR then
Still curious why they're dumping games on Steam though
I wonder why Samsung is even bothering with WMR, Valve desperately wants people to use their tech and even they can offer better support than MS
Better than Ocushit, Facecuck drone
>having to deal with external sensors
>vive controllers are garbage
I've had rift and now THOSE external sensors were a fucking hassle as the cable was too short they used up all the usb ports and they needed to be moved every session if you had a big room and wanted to move around in it when not in vr.
Vive is flawless and while touch has better grip button vive wands are better (except less reliable)
>Given you can probably pick up a Vive for 300 dollars these days, it's actually a fantastic purchase.
Sorely tempted seeing how long Index is going to take to be in stock but I've never bought secondhand stuff before
Atleast I am not recommending objectively shit hardware just because I don't like a certain competitor
>Well maybe that's why they're low key sabotaging WMR then
I do get a feeling that MS regrets WMR to some extent. Personally I think we'll get an actual Xbox VR headset, complete with a big green X on the front or something. The catch is probably that both WMR and XboxVR will be interchangeable between console and PC. It fits with their general management direction lately.
The latest debacle with update 1903 resolution bug coinciding with the anticipated Reverb release is just amazing. It almost seemed like MS support was totally unaware of it for an entire week before they finally got their shit together. Still no ETA on a fix.
How the fuck is there fanboyism for VR headsets now? Oculus is trash, enjoy your facebook machine. Index is superior in every way
Use opencomposite if you can though, the overhead is almost unacceptable in most cases
>Yea, it doesn't track behind your head, big deal.
There's literally about 5 games that will ask me to reach behind my head, Rift S is literally a downgrade
Oh well you're a brainlet being trolled then
Please tell me the Index is an upgrade from the CV1, I can't stand shitty PCIe lane distribution with 4 oculus cameras anymore for my 10x10 ft space on this stupid $80 usb3 card. I just want a headset I can plug in and work and not have the USB port suddenly give out
>games will be rejected from Oculus store for making you reach behind your head too much now
>limitations of inside-out tracking will affect any games that aim for dual release for Oculus and Steam
Honestly I'm dropping oculus for this reason alone, it really is the normie headset
Everyone talks about how VR games take twice as much processing power because you're rendering twice
Fucking why don't they halve the graphics instead, even games from ten years ago look fine. Shit even Half Life isn't too ugly to play if it means you can play it in virtual reality
>facebook bad
>puts triple-digit million dollars in VR game development
>pushes for mass adoption so that VR can become a profitable space for developers and isn't just 100% indie garbage like the SteamVR upcoming games section
>valve good
>make a headset thats ridiculously priced
>doesn't fund games
>releases a headset with their only game specifically made for the hardware over a year away
Is there anything more pathetic than a valve drone?
I uniornically find wands more comfortable to use because its larger and fits hand better and I prefer the touchpad to joystick.
But touch got the grab button right, if htc wasn't fucking retarded with the grab button vive would've been better.
Most games already do, you're not going to find anything at the level of battlefield or Crysis yet unless it's just a tech demo. If you got a 1080 or better usually it's not your GPU but your CPU that's actually bottlenecking your frames in VR especially in games with a shit ton of physics
Thats an old ass gif
I dont think the Vive has any moving parts so its not like it can get work out
In a way its better than oculus because
>you dont get your oculus account banned for pirating
>you can upgrade to index part by part
>defending facebook
>fired lead engineer over disagreements
>would rather chase the normie crowd than push the technology further
>Doing jack all with 'investments' except for face tracking for social interaction bullshit nobody's asking for
>Fucking why don't they halve the graphics instead
They quartered the graphics and it still looks like shit
VR is capable of a lot, I can run plenty of shit in VorpX with a 1060 at a ridiculous resolution and it looks better than 75% of VR games and runs fine but we're in something of a game dev dark age all around and queerfaggots fresh out of game dev school are actively chasing ugly fucking trash aesthetics because they think its cool.
Facebook is pretty bad for starting walled garden cancer on a level that's practically unheard of in PC development, imagine if you wanted to play a game but found out that you literally couldn't because of DRM inserted to force you to buy a monitor from ASUS. That's what Facebook are doing to VR.
I have no issue with them funding exclusives to the Oculus store, where I draw the line is in completely refusing to support any of the other headsets. Imagine if a game company said they just weren't going to support AMD hardware, you had to buy intel and Nvidia just to play their game. I'd be fine with them leaving other headsets as "unsupported" and relying on customers to patch in support themselves, what's straight up wrong is the DRM.
Valve are trash, but facebook are worse. What's even funnier is that with millions of dollars they haven't managed to put out something that's even playable.
you gotta commend them for doing entry level shit and financing games but the closed platform exclusive shit is cancer and everyone defending it is reddit.
>pushes for mass adoption
Look how that turned out for vidya becoming mainstream
An oculus shill
Kill yourself you transparent fuck, hope Oculus fires you and you're forced back into giving blowies in VRChat
I play games fine with i5 2500k oc to 5ghz and all the fags who said it was bottlenecking got proven wrong when I upgraded my graphics card and got the frames all the benchmarks promised.
Their million dollar investment is literally just to tie facebook closer to oculus for some shitty anti-fun VRChat clone
>you dont get your oculus account banned for pirating
If you put pirated APKs on the quest you're a retard
Why would you pirate VR games in the first place, it's such a fragile market with devs dropping out left and right, I can't think of anything more dumb to do.
If you can afford VR you should have the disposeable income not to steal software.
I don't give a shit about the VR brand wars either user, but valve actually does fund VR games, they just don't force them into exclusivity agreements.
Imagine paying for fucking games in 2019.
lol look at this fucking tourist stealth marketing cuck
Uh, no sweetie, Oculus is actually funding competent developers to make games that look like they somewhat have production value, unlike what you see on the steam front page
Imagine not being the nerd equivalent of a nigger shoplifting
I'd love to play them but Oculus is a big nope from me chief and it will always be that way
Remember that HTC stayed competitive with Oculus despite doing nothing right SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY WEREN'T FACEBOOK
Zuck has made a lot of promises and stuck his fingers in a lot of pies, things will get interesting soon.
This is their million dollar investment
They're going to subsidize this expensive tech by requiring you to stay tied to the king jew's data collection platform. Ever actually look through oculus' data collection log dumps they ask you to run when you contact support? If you're any sort of logical person it should reasonably scare you.
>Buy oculus
>Require your face get scanned
>Buy Index
>Gaben doesn't give a shit
>Based mod frunk for brapfags to have their sick fetishes
>Literal superior hardware
>No stupid SteamVR overhead
>its another console wars episode
Consoles were a mistake. It only leads to blind fanboyism, poor non-customizable hardware and bribed devs.
Literally 3 of those games are "floating locomotion" simulator and a knockoff skyrim. I literally almost fell asleep playing Lone Echo and the cancer ship missiles didn't even save it
*blocks your path*
>a knockoff skyrim
Now that would be worth pirating but it's just going to be VR God of Soi I imagine
>why pirate
imagine unironically not testing out vr games before purchase.
>pirates make a falseflag to scare people about modding beat saber or sideloading
god damn pirates are pathetic, atleast it takes balls to steal things from a store
There's a headphone port brainlet.
Its called a demo? You can get them for a lot cheaper than the full price usually
Any ya'll other based Anonymouses hate software pirates and white supremacy as much as I do? Shoop de woop! Amirite? LOL
Make sure you buy an Oculus Rift S™
Is there anything more nigger like than stealing ?
A headset without built in headphones in this day and age isn't worth buying. Having to put two things on your head is incredibly cumbersome, and when you throw in the part where you have to detach the fucking speakers just to watch porn, it becomes even more of a hassle than any other product on the market.
Apparently WMR headset availability is drying up. Either Microsoft has something to announce soon, or WMR is being discontinued. The platform has made some pretty decent inroads, especially as an entry level one, so I personally have trouble believing they're going to pull out totally.
>shilling for Oculus AND McDonalds
>Apparently WMR headset availability is drying up
That's because they're working on new headsets.
i think microsoft is smart enough to realize that WMR has achieved a fairly solid and dedicated niche. if they keep stealing features from higher end systems (like index style controllers and more cameras) for gen 2, i'll probably stick with them forever.
Any built-in headset would just increase the price of the product and isn't better than a headset you already have.
I wear headsets with my PSVR Model 1 and it feels fine. The Model 2s have built ins but I think they can be replaced, ultimately they are just ear buds.
You are still taking for free what someone has worked every day, for multiple years, with a whole dev team to create.
The value of a disk you take from a store is just a few cents, nobody gives a shit about that. If you steal a physical movie or game from a store you are stealing the value of work others have created. If you steal a digitial copy its the same.
Pirates have to do ridiculous mental gymnastics about how piracy is perfectly moral because its just data and information, but by that logic we should stop paying every teacher, office worker, accountant, anyone not in a physical job because their work is worthless by their logic.
inb4 moralfag
>Friendly reminder that inside-out tracking is now superiour
it objectively isnt
I don't even pirate you retard, I just don't give any shits if anyone else does it because I'm not a huge faggot nigger
Go back to your discord and dilate
Damn I bet you're a leftist shitter and think teachers should unionize too you fucking plinko
If you have any value for the rules of society pirates being BTFOd should give you a deep satisfaction
It has the best audio solution on the market friend, so it's more than worth it on that front. Plugging in some earbuds for a 20 minute fap session is not any different than doing the same with your phone.
>Unless you have abnormal IPD there is no reason why 400$ for the Rift S wouldn't be the best choice
Imagine being this incredibly delusional
In what fucking way is 144hz buggy? I have been playing at that refresh rate all day and all night not a single issue. No tearing, no artifacting, nothing.
Are you actually dumb enough to think being against stealing is somehow leftist?
People being rewarded for their work is the most conservative, right wing value there is you absolute cum gobbling retard
I bet you quote aristotle during facebook arguments with your mom too you fucking faggot
The only argument for piracy is that you are poor faggot
Kind of like a nigger shoplifting
Once again the shill, the outsider and the discord tranny all are revealed to be one and the same.
Take note Anons lest you ever be taken in by their feeble attempts to fit in.
I bet they shill for EGS too.
The Index does have built in audio and microphones - but they're near field speakers, so if you still live with your mom she might hear your porn. Fortunately it also has a headphone jack if you need the privacy.
You are still taking for free what someone has worked every day, for multiple years, with a whole dev team to create.
The value of a disk you take from a store is just a few cents, nobody gives a shit about that. If you steal a physical movie or game from a store you are stealing the value of work others have created. If you steal a digitial copy its the same.
Pirates have to do ridiculous mental gymnastics about how piracy is perfectly moral because its just data and information, but by that logic we should stop paying every teacher, office worker, accountant, anyone not in a physical job because their work is worthless by their logic
inb4 moralfag
>muh arguments
look at this faggot
lmao the oculus shill forgot to grab the other anti-piracy script
owo whats this?
Do you have any argument for piracy besides "Im poor lol" and "lol u a tranny"?
it's moral because the only companies i pirate from either themselves or their publishers are disgusting consumer abusive billion dollar organizations that i truly hope go under.
It's refreshing, less filling and tastes great?
yeah: eat my taint faggot
moraltrannies btfo
I don't give a shit. The basic reality is that piracy is exposure. I've probably driven multiple sales of good games because I play them, and then go online and rave about them. You aren't going to get blood out of a stone, but you can throw that stone at an NPC and get some blood out of them instead.
>lol digital information holds no value of its own so its fine
retard logic
>buy a game from a dev
>the game is shit
>i cannot refund it because playtime/whatever
>i, the consumer have to take this risk, the loss is on me.
I care more about myself than some disgusting company, so im not taking any chances, i pirate almost every VR game before buying them because they turn out to be shit. why should i not be allowed the right to try something before i buy it?
Both Oculus and Steam have a 14 day/2 hour refund policy.
>oculus shills literally revealing themselves as discord trannies and antipiracy moralfaggots who hate Yea Forums
Being right is always so satisfying I never get tired of it
you and i both know 2 hours is not enough time to see if a >40 dollar game is worth the purchase. not to mention the amount of trouble shooting vr ALWAYS takes that time is more like 40 minutes
With steam you can literally buy, beat, and return most VR games within the 2 hour window, which is funny. That's a hell of a lot worse for companies than piracy is.
If pirates used the refund policy as a free trial, companies would actually lose money on game releases. The whole thing would be scrapped pretty much instantly.
Discord trannies hate Oculus because they cant install bodytrackers for their virtual ERP brainlet
>With steam you can literally buy, beat, and return most VR games within the 2 hour window, which is funny.
Yeah idk why people are supporting shitty devs in VR right now, literally everything is a 2 hour tech demo or student project built by guys with no imagination
Its almost like VR is such a small market that it doesn't even support AA sized devs without ouside funding, and piracy makes this worse
really makes you think
Discord trannies and VRChat trannies are different strains of faggot
You should all be gassed
this, they're all fucking terrible. every game is absolute trash that wouldnt be 10 bucks if it were a flatscreen game yet they charge 50 for it and get pissy when you complain about how trash it is.
every dev that makes floating hand teleport only games dont deserve my fucking money
>preorders backed up until august for people who reserved in early may
>it's a small market so you should be giving them more of your money for games infinitely worse than any other non-vr game
>piracy makes this worse
so you want me to buy some chinese kids art project about teleporting around a map he designed for a senior project with some shitty dialogue?
I don't pirate every game but shit this is the most anti-consumer argument I've heard from you shills
>I have to wait until monday to pick up mine because the delivery folks were slow
>late august
If you even somewhat care about VR as a medium, yes.
Stuff like Beat Saber, Gorn, B&S, Moss, Onward etc is absolutely worth 20-30$ as they are asking.
Which games have you played with it?
I've heard that a couple of games don't properly support 120/144 yet
ok, but those games (which i DID purchase) make about about 1 percent of all VR games that present as if they're actually decent.
>If you even somewhat care about VR as a medium, yes.
That's why I'm boycotting Oculus, all my other sins are forgiven because of that
this was the worst $20 i ever spent, i rate it alongside dayz and release day metal gear solid v in my greatest consumer regrets
new rift doesn't have external sensors. so you don't need to move anything.
Gorn is polished and gets a good response when I show people VR but I am sick to death of VR games being confined to a circular arena. What's the point of developing combat and physics systems in these games when they won't make any interesting environments to use them in?
Theres literally no excuse for poorfags to not play vr anymore
>Buy WMR for $100
>Pirate every game
A decent $100 experience if you already have a good computer
Imagine unironically giving Facebook a bunch of cameras inside your own home. The company literally had to apologize to Congress for spying and sharing user data.
You're forgetting the part where you have to install W10 to use that garbage.
You need win10 for most things these days its no suprise
>seethes because he can't afford it
Where can I get that for a 100?
People desperately hugging Windows 7/8 today are on the same level as Install Ubuntu fags. If you like video games you have no option but to adhere to Microsoft, it's better to transition now rather than later.
I'm always laughing at people who didn't get a free copy of Windows 10 when they could.
I like video games, so I have no option but to stick with 7.
ebay or similar sites my friend
>look for vr games in the steam sales
>almost nothing is tempting because most of VR games looks like mobile phone trash ported in VR
>disgusting paid unity assets everywhere
>no long length big budget game around
>games that last from 1h to 2h worth of content
i really don't care about new vr headset if there's no fucking fun games coming out.
so far i've been almost exclusively playing Pavlov, H3VR, B&S and Vrchat, only bought Moss and Compound so far.
Get the VR platform that has feature length games.
I have been enjoying Moss on the Oculus Quest™
So you just made that amount up. Post a link you lying nigger
windows 10 bricked my laptops gpu and i also had a friend who had the same thing happen to it.
I've also had multible other problems with win 10.
Win 10 is absolute bottom tier dogshit and quite possibly worst os MS has made.
t. has used 2000ME and 8 for years and had them cause less problems than 10 in 1 year.
fuck you blade and sorcery dev the combats good enough get off your ass and give us something to do with it you lazy cunt.
VR dev here.
We let people pirate our game because unlike brainlets like you we understand that some people simply don't have the money or are not stupid enough to prepurchase every early access game.
Unlike you I don't need an argument. I don't need to convince you to pirate, you need to convince me not to and I don't give a fuck about anything you have to say.
Blood and Truth is 6 hours
Astro Bot is 6-8 hours
PSVR games aren't any better and PCVR has better equivalents (like VTOL, DCS or IL2 instead of Ace Combat), better use of touch controls and actual sim games
Oh hey Devbro.
I also confirm this. We've all been there. Pirates are not lost sales, they'll be the greatest paying consumers when/if they get disposable income.
Which is why me and rest of devteam have agreed to just put up a clean copy on piratebay or whatever with a note that its clean and official.
Piracys gon happen anyway might as well turn it into a positive thing for you.
>why is stealing bad
Its almost like pirates are moralless leaches who only act on what gets them punished and what doesn't.
Name your game so I can laugh at you
Now use a bow
Works fine?
>Pirates have to do ridiculous mental gymnastics about how piracy is perfectly moral
lmao no i dont, i just dont give a fuck,
Better than being a corporate cuck and getting raped over and over again for shit like having to pay for shitrim and fallshit 4 twice just to play an half assed vr mode
I can tell by your punctuation that you're a retard, of course you don't have money.
Just don't buy it?
thats how much they go for on ebay usually, thats what I paid for mine
>Just don't buy it?
yes pirates dont do that and you are getting pissed at them for not doing so
The fact you compare Ace Combat to sims and even imply that it makes them better rather than just different makes your opinion invalid.
The average PSVR exclusive is much better than the average PCVR game though. 6~8 hours is a lot for VR.
You're not entitled to a ferrari, neither are you entitled to video games.
>Just don't buy it?
I don't and I have like 10 hours played.
Sure you did
Developers aren't entitled to money.
Why would I lie about that?
They were officially sold for $150 by microsoft so obviously they're going to be around $100 on ebay
By law, if you use their products, they kind of are
Damn man, im quaking in my boots, they're gonna get me.
they'd have to jail most of eastern europe then
The whole copyright law is kind of retarded.
t. used to pirate everything, now owns a bunch of consoles and (the limited licenses for) >500 games
Is there anything else I should get?
Beat saber, pavlov, vrchat
>Teleportation movement
It's shit.
Already have Beat Saber because I bought it before the price increase, my friend gifted me Pavlov.
It's like if Dark Messiah was stuck with only one shitty map, nobody would be posting webms or recommending it because the fun was all about using your magic/weapons/kick working with the environments. I want to bean somebody in the head and watch them fall off a cliff or push them down the stairs, all the systems are in place to do that but none of the maps are.
Where can I find a cracked copy of Robo Recall that works with Revive?
The one on pirate bay crashes when I try to inject it.
oh no no no no
right wing larper retard
they need license the controllers so every manufacturer can produce them and use them so that VR can evolve at a faster pace
yeah i can finally filter out depression quest
based valve
oops seems like the ethics department didnt like that one, i hope we can hire someone like anita to sort this one out
oh wait oh no no no no
They aren't on your side retard
have sex
have sex incel
good god you're pathetic
>post article about rape day
>hahaha based xd
>doesn't get on steam
>post about entirely different game
When was the last time you had sex? Should have some virgin
>we cant publish this game because the media outrage would hurt our partners
>we dont actually give a shit about the contents steam is a free platform
wow, valve really does sound left wing and encouraging our cause by making us look like utter dictators this is EPIC
>have sex
while it is statistically proven that centrists or right wingers have considerably more sex than left wingers, i dont want to come anywhere close a 21st century woman, sorry user
>he's mad because they've sold these again today and he is reminded how poor he is
Anybody play this? It's fucking incredible
I got mine for 130
Post this with timestamp so I can call you a retard for not putting it back into the box and selling it
From the cv1? Fuck yes it is.
>rooting for the losing team
enjoy no software support for the index controllers
this. Literally he has to remake entire dark messiah in vr.
sell me on it
Chances of the new HTC headset not being trash? Would be nice to have something in between the Rift S and Index.
>he wants devices that stagnate so they can sell for cheaper to the masses instead pushing for the best possible hardware.
It's probably going to be great. The only fucking issue is that it's NOT in between the Rift S and Index because it 900 fucking buckaroos.
I like the idea behind having cameras on the headset for a mix of augmented reality and virtual reality but did anyone ever make something with it ? I feel like it's a waste of hardware.
>I want to go deep sea diving
Kid above must have grown up to be one hell of a badass.
>Having paid for H3
>Having paid for Skyrim VRehash
Take yourself seriously if you want others to do the same.
honestly cant wait for a civil war to happen so i can personally lay my hands on cunts like these
resetera fags should be sent back
>Shilling "BD&SM - Pretending to facefuck gals in an arena"
Come on now.
That looks horrid on Quest. Why even bother
Fuck off Facebook shill
Does it have Index support yet?
i sorta wanna pick this game up but the price isn't worth the very short length of the game even on sale.
less failure rates than vive wands
its like 5-6 hours, thats perfectly fine for a sale.
That list shows playercount, not games I purchased user
AIDS is free too, but I bet you're already intimate with that fact, faggot
I love that this is your argument for shifting to garbage Lenovo.
Imagine being this desperate to justify a stupid purchase
>less failure rates than vive wands
At least those didn't crack if you breathed on them. Majority of the time all it takes is reattaching the ribbon cable inside that goes loose. I got one super cheap on eBay because of that.
>you claim you can still aim directly behind your head with perfect tracking. hmm.
He said passively track. So you can pick up shit from behind you.
After yesterday patch to Rift S tracking there is absolutely no reason to get an Index.
Rift S certainly is a better purchase than a Vive. Vive has so many, legit bad drawbacks besides the good lighthouse tracking that its hard to justify.
Now that the Rift S has pretty good tracking close to the headset there is no reason to pick up a WMR headset, simply because of tracking.
It's basically a decision between the Valve Index or Rift S, entirely depending on your budget.
Unless you're a Vivefag (which I am too, I'm just not blind to it being outdated as fuck) there is no reason to disagree with me.
Damn that's some small playerbases.
>Unless you have abnormal IPD
>here is no reason why 400$ for the Rift S wouldn't be the best choice
Have they fixed the hot garbage audio solution? Also have they fixed the hot garbage 80Hz refresh rate screen? Have they made it work in the dark?
>new headset is worth buying over a 3 year old headset
Well color me surprised? That doesn't mean the Rift S is good. I'd rather wait for WMR 2.0 than a overpriced Lenovo Explorer that doesn't even have IPD adjustment.
That's why devs are starting to push VR Crossplay more (Space Junkies, Dick Wilde 2, Rec Room, etc)
Except better everything? They aren't even comparable. The screen, the audio, the tracking, the controllers, every single fucking thing is superior on the Index.
>Have they fixed the hot garbage audio solution?
The audio on the Quest and Rift S is fine for most games, you can also just plug in your own headphones if you want to.
>Also have they fixed the hot garbage 80Hz refresh rate screen?
Wonna bet that you can't tell the difference between 80hz and 90hz consistently?
>Have they made it work in the dark?
Space junkies is brutal man, no wonder Oculus is pushing for a wider market
Junkies has PSVR to boost the playerbase, and I wouldn't be surprised if they're planning a Quest port.
seething poorfag
>>Have they made it work in the dark?
This is the reason I sold my WMR headset and kept my OG Rift. I only use this shit for porn anymore and needing to turn on all the lights to fap just wasn't comfortable.
you don't know what pain is, user.
>Wonna bet that you can't tell the difference between 80hz and 90hz consistently?
Wanna bet you can tell the difference between 80hz and 144? :)
Are you using DirectX 7.0?
Imagine not using the wrist strap
You've never hit a wall with your controllers ever?
No you are right, I have.
Regardless I can't think of a good scenario where you could literally drop the controller to the ground
>Wanna bet you can tell the difference between 80hz and 144? :)
Oh definitely
I am not the user saying that the Rift S is better than the Index. I'm just saying that in the $400~ range, the Rift S is the best purchase compared to WMR or Vive.
kinda, yeah
Oculus is pushing cross play between Echo Arena and Onward, wouldn't suprise me if they are trying to get as many ports to the Quest as possible.
You've never dropped your phone accidentally ever?
I wanted an Index desprately (specifically for the Knuckles), but now after seeing the price and reviews I decided it's probably not worth upgrading to from my Lenovo.
It's a shame but I'll probably skip out on gen 2 unless the index drops to sub-500. Until then I'll just hold out hoping WMR has a second generation of controllers in development for their next wave of headsets
>Unless you have abnormal IPD
>tfw 70mm frog-eyed abnormality
A store near me had an HMD for 100$, but I couldn't get it because it didn't have physical IPD adjustment (in my country, the cheapest HMDs cost 400$+ normally, and they're never on sale).
My phone doesn't have a wrist strap.
Definitely never dropped one of my controllers
I'm not justifying the clearly breakable and cheap Oculus controllers, I'm just saying I can't imagine a scenario where someone should be dropping them in the first place
I have dropped the Touch Controllers testing whether the inside out tracking is good enough to catch them mid air, I have no clue how they could break dropped from knee height. They are build pretty well.
Because accidents never happen ever?
Touch controllers =/= Rift S Lenovo garbage controllers.
>the new rift
You mean the gimped crap that's basically the same as putting your phone in a cardboard box?
>Touch controllers =/= Rift S Lenovo garbage controllers
The controllers are designed and made by Oculus user, they are identical on Quest and Rift S.
Don't believe some retarded reddit headline some moron made to coerce oculus support into giving him a free replacement
>valvecels are so desperate to get people to buy a 1k headset they have to flat out make up lies
>dropping it head first
Don't play coy. You know where the weakness is. And the worry isn't dropping it. It's hitting the ring accidentally on a wall or something. I don't even care if the guy lied which he probably did. You NEVER not once saw the original Touch controllers have the ring break. Even throwing it as hard as you could at the wall it would never do that.
>ocujew is too jew to even put a real battery inside
That's a very good thing retard-kun. You can swap out standard batteries whenever you need to, including during a play session that you can continue immediately after, instead of needing to fucking tether your controller to a USB cable. Custom batteries that aren't user replaceable are hot garbage for longevity too, those things WILL degrade and WILL become unusable at some point and you cannot easily swap them out, assuming you can even buy the right type of custom shit in the first place.
Custom batteries in VR controllers are a fucking mistake, especially since using these controllers with a cable attached basically isn't even an option.
This, I've accidentally hit my Touch controllers more times than I can count while playing Blade and Sorcery and these are durable as fuck.