Currently playing the greatest detective game of all time. Easily ranks behind Yakuza 0 as second-best Yakuza game of all time.
Currently playing the greatest detective game of all time...
Other urls found in this thread:
it's kino so far
Entirety of yakuza 0 revolves around the blind girl macguffin, why do you people love it so much?
You got to have a taste for absurd Japanese crime dramas.
It's and acquired taste.
Seriously? Yakuza 0 is one of my favorite games of all time, but I found Kiwami 1 to be pretty boring, 2 to be convoluted and still a little boring(still very good overall though). If Judgement is more in line with 0, I’ll buy that shit tonight.
judgement is definitely better than that dogshit kiwami. i'm only up to chapter 5 in judgement but so far it's about on par with 2 and 0 for me.
2>0>4>1>5>6>3>>kiwami>>>>>>>>dead souls
Redpill me on some Japanese crime kinos to get started with.
Also, is Outrage a good place to start? I have it downloaded.
It was a lot of people's entry point into the series and was marketed well.
>run around
> random woman screaming YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
Every god damn time
It has arguably the best combat in the series so far, maybe behind Ishin. The story isn’t incredible, but it’s elevated by great presentation, writing and VA performances. Probably the best ratio of good to bad substories. Introduced cabaret club, which many consider their favorite minigame.
Oh, and also some of the best music.
bump. i need to see a judgement thread get more than 50 replies.
is there actual detective work with fail stats?
I like it but the combat feels sluggish
The devs made a dumb decision to make you upgrade your attack speed, which makes early game combat really rough.
It has the best gameplay in the series, and is pretty accesdible since you don't need to know anything going in to understand what's going on.
Sadly they went with the shit tier dragon engine instead of the god tier Zero engine.
>In a restaurant
>Japanese woman yells AAAAAAAA SHIMINYOSHIII
What the fuck is up with that one soundbite
Not really, good movie but not goofy or anything just a normal crime movie
>Sadly they made a new engine to replace the decade old one
you seriously want them to keep using a engine from the ps3 gen when the ps5 is likely to come out next year? fuck off todd.
>who cares if the engine is bad, it's NEW
I wouldn't mind them making a new engine if the dragon engine didn't play like hot garbo.
>Entirety of yakuza 0 revolves around the blind girl macguffin
Kiryu's half doesn't really until near the end of his stuff and his half was honestly massively superior to Majima's despite what a lot of people here say. His side was a fun but dumb action flick, Majima's was just a rehash of several of Kiryu's old plots that were dumb to begin with still not done that well here. Most original thing about his story was Makoto who was also handled weirdly, what was even the point of the twist about the Tojo not needing her alive? They had a bunch of chances earlier in the game where it would've made more sense to just kill her if that was the case
Do u think they'll ever make a yakuza where every single building and door is accessible? That would be tight
The drone races I admit are fun
>god tier Zero engine
Zero engine sucked ass too though, the only benefit to it was that it was so outdated that it can now run 60fps on current systems. Since it's literally a PS3 designed engine.May as well go back to the PS2 engine, might be able to actually have a not shit draw distance for once in a Yakuza game going by this logic.
well they're still testing out what works and what doesn't with this new engine. yakuza 6, kiwami 2 and judgement are basically betas for Ichiban's game on the ps5
Sorry kid but the sinking city is the new detectivekino in town.
babby's first Yakuza
Any word for what's the game for ps5? I'm honestly on the fence for my next console, yakuza is one of the reasons I even got a ps4
Agreed. Makoto herself is honestly a very annoying character. I got tired of her constant crying and sobbing. Telling me her sad backstory doesn't make her sympathetic.
Yakuza 5>Yakuza 0
>Look at me! Aren't I so cool for playing an older game that most of you newfags didn't?!?!!? Please suck my cock because I'm a retarded elitist xD
Fuck off.
Are Any between 3 to 5 I should skip or is it worth getting the whole thing, I'm picking up 6 now cause it's cheap
3 and 5 are the worst games in the series, 4 is barely ok but still pretty shit.
Is there any word of translation, Or its literally just dead for localization?
Ah alright, I remember playing a little of the y3 demo, it felt really clunky especially the camera I think
its not japanese but Stranger has similar tones to the main plot of Judgment
or you can start with Tak's recent movie
it even has Sagawa in it
I really feel like that Frizzy hair just doesn't fit the guy, I guess it was just for the game
it's not even the actual speed that bothers me that much honestly, it's the fact that your EX meter takes like a year and a half to fill up unless you're constantly spamming taunts
why are you such a faggot?
>wait for years for RGG's new IP
>it's a Yakuza spin-off, features largely similar mechanics, still in Kamurocho
>"t...thanks... i like it, i s...swear..."
>Shin Yakuza still coming, still set in Kamurocho, probably largely the same gameplay again
Biggest disappointment of this gen for me. I like Yakuza and Yakuza-likes but the RGG Studio have been slipping considerably in my estimation. Even the "new" parts of Judgment are dragged down by all the content reuse from previous games.
It's the kind of conveyor belt game Ubisoft get shit on for doing. Sad to see something I loved once get beaten down into sweatshop bullshit.
Unless this is literally your second or third Yakuza/Yakuza-like, or you've taken a huge break from the series
>Zero engine
It's the same fucking engine since Kenzan just modified, you fucking z00mer. 5 uses the same modified engine like 0.
*Unless this is literally your second or third Yakuza/Yakuza-like, or you've taken a huge break from the series, don't bother.
Just got Judgment in the mail earlier than expected, I planned to finish Kiwami 2 since I'm about 1/3 through. I've played the original 2 before though.
Think I should rush Kiwami 2 before Judgment just so I don't have to go back a level in dragon engine later or start Judgment now?
I imagine they'll expand the Kamurocho map and let you walk outside its current area. Make it a few times bigger. But knowing the dev team I wouldn't be surprised if they set the game in Kamurocho again, not expanding it and just adding another 1 or 2 small city areas that are even more inferior to Kamurocho like always. Doesn't help the fact that a lot of newer fans still want more Kiryu and Majima while older ones want them to finally drop Kiryu and let him rest. If they bring back Kiryu then I'm fucking done with this series desu.
I've played every localized yakuza game and i'm still having fun with judgement. maybe your just not a real fan.
you shouldn't have even been playing kiwami in the first place it's shit. why burn yourself out playing kiwami when you could be playing judgement a good game.
Trust me I won't burn myself out, I played 1-5 then Kiwami in the first three months of last year.
Am i seriously supposed to think this dood is the absolute bleeding edge of coolness? He wears v neck tees and has a fucking poket chain ffs. Also his hair fucks me off too, this fuy just diesn't look tough or cool but i have no doubt the Japs think he looks peak.
>detective game
More like defecating game
Honestly Yakuza newfags have been the worst part of the last few years being a fan of the series as far back as pre-Kenzan days. Yakuza seeing success in the West feels like a monkey's paw wish.
Happy for you bro, but I've been playing these games a very long time and the endless recycled content has made something I loved a total chore to play.
nigga thinks he's squall wearing that tiny coat
>playing 5 makes you elitist
Jesus fucking christ user, you might as well have just said playing RE5 makes you a classicfag, holy shit
What era is this set on and why is a "cool dude" so old looking?
The 2019 era
yakuza 6 was marketed as kiryu's final game so bringing him back wouldn't make sense. unless Ichiban's game bombs hard and they're forced to bring him back to save the franchise. but i doubt that will happen.
god i fucking hate you weebs this game is so fucking average and low effort
Are you fucking serious? lol oh god.
Uh... yes? Whats so bizzare aboymut this to you? The obly Yakuza game that ever went back in time was Y0.
they could just give akiyama or majima their own game
The fact that he was made to look cool and dresses like that.
playing it now, its kino
Kimura personally handpicked the design
Anything pre-Y0 is elitist to them. Even Ishin
He dresses like I did in High School.
Also those Miku posters in the back lol.
What? Fucking how?
>i cant play a game from 20-fucking-15 because im too retarded so everyone else is being way to hardcore and elitist
holy shit kys
PC release, when? And when are Kenzan and Ishin being localized for that matter?
i think hes rad, also whats wrong with v-necks?
Why does that surprise you? Sega is known to publish those games.
Dunno. Ask the people who get buttblasted when people mention games that are older than Y0. Seen some anons talking about Ishin a while ago only to be called elitists and boomers who want a sekrit klub by some triggered anons. Could be just shitposters but it keeps happening and seeing the state these threads have been since the launch of Y0 I'm thinking not all of them are just shitposters.
Ask Sega.
What is wrong with v necks? Besides he's a poor, old, ex lawyer which is why he looks scruffy as fuck
Armchair fashion expert on fucking Yea Forums of all places lmao
Obviously its "im not playing anything if its not on muh PC or PS4" its funny that Yea Forums pretends to be a hobbyist board and sinply playing games as they came out makes you "elitist" now. Its not my fucking fault i picked up Yakuza when they didn't.
It's PS3 only and most anons only own a PC and/or PS4. They'd rather keep seething and portbegging than get a used PS3 for $80 and maybe even hacking it if they don't want to spend more money on games.
Yagami is way more interesting protagonist than Kiryu ever was.
It doesn't. I'm just stating the posters are there even though Mirai was made a long time ago. jeesz
>Armchair fashion expert
All I said was I dressed like that in High School. God you bitches are defensive.
I have this impression so far
well, these threads are certainly not made by paid shills
but since its a series i want to succeed, im not gonna call them out
Yea Forums is such a shithole that I'm tired of talking how shit it is and I'm tired of platform wars desu. /vint/ revealed that most port begging and console wars come from 3rd world countries like Brazil who only own a PC. Then there was also that poll with 1k votes which asked if you still play vidya. Half the votes said yes, while the other half picked barely or don't play at all.
How do I get good at Puyo Puyo, also, I thought there would be After Burner in this game, does it unlock later on?
>downgrade graphics
>performance still sux
what the fuck
Practice a type of chain and pray.
Yes it will unlock somehow.
but user you just did!! le banjoooo yhread died for this ecksdee
>How do I get good at Puyo Puyo
Do maximum chains or don't do chains at all. Dats it.
i recall reading an article a few weeks ago on siliconera that the director of the series expressed interest in a kenzan/ishin kiwami game
It's funny how there are all these yakuza fans who seethe about 0 being a success when it's the sole reason they're getting rereleases at all. What a bunch of bitter, shortsighted faggots. They don't deserve jack shit.
Kuroiwa is the Mole.
Shono is the mastermind kidnapping yakuza for human experiments on a drug that cures Alzheimer's in mice but is lethal to humans.
I have been mocked in the past for not getting emotional during some of "the great" films and tv shows out there. (I'm a little autistic) But Yakuza and anime can make me emotional because the writing is melodramatic and it's always very clear what I should be feeling. The music helps, but mostly I like that the characters all say clearly how they are feeling and what they are thinking. This helps me understand them and I can feel myself getting emotional from the sad parts.
>He wears v neck tees
if you wear polo shirts and think you're any better then you should fucking shoot yourself
>who seethe about 0 being a success
people are not seething about Yakuza 0, most fans agree 0 was a great entry, they are seething about people that only played 0 and maybe Kiwami 1 and 2 and has no intention touching the rest yet act like a know-it-all
I'm not paying full price for what's basically a asset flip.
>playing the same game 10 times just to be considered a "REAL fan" by some autist on Yea Forums
If someone plays one yakuza game and criticizes it, you'll dismiss their opinion like a fanboy
if someone plays every single yakuza game and criticizes them, you'll dismiss their opinion like a fanboy
so what exactly is the point of trying to "earn" the "right" to talk about yakuza games?
Play 0 and drop the series there. Yakuza is the series of diminishing returns. Kiwami is shit, 3 is shit, 4 and 5 are okay but there is a lot of tedium and story bullshit in them, and then 6 is fucking terrible. It's really not worth playing so many games which are all so long only for so little payoff. They're only really suitable for players who have literally absolutely nothing else in their lives.
Yakuza's shit writing doesn't suit a detective game. There's no fun doing actual detective work or even thinking about clues or what's happening when everything can be undone at any moment because of bullshit twists and melodrama
No karaoke, no hostesses, no buy.
I'm fine with people criticizing the game, it has many problems in every way and I can undestand why people would be put off by it.
I just dislike people that only played one or maybe two entries yet act like they're the biggest fan of Yakuza ever.
the writing and gameplay in yakuza is piss-poor
if the best minigames aren't there to distract you then what's the point? just doing the same shit over and over for the millionth time. I'm not autistic enough for that shit.
No one is seething about Y0. Thats YOUR head canon. What we are fucked off with is being called pieces of shit because it wasn't our first Yakuza games.
Get over it
Chances are you're mostly just strawmanning anyway
How often do you ACTUALLY see someone claiming to be Yakuza's BIGGEST FAN after playing one game? I assure you this happens in your head a hundred times more often than it actually happens. You sound like a pathetic little tween hipster.
The side cases are pretty good so far. First one was a downer though. Poor old lady.
yakuza 0,1,2 are the only one that matter the rest suck
How convinient
>kiwami is better than dead souls
get the fuck outta here
Any word on when/if we're getting costume DLC's? Yagami's outfit is fucking gay
the zoomies have woken up
Judgment isn't written by Yokoyama, it's written by the guy who did 0, Dead Souls and Binary Domain. Writing is alright and the worst part is action, since sometimes excuses to kick ass are really dumb.
Invest in the flux move and the upgrade that boosts ex gain from a successfully timed flux. Also get drunk more often and buy plenty of booze to go from poppo, keep it at around 5 if you don't wanna spend it all on that one drunken-fist heat move without having to hold L2.
It speaks volumes that "true" fans like you never actually come up with defenses for the games being criticized but deflect with buzzwords.
Yes user yes, especially when the first attack for having actually known the series before Y0 is always "elitists!" Woah i owned a PS2 during the 2000's and bought PS2 games, WOAH.
There are a few yakuza fans who want to stay in a bubble where nobody ever criticizes them and they just circlejerk the games until the end of time. Each yakuza game has flaws. There's nothing wrong with talking about them. Unfortunately some fags see these discussions as "attacks" and try shut discussion down instantly. It's really pathetic. The yakuza fanbase is pretty good overall but there are definite shitheels in there too.
0 is also from 2015 sweetie
>Yakuza: super serious no fun allowed edition
i hope it flops and they never make a game targeted at the western audience again
>super serious no fun allowed
I don't think we're even playing the same game.
you're right, I'm not playing Judgment because it sucks ass
Judgment > Kiwami 2 > 0
Tell me more about how we all got and played it that year bro
>mfw wearing that vampire costume for every undercover mission
Fuck off with your retarded japanese "humour"
do we ever get to freely wear disguises?
where do i find the recipe for the Akaushima(hotel distirct) guy?
>Play Yakuza 0
>Hard mode
>Haha just kidding its not hard mode because you have basically unlimited healing items
This game is fucking gay
Kuroiwa is the mole in Judgement
The China guy/employee right?
Google says here:
Holy shit this game is SO funny
Man, kimutaku is old..
the gag is that it's a man undercover, right?
PC port when
You could just watch some Kimura Takuya dramas like Hero which this game seems similar too.
this is what i expect:
Yakuza 6 PC: 2019 Winter
Judgment PC: 2020 first half
at least 6 months so they have an excuse to make it cheaper so pcfags actually buy it, unlike VC4
and in case something think I'm console warring, I know that VC4 flopped even on consoles and IIRC even in Japan
He looks good in v neck you'd probably look like ugly fat dude in v neck.
is there any Shogi, Koikoi and Oicho-kabu guides?
Yeah, the games aren't at all challenging after the first couple hours.
Legendary is slightly harder but more tedius than anything because of the need to constantly save.
is that the bitch from shin?
stop baiting anytime, shitposter
Does anyone know if there's a colleseum in Judgement?
I don't want to grind street thugs for unlocks.
i'm willing to bet pretty soon since it seems like it flopped
>I don't want to grind street thugs for unlocks.
Why not?
Are you Implying the games are actually hard?
Because if so, I don't know what to tell you other than I'm sorry you have to live with cerebral palsy.
gotta do VR
Because it's boring and would take forever
no but seriously yakuza 3 was so fucking bad am surprised this series wast just cancelled
Did it really?
This one is the easiest, just use an AI. A cheap mobile app probably can work too. For the regular matches.
For the endgame challenge you can use this I think?
For the other two you can savescum if you don't want to learn them I guess. I'm not sure what else you can do other to learn them.
>He can't appreciate BYUTIFURR ICE
Get a load of this guy
Sorry, I have a mental problem that makes me call any post criticizing any element of the yakuza series a bait shitpost
i tried mobile app but i didnt have "no takebacks" setting which is also needed
Make the CPU in-game play against a ridiculously strong CPU on your PC.
Save, bet 1 until you're the dealer, win loads of chips, repeat. Load the save if you lose.
If you're specifically looking for completion list stuff, Onodera sells cheat items for 10k SP.
I can't defend yakuza 3 with actual points or arguments so I'll just call you a zoomer and then I win
I really like how you no longer need to go through loading screens between fights and getting inside buildings.
The vertical movement is also great
Because the ending is great and it makes Yakuza 1/Kiwami feel even better.
0 is a perfect prolgue to 1.
You don't need to takeback if you're just following CPU, someone posted a guide with more details:
Okay but look me in the eyes and tell me jumping off walls and roundhouse kicking three dudes doesn't give you a bit of a half chub
are the cheat items 1 time only or i can buy multiple?
So does unlocking side-quests get better? Cause having to go out of my way to get hurt just so I can eat at all the places to unlock them is cancer.
>cool dude
Main character is a washed up loser bum that fucked up big time and went from hero to zero in a day. He's poor as shit and lives job to job (and those often involve violence). He's traumatized by his own fuck up and moody because the values he used to hold dear failed him. He has pretty much given up on having a normal life again and is just drifting at the bottom of society.
The story doesn't set up him up as a "cool" guy at all. It's more of a redemption story about man climbing from the pits.
When does that unlock? I'm at chapter 3 and the doors won't open
>skill costs 5 thousand for a marginal perk
Ok then. I don’t think this entry is for me.
I agree, shit is too expensive in this game. The damage boost 3 costs like 10 grand and you earn 9 exp per goon
near the end of chapter 3 or in the begining of cp4
ok retard
>It has the best gameplay in the series
>business sub-stories massively outstay their welcome and are too grindy for the content they wall off
>upgrading your character is entirely dependant on yen instead of XP and because there are a couple of methods that pay disproportionate amounts the prices of most of the final tiers are over inflated, again making it a grind. >It also means every activity that isn't these money grinds is unrewarding.
>4 fight styles that are all horribly balanced against each other, the yellow style for both is OP as fuck while the pink is for the most part worthless outside of a few niches
>Heat system is too lenient and makes it too easy to just spam finishers
>Combat in general is a lot easier and more brainless due to OP styles and a lack of punishment for losing heat. There aren't even any tough sub bosses beyond Mr Shakedown and he is easily cheesed. The game doesn't start actually challenging you until late colosseum or the final act.
0 isn't a bad game but fucking hell it's overhyped.
What's the problem?
Is this the dark souls of yakuza games?
>copy pasted map
How does yakuza team get away with this shit?
Zero has the best gameplay in the series, this is a fact. You can think what you want about zerofags, but no other game in the series can match Zero in terms of gameplay. Not 4, not 5 or kiwami.
There is nothing better than absolutely destroying someone with rush style without taking a single hit.
And yeah, big whoop, the game's easy, all Yakuza games are piss easy.
considering that both Kiwami 2 and Judgment takes a big shit on 0 from top of the millenium tower thats how better they play, im gonna just flat out say that you are another 0babby
Imagine being this insecure about your opinions. Yikes
It's always been a problem with these games.
If they just didn't let you access your inventory during battles, the games would be way better.
I wish this would come to PC
Judgment makes me sad that we've had to spend so many games playing as that ugly autistic retard Kiryu
Thoughts on the soundtrack?
I'll pirate.
If these games don't come out for PC the same day as the console version, it's not worth supporting.
Dojima didn't need her alive, Shimano had a retarded gamble that Majima would spare her and fall in love and have her sign the rights over to him
>playing the same game again and again and again and again and again
Yakuza is cool if you play one or two, or three even. But the dedicated fans are absolutely autistic.
Alright so who d we get to date in this one and from how early on are they available
>So obsessed with being a "real" fan he pretends to like the fucking dragon engine
The dragon engine is a nice looking, but awkward, floaty piece of shit.
Kiwami is a boring hodge podge of all the styles that never fully utilizes them, and Judgement has all the problems of the dragon engine.
I'm not saying Zero is the end all be all of the series, but when it comes to gameplay, it's leagues ahead of any other entry.
Don't worry, he'll be back after Ichibans game, with his best pal Majima.
>when you dont know what floaty means but keep trying to shit on something just so spout again how much of a big 0babby you are
hearty kek, especially because the devs are based and arent catering to 0babbies
>the dedicated fans are absolutely autistic
Yes, and?
already looking better than judgement
>the devs are based and arent catering to 0babbies
this is the only thing that matters, 0fags can keep saying whatever they want, what matters is that devs dont care
Is it just like a Yakuza game? i.e. are you an unstoppable fighting God/moral paragon who never loses and is never wrong?
>that final boss
Shono's death felt pretty good too
user, you can lie to me, but not to yourself. The dragon engine sucks, it's always sucked.
You don't have to pretend to like something to piss off zerofags.
only people here who are lying are the ones sayign that dragon engine sucks user so back at ya :)
in terms of quality/gameplay, should I play this before Kiwami 2?
You are an unstopable demigod but you're also a fucking loser.
depends, if you are playing Kiwami 2 on PC then play judgment first
if you are playing both on PS4 then it doesnt matter
I hope they come out with a new engine soon so you can drop this charade, it must be exhausting.
God bless user.
is anybody else just tired of Kamurocho?
I want to go back to okinawa
where are his ears?
lost them due to cancer
>Ass Catchem
I didn't even know how to respond to this, but that sub-story was pretty hilarious.
Been here from the start. It’s a complicated feeling. On one hand it’s nice to know where stuff is, but man does it make every game feel the exact same. I’m incredibly disappointed Shin is going to be Kamurocho again. I think I need a long break from the series, hopefully that rumor of Kenzen being localized is true.
this is better than 0
I hate that he constantly looks constipated.
what the hell
>You will never play as Akiyama again
Fuck, I hate this
Budget was spent on coke
why not base your game Tokyo ?
Kamuroucho is a part of Tokyo.
if kiryu was a chad then yagami is basically your quintessential virgin
I'd play it if the characters weren't so repulsive looking. Same with the Yakuza games, and Sleeping Dogs, and Shenmue. Something about the way those characters look makes me physically ill.
Yet Yakuza 0 being your favorite just exposes you as a pleb who only played the PC games.
PS2 chads will claim the second is the best. While everyone who stuck with the series through ups and downs will say its 5.
I like seeing it change as the years pass, but yeah kinda. I like Sotenbori better.
>I'd play it if the characters weren't so repulsive looking
Shin Yakuza isnt out yet
Based and redpilled
Are you sure you don't just hate chinks
>start game
>watch cutscene
>talk to an NPC
>answer phone
>take 5 steps forward
This is starting to feel a little patronizing.
Okay but when will the game stop giving me tutorial pop ups
I've been playing for six hours, I know how to switch styles
Only good thing about 2 is CKB.
>tfw just got 4 game overs chasing the wig
Damn I really want to buy this game, but my PS4 is hacked. Luckily SEGA is pretty good with porting shit to steam. Hopefully it comes out there sometime.
Why do people like 2 so much? Is the story that good? Kiwami kinda sucked so I’ve been holding off. But if it’s really good the new engine should make it goat right?
>mfw this played
Question: does this game have full city, or limited like in 6?
whats the purple ( ! ) on shops in the KamuroGO?
for example i hate Akaushimaru 100%d and it still has it
Kiwami sucks because of the dragon engine, shitty wub wub music and stupidly making every character look like their voice actor.
It has the best story and antagonist in the series.
North Street and Champ District aren't cut.
>when a secondary chimes in
So gameplay bad
Story good
I'm going to be honest, I didn't realize how much I liked the main loop of the Yakuza games until Kiryu was dropped as the protagonist. I think I hated him so much that it tinted my view of all the social aspects.
nostalgia and mainly because of CKB
that's why so many people pretend to hate k2
>best story and antagonist in the series
>lmao everyone is korean by the way
>Ryuji is barely in the fucking game
not really
Kiwami 2 has the best gameplay
if you hear anyone saying that "dragon engine bad, old shitty ps3 engine good"
then thats a retard
Yea, basically.
Nice! Hope it happens
Ignore him. Retard has no idea what he's on about.
where is nekomiya? i'm pretty sure i need him around to find that missing cat
Get a load of this zoomer
DE at 60fps is nice, but the combat still sucks because it relies far too heavily on throws.
>kenzan and ishin on Dragon Engine
based as fuck
0fags btfo again
My left joycon is has a mind of its own, what do?
no, kiwami sucks because they cut out the shinsekai area
Well I’m gonna get it but honestly I still haven’t finished kiwami . It’s really kinda shit but I’ll see what happens
The PS2 engine is good you faggot, fuck the ps3 games.
then the series ends there
Entry point for newfags. It's a prequel so they can go in easily enough without knowing any shit about the rest of the series.
Kiwami sucks, and Kiwami 2 is decent on PC.
The “Battles Without Honor And Humanity” series is based as fuck. Follows some low-level thugs from the end of WW2 until they become high ranking members of the Yakuza.
>there will never be a game with such a fuckton of shit to do as 5
Whose idea was the key chain shit
>Lol we're gonna make you try all your keys when you need to unlock a door and if you get it right first time we'll give you 3 exp or whatever
Such an inconvenience
its ok but
>go to door
>bump into door and bounce back
>animation to get keys
just to get there is too much
Leap from 1 to 2 is huge. Gameplay is more fun and responsive. Better sub stories(beating up actual man children, and Kiryu somehow being the top host of a club at the age of 39). Better pacing and cinematography. Goda has way more presence than Nishiki. Kiryu beating up 2 fucking tigers. I peacocked your mom.
That said it's also nostalgia
maybe the 4th or 5th dragon engine game will be packed with a bunch of stuff to do
>start Pinball
>black screen
what the fuck really
This happens with lockpicking too
I wish they'd spend another six months on these games just to iron out presentation/technical issues, add more polish
>That fucking bleep when you're near your objective
>It persists when you're going down a hall it beeps all the fucking time
Also, maybe it's just because I'm on chapter 2 but Yagami is pretty boring as a character and I'd prefer to play as his Yakuza bro
>Can collect records
>Can customize your place
>There's no real reason do any of that because there's no reason to stay in your office
I wish games would stop doing this shit
Because Waifu.
Its really weird how well written yakuza and this is. West is dying.
While at the same time most games today except for some obscure shit are horribly written. I bet I am going to have more fun with this than cyberpunk.
god i hate the tailing missions
Yeah made me not want to play that minigame ever again.
>Daylight in a crowded city with people all around you
>Single out one guy pretty far from you
>Start freaking out
>Relax when he crouches behind a car
>proper ports of HD VF5 FS, Motor Raid and Fighting Vipers are all locked behind this game
they should either rework them or remove then in the next gsme
It's good but the tailing missions are boring as fuck.
I hope they don't shove them into shin, just let itchybum beat the fuck out of these types of suspicious characters.
It's hard for me to think about what they should take from this game because all the additions are trash
>be me
>walking home from work
>as any normal person stop every 40meters for a minute and keep looking around as if someone must be following me
>in the middle of the street none the less
i think styles are best implemented in this game so far at at least.
having one for 1v1's and one for group based combat is good, and the fact that a lot of upgrades work on both styles like the tiger drop is nice.
only thing about these styles in particular is that they're really slow compared to kiryu's dragon engine style, so they feel really clunky at times.
the wall attacks are cool but pressing x to start running feels really fucky.
as for the detective shit and tailing missions, they can stay gone. they're boring as shit after the first time.
>What the fuck is that shit?
>Is that some guy standing around?
>I don't trust him
>He looks like J-Pop star that fell on some hard times
the group style is absolutely shit because the rush combo attacks (Square presses) are not even AOE attacks
its pointless to use crane style because even tiger style finishers can do AOE damage and it has better square combo and other shit like the charge flux thingy
I use Crane for everything because Tiger is so slow
Maybe fully upgraded it's gonna be good but I'm not even touching it at the moment
another thing.
mortal attacks are cool so i'd keep them as well as keeping the change to guns so they also inflict mortal wounds, since that makes them more of a threat.
>go to club SEGA
>play some Puyo-Puyo
>hear “SAY-GA”
muh dick
>Following Kaito's former bro
>Have to wear a disguise to get into his arcade
>The first thing you do when you get in is beat the clerks ass and barge in the back room, revealing your identity
What was even the point of the disguise
I only remember the original Y2 being a bitch on some bosses on ex-hard without using that equip to have heat all the time or that golden gun.
probably just for the funnies since you can choose to dress up as a vampire once you do that sidecase
So that the clerk doesn't recognize who you are so you don't cause troubles for Higashi.
Kyohei Hamura's Theme is kino.
so whant kind of extracts is Yagami creating exactly with found used condoms from street as an ingredient?
>1:20 and onwards
my fucking dick
Eng dub in this game is pretty good. I prefer the eng dub over the jap dub.
Nah that bitch is from Kingdom
Whats the deal with all the cat food? I haven't found a use for any of them yet
I'm assuming its for the cat cafe
Oh wait, yeah.
>no karaoke
I'm still mad
>devs watch always sunny in PA
Maybe some side cases might need it, but otherwise they are for making powerup pills later into the game.
Can you play Puyo Puyo in YK2?
>no Kiryu = no karaoke
Dame da ne.
only in 6, and judgment
shin is at least confirmed to have it
To avoid spoilers I didn't put the final boss for Judgement on this list (I didn't do HGG, Kurohyo or the Samurai games tho)
Kuroiwa would be in S tier though
i'd bump mine to S tier.
by far the hardest final boss, and he's got a killer track too.
I didn't have much difficulty with Mine since red heat was really OP in 3, I do respect that he begun the tradition of giving characters dynamic intros to fights, and fly is indeed a banger