ITT: Games you wanted to like but couldn't

ITT: Games you wanted to like but couldn't

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I actually bought it thinking it might be genuinely good but it wasn't.

Yeah, right.
It's vastly different from Watch Dogs 1.

Watch dogs 1 wasn't good but this wasn't either.

It’s like the unremarkable disappointment middle child of Tom Clancy

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I wanted to like this so bad because the first was amazing, but it just took everything the original did well and shat all over it

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I knew it'd be shit when they said they got rid of guns and made Faith into a super ninja

The story was just too cringy, I only managed to get about 5 hours in before I couldn't take it anymore

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Yout pic

>a hardcore tacticool military sim game
>you can change your loadout everywhere, any time
Fucking hell ubisoft

>play free on beta
>genuinely impressed with region visuals and landscapes
>only like five fucking things to do in each one
This gane was an absolute failure when it came to applying any sense of purpose to its world.

>gameplay wise, it's vastly better than WD1 in most way
>also boring as shit
I give them credit for improvements but they couldn't make an exciting game for once, could they

Horizon Zero Dawn. I rented buy but didnt care for it. Then a year later I bought it on sale to give it another chance but I just cant get into it.

ironically faith was more of a ninja in the first game because parkour was an essential part of combat
in catalyst she beats cops like an abusive mother beats her retarded kids

Attached: Mirror's Edge Catalyst Combat.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

Very well made but they are just so slow and boring for me

Rimworld, Watched hours of gameplay from youtube, atleast 100 hours of it....bought it, cant get into it. still love to watch though

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XII
Tales of Zestiria
Battlefield 1
God Eater Resurrection
No More Heroes 2
Blue Dragon
any Resident Evil game
any Monster Hunter
Disgaea 1 and 2
Dead Rising 1 and 2
Persona 3
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
any Hatsune Miku
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
Bioshock 1 and 2
any Fable game
any Phantasy Star Online game

what games do you like user?

most soi game this decade?

Arma 3

JRPGs, platformers, side scrollers, action adventure, beat em ups. Fighting games if I were any good at them.

This but for different reasons, I had no problems with the story but the core crystal shit killed it for me

i just couldnt.
maybe 20ish hours learning the game and i just couldnt see myself playing it.
honeslty done see how poeople get so addicted to it. was just clicking and running away. idk man

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Just felt like high school wish fulfillment simulator with braindead combat to me. Loved the character designs and music though.

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I bought this expecting it to be boring and terrible but actually really enjoyed it. I also liked that it was more goofy/light-hearted than its edgy grimdark supercool hacker predecessor.

This. Is liking Watch Dogs a meme? That game was awful. Story was hackneyed, characters were boring, world felt slapped together, and the hacking was one step lower than magic.

It's a green army toy soldier simulator set in a sandbox, that's all it is and intends to be. That's why those two things are the way they are. You arrive at a location with your friends and talk about how you want to attack it and who will do what, then you can change items and load outs accordingly without having to put your toy soldier back in his toy box and grabbing new toys in a different location. There's only 5 things because they just want to introduce you to the location and its basic layout so you can do your own thing later with your friends and have some familiarity with the area beforehand.

I also thought it was a boring game though, didn't like it at all. Not my kind of experience I guess.

TW3, the atmosphere and story seem nice but the controls are dogshit

Hollow Knight.
Got it, thought it was dreadfully boring, and refunded after like 90 minutes.
Then I kept hearing about how great it is and decided to give it a second chance during a sale, but still ended up thinking it was just no fun.
Movement in that game feels way too floatly and weightless for me, and the recoil when attacking makes it even worse. Not a fan of the setting either or sound design either.

>enjoy tw1 and 2
>3 just feels weird to play, like the controls are "mushy"
>all the quests play out the same, looking for clues is just following a clearly marked glowing trail and requires no investigating at all
>combat is trivial, not even any point in playing on harder difficulties because it's the exact same shit you do normally but every drowner fight takes an extra couple of minutes
>finding new gear at clearly marked ? spots that require no effort or discovery is actually pointless because you just find better gear a few minutes later and all of that is outclassed by crafted gear anyway
>potions went from being pre-fight planning and preparation like they were in TW1 to generic powerboosts you can apply in the middle of a fight whenever you like
this one actually pissed me off quite a bit, you had to actually plan for large or difficult fights and then make sure you could finish them and the surrounding area fights in time before the effects wore off too.

>after 60 hours or so I check my progress and see I'm somewhere between 1/2 and 2/3rds of the way through and feel burnt out
>realize I'm only playing for the story, and I could just read a book instead and have a better experience
>end up working through my book backlog instead of finishing the game
at least frankenstein was good.

you can get a pin to remove the recoil from attacking
if you dont like the atmosphere you shouldnt reconsider it tho desuu

>see kane and lynch being discussed all over the internet with screen shots
>buy kane and lynch
>basic bitch of a game
>the beginning of what is now a never ending downfall of disappointment in video games

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This too. The controls are so shit, there are no stealth kills, oh yeah, and controls are beyond shit....

But thats Ghost Recon. Have you ever went back to revisit GRAW1 and GRAW2 after playing other 3rd person shooters on the 360? They both play like total shit. The best Ghost Recon with the smoothest controls and most fun for PVP was Future Soldier.

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This and AC Odyssey

Fallout 4.
Witcher series.
Final Fantasy series.

I love this. It has bad flaws but lack of guns isn't one of them.
Great gameplay, great characters, good story, best choreography ever in the final scene, good level design.
Lacking secondary missions and the flow gets interrupted by the stuff you have to collect on the map.

>Great gameplay, great characters, good story, best choreography ever in the final scene, good level design.
...I think you're replying to the wrong post

I've got my hopes up for the new one

I'm not.

Kane & Lynch 2: Dawg Days

Then you're being sarcastic

It's one of my favorite games of all time and not even joking. But as a game itself it's pretty shitty.

Remember the hype this game had? It was the first proper viral meme marketing. It was Oblivion for kids born in the 2000s. Years later and it still carries significance among normies. 2011 was the beginning of the end for the industry. Blunder of this millennium.

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This. I was really hoping when I very first heard about Wildlands that it was gonna be Future Soldier's animations and intensity thrown into a Sicario-style open world. Obviously I was very wrong.

I'm not.
Try playing the game.

>that game everyone hates but has 1000 hours of playtime

Me too, I can put up with some pretty jrpg cringe too but this was too much. Saying that I made it way past the 5 hour mark

Opinion invalidated.
You just have shit taste

Watch Dogs 2 is better than Watch Dogs 1 in almost every conceivable way. Watch Dogs 2 is in no way anything other than a bland, generic Ubisoft sandbox, but Watch Dogs 1 was fucking shite.

Hollow Knight
Dropped it a bit after fighting Hornet because I just got too bored with the game. It's not bad though, just not my thing

>see kane and lynch being discussed all over the internet with screen shots
>buy kane and lynch
Did you miss the part where it was so terrible a man was fired over it?

>Games you wanted to like
I still don't get what that means, or why every second negative Steam review opens with it.


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