Tim Sweeney says it’s Valve’s fault that backers won’t get Shenmue 3 Steam keys


>Tim Sweeney says it’s Valve’s fault that backers won’t get Shenmue 3 Steam keys

Holy shit, this absolute madman, is he ever going to run out of steam?

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Other urls found in this thread:



does anybody know tim sweenie's home adress?

being this much of a faggot killing him will not make things better

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Tianamen square, house 19, apartment 89

im gonna make use of myself, fuck dying without purpose

What about Bloodstained?

At the very least his twitter will shut up...hopefully.

The only way Ebin's inferior storefront can stay remotely relevant is by constant manufactured outrage. Stop giving this buglover attention and it will all go away, possibly allowing for some real competition to Steam.

>durr guys, killing Hitler won't make the world better!!!
Fucking retard
killing people is the most tangible way of making the world better because you're permanently removing people that are making it worse for you
this is what happens when you grow up on stupid Saturday morning cartoons

This, I'd like to know as well so I can shake his hand and thank the guy. It's really nice of him to pay for my copy of the game.

Not as long as Tencent is willing to jam more opium up his ass.

Killing Hitler objectively didn't make the world better.

>In other words, Sweeney’s saying that Valve isn’t willing to distribute keys for games that are otherwise only available on other platforms.
Why would Valve distribute keys for games that aren't on their store?

>It's Valve's fault we bought timed platform exclusivity!

no even after a person dies then twitter will still be up run by a different person

What the fuck is that retarded logic? A steam key for a game that's not out on steam wouldn't do anything, it would literally be fucking nothing. Does this guy not know how anything anything works? Is that why his store doesn't have a shopping cart?

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It's hard to imagine anyone as remotely delusional will be there to pick up the account.

you're retarded. thats a surefire way of egs getting all the publicity it wants while demonizing Steam. let me guess, you're south American?

So why exactly is Sweeney so fucking mad at Valve?

Did they refuse to cut a better deal with them on their games?

Are they mad Valve used Quake's engine as the basis of their Source engine?

Or is it that he's a libertarian who also wants to be popular and is mad that both aren't compatible?

and look what happened to the world after Hitler dead. The Liberals and Jews took over

He's either so crazy that he's actually going to be proven correct or he will go out with a bang. The show must go on.

It happens all the time see

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Because he's jealous as fuck of Steam's success, literally no other reason.

>So why exactly is Sweeney so fucking mad at Valve?

Seems pretty obvious to me. Valve is the only obstacle to him brute-forcing a monopoly on PC distribution.


There's no way it will be anywhere neae as hilarious, Tim is basically 4D chessing against basic logic on a daily basis.

He has the unreal engine, he gets basically gets 5% off the top of literally every game around on all platforms except switch, thats gotta be close to 30% on just steam (basically 90% of the non-blizzard PC audience)

He's losing his God Damn mind. Probably too many blows to the head when Tencent comes by for a "status report"

That's not enough for an insane person, he wants literally all of it.

>Pictured Tim Sweeney

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It made it better for the Jews
My point is that you kill people to make the world better for YOU

Are steamdrones so asshurt over Epic that they want to kill Sweeney? All while comparing him to Hitler? Is this a joke?

It's either that or he's promised some very dangerous Chinese men to destroy steam and become a distribution monopoly. He's probably attached to his kidneys.

Timmy Sweeney is a scummy, lying piece of garbage.

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The man is more likely to OD at this point to be honest.

how would killing Tim make the world better for you

less shitposting

>everything that's our fault is actually our competitors fault

>hundreds of indie games get simultaneous steam/GoG releases all the time all while giving several keys to resellers
Tim really, REALLY hates steam dont he

I didn't say killing Tim would be better for me, but if someone legitimately experiences the world much worse because of Tim's existence, then he should seriously consider killing him
I'm talking about the principle of thing

Tim is the hero we need. Valve has grown fat and lazy.

>fat and lazy
How's that shopping cart coming along?

he's right for the wrong reasons, valve could've fought for the rights for shenmue 3 but didn't bother, it's a half-truth


So because of one person Tim Sweeney should die.With that same logic Gabe Newell should die too.Because someone did experiences the world much worse because of him half life fans who's never getting half life 3 because of him being lazy

I think the implication is that maybe one day the Epic exclusivity will run out (like Metro, Borderlands 3, etc) so the people with Steam keys will own the game on Steam if and when that day comes. The problem is that, as far as I know, there has been no confirmation on whether Shenmue is a timed or permanent exclusive, and that probably means they agreed on permanent but they don't want to throw gasoline onto the already raging fire of bad PR.

So basically he's running out of straws to grasp for and he's starting to pull the real galaxy brain excuses out of his ass.

Epic are so desperate for attention and making steam users angry, they know is Steam users start ignoring them they will become totally irrelevant.

They want anger, they lust for it.

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Shut up Tim.

So is it also rape victim's fault for not just saying yes? I mean if they consented it'd not be rape and then they'd never be traumatised since they never got raped.

>Using the Trump projecting on the Trump voters who bought this garbage game before anything was shown.

Brilliant. They fall for it on tv about all Trump’s failures and problems, surely it’ll work on those same idiots who bought a game for $60 before anything was even in development!

you think calling me Tim will make you look better

How did someone with mental retardation become a CEO?

No but it's more fun that way.

Do it faggot.

>Trump having anything to do with this
get help

I hope this literal rat Tim Sweeney die

Guess I'm pirating Shenmue 3 then. Loved the other 2 games though, hope Suzuki delivers on forklifting QTE kino.

I find that hard to believe

The jews took over because we didn't kill hitler fast enough and they gained too much sympathy

wishing death on someone will not make things better

like I said only killing someone will actually improve your life



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Epic game store STILL doesn't have a shopping cart, one of the most basic fucking features for any online store. And during their last sale they actually banned people for making so many purchases in a row because it triggered some fraud detection.

If they took over, why does America still pay them with their tax money?

Switch still has plenty of unreal engine games

It will tho

I love that you so much as mention Epic you get steamcucks SEETHING for hours. This thread comparing him to Hitler was the icing on the cake, you guys just can't get any worse.

Keep on sucking on corporate cock while I get games for free.

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the Jews had a lot of sympathy even before Hitler the Holocaust was not the only mass genocide attempt. Killing Hitler just give them more right then others

STOP IT *meow*

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Xbox took like 5 years to get a shopping cart.

tell me how

>killing hitler
[Citation needed]

And this is 2019.

i mean, yes, if we're going to go by this logic. it isn't hard to figure out, dude. getting the guy to say agree with you in this case doesn't mean you "win." if anything, you are the one agreeing with him

>Valve won't distribute keys through Steam because the game isn't being sold on their platform
>Because we bought exclusivity
I like that his explanation of why still doesn't even make it sound like Valve's fault

Certainly would make you feel better. whether the death of tim would actually improve the situation is entirely debatable. Would his successor continue the exclusivity practices?.

holy shit XBOX is even worse than i thought KEK

Xbox one just got a cart last year.
Ps4 got one a year after release
Steam didnt have one for years because it was such a piece of shit software til ~2013. But youd have to be out of middle school to remember that

Don't back games on Kickstarter. These are rich men with production companies asking you for your money. If their game was going to be good and deliverable, they would find investment from publishers.

>microsoft's conference at E3 was better for PC gaming than the epic-funded dogshit conference
based epic

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>another day another true Tim statement that kills steamcells
I love these tears, Tim is loving it too, he knows one shitpost/truepost just causes hours of seething and crying

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>other company did this retarded thing too, so it's fine!
There's no excuse for epic to not have a shopping cart. With the amount of fortnite money they have it would be a simple matter to actually get some competent people to work on the store and bring basic features to it

And this excused EGS for not having a shopping cart? Because of this, they removed games from their stores on sale and they banned people who bought a lot of games from their store. It's the cause of many problems.

Honestly the guy is 100% delusional. You killing him would just make someone who isnt delusional and can make good business decisions take his place and then Epic would ACTUALLY be a problem. But it will fizzle out when Tims Fortnite dollars run out.

Question!? Given that Shenmue 3 was advertised with steam as the initial platform in the kickstarter, could the backers take the Shenmue dev's to court for commercial malpractice and false advertising ??

Epic, like insanely epic. Can we please have sex?

I think Tim is actually losing it. He's just doing it for attention.

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He's doing the same shit that he bitched Microsoft was trying to do with their Universal Windows shit, what changed?

If Kickstarter have rules for it, the backers can collectively sue whoever is responsible. Shenmue dev or Deep Silver.

>losing it
He is doing it intentional, free advertising

They said it was coming to Steam later on in their offical FAQ

is sweeny just taking orders from the chinese backers and making a fool of himself? what a cuck -- and chink owners should be higher-IQ than the way they've been going about this because they are literally smearing dirt in their own faces with retarded rhetoric even normalfags can see.
are they just mad steam is a private company? like, tencent so badly wants some ownership of steam, but they can't due to their being a private company, so they use epic's launcher with the media to try and force steam into a corner and force them into becoming public company because they thought epic's launcher would hit them hard? is this how it's playing out? it's also funny because they never mention any other launcher like they do with steam

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Epic store exclusive? Codex exclusive...

Thanks user. Didn't back the gameand likely never will back a kickstarter even a project i want to succeed going forward. What a shitty situation.

is sweeny just taking orders from the chinese backers and making a fool of himself? what a cuck -- and chink owners should be higher-IQ than the way they've been going about this because they are literally smearing dirt in their own faces with retarded rhetoric even normalfags can see.
are they just mad steam is a private company? like, tencent so badly wants some ownership of steam, but they can't due to their being a private company, so they use epic's launcher with the media to try and force steam into a corner and force them into becoming public company because they thought epic's launcher would hit them hard? is this how it's playing out? it's also funny because they never mention any other launcher like they do with steam

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This means the post was actually 100% correct if they need to use this sort of method to counteract it. COUNTER STRIKE

Why is he so obsessed?

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You from Redner Group in Los Angeles?

>people are being fucked over for something we did AND ITS ALL VALVES FAULT

Not even Tim believes this bullshit

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Honestly, Yea Forums is so pathetic. I mean look at 2xchan. Now THAT'S acting, not talking.

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Hitler killed Hitler so he was on our side.

I don't get this one

Notice me gaben-sempai, pls refute me and acknowledge my existence.

It's driving him nuts that Valve doesn't give much of a fuck about him and the EGS, no matter what he does.

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oh yes it will.
the worst part of the whole situation is having to read his retarded statements.
having to refute bullshit requires much more effort than to produce it, and boy I am tired.

Didn't Metro Exodus have Steam Keys that worked on Epic Store's release despite the timed exclusivity?

This fucking nigger ever shuts the fuck up? Nintendo and Sony develops their own games. When is this entitled nigger dying?

>So why exactly is Sweeney so fucking mad at Valve?
he is not mad, he is just a lying cunt that wants to supplant them.
personal enmity has not part in it: he simply does whatever he has to do to make epic the monopoly instead of steam, and therefore, when the public is already not certain what to think, he turns to gaslighting and other trumpian tactics to do it.

> bring rock to a gunfight
> get shot
> “wow dude, the early Mesopotamians never even had guns, you should’ve just let me win dude”

>YFW EGS dies before the fucking one year exclusivity contract with Metro Exodus ends

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He only says shit like that because he knows Valve won't fight or even deny it. Valve really don't fucking care.

At thats the best thing Valve can do, allow Epic to keep embarrassing themselves

Someone should send cum to his mailbox

Ok so why does shenmue 3 look like a game released before Half life 2?
Is it artistic decision? Using old engine?

dunno, ask Randy

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>Epic would be happy to fund partners paying 30% for Steam keys for backers


To be fair he's fucking right. What does steam EVEN DO? Nothing. It sits back waiting for a fat paycheck and its ONLY argument is "a ot of people use our service, our user base will do all the work/complaining for us."

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based Tim
thanks for buying Shenmue for me.

>Steam has PC exclusives they developed themselves
>steam has the right to make exclusivity deals
yet they have not, plus devs can issue keys themselves and sell them for their own price independently.

Correct. Especially when the competitir is this happy to sit back and do nothing. Steam is essentially sitting there with a fuck ton of users and everytime sonething like this happens, steam takes just enough seconds from gorging itself on money to say "bot my job bro dont ask me to do shit. Leave."

>pay out publishers for exclusivity
>blaming others for exclusivity

Here is a (you)
Im hoping you get better at shitposting and bait little user
Get big and strong and eat your veggies

he actually doesn't know what he's doing
Does he really want Steam to react and actually take them seriously? Because I fucking guarantee you Epic would wish they could kill themselves if Steam actually started doing shit to crush them, it wouldn't even be funny

It's like watching a fuck-ass village idiot in rags trying to show everyone how he's killing a sleeping dragon by poking it in the nose over and over with a stick

>Nintendo develops their own games.
I still remember the seething caused by Bayonetta 2.

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yu scamzuki and timmy tencent need to pay for their crimes

are you rising up, gamer?

Not a fucking argument because you know im fucking right. They do nothing. Fuck off retard.

While i understand that its a bit different because Sony/Microsoft did not want to pay for bayo 2
Nintendo funded development
So even if its not their IP it was made with their money

>valve could've fought for the rights for shenmue 3 but didn't bother
Fought for the rights of a game they dont own?

That's not really Tim. It can't be. Seriously, what the fuck is going on here?

It doesn't HAVE to do shit. The consumers are willing to buy games on that platform, and developers are willing to put games on it. You need SOME way to buy games online.

And yeah, so Epic comes in and they want a piece of the pie, and they're acting all high and mighty like Steam's the fucking devil and Epic's an angel of God sent to deliver us, but the thing is, Epic's doing even fucking LESS than Steam is. And they're throwing around a bunch of cash and stepping on peoples' toes and generally being PR retards.

It's just fucking transparent. Yeah, there's nothing inherently morally wrong with being greedy, but people don't like it when they see a businessman rubbing his hands together, snickering to himself, drooling and muttering about how much money he's going to make. It's not fucking personable.

Like I'm not particularly inclined to give money to you, so you fucking try to force me by making games exclusive? You're upset that consumers don't want to give you free fucking money for running the premier digital storefront so you decide to stomp your feet and ruin things for them until they, what, they acquiesce? It's fucking juvenile and I don't like it.

I mean should Steam be forced to do a retarded fucking system of buying hundreds of thousands of copies of a third party game for exclusivty just to prevent Epic from doing the same?
Epic's store is a piece of shit that can barely sell their exclusives because the launcher is fucking trash, and so it's just gonna be come a massive money sink for Epic as Fortnite goes into a death spiral, meanwhile Valve can still rely on the huge consumer base to give them money

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Tim Sweeney is backed by Tencent (Winnie the Pooh affiliate) and Disney.

That's why he's fearless and isn't afraid of any backlash.

>epic shills/shitposters want both egs and steam to use all their money to buy exclusives making no money go to developing the storefront and improve customer experience

They never said it was coming to steam until after the kickstarter ended, so it would probablu be thrown out of court

He is just desperately trying provoke Valve into responding and even aknowledging this "store war".
Sweeney must be absolutely SEETHING about Gabe saying and doing absolutely nothing in public.

>bribe for exclusivity
>bribe for exclusivity on products that weren't initially exclusive
>keep doing this to the point that other services have to revise their policies to protect against the consequences of this happening

Is Sweeny even a real person or some character they made up for meme publicity? I don't believe a person can be this delusional and this high up in the business.

>It doesn't HAVE to do shit.

Yes it fucking DOES. This isn't 2010 anymore. Keep burying heads in sand, see what fucking happens.

If people really wanted her games on actual platforms they should have fucking bought Bayo 1, it let Sega down and Nintendo grabbed because it was chep IP and they were desperate for 3rd party support.

>over 100 payment methods worldwide
>private servers
>steam link
>controller support

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They can keep losing games i guess, sure. Answer your own question with common sense. They thought no one would ever challenge them. That time has passed and they are trying to wait out the storm. Mistake. Times change Gabe.

>making no money


Don't get it

At this point, Tim is just saying stupid shit for our entertainment. How nice of him.

because they proved him wrong when he used to cry about pc not being a market because of piracy. now he's eternally butthurt that they discovered the solution to piracy and as a result made boatloads of money and became the major store for the platform. he both wants to see them fail, wants what they have, and simultaneously wants to operate his store in exactly a way that will ironically result in a huge upsurge in piracy because shareholders are jews

Woah user, all the reasons i choose to play video games. Ebin.

Peter principle

Valve and Epic are both shit.

lmao why is Tim so obsessed with Steam?

Is he just mad that Gaben has never talked about him ever since this drama happened?

Tim actually believe he will dethrone Valve by doing even less and then making enemies of the people who actually buy games? What a fucking moron. Funny thing is gamers who saw what Tim is trying to pull with it's shitty scam want to do nothing with it. A store for developers kek. They better buy their own games

You really are fucking retarded aren't you?
What business sense does it make to waste millions to hold onto a game on your store for a fucking year/6 months when most people aren't gonna buy it and just rather wait for it to hit another store to buy it?

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Now you made me wonder. If Epic started outright financing development of unannounced games that people would get hyped for instead of paying for exclusivity would people still be as mad?

If I did you can bet your ass I'd be putting loads and loads of bags of burning feces on his porch.

Like why are you berating the people you're trying to appeal to? The guy is a retard.

A store is literally meant to do nothing but that you absolute retard. They're a platform to sell games through, nothing more. They have provided far more than a store needs to, and they have been vastly more pro consumer than any other store, this is why they are popular and became THE store for pc games.
Go collect your cheque chang and move along, we all know fine well egs is going to last a couple years at this pace and then tank and give up on all their wasted investment because they've gained absolutely no slice of the market.
They can't even beat gmg or gog as a store, they can't even beat fucking ea or bethesda as a platform, it's just sad to see them flailing.

Yes. That store has multiple problems. Can it make our Steam guys work on their store?

they could've fought for it to not be exclusive to the egs store, not defending the egs i'm even mentioning the bullshit behind the scenes

No. It'll be on Steam either way

If Epic became a publisher first and foremost helping out devs, predominantly those who use UE4, so they can develop their games better? I'd say that's what they should have fucking done in the first place.

Pull an EA except be actually good. And once they've garnered enough goodwill and a backbone of good games they helped publish ONLY THEN do they make a store to compete with steam.

Why are these lads so fucking retarded?

He's an autist which explains why he has no capacity to act like an actual human being (similar to Carmack in this regard, both autists who made fortunes off of actual very technical computer programming work)
He's also got so much money that he doesn't know what to do with it besides torment and torture the rest of humanity, and just lusts to gain complete monopolistic control over us all because he's bored, insane and corrupted by Mammon.

>Retards still fucking convinced EGS is competition for steam
Their exclusivity bullshit is just an annoyance that won't last two years and that's all they have to offer
You wanna know steam's actual competition?
It's fucking piracy, and steam has competed well against piracy in the one market where it's easiest to just pirate games. How? By actually delivering on strong service and having reason to pay for it that isn't just strong arming you into paying for it, which is exactly the fucking bullshit Tim Weenie has been trying to do
So now Epic's stuck basically paying for worthless exclusivity that will drive people back to piracy, and no one has to feel guilty since Epic bought hundreds of thousands of copies

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i don't understand how a literal retard managed to make the unreal engine and then run a company


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Well I mean they're timed exclusives. Why should Steam give a fuck? In fact, it's been consistently proven that games continue to sell over time so having a game not on their store for one year is nothing much.

Literally only retards say this now. Look at what valve has done for linux users in the past year alone. WINE went from a meme to being actually viable for even big budget AAA games. Outside of a few edge cases one can at this point feasibly ditch windows entirely thanks to Valve assuming games were all that's keeping you on it. What has Epic done? Oh right, they bought up an anti cheat company that was working with Valve to get some games working with this and forced them to stop.

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All the reasons I choose one service over another

it's been apparent for months that tim is not so much just interested in setting up his own storefront as much as he is obsessed with specifically taking down valve.

It's an oddly transparent, public hatred.

As somebody who has too many games to play anyway and isn't cut up about losing out on the latest game for a couple of months it's been extremely entertaining to view, everything tim does revolves around attempting to hurt steam.

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Let me give you a heads up retards.

A customer Epic convinces to buy on their store WILL STILL BUY SHIT ON STEAM and all the other stores.
A pirate who's never bought a game in his life converted by Steam is a NEW WALLET to drain.

Epic has never been and will never be competition for Steam because they understand that at the end of the day they're all just storefronts.

It's that infrastructure that enables you to play games, you ungrateful stooge.

>EGS is so irrelevant the CEO has to post retarded tweets in order to stay relevant
they didn't even last a year

>backing anything
>preordering anything
>being a cuck-stomer

I think that this kind of guy is right when it comes to stealing money from gullible retards. Same for the dude responsible for mighty n°9.
Get fucked you fucking imbeciles.

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The retard must think hurting Steam equals gamers on his platform.

Because you could preorder it on steam. So basically they steal your money for 6 months

QoL stuff has been added to steam over a very long time to people just kind of forget exactly how much there is. Like the fact you can plug in almost any controller and steam will adapt it to work with basically any game.

The controller mapper inbuilt into steam is better than basically any 3rd party tool and you can save/upload presets etc.

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You can smell the corporate cocksucking from miles away

Where do you think you are user?

>tfw I never used it
>now use it and feel its blessing
before I had to manhandle shitty 3rd party emulators for that shit

yeah and it emanates from your post

Fortnite exploding in popularity and putting Epic Games on the map as a game developer and not just an engine creator over inflated Sweenie's ego
He decided he was gonna be the next big name in gaming, so he set his sights on creating the Steam killer
But without a team of people who knew how to run a digital storefront, developers to make exclusives, or even the brand recognition as a company, they would normally be stuck starting small and have to eventually work their way up to build a stable enough system to compete with Valve
But Sweenie had money but no patience, so he decided he was gonna use the money to try and pull the rug out from under Steam by making games that were originally going to come to steam to EGS and let the other issues be figured out later
EGS was big in the headlines for the move with Metro Exodus but it had only turned into PR backlash, but because Sweenie's ego is inflated, he decided to double down rather than trying to appeal to consumers
Now he's mad that Valve isn't stooping to his level as he continues to look like a shithead with a failing store
Yeah, Imagine defending Epic, that's pretty fucking sad

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t.seething steamcucks.

>is he ever going to run out of steam?
I see what you did there.

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Fuck Valve. it isnt any better than Epic. Funny a bunch of Yea Forums cucks are trying so hard to push Valve as "our side" or something despite both being terrible greedy companies.

Hitler has been dead for years, user. You have to let him go.

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>Shitting on Epic means I'm a Valve fanboy
Tim, don't you have a failing company to manage?

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Yeah, just look how killing JFK saved america from corporate greed and from a morally stranded generation

>t. seething epicucks
Shopping cart

For few days, yes, preordered ones. Then we get shitstorm as they are blocked them for half a year


You should die then to lessen shitposting

I don't game on PC, so I don't have a dog in this fight, but everything that man says just reeks of PR. He's lying through his teeth, and saying shit like "I would even consider putting Epic games on Steam if they took the same revenue cut we do."

He says shit to paint himself as the savior, but his motivations are very obviously anything but.

I dont even have an Epic account you fucking Valve cocksucker. Steam is nothing but a shit platform like Apple store, Amazon etc. Everyone uses it without thinking anything just because theyve monopolized the industry and every dev puts their game there. Thats all. Otherwise It a garbage worthless company run by greedy assholes and SJW clowns.

kill him pussy


steam is a great platform though.
they keep adding pro customer features all the time.

This is publicity 101. News cycles last about 6 months before people forget you exist. He has to constantly make noise so that people don't forget Epic Store exists, even despite massive blunders like their first sale being a complete dumpster fire. Nothing else matters -- just stay in the public eye.

So let me get this straight

>Shenmue kickstarter goes up
>They outline the platforms that they'll be releasing the game on (including steam)
>Kickstarter fully funded, etc
>E3 rolls in, they announce Shenmue will be an EGS exclusive for X amount of time

So how is this valve's fault? They did they already generate steam keys for the game BEFORE the exclusivity announcement? If they haven't then what are we blaming them for? Valve hasn't produced the steam keys so nothing's happened other than the developers going back on their original statement that the game will be on steam.

Imagine launching a store that people can't even buy multiple games from, and trying to assume the high ground lmao

>'Steam is bad!'
You vomit up the same tired old narrative spewed out by paid chinkshills and soi journalists and you expect me to believe you're not an epicuck?

True. The worst thing that could happen to the EGS is it turning into "just another store" in the perception of the public. Because the moment that happens they've pretty much lost.

Any store will sell you games. You end up picking the one that makes things the most convenient.

This. PR firms are so meticulously worded that it is easy to spot. Furthermore, PR always has a very simple procedure when changing things at the expense of the end user:
Create a problem, then "solve," it
The problem is Valve's revenue cut. Which I never heard a complaint about until Epic launched. Then their "solution," was to make their own store. Fine. But in order for it to be a "viable alternative," they need to take money wherever they can and buy up exclusives.

This is horse shit. If a game company likes Epic's revenue cut better, they have the option to make the game Epic Store exclusive. If the revenue cut was that big of an issue, they wouldn't need large infusions of cash in order to go exclusive on Epic. It was a "solution" for a problem that never existed, and their own actions demonstrate this.

I fucking HATE PR, precisely because of how easy it is to see through once you become familiar enough with it.

Basically Valve cant issue keys for games that don't exist at all in their system.

If you can't see the good that Steam has done for PC gaming in the last 10 years or so, you're an idiot. It's also heavily pro-consumer which is quite rare in the gaming market nowadays. And, I know retards like you keep saying it's a monopoly, but it really isn't. If you want to use words, you'd do well to consult a dictionary.

>pc exclusives such as Dota2, counterstrike, and portal

but Portal isn't PC exclusive, and can be purchased elsewhere. I don't... what?

Timmy temcent's the only one blaming steam for anything. He's literally throwing everything at the wall hoping something will stick and staying in the public eye in the meanwhile.

Like? What and when was the last time?

like writing special drivers for ps4 and switch pads.
switch pro pad support came recently.

you wont have that on ebins chinastore.

Ummmm sweetie Epic made the Unreal Engine. And I can bet my fucking house that they've done far far more for the industry than your pitiful steam ever did.

>if you kill your enemies they win

Shut the fuck up, faggot. Sweeney sold out to the chinks, he needs to be lynched.

>Paid VR to NOT go exclusive
Here's one

lmao what a madlad

He's reaching, really hard. But essentially, Valve cannot/will not generate steam keys for a product not available on their store at launch/at all. Because... why would they? it's not on their store.

>Made a game engine
>They've done more forgaming than a storefront! This is why they're the better storefront!
This makes no sense

Valve has a policy that doesn't allow key generation for a game thats not available for purchase on Steam
On the surface, Tim suggestion isn't bad because he's willing to pay them their 30% cut for every key they generate
but he's snake in human form, this will
1. make it like its Valve's fault
2. more and more kickstarter games going to abuse this system, go with Epic for the guaranteed money and offer backers Steam keys so they don't get angry
i hope they don't cave in


>le epic vr gimmick
yeah nah

Big Gabe fucked his wife in 1995 and this bitch is still mad lmao

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I think that what he means is that steam won't sell games for other services, as in you cannot buy a psn store keys from steam because "they don't want to". In this case referring to "steam wont sell epic games you can redeem on the epic store"

have sex intel

You're right. They abandoned PC gaming for 15 fucking years because they got salty over pirates and now expect to ba hailed as the saviors of PC gaming for giving the people who stopped pirating because of Steam a reason to start pirating again.

Yeah, definitely the saviors of PC gaming. At least I should thank Sweeney for paying for my copy of the game, I guess.

>Valve is anti consumer!
>No they're not
>Ok here

Don't respond to the falseflag, man.

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Steam does hardware

>EGS is so secure, even their CEO's twitter gets hacked

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It's China trying to brute force their way into the western game market, and chinks don't care about things like goodwill or even decent customer service
It's about the money and trying to control the market and nothing else. As soon as the Fortnite money starts drying up and it's apparently that the Epic Games Store isn't working the chinks will bail the next day.

You're saying as if anyone would even do anything to him past sending pizzas

He's definitely shitposting at this point, right? there's no way he's being serious
he knew about this policy beforehand yet he still got the exclusivity right and now blaming Valve for it
what a fucking weasel, who the fuck defends this shit?

Yeah we should all send him some pizza for paying for our pirated games

this guy is completely insane and almost mindbroken. He's his own whirlwind of bad PR jesus christ.

Dumbasses who think Steam will make Half life 3 or some shit if put under pressure

Gabe Newell is actually living RENT FREE in Sweeney's head

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While Tim is losing his mind Gaben is too busy speaking in front of a crowd wearing only his slippers without a mic because he think he can speak loud enough.

Sounds like they're not only buying up games for exclusivity deals, but also to create shitty situations for consumers that they can then blame Valve and Steam for.

>wanting to kill someone for making you download a different launcher

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Fucking BASED

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The store is a fucking mess.
>mouse thumb button doesn't take you to previous page
>no method of opening games in new tabs/windows
>retarded fucking store half full of games that don't even exist, are pre-orders, or "coming soon" that aren't even pre-orders, have to scroll just to get to actual games you can buy and play

It's literally exclusively a PC games store. Why the fuck isn't it designed to be used with a mouse and keyboard? Why is it cluttered with crap they aren't even trying to sell me? Why is it so poorly laid out and designed in every conceivable way? Why the fuck is there an entire tab just about Unreal Engine? Who the fuck is even in charge of this trainwreck and why haven't they been shot yet?

>get a mic
>I W I L L S P E A K L O U D E R

He never said that. The fact that you would assume it over a pizza delivery or a flaming bag of dog shit on his porch says a lot about you, user.

How long before Tim shows up at the Valve offices with a gun to his head, demanding Gaben to acknowledge his existence?

Is Tim taking notes from Randy or something?

>all these steamcell coping

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Gamers are murderers, everyone knows this.

That will never happen. But I can tell you what he WILL do, and that's try to convince you that Valve is performing some great injustice upon you. He will invent a problem with Valve that affects the consumer side to attempt to move the consumers over.

He's already invented a problem to sell to the publishers and devs (revenue cut). He thought that gamers were mindless sheep that would go wherever the games went, and is getting proven wrong. Expect him to make the sales pitch to you in the near to medium future.

Nigga gaslighting isn't new or unique to Trump. If anything, it is a very widely used tactic.


I don't doubt that. But even someone as delusional as him has to see how he literally doesn't have anything over Valve when it comes to consumer rights. It's honestly amazing how a multi-billion dollar company can't seem to do one single thing right for their storefront.

No, fucking seriously, explain to me exactly what a digital game distribution platform has to "do" beyond distributing games digitally?

Bloodstained was released on Steam at launch. This only affects timed exclusives.

VR has potential but it wont be realised if no one does shit with it you fucking brainlet.

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It's the way everything online is going. There's a really neat article about how even Mozilla is doing this. I see it as "controlled opposition," the same way that Deus Ex: Invisible War's plot went.

In case you aren't familiar, in IW, The game had two factions you could do missions for - The World Trade Organization - the cold-hearted, rule-loving government guys; and The Order - rule-defying, nature loving, spiritual people. Of course it's obvious that different kinds of players would ally themselves with whichever faction is closer to their beliefs. And then, at the end of the game, it was revealed that both of these organizations were run by the same people. the Illuminati knew that many people would rebel against the WTO's rule, so they had to create a "good guy" The Order to oppose the "bad guy" WTO. This way, they would direct the opposition where they wanted them and prevent the loss of control.

Whether you love Valve or hate them is irrelevant. You no longer have exclusive control over your games, so they argument has been shifted.


>there's nothing inherently morally wrong with being greedy
Fuck off retard.

honestly feel bad for sweeny because chinks have him by his neck

Controlled opposition would only really work if both Epic and Valve answered to the same boss. You can say that the "boss" is this case is just the loss of control over games but if anything, things can get much worse.
I believe that streaming is a bigger cancer than whatever Timmy boy can come up with. Streaming is what can truly kill any semblance of a healthy industry and happy consumers.

>entitled gamers demanding things like shopping carts and account security
>why can't they just be happy we're willing to let them give us money
Hi, dumbass.

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Imagine unironically giving your life to support a corporation for free.

>Controlled opposition would only really work if both Epic and Valve answered to the same boss
They do. Their bosses are the gave devs/publishers, and the customers. It's a 100% potential overlap.

>implying helping Hitler wont make the world better

What? I'm asking what fucking STEAM needs to improve on, dipshit.

That's it. Give me your name and address. This is going into the Book of Grudges.

I disagree with that. First, this isn't an ideology where choosing one means negating the other one. I simply don't use Epic because the service is shit, I don't trust them with my personal information and I avoid giving money to idiots. But all they're doing is offering a service to both customer and publishers. Valve tries to give the customer as much control as possible, with stuff like dedicated servers, the workshop, forums, reviews, all that stuff; but they also try to keep publishers happy by offering API's for all sort of stuff to make their job easier.
Epic simply pisses off everyone involved. Make a sale, publishers hate it, CEO has become delusional, constantly attacking the competition that's content with simply improving their own service in peace. It's all just a maddening shitshow. Tim is worth more than hundreds of millions of people combined and yet he might as well be flushing the money down the drain while saying "GABEN IS MAKING ME DO THIS, HATE HIM"

>steam input
>steam link (which you can now install on a pi)
>proton (funding wine and dxvk development)
>vr memes
>cloud saves
>a shopping cart

>Tim suggestion isn't bad because he's willing to pay them their 30% cut for every key they generate
Does Sweeney not know that Valve doesn't make a penny off key sales?

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I'm surprised Tencent hasn't made him step down yet to be honest.
>inb4 Tim is in charge
Yeah yeah, sure.

Board of directors is in charge. Anyone with business sense knows that.

China has been generous.

My friends call me "Dirk", but you can call me Timothy D. Sweeney.

48% is Tencent, rest with Tim.
While Tencent "technically" can't boss Tim around, Tencent is a powerful beast you don't want to upset. Epic is a bug compared to how big Tencent is.

>I believe that streaming is a bigger cancer than whatever Timmy boy can come up with.
It is. Streaming games (and digital purchases, to a degree), relies on trust. Hell, when you get right down to it, trust is pretty much all that video game devs/publishers have to trade on. They are asking for a good chunk of change from your wallet, and asking you to trust that it will be worth it based off what you've seen and heard.
That said, how many times have companies completely betrayed that trust? Virtually every company has been guilty of it at some point or another, even those held in high regard (like Platinum).

When they ask me to trust them on streaming, I just can't. Too many broken promises, too much shitting on critics (not professional critics, just the normal people who will tell them why their game isn't fun). Not to mention a complete disregard for their own history, as there's no real money in it. At least if EA doesn't renew their car licenses, you know you can still play Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 on your PS2. They can't revoke the disk. You can probably play whatever newer racing game on Steam, simply by pirating what you already legitimately bought. But if you stream it, there's no recourse. There is no way I will ever sign up for a game streaming service. I'll just start investing in consoles, and stick the the ones that don't require streaming.

>steam doesnt do anything
>here it does something
>wow why should I care
what type of nigger are you even?

I mostly play games with heavy modding scenes, so streaming games don't even exist to me.

>48% is Tencent, rest with Tim.
Didn't know Epic has no shareholders outside of Tencent and Tim

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I'm pretty sure Tim doesn't know how to toast his bread without help.

>how many times have companies completely betrayed that trust?
Actually betrayed? I'd say only a few. Companies like EA actually do betray because they'll go against their own word or use fine print to fuck over their own customer but most of the other companies simply put out a bad product/service.
>a complete disregard for their own history, as there's no real money in it
This truly pisses me off. Consider how game preservation has never had any actual support from the devs/publishers themselves. It's basically this sort of illegal venture from people who care more about games than the people who made them. Some can just call it piracy, and in recent releases cases, it is. But it's a necessity considering it's the only way we can make sure these games don't disappear. But streaming? No amount of emulation can save what there's nothing to emulate.
And Google of all people. They'll shut down the service and let whatever exclusives they get die with them. It fucking pisses me off.

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They don't. It's a private company, not publicly traded.

the funny part is he's willing to pay for everything except making his store not shit

Well Tencent has something like 48.4%, and Tim claims to be the controlling shareholder despite never actually proving it, so must have at least 48.5%
So there is not a lot more to go around.

Also worth noting traditionally the controlling shareholder decides the board of directors, which is something Tencent does directly for 2 or the 4 rotating seats with Tim decided the other two(with Tencent consent on the choices).
They never really tell people what is going on in there, it is very odd from the outside perspective compared to most companies though.

>we would have given you steam keys that didn't activate the game
>sadly gaben didn't allow us to give you fake keys that do nothing can you believe that?

Tim just wants to offload all the support for games to Steam by having them maintain a front and forum for them without actually selling it like with Metro and others.

>believing hitler was evil
>equating the things you think hitler did to some dude who put videogames on a platform you dont like

If that logic worked, third world shit holes would be mecas of human evolution and thinking.

Instead they're stuck in the same mudhut cycle of kill > dictator > kill.

>Ask fans to fund your game for you
>Promise Steam for PC backers at the very start
>"Fuck you steam niggers, Epic gave us money, use EGS or fuck off we don't care"
This is why I don't care about developers crying about sales or crunch time, give them an inch of freedom and see how they fuck over their customers
I fully support the crunch, mandatory overtime and the breakdown rooms

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The devs clearly don't give a fuck about their consumers what should the consumer give a fuck about them ?

lol this is some abusive spouse logic

>Actually betrayed? I'd say only a few.
I wouldn't. Whether you are into the games or not, Platinum's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comes to mind. Platinum had earned a sterling reputation with their games, and had released that turd. Even if you aren't into TMNT (I'm not), I can imagine myself wanting a Platinum-made Turtles in Time and preordering based on that trust.

If not that, how have FFXIII? Not only was it a SE game, but it was also a FF, which has a reputation in and of itself. And after that abortion, they said, "We are making FFVersus/FFXV as a love letter to past games." They knew that XIII wasn't what people wanted, and blatantly lied about what was coming out next, trying to earn back trust, just to betray it again..

>Tim's toilet clogs
>"It's Valve's fault!"

>Killing Hitler
>Making the world better
Enjoy a worldwide Weimar Republic, though that is currently in the making.

Tbf a valve could be at fault

Based Bruno. Not surprised Tim didn't respond.

The muslims he killed were terrorists, they literally had guns in the second mosque and several terrorists had come from those mosques already after being radicalised there

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>So you would rather wait, giving less money to the developers, all because you don't want to use Epic's launcher...
So you would rather get no sale, all because you insist on using Epic's launcher...

It reminds me of that comic about the feminist thinking there's an intruder in the house and blaming the patriarchy. Could easily be edited to be about Tim blaming Valve.
Someone get on that.


>Hitler's dead and he's never coming back
Why even live, bros?

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Developers resent that PC players don't buy shit at release, oh wait except they do when they're unique and enjoyable
>Monster Hunter
>Pathologic 2
It's almost like PC players aren't going to buy your generic drivel unless it's on sale, almost like your game has less value to consumers
I mean entitled gamer man babies

I can understand that but I just don't see that as betrayal. For me betrayal is closer to Aliens Colonial Marines, or just about anything Randy has ever touched. Them promising one thing and very clearly having been a lie. Or how some people would say how much they love the God of War series and Kratos while in the same breath saying how it's always been shit and Kratos was just an angry guy with no personality, just for the sake of saying that the new one is the good one that fixes everything. That blatant disrespect I also see as betrayal.
But simply putting out a bad game despite a good track record, I just can't blame them. Sometimes the budget is too small to actually live up to that quality, sometimes a new person was brought in and fucked shit up, maybe the publisher just decided to fuck with the dev's work for some reason. That's not a betrayal for me, just mismanagement.
For it to be betrayal, there has to be a malicious intention behind it. I'm sure Platinum didn't want to put out a bad game. For one reason or another, they just couldn't make it work.

>The financial success of Fortnite brought additional investment into Epic Games. Epic Games was one of eleven companies selected to be part of the Disney Accelerator program in 2017, providing Epic equity investment and access to some of Disney's executives, and potential opportunity to work with Disney in the future. Disney had selected both Epic and aXiomatic as potential leads in the growing esports arena. Epic announced in October 2018 that it had acquired US$1.25 billion in investment from seven firms: KKR, ICONIQ Capital, Smash Ventures, aXiomatic, Vulcan Capital, Kleiner Perkins, and Lightspeed Venture Partners. The firms join Tencent, Disney, and Endeavor as minority shareholders in Epic, which is still controlled by Sweeney. With the investment, Epic Games was estimated to have a nearly US$15 billion valuation in October 2018.

>Promise Steam for PC backers
Unfortunately they had not mention "Steam"

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Those numbers don't add up to Tim being in control when Tencent owns 48%

I understand your viewpoint, even if I don't agree with it. Regardless, I think we can both agree that neither of us trusts these game companies to treat their history with any sort of respect when it comes to streaming. They will pull a game off the platform in a second if they don't think renewing a license is justified. Just to touch on a game that already was brought up, imagine Konami no longer wanting to pay to hold the rights to the TMNT, and all their TMNT games literally disappearing in a blink of an eye, to never be seen again.

Fuck that.

Didn't know they had gotten more people in. But the big ones are still going to be Tim and Tencent.

I think they did mention Steam in a few locations. The most recent being a poll of which platform users were going to get keys on (Steam or PS).

Hitler was nothing than a puppet for the real assholes like Goebbels.
Don't you faggot's learn anything in school these days?

In control != Owns most of the company

A CEO is in control of a company but a CEO doesn't necessarly hold most of the shares.

When Tencent and the other shareholders want Timmy gone he will have to leave.

They mentioned Steam several times including telling their backers how they would distribute their game, but is scrubbed from their current page.
Honestly I hope they set the precedent that you can promise whatever you want then just edit it later.

That's because before EGS was announced, people had the very rational expectation that PC release would equal to a Steam key. Which frankly is why that it was a dick for them to suddenly switch to Epic when your backers already had the very logical assumption that they would deliver Steam keys. It's like paying money for something online expecting it to be delivered to your nearest post office only for them to send it to the newly opened post office in the shady part of town instead.

>both agree that neither of us trusts these game companies to treat their history with any sort of respect when it comes to streaming
Unfortunately, yeah. Just look at Rockstar, having gone back to San Andreas just to remove songs they no longer have licensing for, or all the old NES/SNES titles that had 3rd party IP's. Nintendo isn't going to renew a license for that so if it wasn't for emulation, those games would be dead.
With online, they have access to completely change a game without us having any say in it. Konami/Sony taking PT off the Playstation store is nothing compared to the shitshow streaming can bring. It's all so damn tiresome.

The text does say Sweeney is still in control with everyone else being a minority share. But I agree. If Disney and Tencent join forces, that's just a guaranteed loss, who could beat them?

As much as I hate the Epic Store, the full on melty of the Steam Shenmue III community is impossible to not antagonize.

This is some kind of next level mental gymnastics I've only seen from trapfags.

>promiss X
>do Y instead
>wtf why they hate us so much
who are you trying to convince?

>Turns it's back on the PC platform for a decade because of "piracy issues"
>catch lightning in a bottle with Fortnite
>Try to compete with Steam in the worst ways possible for the consumer
Epic literally has not changed, why would anyone abandon the devil they know for the devil they don't.

They say he is in control but interestingly never call him the controlling shareholder directly anymore and only link back to old statements for that.

There could've been the entirely possible scenario of the Kickstarter dev providing a GOG key alternative, the store which has truly been assfucked by Sweeney and his chink owners trying to strong-arm a monopoly.

Are you trying to imply Pathologic "Pissed off RPS" 2 sold well?

he has so many chinese dicks up his ass

I guess it's possible he no longer has majority share although that'd easily be the most retarded decision Tim could ever make.

The most retarded thing here is that Epic would seriously be SOOOOOOOO MUCH better positioned if they just fucking decided to traditionally publish games instead of fucking doing the paying for exclusivity thing

You know how much fucking goodwill they'd get for going "yeah, we'll guarantee you 450k sales in exchange for 50% of your total profits"? Hell, just do fucking venture capitalism, give some small indie studio with one or two neato games like $1m and tell them "okay go wild we get every penny you make up to $2m"

Like there are so many better ways they could flush their money down the toilet which would improve their reputation, improve the gaming industry, and actually have a chance of getting their money back

Well it's Epic's fault that Shenmue 3 won't get any sales, so I guess it'll be pretty even.

Are you underage?

I know this is a lie because I have Steam Keys for games that are launched on Itch.io first

>According to Epic boss Tim Sweeney, that’s the result of Steam policy. “As far as we and our partners can determine,” Sweeney tweets (via PCGamingWiki), “Valve policy prohibits providing Steam keys for games that aren’t going to be available at launch on Steam. This would make it impossible to deliver Steam keys for a game releasing exclusively on Epic at launch.”

85% of the people who was going to buy shenmue 3 back them up on kickstarter so ....

Didnt all those kikestarter imbeciles want steam keys and get royslly pissed when the devs basically said 'haha no fuck off'?
Cant see it selling too well in the future

Maybe valve told specifically them to fuck off? Their policy is weird "you can't offer steam customers a worse deal" but it's up to valve what this worse deal is.

Basically, greedy gaben is fucking his customers again and again. And people defending him for that, what a madman

Timmy just wants Steam to have to provide customer and community support for free for a game not even on their store yet like they have done in the past when he pulled a bait and switch.

People charged back in mass once laywers caught wind of this and banks. Some people still waiting it out but I'm not one of them. I legit will pirate this game now.

No, barely any backer care about storefront. We want to play the fucking game, that's all that matters. Faggots from Reddit try to use us as an ammunition against epic, fuck off. We don't care about your silly war

>but it's up to valve what this worse deal is.
I think they make it clear. You simply can't offer the game at a lower price than you do on Steam, outside of sales events obviously. So you can't say "My game is on Steam for 60 while my own personal store is for 40".

I can't wait to see what their excuse will be and what they'll blame

No, he said he will pay valve for that. Valve refuse to provide these keys because they are anti consumer company

Did they actually get refunds back?
It's amazing how much you need to push for devs to obey basic consumer rights.

What do I care? I just switched my backer copy to PS4. I don't want to use the Epic Store but I'm not cutting off my nose to spite my face either.

Christ all mighty, odds are at least one of you isn't joking. How the hell do you think the things you think and feel at peace? It's just words.

You type like a stinky chinky shill

No they didn't, you are talking about separate rule.

Didn't Steam still honor the Phoenix Point pledges with Steam keys after they did the whole switcheroo thing? Seems odd then that they wouldn't do the same for Shenmue 3 unless Tim is specifically pulling this shit out of his fucking ass to make Steam seem more evil than they really are.

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Did you read the comment section of their kickstarter page ?

>barely any backer care about storefront
nice try Tim

>Shenmue3's publisher is Deep Silver, a subsidiary of Koch Media.
>Koch Media GmbH has a hq in Höfen, Austria.

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Devs didn't break any consumer rights, when people were donating this game wasn't promised to be on steam. Also refunds are not up to them, Kickstarter policy does not allow refunds.

Tim, take your meds.

shut up, tim, there's no escape

No I'm just a girl lol :)

I can confirm I got the entire fund I spent expecting physical reversed back to me after providing proof and filing against them They're liable to end up with a suit eventually if they don't get it together. EU bros especially can hit them hard

Its possible valve is fucking tired of his shit and is actually responding in a subtle way by refusing to support games that turned coat until they come back to steam.
Tim is freaking out because this means his exclusives can now no longer mooch off valve's infrastructure and now will look to him for support that he cant provide

What the fuck is a Shenmue

>Game hasn't released yet in Steam, so you can't download it if there even were keys
>Valve is an anti consumer company

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This is false, do not listen to this doomposting chang.

Link to Tim offering to pay Valve to cover his customer and community support?


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Sorry to break your false narrative gaben dicksucker.
Are you retarted?

>Implying a person who is willing to smear Valve at every chance he gets would be willing to do something good with them for consumers
>When he's part of Epic Games

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Steam lives rent free inside his mind, he's obsessed. Expect a ''FIGHT ME IRL@Steam '' tweet soon.

The "retart"i s you, chink. Learn to spell

Tim was in the right all along.

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I'm so confused. If it's not on Steam what good are Steam keys?

Which is actually a smart move to force them back to the initial Steam release. People want their Steam keys, but Deep Silver can't give them their Steam keys because Steam won't release the Steam keys until they backtrack on the Epic exclusivity deal, and if they can't provide the Steam keys, they will be legally fucked in the ass if they don't provide refunds, or at the very least completely lose any trust that people had left in them. They will HAVE TO backtrack on their Epic exclusivity deal to fulfill their promises to their backers.

Based Gabe doing what's right for the consumers.

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seething burger, you do realize that usa belong to China right?

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It may be on steam, but not available to purchase. Just like metro exodus is right now, what you can't understand?

That doesn't say that at all though, are you okay Tim?

I don't get this lol. Why would Steam provide Steam keys of games that would not release on Steam?

I'm guessing the policy is to avoid people putting the game on steam but not for sale, then selling the steam keys on some separate store. That's giving Valve a worse deal because they wouldn't actually profit from it and the dev would be using their infrastructure for free.


See>Tim was in the right all along
About what exactly?

It's so vauge you can literaly do anything with it. And i belive that was the point

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Ahh the harsh reality of doing something gamers don't like will result in less sales and doing something gamers was will result in less funding.

You sure would like that, wouldn't you, Mao?

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>100% cut

What a retard, jesus fuck

How about Epic stops being anti-consumer, and allow the game to launch on Steam?
If they release the game on Steam, they will get keys. Valve are very upfront with this.

>Butthurt chink cant even address the argument

Steam keys can be generated by developers for 0 cost and sold on other platforms. Steam has some rules set to how much keys can be generated etc but, yes 0% is 100% correct.

Thanks for huawei unban btw. Sovereign country, heh no

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I don't see what's vague about it. If Steam isn't getting paid, then the dev shouldn't be allowed to use their infrastructure for free.
If Valve allowed Steam keys to be generated for games not available for purchase, what stops a dev from putting the game on Steam, generate keys, then sell it themselves or in some other store? That's giving Steam a worse deal.

Metro Exodus was available on Steam for pre-order before it released.

Yes, because selling keys is free. There is no cost, there is no transaction fee, third party sites don't have their own cut. 0% all right

>What do I care
yet you are bitching about them not getting what was told they will get, if you fuck over your customer expect a backlash

I don't think I've been more upset.

You can sell keys from your own website, nobody is forcing you to use resellers, and what you have regurgitated is literal definition of goal post moving.

what stops a dev from putting the game on Steam, generate keys, then sell it themselves or in some other store?
And when you think about it, this is what those egs exclusives have actually been doing this whole time

>We said that cuckstarter's bakers would receive digital copy of our game.
>You said you'd release it on Steam
>Uhm w-w-well, *cough* w-we h-had said on P-P-PC. Not exactly on Stea-
>Why would not you release it on your site for bakers, so they could download it on PC, not in any %game_store_name%?
>O_O ... >_

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Use your own website for 100% of the profits.

Don't test your luck, Xin. Wouldn't want to be reminded of a certain event that happened in 1989, now would you?

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>There is no cost, there is no transaction fee, third party sites don't have their own cut
What does steam have to do with any of that, pray tell?

>goal post moving
>the same fucking topic

Yeah, sure. Selling keys on your own website does not generate costs nor does it require transaction fees right? 0% cut my ass you fucking moron

You can sell keys offline for cash, if you want to avoid 3% paypall shit

When are the fortnite bux going to run out?

Not soon enough.

>killing Hitler won't make the world better!!!
Realistically not a single one of the people posting in this thread would be alive then.
Hitler causing havoc is a necessary condition for the birth of each and everyone of us
That does by no means make what he did okay, but I'm in favor of not killing Hitler for entirely selfish reasons.

Tiananmen square? Yeah, it's not censored in china. So, go ahead

What 100% means is that steam takes 0%, everything else is on the developers, how much they sell at what % of loss they will operate that is nothing to do with anyone argument.
Stop trying to move that goal post, it stays where it was.


Why is this crazy man paying people so he can sell their stuff?

It's like a burger shop getting paid to sell burgers by the beef factory and the customer.

No one else would use his store otherwise?

If Xi is Winnie and Obama is Tigger, then who is Trump?

It's more like subway paying people to create restaurants in their name, use their products only, do not compete with other restaurants of theirs, etc.

Then it shouldn't exist

Oh, you know who Trump is.

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I gotta give the man some credit i mean after what hapened you need significantly large testicles to say something like this in public.

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Sweeny said that it's developers who will choose platforms in the future not the consumers.

Oh wow, so it's true that SteamJusticeWarriors are just pure leftist scum. Now they resort to death treats...

>another episode of tim sweeney said something

Face it, the fact that you care means he already won

Its weird to me that more people have seen that Christoper Robin edit than the original.

nah, it means i'm stalling for my trip to the store.

No, that's what he said
"The storefront model is] nearly perfect for consumers already...There is no hope of displacing a dominant storefront solely by adding marginally more store features or a marginally better install experience. These battles will be won on the basis of game supply, consumer prices, and developer revenue sharing."

That's not a threat, he only wants to offer advice and constructive criticism.

Shut the fuck up and launch your game with launcher [x]. Normal people don't care about your faggy Facebook social media nigger tranny ERP stuff or being "invested" into a fucking game launcher platform. Just play games ffs.

kek yeah, i don't give a shit about this whole thing but it is quite funny to see him keep saying these things and not giving a fuck

this is even funnier knowing that valve and epic are in the same building

Tim's bleeding, that makes him the winner.

>The stormfront model
Wtf Tim

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Funny how "vote with your wallet" has changed into "just suck the dick, you faggot" so far.

Laughing at his insanity and inability to cope with the fact that his store is crap doesn't mean he's winning, user.

Breaking the monster face wont kill it user, you need to aim for the hearth if you know where it is.

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>There is no hope of displacing a dominant storefront solely by adding marginally more store features or a marginally better install experience
Oh yeah, why the fuck would customers want a better service. Jesus fucking christ, does this guy hear himself?

I work at starbucks, steam vs epic is the main discussion for our customers for the last 5 months. I even have some statistics.
100% of gay people are steam supporters
95% of basedboys are steam supporters, 5% are just yelling something about nintendo so i don't think they support steam.
Woman-they don't care
Chads- 100% epic supporters

>trying to blame Valve for the mess you've started

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How the fuck does Sweeny know if it wont work? So far epicstore has 1/10 of the features Origin has.

pretty sure 2 weeks before e3 they sent an email asking which platform they wanted the game on and steam was listed so that shows that EPIC literally bought them just before e3 which is shitty

Well, the problem in this particular scenario is that backers paid to get a Steam key and they aren't getting it because it was announced as an Epic Store exclusive at the last minute, as well they aren't getting refunds.

Because he's not a moron? People won't leave their libraries for some fucking feature, no one fucking cares you delusional faggot

Tim's really losing it. Someone stop this madman.
Is winning like people stopping to see a car accident?

>Normal people dont care
Then why are you raging here at the minority who do and wont affect anything?

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Backers paid to get a game on pc platform. Not on steam

so what he is doing now is, literally doing nothing for his store because people wont leave their libraries?

>People won't leave their libraries for some fucking feature
Knowing this, you expected egs to even fucking dent steam, let alone overthrow it?

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He's offering you games that you can't get on steam. Isn't it rather obvious?

Then why did they advertise it as a stram game and promuse steam keys then?

This isn't a fucking religion, you can have multiple libraries across multiple launchers, but I'm not going to use Epic until they offer a service that's actually decent.

But you said people won't abandon their libraries. Or are you saying that they will after all?

>Wait one year, clear backlog during that time
>Games come on steam
>Impatient fucks just pirate it because nobody wants to use egs
Yeah great plan you got there nigger

too bad their engine means shit for the consumers. if not unreal engine, games would be made in something else, and no one would fucking notice lol

Go into youtube and search for origin or uplay release video. Read comments, you will understand that this outrage will soon end. Like always.

How can all the chads be Epic supporters if Chads don't even go to Starbucks?

doesn't change the fact that I never had attempted logins on my e-mail until I registered an epic account dumb chinkboy

I don't think Origin or Uplay ever tried to "overthrow" Steam, they just made their own launchers. Tim's the only one who seems like he wants to go to war.

They are not going to abandon their libraries for a fucking feature. They might do it for the game they want to play.

I mean, if pirating is an option to you there is no reason to use steam either.

No need to, I just see the EGS promo video on youtube and read those comments instead
Yeah, this outrage wont last. It totally wont. Soon people will forget steam and fall completely in love with EGS because of all the incredible features and services it offers to its clients!
You fucking idiot

Kill him, user. Save video games

Your Shiteem library doesn't magically disappear when you install another launcher on your computer you embarassing, pig-faced retard.

But why would they do it for the games and not the service? What is exactly the reason to get games you want on bad service? People bad mouth Uplay all the time and from what I understand it's not a very popular platform.

I laughed.

No they didn't, steam drones were just as furious back then as they are right now. It's funny, because steam users would preffer pc gaming to be a closed platform by the looks of it.

Which is why only GoG can save us, fuck epic, fuck steam and fuck leddit

>I mean, if pirating is an option to you there is no reason to use steam either
This is the point you chinkshills fail to understand. Steam GAVE pirates a reason to buy games on their store legitimately, by means of extra features, strong infrastructure, community support, cheap and frequent sales, cloud saves, redownload your games on machines logged in, etc. As far as convenience goes, steam is not perfect, but still unrivalled. This is why steam is so fucking popular now

As the fatman said.

"Piracy is a service problem."

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Stay mad steam drone

Origin had problems on release and even today some bugs aren't fixed, but EA said that future games are coming to Origin only. While there was uproar it was insignificant and compared to Epic one, non existent.
Uplay never go the same treatment, people just dislike it for what ever reason.

Cope, epicuck

None of that is worth jack shit.


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STEAM is cancer destroying PC (furries, incels, shitty indies)
Based Tim dabbing on the villains.

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>88% revenue share
That isn't reason why Kotch does it, it's the money Epic gives them.

>steam users would preffer pc gaming to be a closed platform by the looks of it.

Yeah, it's absurd. The big advantage of PC is openness, but Shiteemers would like to see any other store/platform die so they can have it on only one. They want a console-environment on PC.

Stay delusional Epicshitter.

Attached: Valve's strategy to beat Epic.gif (388x291, 2.8M)

I have never bought an Origin or Uplay game.
Are EA and Ubi still pulling that crap? I don't know, I have been turning a blind eye to all their games for the last few years,

>t. never pirated in the early 00s
You have to be over 18 to post here, faggot. Go finish your homework

I was pirating games for longer than you live you fucking zoomer

Ubi has started to move away from Steam
Origin is pretty stable but software is lacking compared to Battle.net.

>all these idiots who think they are epic trolls for posting the opposite of the general consensus
I wish these people would grow up so we could have some good threads

Yeah, im sure you did. Now stop wasting time here and go study, kid

New EA games are still exclusive to Origins, Ubisoft still has their games on Steam although you need to install Uplay to play them.
Which I think it's the only situation where exclusives make sense. If they made the game, it's theirs to do whatever.

anyone can sue anyone else for anything at anytime.

>No u
Figures you wouldn't be able to come up with a better retort to that.

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stay mad buyfag

>None of that is worth jack shit.
Is that why EGS is in the shitter and being a money pit for Epic?

>Ubi has started to move away from Steam
That's okay. The less DRM shit there is on Steam, the better.
Don't have an anal probe SM fetish like EA and Ubi apparently have.
Fucking your customers over is a no-go.

Said a guy who cares about fucking social features. This timeline

Nice counter, junior, you totally got me. Now you really need to go finish studying for your upcoming exams

>Social creatures care about social features
>I wish I was born an Amoeba

I'm gonna kill you because your posts make my experience on Yea Forums worse.

Someone make a second thread about this and I'll link it here.

>not being content with ruining your platform's name but also ruin the name of the developers on it
IMAGINE having your money in the hands of Tim Sweeney. I would honestly not sleep at night.

Redditors don't even try to hide it anymore

There's already multiple shitflinging threads about Epic/Steam. Go infest one of those, check the fucking catalog idiot.

Steam is bad
Sweeney is based
Case closed

Yes, because the community features are the only reason to use Steam apparetly. You're acting like that of all things is the main reason people started using Steam when everybody knows that is and always was a side feature to all the sales general ease of use in regards to patching, support and games management. Kill yourself swiftly.

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This dude's a riot, I wonder what his endgame will look like.

Running out of arguments before making any, sure seems to be a calling card of epicotry.

Is it a coincidence we suddenly got a few Epic drones at the same time the Epic offices would be starting a work day?

>Yeah, there's nothing inherently morally wrong with being greedy,
Are you an American by any chance?

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I'm not paid to deal with retards like you. You are free to use your money for a fucking storefronts features, i don't care. Thanks for funding my games

He's a fortnite playing underage who thinks he knows how the world works, see his other replies

That fortnite hate reminds me of minecraft hate in 2010. I bet you are 15 years old and you think "fortnite is for kids" now. kys faggot, no one cares about what zoomer like to hate

Ys should prepare to get sued I guess

Sort of a new thread

that isn't reason minecraft was hated. It was everywhere, people got sick of minecraft but it never actually died.

Sure thing schitzo

>Cites event from 2010
See? Underage, plain as day

Nothing on EGC is cheaper, and they charge transaction charges on top, which valve absorb as part of their 30%

There's no t in schizophrenia.

Keep dreaming. They're all going there because Epic is giving them fat stacks of money.

Community features is a small part of what makes steam good. but the biggest feature steam has over EGS is mod support and a fucking shopping cart, the ability to stream games and controller support. Lets ALSO not forget that Volvo/Steam is actively working to save our collective plebeian hides from being a slave to microsofts OS.


Steam is literally the lesser evil and the retards out here supporting EGS are disgruntled idiots who think Valve need a wakeup call or shills in epics pocket.

biggest point is refund policy, I refuse to use any store that doesn't give me refund automatically.

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this is completely insane. no one is bitching that fortnite isn't on steam. it's about buying 3rd party exclusives.

Is anyone here actually retarded enough to argue about this? If you read the article it actually explains that steam policy is cock blocking kickstarter retards who want a steam key at a later date

argument is that, Valve should cockblock this kinds of bullshit, no keys until you can buy game is only sane standard on any store.

Also, if you're stupid enough to be crowdfunded, then turn your back on the fanbase for epic shekels, then you cant count on steam to bail you out, so you'll need to think twice about making such a deal. And this is actually a good thing

>send query to backers, asking what form you would like your game
>ps4 or STEAM key
>no one says anything
>last email mentioning this was 7 days before announcing Epic exclusivity
>now backer discussion is literally hundreds of pages long full of discontent backers who are want refund or threaten to sue because nobody sane wants a completely unnecessary & unsecure launcher for their games

I also happen to work at a Starbucks and its the complete opposite :]