What game will win 2020 GOTY?

What game will win 2020 GOTY?

Cyberpunk 2077 or TLOU 2?

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I really hope it’s Cyberpunk 2077


The Last of Us 2, no contest.


tlou might win the oscar for best movie


Why the fuck?

The last of us 2, but not becuase the game deserves it, i will be because of his agenda

Cyberpunk will feature literal trannies, it’s the most LGBT game ever

But they treat them like they are normal people, trannies hate being treated like normal people


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TLOU will make then superior and not equal or something super special

Cyberpunk will probably deserve it and will be remembered as a classic, but the last of us will win a lot of official GOTY awards because journalists will get in trouble if there movie isnt well recieved.

TLOU 2 will win, gaming journalists love movie games


tlou because their staff are friends with journalists.

Bannerlord of course

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>Cyberpunk 2077 or TLOU 2?
One is a game the other a movie, hmmmmmm?

journalists won't even notice it.

That game was so fucking bad I couldn't even bring myself to finish it.
The level of circlejerking such a mediocre movie game alone prevented me from enjoying it.

Cyberpunk without a doubt. This SJW pandering agenda that TLOU is doing will probably interfere with the story and make it complete shit.

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Do you guys actually care about awards or do not know that it's just a front for advertising shit to normies who haven't caught on?