Why are you wasting your lives playing video games and not going to war like a real man

why are you wasting your lives playing video games and not going to war like a real man

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Why are boomer artstyles always so shit?

Because I'm a socially stunted scrawny guy that has ass-burgers. I'd do about as well in the army as a paraplegic so I just play vidya in my downtime.

LOL I laughed out loud


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Tell me why I should die for Israel.

Have fun being Israel's puppet I guess

Is he playing WoW on an Xbox using a Saturn joystick?

>playing WoW on a VCR with a backwards Genesis controller

That controller is tickling the shit out of my autism

Me on the right

>lazy whippersnappers playing Nintendo tapes on the X-Station again

Trump will have us at war for israel in no time,so it's fine.

This meme has clearly gone too far

>implying that joining the military isn't a waste of your life, even if you survive it

>joining US army to fight wars for Israel

I think somewhere along the way we kinda forgot that the entire end-goal of any given society is to not have to go to war at all, and the only reason you should ever be in a war are
A) if you have fucked up as a nation-state, or
B) if you have to stop some other nation-state from fucking up further
and war is, by definition, supposed to be avoided at all costs

i want that controller

Why are boomers so easily triggered?

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>My buddies and I bled and died for israel when I was your age. Are you impressed yet????

>be normal boy
>fuck there nothing to do
>why is everything so boring
>these jobs suck
Being a kid back then is boring as fuck. Most of the boys that join the army in the late 30s did so because they want excitement instead of being stuck in a factory jobs for 80 hours at end.

Thats utopian user. War is waged for profit. The soldiers are less than cattle, not even pawns. Most armed conflict in the last 100 years has been due to the government and government interests like the bankrollers trying to profit. Especially in the first world, we have no reason to wage war against other nations and no single average countrymen has anything to gain. It is all propaganda.

Because I don't like the idea I might be forced to fight against a cause I agree with. When the civil war comes I will step upa

Having fun playing games > fucking dying in some shithole desert country

I'm a peaceful man and yet, I am a real man.
Real men don't fight wars, they end it, in the most peaceful way possible.

Because I don't want to die for Israel and Thatcher pretty much fucked over any chance of getting a decent working class job here.

They are an entire generation of spinsters. When you have literally nothing to do in your life, the smallest and pettiest affairs become the Cuban missile crisis. They are also blaming everyone else because they know the damage they have done but will never dare to admit it or take responsibility in even the smallest way.

It's almost as if they had a cause that made sense.

>yes goy die for Israel

being able to be a better girlfriend than girls that were born girls is a far more heroic feat than murdering children just so some rich sociopath can rape the land beneath them.

Ahhh, my BF is touching my peepee~~ oohhh i can see he's throbbing hard... think he might want the bussy? gotta go anons, duty calls :P

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you dude cool whatever, source?

>I'm not going to fight your war, I'm going to end it
Did you recently watch Captain Fungus?

>most of these require having money at all
>most millennial are so in debt they will never ever able to afford anything ever again because their parent tell them to go to college without any plan
I will never not be annoy by this

seikai desu

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You just answered your own question

They conquered another nation because it refused to be dependent on the Anglo-sphere. Their masters hated how Germany was self-sufficient and didn't need banker money or their overpriced goods.

We were on the wrong side and we are paying dearly for it. Our grandfathers are traitors and did what was best for them and not us. They wanted glory and handouts from the government, but it came at the cost of their offspring being conquered subjects to even worse masters.

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A lot of gamers are in the military though. Military is literally not-neetbux.

They’d reject me for being autistic

What kind of retard would fight for kikes? No matter how well you serve them, they'll stab you in the back afterwards purely out of habit.

People conveniently leave out the Italians in images like these lmao

You dumb nigger. Hitler is the reason the Jews have a fucking country. He fucked up.


It's basically all but unavoidable if you have a triple digit IQ. The Allies were actually the evil ones and they were controlled by banks. The war was waged against germany purely for financial reasons and now everything we see today is propaganda against resisting complete financial domination over the entire world

Every country with a world bank is effectively owned by the people that control the banks.

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i'd be fighting for a country that isn't my own. no point.

And Hitler was created by the jews financially dominating post World War 1 germany. What's your point dude?

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>they conquered another nation because it refused to be dependent on the anglo-sphere
They conquered Germany because Germany had annexed an entire country, parts of another, and declared war on a third.



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What sort of sociopath do you have to be to want kids to go to war and die?

The greatest generation should only include the Germans.

Those countries were originally part of germany. Makes sense why they'd do it.

They really didn't have any right to go to war on those countries behalf. They were worried about Germany's growing power and influence. They wanted less competition. They wanted to control the money there just as they do today and juts as they do in most countries today.

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The only thing missing is a tearful lady liberty watching through a window.


first red flag was being able to criticize the rich but not them.
second was finding out how much of the country they owned.


No respawn points

>When the nationality problem in the former Polish state was growing ever more intolerable in 1939, I attempted to eliminate the unendurable conditions by means of a just agreement. For a certain time it seemed as if the Polish government was seriously considering giving its approval to a reasonable solution. I may also add here that in all of these German proposals, nothing was demanded that had not previously belonged to Germany. In fact, we were willing to give up much that had belonged to Germany before the [First] World War.

>During those days in August [1939], when the Polish attitude steadily hardened, thanks to Britain's blank check of unlimited backing, the German Reich was moved to make one final proposal. We were prepared to enter into negotiations with Poland on the basis of this proposal, and we verbally informed the British ambassador of the proposal text. Today I would like to recall that proposal and review it with you.

HITLER WAS NOT THE AGGRESSOR. The British were. You know, the ones who started the Opium wars in China, the ones who oppressed their colonies, the ones who started wars just about everywhere. Hitler literally did nothing wrong and tried many times to negotiate peace.

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my fucking god

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Who are boomers so fucking angry all the time?

No control over their lives.

I am a 22 year old,single white guy going into the military and ill most likely be there until they kick me out. I wish it wasnt like this but i cant do anything about it. Theres just no way for a middle class mediorce intelligence person like me to make it to an upper class where i wont have to do such things. Atleast i have video games to consume my spare time though haha...

I don't know about you but war is fucking horrible. I've never participated in WWI or WWII but it doesn't a soldier from that time to understand the wars were horrific atrocities that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions.

Because they're use to getting what they want when they want and they're not use to hearing "No" come from anyone. They live in a fucking fantasy world where they're tough as nails even though a majority of them never had to deal with any kind of actual conflict and never been in an actual fight before. They live off the glory of other people who've been through hard ship and stubbornly live in the past.
Its not that they don't understand the modern world, its that they don't want to. Their entire fucking identity is built on the dumbest fucking shit and they ruined everything for everyone.
Everything they touched has this taint of uncomfortable feelings or left a bad taste in other peoples mouth.
Their general "DO AS I SAY OR ELSE!" attitude forced people away from things like community gatherings and religion and then they wonder why their favorite and fond memory events are dying. And they can't fucking admit that it's their fault because they're better than you in every conceivable way.
They're spoiled fucking babies in adult bodies, and their faggot world is falling apart around them because the squandered literally everything given to them. But don't defend yourself or argue with them, that just makes you A SNOW FLAKE

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They medically discharged me

Wars are just a way to thin out the poor. They occasionally upjump one of the survivors to political office in order to lure people with the promise of higher social standing and generational wealth but it mostly gets squandered.

>Go die for Israel

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Because I'm not an idiot. Fuck off, tradcon.

Subliminal peniles

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Why do boomers love Israel so much?

Come on, you didn't really expect the kind of person who would draw something like that to know a single fucking thing about games, did you?

That enlister does not look impressed with the boy's credentials.

Why are Baby Boomers like this? Like damn, only the first wave of them got to experience the horrors of war in Vietnam while the rest got to enjoy smoking weed, fucking the economy, and laughing at the ones who were drafted to war.

imagine dying at the ripe age of 18 so you can line the pockets of jewish lizardmen

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>horrific atrocities that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions
People who make stuff like OP's pic consider that a feature, not a bug. And they believe that they personally won't suffer or die.

just die for those rats at israel bro
so best bro

The army aren't even taking anyone and in fact, pushing people away from joining them because Drone is a thing and they know people are joining the army for the benefit.

No thanks. Developing PTSD and killing my whole family or ending up homeless/in a state of perpetual deployment becasue no one teaches you how to "turn it off" isn't something I want to do with my short time on this planet.

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Imagine sending 18 year olds to die in a war while you sit at home and cheer.

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this retard plays video games standing up

>Because they're use to getting what they want when they want and they're not use to hearing "No" come from anyone. They live in a fucking fantasy world where they're tough as nails even though a majority of them never had to deal with any kind of actual conflict and never been in an actual fight before. They live off the glory of other people who've been through hard ship and stubbornly live in the past.
And they love to talk bootstraps and laissez-faire, even though they grew up in the period when America was at its most socialist and benefited greatly from that socialism.


>still took jews money and didn't attemp to kill those
pff you jesus shared bed with those rats as much as any other leaders stormfag, you were never the resistance

Because if the jews are in israel then magic sky man can come back, destroy the world and save them.

Because they hate Muslims more than they hate Jews.

Yeah the Silent Generation was truly the greatest, I sure wish we were born into a post war boom, where I could be automatically middle class just by working at some shit show factory with no education needed.

Nice meme, now time for some real history.

>90% of those are their fault
Can't wait to dump my parents into homes.

>not knowing Japanese Shadman on sight

Why would I want to die for a jewish government?

Combination of post-war affluence being the norm of their childhood and the triumph of liberal democracy coupled with market capitalism over socialism and authoritarianism. They're used to having their cake and eating it too while turning everything into some weird ideological struggle.

>didn't fall for the college meme
>got a good work by using my mom's job as a connection, didn't even have to interview, getting solid income
Fuck you boomers I won't fall for the college meymey

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>market capitalism over socialism
The US was socialist as fuck when the boomers were growing up.

The US was a mixed market economy with a middle-of-the-road welfare state. Welfare state != socialism.


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I love that the collapse is coming faster than anyone predicted so that the boomers can still be alive to get theirs.

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This is the truth. Success is modern society is pretty much all nepotism.

You idiot.
This is now a LOL thread

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They had the best of both worlds. Capitalist economy and blanket socialism basically made it that you had to be trying to fail.

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Already went to war, it sucked. Vidya is better.

Did you shoot any terries?

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Congrats, not everyone has it so easy.

The real meme is not going to community college for your gen eds.

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>playing games standing up
What an absolute chad. I bet he does squats during loading screens.

They feel so much shame that their “great” war (nam) was an abject failure that they cling to MUH JEWS rhetoric in a desperate attempt to recapture the glory of their WWII winning parents

Imagine wanting to play videogames instead of killing people you don't know in foreign countries and developing PTSD like a real fucking man.

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What are some games where I can kill boomers?

die for israel you goyim cattle

>Be american
>Go to war
>Get shot
>Get sent home with purple heart
>Arrive home
>Get shot

>Not playing vidya standing
What are you doing with your life, Yea Forums?

Because there's nothing worth fighting for.

Because im not a retard

The 30s were shit because of the Great Depression, but the 40s would have had pretty good job opportunities because USA became a manufacturing powerhouse while the Europeans destroyed their infrastructure.

>education isn't it's own reward
Yeah enjoy being a brainlet for life.

You can get educated for fun for free. You go to college solely for a degree.

What war? I'd rather not go off into a Shitskin inhabited wasteland to fight for skinshits

Free voluntary education would be of lower quality. Getting a degree in something would expand your mind and ability to learn considerably, especially in your development period.

>college 'education'
Unless you're STEM and going to a bigshot uni, you're not receiving an education any better than you'd get just studying on your own. Professors are a thing of the past, everything is online, and a classroom would only slow you down.

germany wasn't even a country "originally"

But why would he go to war when he could be fetching Pokemon creatures?

>all these nazi dicksuckers
You know, it is possible to hate the jews without siding with hitler.

Hitler was pretty base though

Deep down they know they all belong ins Gas for ruining the west and thus the entire world, so they try to shift the blame to cope with their own colossal failure

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What is this

Good amerimut dying for his jewish master would be accurate

We truly live in a society.

>join the army, go to real war for your country, if you survive you will be a hero with a shit ton of benefits and retirement.

>join the army, go to middle east on an endless fabricated war. if you survive, we will call you if we need you, no benefits, and pray you dont get PTSD cause we wont cover for it after 3 months

>I'm a socially stunted scrawny guy that has ass-burgers. I'd do well in the army

>if you survive you will be a hero with a shit ton of benefits and retirement.

When you think about it, this is a really wholesome and nice comic.
The first guy signed up to fight so the second guy could live in peace, waste his time playing games and having fun.
The younger guy is so much happier because of the older guy's sacrifice. And you know, I'm sure that's what he would have wanted.

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> no benefits, and pray you dont get PTSD cause we wont cover for it after 3 months
where did you hear that?

baby boomers and postware time

Why would we WANT war?

Boomers are the fucking worst

you're definitely giving this boomer comic a little too much credit

>war GOOD
why are americans like this?

friends of mine that have served the time. your dont actually make that much money is that cause while you are deployed you dont have to spent money on rent or food.

and the benefits now after finishing your tours are a joke compared to those during World war

This is insane, they were all fucking pardoned except one dude that was released from life sentence anyway, there is no justice for those poor souls.

Nah see, obviously it was meant in a mean way. But the person who drew it was probably a boomer. That is, the child of the older guy. The boomer generation scorned their parents and shit on them at every turn. Now that they're pretty much all dead they pretend they respected them. He drew this comic to shit on zoomers, but in doing so, missed the reason the greatest generation deserves respect. Scorning both his parents and children, has no happiness anymore, so he can't even see the happiness in the comic he himself drew.

>hangout sitcom
>fabric softner

>war BAD

i know nothing about world war benefits but i have ptsd and i have 100% medical coverage including dental and i get $2800 a month

Literally the only reasons to join the army are.

a) your only redeeming quality is being fit and brainless following order
b) you are a resident and want a shortcut to citizenship.
c) you are some weird redneck / hill billy that still think that Patriotism is worth shit in current America

The people who want war stupidly believe that they'll be fine and only other people will be killed or maimed.

No, you are just an impressionable idiot that takes his critical thinking with a side dish of pol memes together

Turns out empire building is hard so might as well glorify it to justify committing atrocities.

(((Greatest))) generation. HA! Imagine dying for Israel in 2019.

>Why aren't millennials having sex?
Boomers literally telling you to HAVE SEX

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ignoring the human resources, war in foreign lands is a pretty good money machine for those involved.

Fucking millennials, back then we were all voluntarily dying for the Jews and I-... AAACK MY HEART I-

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Yes, go die in a third world shithole for your (((country))) instead.

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Every vet from the greatest generation has told me how lucky I am to live in this generation. They all would trade places with me in a heart beat if they could. Only retarded post-war boomers would think going off to die in some war is a glamorous thing to do.


>Implying college actually does that

We are, we're just not pumping out half a dozen kids, that way we can actually enjoy life.

wow so stunning and brave

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It does, if you dont choose a shit one (e.g. All US ones except for few ivies)

Just use the khey yujiro you fucking asshole

To fetch pokémon creautes? They should have been fetching a pail of water!

Huh? Hitler only ever allowed one Rothschild to survive cause he ransomed him and like 2 other Jews that he knew from his soldier days.

The funny thing is that the people who sympathize with OP's pic and want kids to go fight in wars are the same people who called video games tools of the devil for encouraging violence.

People don't attend university because they want to learn.

It's okay to be violent as long as you fight for Israel
Also keep in mind that none of these boomers are young enough to get drafted anymore

ill be a brainlet without 90K debt tho.

I want to rape Tomoko

Only reason they had to wage war on two fronts was because they had no oil.

I did, and it literally made my life hundred times better

Not only that but Germany had to go to war because their war-economy was just a few years away from crashing with so little focus on exported products

the only good answer you have is b. here is some the reasons i've heard over the years that were either sad or great.

a) I only enlisted because so I can be fed everyday. (he was a poor ass mexican)
b) Wanted to keep my family safe here in America because we were being hunted by gangs (he was either kenyan or some shit. he was dark black as fuck.)
c) Keep the family tradition alive
d) get a top secret clearance (i've seen friends getting 100k jobs just with a high school diploma after their service just for being a god damn admin)

You're a unicorn, user.

Bullshit, boomers did jack shit besides get high, consume everything during America’s most prosperous period, and hate on vets in the 70s. Why do they keep acting like they were there for WWII?

Oh please if it's not STEM then you're only in college/university to get a toilet paper that says: "This person knows non-STEM subject".

your a) is my a) other wise he would get a job somewhere else, the intellectual bar for the military is pretty low for rank soldier

b) you have to had already being given asylum before to even be able to enlist (unless there is a loophole I dont know about). so enlisting after that seem redundant, unless, as I said, want a shortcut to citizenship.

c) what a nice way to also end the family line in a tour

d) forgot about higher studies. its possible.

please, even STEM our of name universities is a waste of money, you can learn codding by yourself with a few books and not being a drooling retard, then you get an online certification and start job hunting.

big Unis real advantage boils down to connections for after when you graduate.

>have to be social to land a decent job
>have to be social to keep job
>but not so social that HR destroys you

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>implying you want to be cattle for any country
>implying any war today is even worth fighting


Checkmate OP

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i don't see whats wrong with c) as he knows what he is getting into and it means a lot to him. he was like lieutenant dan.

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Absolutely pathetic.

I mean, sure family tradition and all, Tradition that will be cut if he gets shot in the head.

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with a war with Iran around the corner this is the worst time to consider enlisting.

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Jews need to be in Israel for the apocalypse to come. Much of the US government is a suicide cult.

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There is no bigger cuck than idiots going on war

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>Kill and die for rich people, or else you're a fucking loser.


I'm doing both motherfucker

Oy vey die for ISRAEL

>However, Diekmann was killed in action shortly afterwards during the Battle of Normandy; many of the third company, which had conducted the massacre, were also killed in action
Well, most of them were dead already

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is this the meme magic i keep hearing about?

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>tfw europeans will never know what it's like to develop immunity to .38 special before the age of 10

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Druids are displeased, this image is edited!

Imagine trying to brainwash Yea Forums to fight for a shithole country in a random war that was made to benefit the rich fags, must be a dumb guy.

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Friendly reminder that "war" is just legalized murder and "soldiers" are just government funded serial killers.

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Because Israel and Saudi Arabia can fight their own fights

Fuck yeah the 80's were premiere kino. All movies from then are amazing. Thanks for the list!

I think the funniest part about this comic is how they portrayed the blacks
Definitely drawn by a white boomer

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No but seriously, why are america obsessed about Israel? What is the original issue?


>I can't bre-
-ak 23 A presses?

Isn't normal in america for the media to bail out soldiers out of court martial for killing civilians so they can write books and give interviews?

American christian sects think that Israel is god's chosen nation

yeah i'm sure if some white guy tried to get through a blm protest, they would all just be really sad and distraught and not do anything about it

>They were alredy dead
Not enough

Does anyone have the game collection variation where the teen goes "But I just "steam" my games??"

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no way fag

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>fighting for Israel

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Is it better for your posture to play games standing up


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Can you name a bigger hero than Stan Kelly? They're saving America one cartoon at a time.

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The water edits are golden

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yet it's not even a christian country, it's full of jews?

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WW2 killed off a lot of good people, many idiots were spared and they welcomed the foreign plague into their country with open arms

Finished college for free but now they have age requirement shit and if I don't get a job in 2 years I'll have trouble finding one.
I advice anyone to learn something useful like fixing cars or any craft and develop your social skills. My chad cousin failed college and later worked in a shitty store and now he's managing the same stores in my town. He has another job too with no trouble. He's very social.



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this but only if you don't chop your feminine benis

>go die for some meme forced into my head by politics
>have fun playing video games forced into my head by marketing

God's chosen people user, American christians are weird

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>Want to be a soldier. Man, that should not have his own opinion, kill people and doing what fat politics want.

Are liberals really delusional enough to really think the average chanigger is an actual nazi? If the current mainstream social climate was largely “conservative”(as it is currently described) then Yea Forums would be considered liberal. The truth is no establishment conservative would get along with an anime watching chronic masturbator, and outside of /pol/ most of Yea Forums harbors no delusions that they would.

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No i'm a history buff

They think everyone to the right of them (or politically agnostic) is a nazi. They call people who fought nazis, nazis.
You have no idea how fucking retarded reality has become

did you miss the 8 years of war for israel when obama was in charge you dumb faggot?