SGDQ - Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon

Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Thread

now: Majora's Mask
next: Majora's Mask
later: Majora's Mask
its 5 hours

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's up.
Not 5 hours long unfortunately.

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I missed BoTW fuck.

Where the FUCK has Paddy been?

mixed feelings so far

jesus christ, let it go chibi


Why is the announcer funnier than the runner?

an orange cheetoh got elected and Celeste kept from from killing myself

$5? How about a $1000 donation train, come on Anonymous!


Still waiting on a cute grill to come to my room to pound. Or some boi pucci. Smdh I thought this shit was full of degens


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this anonymous guy has a lot of money

He’s probably under a lot of stress

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Alright, gonna sleep, might wake up for Twinmold. If not, have

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it's literally his only claim to relevance besides cheating at ttyd which no one really cared about after it actually happened.

are the tomba games fun

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Because Patty is one of the funniest guys in the community

There has been no trans drama and you all STILL can't shut up about it. Talk about obsessed. They are in your head rent free.

this Anonymous guy is pretty loaded

>5 hours for zordlo
Not very optimized is it!

good question. i've been wondering this for years.

A furry is someone who has a fursona and owns a fursuit. Liking the art doesn't make you a furry.
Jesus, more.

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Why? All he has to do is read donations?

The first one is

I think the actual reason for the user $50 donos is that it’s one of the default options on the page, that’s fairly reasonable for someone with stable employment, and plenty of people watching don’t want to associate a username or don’t want to think of a comment
It’s like how most people on Twitch or browsing any website are actually lurkers

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>Liking the art doesn't make you a furry.

If it turns you on, you're a furry

When I first saw someone claim GDQ is used to launder money I thought it was some deranged conspiracy theory, but the amount of hundred dollar and thousand dollar donations with no name and no comment is really making me start to consider it.

You can't even write off the donations because of the prize incentives.

Didn't he start the "hooooipe" shit?
Don't know if that's impressive or not.

Yes, they literally donated and said "Lets beat cancer"

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what do you expect from a world where a literal white supremacist sits in the white house..

It's a 100% run so it takes significantly longer.

furry in denial

i only played the first one, but yeah

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you guys watching this run with your gf/wife?

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>Liking the art doesn't make you a furry
Fuck off furfag.

good night

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>A furry is someone who has a fursona and owns a fursuit.
No. And even if that was true, what the fuck would I call you? Animal fetishist? Anthrofucker? Regardless, you're fucking scum with shit taste.
Fucking retarded pedantic furfags

Wait… That's sexual harassment!

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No, but she's watching documentaries next to me


me on the right

My wife is asleep but she thinks it cute I enjoy watching this stuff even though she’s not super into it.

Reminder that this is done against Caveman's wishes

>he tries to gyp you

>tries to gyp you

No. But thanks for finally getting me to land on something fap to

absolutely and unequivocally BANNED

Thoughts on the run so far? I'm so fucking comfy brose

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nah but we share a room and shes snoring behind me, luckily have air conditioner and good headphones

nobody gives a fuck about asshole caveman

Is the Announcer calling out the obvious fake user donations?

No, my girlfriend is visiting her grandparents in China and she is miserable. She hates China (she grew up there) and has spent the entire time texting and talking to me, but its hard because of the time difference and the fact that all manners of communication have a lot of delay. She loves her grandparents and enjoys her time with them, but everything else sucks.

It's a really comfy one. I was worried it would be like that really terrible runner for the zelda game yesterday.

where tier list

Is this announcer, Patty, /ourguy/?

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Who dis

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Pure hearted user here, what does that mean?

>he doesn't know he's banned after this run
imagine getting off stage after 5 hours of this and some SJW scumfuck tells you you're banned because you didn't know a phrase your parents taught you was racist

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No he's too good for you, Yea Forums

>eviscerates your arguments

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I believe it's a slur against gypsies. Might be wrong though

Always was.

to rip someone off in the manner of the gypsie people


What did he say?

Gypsy. A bunch of wandering Jews that swindle and are general trash.


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It’s consider a racist term for the Roma people (gypsies) even though it’s entirely true that they’re nothing but lazy scammers that plague euros

you call those damn trannys by their actual genders or I'm gonna sit down

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whats phrase is that?

he was part of the bonesaw jak and dexter run, of course he is. He also ended up turning off one of the racers consoles in a LTTP race by stomping.

You’re only allowed to say this if you’re 30+ and have attained wizard status.

post a webm


Fuck off incel

*reaches stuff in the tops of cabinets*
heh... nothin personnel... kid

Why are you so angry though?

>trolls the announcer by donating in increments of $50 with no comment instead of one large donation

[audience cheering]

Just imagine haha

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scroll up

With the culture here I can't even tell what you mean when you say "actual genders".

Because I hate furfags

Why do americans have specific pejorative terms for every single country?

dont worry your cute little head about it

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>all of these glitches
Why not just use a romhack to give yourself 100% in a second? It's the same fucking thing. Speedrunning should be about running the game legitimately at top speeds

Its righteous fury against the universal whipping boy

You guys ended up believing in your own memes

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pretty good bait

>"get him with that clapper!"

What did he mean by this?

shut up heeb

These kind of skips and glitches all take precise skill which is why these runs are entertaining. It's still up to the player's skill to pull through and finish the game.

what's this one referring to?

What kind of argument is that? Speedrunning is a way to add replay value and challenge to a game you love. Hacking the game is valueless.

none of your business, wop

If you think Americans came up with "Gypsie" or "Gyp" you're as dumb as a brick, AND obsessed.

Holy shit Patty so very much knows that its fucking money laundering

Patty is getting banned at this rate.

literally money laundering, the announcer is trying to warn you

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I don't really want to feed into the conspiracy, but this is a LOT of $50, $100, $300 from anonymous with no comment,

I want Midna to step on me with those heels

hebrews ya fucking watussi

So if the donations don't notate anything, do they put that money to any of the incentives?


Is Yea Forums ever going to learn what money laundering is?

>513.31 Donation

That was someones entire account wasn't it?

>Speedrunning should be about running the game legitimately at top speeds
Go watch a let's play if that's what you want. Runs with no glitches are fucking boring, go watch the runs of the Mario Galaxy games and see how boring a run with no major glitches really is. Retards like you who complain about glitches in speed runs wouldn't watch the runs anyway.

Oh good, I got home just in time for the 4 hour Majora's Mask "speedrun" that they do every fucking year and is always boring as hell.

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he is so banned

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Has anonymous gone too far?

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>it's become a joke
won't be a joke when trump audits their tranny asses i've been saving this shit and compiling it to a document to send to him


Literally half the point of speedrunning is figuring out the best ways to go fast, limiting it by banning glitches makes it boring and stale as fuck.

I believe the runs you're looking for are glitchless 100%.

what did he say?

>Schizos who think this is money laundering and not just people who don't want their name attached to CringeFest Summer Edition
When you make 6 figures, you can't let people know you play video games.

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That sounds like it would be extremely painful, anonymous!

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I was thinking the same exact thing lol


What are these reactions to? the gypsy comment?

statistically probably at least a handful of people get evicted because they donate their whole account to this

>Americans didn't come up with this one slur, so the other 4552 ones don't count


Nah, she's playing FF14, but likes GDQ.

He named the Jew.


Can I get a quick rundown on Doctors Without Borders?

MGS1-4 Big Boss runs are fun

Not as far as those pants are going up her belly. Those things should come with lapels

Based announcer managed to get rid of cringe donation jokes.

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How much singing has there been this year?

I don't even know what they're whining about


For some reason the biggest Anonymous website can't conceive of why somebody would want to do something anonymously

Like why the fuck would you care to donate as xXx_0ld5k00L_G4M3R_xXx, nobody gives a shit about your made-up internet name you use to donate. You get a receipt for your donation which is all you need for tax purposes.

Furthermore if it WAS money laundering why the fuck wouldn't GDQ just make up names for their fake donations? This shit makes no sense from top to bottom.

They don't care who comes into their tents/buildings. You a Jew? Fine. HAMAS? Fine. ISIS? Fine. American? Fine.

99,999% of donations aren't read you stupid assholes. That means most pwople don't even bother to write a name or comment.

It’s a charity to help doctors without access to book stores

>people losing their homes because they can't help but fund the money laundering
Has shilling gone too far?

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Rent free

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The bottom is conveniently missing someone...

Both are great, the first is better.

Femanon here, should I speedrun? It doesn't seem like there are many fem runners.

She would just get in the way

There was a KH3 run -- so more than none.

It is supposed to be a racist term for gypsies, but "Gypping" (Ripping off) someone has just sort of entered normal speech and no one really connects it to Gypsies anymore.

>she used to be moderately attractive
Yikes. Do all Americans always fall this hard?

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I missed the last 50 or so minutes because of sniffs. Did I miss anything good?

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That mischievous smile. She's truly the greatest.

High waisted pants are the new trend women are following now apparently.

1. I see no context here
2. Look at those like ratios

No one is going to get banned for saying Jipping, bro.

SSS!!: PunchOut!! (Wii)
SSS: Big the Cat / Super Bomberman 2 / SMW (race) / Dark Souls
S/S: Split/Second
SS: Rygar / Titanfall 2 / Mort the Chicken / Glover / TRAG / Pac-Man World / Star Fox 64
S: Streets of Rage / Alien Soldier / Chasm: The Rift / RE2 / Divekick / Shrek XL / Last Action Hero / Nex Machina / Dead Rising / Remnants of Naezith / Metal Slug X / Metal Slug 3 / Chip and Dale / SMB3 / Invictus / Grand Poo World 2 / Banjo-Kazooie / MM2 / Tetris Effect
A: The Hobbit / THUG 2 / Marble Madness / Ranger-X / Half Minute Hero / Bloodstained: CotM / Super Mario Sunshine / Silent Hill 3 / Nuclear Throne / Starcraft / Jumper: Griffon's Story / TMNT 4 / Ristar / Cave Story / Minecraft / MM11 / MM3 / Zelda BotW
B: DMC / Spyro / TMNT 3 / Zombies Ate My Neighbors / Metroid / Castlevania: SotN / Metroid Prime / Skylar and Plux / Kirby Air Ride / Kirby 64 / Ape Escape / Crash Bandicoot 3 / PunchOut!! (arcade) / LoZ Randomizer / Furi / C&C / Sonic 3D Blast / Koumajou Densetsu II / Sly Cooper / Diablo 2 / HL / HL 2 / Rockman 4
C: Sonic Generations / DKC2 / LoZ: Minish Cap / Final Doom / Bwaster Master / Solomon's Key / Jackal / Contra 3 / Ninja Spirit / Castlevania / Perfect Dark / Slipstream / Pokemon Crystal / Splatterhouse / Sylvester & Tweety / Clustertruck / Dark Souls 2 / Gauntlet / Mario Kart DD / Hyper Light Drifter
D: Portal 2 / Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland / Outland / Contra / STFU / Timespinner / Castlevania: PoR / Prey / Uncharted / Monster Boy / Textorcist / Deltarune / Hylics / Laffy Taffy / Boogerman / LLB / Looney Tunes / Rhino Rumble / Aero the Acro-Bat / Octopath Travler / TAS Tetris
F: SMB2 / Ducktales 2 / We Love Katamari / Catlateral Damage / Castlevania DOS / FE Fates / KH3 / Quake / TAS MKWii
ZZZ: Borderlands 2 / LoZ: LBW / SMG 2 / TAS Celeste
Ω: Metroid Prime 2

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dont click

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As a girl? Yes, you'll make bank. Wear a low cut shirt that show off your assets for further profits. Thats how Twitch works.

yeah but you'll probably end up a guy by the time you hit the WR

why would you throw away a few thousand to some charity?

holy shit the wall is real

I wonder who could be behind this post

Wow I didn't know that attaching a screen name doxxed yourself


>donate $1000 a year to charities
>get more than $1000 a year back in tax breaks

Let's hope it stays like that.

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>you're beautiful

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Literally night and fucking day, good lord

You should speedrun regardless of your "gender."

Do it if you enjoy it.

Isn't Patty the one responsible for 90% of the Owen Wilson jokes in the Jak and Daxter run? Or is that a different Pat, because I know the Pat that did that was PCULL4444

I love to be cuddled

You'll understand when you have to pay taxes, kiddo.


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the weight gain is real

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it's a meme you dip

Lol do you live under a rock?

reacting to youtube videos pulls in more money

That was a different pat, I'm pretty sure

Wasn't that Bonesaw?

Threadly reminder that anything below S isn't worth watching because you retards grade on a curve.

All the same Patty. Hell of a guy.

Same guy. He indirectly made Bonesaw get banned for memeing too hard

Everyone loves to be cuddled! Maybe if you guys didnt hate women you'd find someone who would cuddle you.

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what made the punchout run so good

Yeah it's the same dude, just changed his name for when he shifted focus from youtube to twitch.

The only 'Slurs' that Americans invented were Mick, Wop, Zip, Nip, Gook and Chink.

It's time to get some sleep.
Enjoy the rest of Zelda run with Phil and Patty everyone, it's one of those long ones and Zelda at that but the commentary makes up for it really well.
See you for the last hours tomorrow.

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You don't get more by donating. It's basically just giving you whatever your effective tax rate is back in however much you donated. So, let's say 20% tax rate and you donated $1,000, then IF for whatever reason you didn't take the standard deduction and instead itemized, you'd get $200 back (but only if you give up the standard deduction). Very few non-upper middle class families will be in a position to take advantage of itemization and that benefit.

Would still fuck. But you know, no standards, long dry spell, etc. etc.

I don't understand why people have such a hard time empathizing with men. We have emotions.

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Why do streamers love saying “Let’s Go”?

No Bonesaw did relatively little of the joking by comparison, it was mostly Pat.

To some people, yeah. Others take it seriously though.

It's never ever safe to assume that everyone acting retarded on Yea Forums is only pretending.

i googled this twitter and it hasnt made a post since feb 2017

>wh*te w*men

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Are you actually good at any games? And not just good for a girl, like pretty damn good in general.

Was this pat the one who did the impressions and such during bonesaw's run?

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Was it the Air Canada comment that banned him, then? I really don't remember at this point.

The problem is that it's not attractive. I'm not gonna treat my bf like he's a girl.

Watch it and find out. It's less then an hour

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What is her natural hair color?

Patty is killing me, my lord...

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ive been wondering the same thing. it's really fucking annoying.

He needs to stop saying baste sirloin. He's not part of the fgc anymore.

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Bonesaw gave us the best unintentional joke though
>Bonesaw: Owen Wilson, go to sleep
>Pat: I can't go to sleep guys, my wife is snoring.
>Bonesaw: Oh god...what's wrong with HER nose?
It takes a second for it to set in, but then everyone loses it

You soulless cunt

You can treat me like I’m a girl instead

I'm going to start a petition to change the charity to the National Center for Transgender Equality.

Oh no...

I thought he got banned for bringing pot brownies to the event and someone had a bad paranoid reaction to it.

I feel you. I've fucked fatter.
t. no shame fatty fucking pain train

Motherfucker why did you do this

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I've never heard this story and that sounds like it would be jail time, not a year or two suspension.

>Hoosier daddy, Goron

I don't get it

be my girl tonight

support the Power Up With Pride speedrun marathons

what else are you going to fucking say? Yippee?

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When does the any% OOT run happen?

>What is her natural hair color?

BubblesDelFuego did that, and it was pot pills. he, too, is banned

I hope the runner gives shoutouts to cosmo.

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>anthro women

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is the run worth staying up 3 more hours for?

The amount of emotional support women get would confuse and shock most men

Not him but I don't remember if it was him or someone else, but basically they take edibles to ease like a joint problem or something that causes a lot of pain. And I guess someone else tried one and they went to the hospital because of...something.

They had spent the last hour making fun of Owen's voice which they attribute to how many times he's broken his nose (for the record it's only happened twice, but the second time in ahigh school fight permenantly made it crooked)

So you're self-absorbed and inattentive to your partner's wants and needs. Got it.

My housemate tries to do shit like that and it just annoys me

stone tower is still pure kino

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>Cringey neckbeard with anime pillow running Zelda
>Fit brown man wearing jersey with sponsors running Zelda

What happened?

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>anthro anything

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things got worse

Does anybody even actually like this game, or is it just a meme?


Bonus game 6 on the schedule, currently at 3PM est tomorrow.

>want to fap
>know I'm just going to cum in 5 minutes so it's not even worth it
What the fuck do I do to stop being a 2 pump chump?

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I prefer the second and third dungeons because Elegy of Emptiness really fucking slows shit down. Atmospheric as fuck but gameplaywise its a bit tedious.

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Why they accept these long ass runs?
It least it is not one of those long ass jRPGs runs about walking and jerking off menus.

Meme it's too old for anyone to have played growing up and nobody is playing it now it's too old

Probably was one of my favorite games when it was new.


They stole is from fgc/smash
Translates to "Yes, I did something great!"

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Have sex

It's a groundbreaking classic zoom zoom.

Oh trust me, there is no shortage of Majoras Mask fanboys. Extra cool points because you're not like the masses who like Ocarina of Time.

>doesn't take a ritalin and edge for five hours

>it's too old for anyone to have played growing up
...this game came out when I was 14

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God that run was amazing. They never should've banned him

Might as well throw something in late at night when most aren't watching.

What are yout talking about? He's like the OG zelda runner. I've seen some of his videos on youtube and they're sick. Don't know why he quit though. Am I not suppose to mention retired runners?

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I can try to teach you my meditative technique to delay your orgasm as long as you want. It takes practice and focus proportional to the intensity of the stimulation and you need to be of well enough mind to focus your chakra, but it works.

Great Bay Temple and Stone Tower are my favorites. But you raise a good point.

What do I do that's actually possible and achievable and realistic.

Bullshit my dad bought me this when it came out and I played this shit out of it

>zoom zoom.
Hypocritical, as only youngfags use this kind of phrase.

Love the Guro Master.

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So you play as the same Zelda in all those games or is always a different one?


Not liking this game is the meme.

But OoT is objectively better? This game is a gimmick

I like both though

It is the same one but in different timelines.

No you play as different Metroids

Dude his movement is insane

I'm 26 but young at heart.

>you will never be the guy on the right
sometimes It just all feels so pointless

oh boy you really dont know do you

A few things:
Edge yourself, continually do that for ridiculous amounts of time. Acquire stamina
Don't watch porn. Don't quit it forever obviously, but get off to other stuff so your stimuli is different
Submit to it and get a humiliation, premature ejaculation fetish and embrace your inadequacies
Kill yourself
Have sex

Any of those should work.

The bridge flip was real good

>>you will never be the guy on the right
I don't want to fuck animals

How much do I have to donate for the runner to show hog?

Yeah but don't tell MM fanboys that

MM had some really excellent minibosses.

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>1st temple gives you the bow
>2nd gives you fire arrows
>3rd gives you ice arrows
>4th gives you light arrows

Never noticed it before but this is kinda lame.

I've loved this game ever since it was new.

Jelq and edge, friend.

Wait the runner name dropped Narcissa? Not cool.

god I want to cum in those fat armpits so bad

That's hot.

What are you talking about. Do you even watch the videos retard? It's clearly labeled as Cosmo for the runner name and you see him in the player cam.

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Pokemon aren't animals, they're Pokemon :^)

I never played MM, but watching this, the dungeon design feels kinda like a ROM hack. Like it was fanmade, or something.

I don't want to fuck non-human creatures


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user what in tarnation are you on about.

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This glitched run isn't a good representation of the level design you'd see in a casual playthrough.

sick bomb jump

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It's not far off. It was made super fast using like 90% recycled assets. That's one reason it's such a weird game.

Pocket monster, user.

I like Caveman's side of the story better.

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This run is pretty comf

>Submit to it and get a humiliation, premature ejaculation fetish and embrace your inadequacies
Don't actually do this user. I did and it's a scary, dark rabbit whole. Worse than getting into sissy hypno and tranny shit

>go upstairs to get food
>mom catches me in my night gown
Time to kill myself. Sorry for being so pathetic

You should actually try playing the game, the dungeons are great.

Sadly I'm bailing after this dungeon, its 2AM and I'm beat.

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Why are the wizzrobes in this game just somebody's grandpa
That definitely falls under "non-human creature", dipshit

It's sick? I hope it gets better soon.

you're actually fucking retarded
just because you're too stupid to get a precise trick to get through a wall doesn't mean everyone else has to cater to your caveman ass

>not in bed under the covers on your phone with a bunch of snacks hidden under the bed as a f u to your parents tries to get you to lose weight

>3 more hours

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Go to bed dad

you are worse then pun donators

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What are you, a fag?

>not being naked to assert dominance

>3 hours left
>already 4am

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Go to bed user. The rest of us can appreciate this kino game.

based ASTposter

But they're basically humans, they just look different

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Easy. In a fap session, don't start with the porn that you know drives you crazy and makes you blow. Start with different stuff that's not the fetish you love, but stuff that is still hot and enjoyable to you. Slowly work up to the videos you know will get you off hardcore. Tease yourself with stuff that's not even porn, like sexy photos or erotica stories.

Basically as others have said, git gud at edging.

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>great rng on twin mold

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I don't want to make out with a gross ugly dog face

>they have the ability to say their name
>they can't talk otherwise
why is this. the cat even can talk for some reason showing the vocal cords exist

>watching this instead of fapping when I said I had no intention of watching this run
wtf bros

That was a nut boss fight. That archery shit is no joke.

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who /hasnt touched another human in years/ here

Only three hours left.

I decided to play YIIK and I just beat it.

It is really bad. At least now I can play some good video games.

Which of these games that I bought for the steam sale should I play next?

Attached: y2k-final.png (298x287, 114K)

Stop holding your breath.

I'm talking about seeing a bunch of reused assests. Like, shit from OOT's last dungeon I'm seeing in like, the second dungeon.

I really should play it. It's the only mainline Zelda game I haven't played.

>3d zeldas
alright mr n64 was my first console

it's been over 30 years

Honestly, this run isn't bad.

Do you live in the sea?

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God why are they so sniffable?

Attached: sniffs.webm (1280x720, 610K)

>sissy hypno
Do people actually fall for this meme.

god seeing Phil's slight belly in that tight-ass jersey is making me rock hard, I want to suck his dick NOW

Anonymous is on fire

He made it look so easy.

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Yeah some of those snipes were insane.

user how deep does your Midna cache go?

I can reset my orgasm potentially infinitely. I once saw how long I could do it with my at the time GF. She was just too sore to continue after about 45ish minutes. I unlocked the ability after intense frustration about involuntary bodily functions and a mix of soul searching and analyzing my emotions pre-orgasm.
I can also cum myself unconscious and extend my orgasm for up to a minute. I may be able to teach you.

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Aiming in this game is ass

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i wonder where the guy who voiced tingle is right now

I want to impregnate whoever the fuck this is

jesus christ how are you even alive. are you a buddha hermit

>patty and phil fully aware of something not being right with the $1k donations from anonymous with no comment

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If you ladies can't get through a 5 hour Zelda speed run, how are you going to get through Chrono Trigger 100%?

Attached: marisa correspondence.jpg (755x845, 491K)

oh fuck dont remind me. i'm just gonna treat the start of chrono trigger as the end of GDQ


Pretty deep, user! I haven't even gotten to my external HD yet! But I have to get to bed, I'm already up too late. Hope you all have fun.

Yeah its fucking crazy, I dont remember having that much trouble as a child but going back to replay it made me want to rip my hair out at times.

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probably lives in newfoundland and labrador

i thought mouth breathers were a meme

Think of the shit you could do or buy for $1000
These donations can't be real

What's even worse is that he's on the Wii version which has fucked up overly sensitive controls.

>buying WE: the game

What Chrono Trigger run? The marathon ends with LTTP + Super Metroid :^)

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Wait so this runner used to be a female? Wtf??

They aren't.

has GDQ ever gotten 2 mil before?

Attached: 1544239463896.jpg (533x867, 410K)

Not everyone is poor, user. Loads of people have one or two charities they support per year as a tax write off.

2.2mil earlier this year

Shes also in Happy Death day 2

Attached: 24-ahs-cult-708.w710.h473.jpg (710x473, 68K)

Imagine donating to a scam gdq "charity"


Multiple times.

No, he's Jewish though

Attached: D39uDhPUYAEq5AD.jpg (1568x2048, 303K)

Pleasant dreams kind user.

I'm not poor, but I'm questioning why you would donate to a scam charity instead of buying yourself something nice

god I wish I was rich enough to be jewish

They have the last 3 or 4 GDQs. I think the most they've gotten before is 2.2 mil though, which they'll easily beat this time.

I had to aim on a gc controller on the gc version when I played this for the first time
5 minutes to line up a shot

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i'm drawing porn of the prize dragon now (was at work earlier) and i forget what color his eyelids are

does anyone have a screencap of this, i know there's at least a couple expressions/emotes where you can see them

>this is an actual scene of a television show
Holy Christ, how do people watch this shit.

Night midna user.

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runs over 2 hours shouldnt be allowed

What's the point of having to collect the coins after killing the enemies? Why not just have an enemy counter?

>scam charity event
Any proof of that?

I mean she was pretty accurate about Yea Forums to be honest

>Playing on the GC version
You poor soul.

MSF is an organization of dubious moral fiber

I haven't watched 2049 yet but I see this image constantly, can someone give a quick summary of why he is flipping out like this?

>constant tight movement
>multiple glitch techs
>commentary explaining tricks
>lack of really obnoxious donations
This run is really good

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That's not proof, that's you buying into /pol/tard memes.

Ebic :D

>the writers clearly actually browse Yea Forums
My sides. This is actually a step up from that cringey show where the protag woman goes on to "Yea Forums" to ask anonymous about a photo.

This may be an unpopular opinion but I want to fuck Tamamo.

Attached: __tamamo_tamamo_no_mae_and_tamamo_no_mae_fate_grand_order_and_fate_series_drawn_by_beruko_rladustns5 (683x1060, 292K)

Maybe they would have had to write different code to handle that instead of reusing code that handles items.

The redeeming part is honestly Patty by being a legit good announcer

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Where's the proof that they're good or that the charity is legitimate?

What's really gonna get your gears going is when I tell you that isn't even the worst season of AHS

Burden of proof is on you. Prove its a scam.

She looks like a female version of the stranger things kid.

N64 games had the comfiest sound effects

He finds out he's a real boy and therefore never knew his parents.
He's really not though

super quick condensed version: He found out he's a person

I'm sorry user, you might be gay

Attached: 0312_.jpg (1280x2152, 223K)

Guess you could say he... dindu nuttin :D

This music is ALMOST as good as the Forest Temple music. Which is high praise.


who /sad in bed/ here


Imagine playing 20fps low res shitfest day in day out.

The 3DS ports are infinitely better

Is this the dark souls of LoZ games?
It has such a dark and oppressive atmosphere

I'm not sad just burned out.

You can't prove a negative (not legitimate)
You must prove the positive (legitimate)

>got hit by a really bad windstorm a few weeks ago that fucked up my house real bad
>hire some roofing dudes to come in and look around at damages, say that I'm lucky that the wall in my room didn't collapse cause of the structural damage
>hear creaking just now

Attached: 1525331671992.png (646x595, 434K)

you're not alone

Attached: .... futon girl.png (301x298, 106K)

RIP user

umm yikes sweetie
the slideshow fps is soulful

>You must prove the positive (legitimate)
Retard, you're the one claiming they're illegitimate. You can absolutely prove that scams are scams. Your problem is that you have jack shit for proof. Now piss off, this is a good run.

Except they fucked a lot of the difficulty, movement, and color pallet.

>parroting e-celebs
No thanks

I am /neutral at desk/

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Im high in bed

Attached: .png (392x397, 55K)

Fuck I get that shit recommended enough to me by Youtube. I don't need to see that shit here too.

im so lonely and horny…

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How's the MM run? Is it ZZZ-tier like I assumed? Went to go do other things when it started and now I'm in bed.

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I want young link and kafei to tag team anju!

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>Ignoring good points on the basis that they originate from an "e-celeb"


/happy in bed/!

>donates a months salary to import even more black muslim youths to europe

I hope there's a WW3 soon

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First Vanilla Coke user, now this. ;_;

No sad here, just chilling and enjoying the run.

Imagine playing as the worst form of Zora Link with everything neutered

I see. Gonna torrent it soon

I forgot that shrub catch was a thing

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Why is he inhaling like that?

This run was fun for about an hour and a half, now I just want to watch something else.

3nuts in. No way i'm hitting 8

Post pp

bros, what if majora's mask was the friends we made along the way?

>no Kafei and Anju /ss/ art
What the fuck man

I'm pretty jealous.

what made dark souls and tetris effect so high? i was sleeping during them

it's very comfy. good runner and commentary.

Attached: remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_noai_nioshi__95f040d56bfe43204fdb2cdba7ede5c3.png (719x700, 311K)

Nope, probably the best longrun we've had so far

Attached: 1534127082481.jpg (850x609, 293K)


>skull kid laugh
>skull kid laugh


>Somebody brings up some good points in video format, even if you don't agree with them all.
>Ignore it cause "lel e-celebs"

What a sad existence.

I think it's really good.
He explained why he likes the game
Explains the things he's doing and why
And gives good commentary
Also nailed some pretty crazy shit
It's comfy

The games are popular on Yea Forums and the tuns weren't long enough for people to get tired of the game.

DaS runner's commentary was great

i have never had a gf/wife

I think that user was joking. Try for 5 or 6.

no sad, just sleepy. Good night user, I hope you feel better tomorrow

Yeah its really sad to not parrot e-celebs and watch youtube video essays on video games.

I'm going for gold.

Dark souls was good commentary and skills. Very confident except after they shut him down. I missed tetris but tetris is fucking skilful and impressive to watch.

Go to bed.

I still don't understand how that floating bomb jump works

If we get GDQ to stream 365 days a year maybe the acceleration can get it to happen.

gravity is a spook

Is this the worst run of GDQ?

Nah, I got up like 12 hours ago.

>5 hour shitty zelda run

whelp, time to go enjoy some cunny

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>only half way

Attached: 1557223692271.jpg (702x873, 52K)

No this run is great

It's not even the shittiest run of this SGDQ

Why don't you have a seat right over there...

not even close, this run is solid and the ultimate sgdq pleb filter

He does a glitch where his sword hitbox is always active (infitite sword glitch/ISG) and when that glitch is active, you can't fall off ledges. When you shield damage in the air after backflipping, the game stops your backflip and makes you fall, but since you can't fall, you just stay in the air. Then repeat over and over.


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48% to the estimate.

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im shocked this thread is still alive, what killed sgdq posting

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Cocaine overdose.

dead thread


Isn't it night time?

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Superb taste.

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>or she
>or whoever

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There are only two dude


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Everyone is asleep doomposter

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He or She
2 genders confirmed


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>and with that we've reached the blue dog incentive

I think he's genuinely mad about the blue dog

stunning and brave

Nice backup strat

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Enjoyably comfortable run. It's surprisingly full of interesting tech, and I'm glad I stayed up to watch it.

Attached: fuck.png (516x350, 267K)

>some literally who
>not ennopp

Why bother?


I gave a brief summary and posted a video as a recommendation. You don't have to agree with all the points, or even the video. But to simply ignore it cause "e-celebs" and call it "parroting" just shows how much of a close minded faggot you are.

And the sad part is that its not just you, but most of this board that thinks this exact same way. You don't listen to or view multiple different opinions and think on why you like something. If somebody tries to argue something or show a video of something that makes good points, its a simple "kill yourself, faggot" and you move on, never changing or growing as a person.

Again, just a sad existence.

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wow they really have gone all out with the donation reading huh

This run doesn't need redeeming. It's great on its own.

Attached: 73414602_p0.png (1500x2400, 2.43M)

Your brief summary sucked and I'm not watching your gay video game video essay

He's the bronze boi

ennopp will literally never go to a gdq. Phil is still pretty good though.



Didn't know the N64 could handle such wide open areas.

Someone didn't see the Katamari run.

How would you know if the summary sucked if you never viewed the video?

Why not?

It wasn’t THAT bad

Because I read your summary and it sucked. Deal with it dude, now fuck off you're distracting me from the run.

"$100,000 from 'doing_my_laundry' with the message 'I love video game, please cure cancer, money goes toward Mr. Shekelsteins new yacht incentive and don't forget to save Isreal"

Attached: SGDQ.jpg (202x249, 12K)

nice jannies

He could've made the argument himself but he needs his e-celeb to 1. parrot his opinion 2.legitimize his stance
Too bad 2 means shit here

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This run has been great and I apologize for shitting on majinphil for quitting street fighter 4. I'm gonna sleep while dreaming of my favorite girls. I'll rate it prematurely as an A.

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What does this have to do with the run?

No sleep until GDQ is over.

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why are all the women in jav's so ugly? Even by jap standards they're always ugly.

I wish this one looked less like a loli

That's pretty hot.

Attached: 1560810366730.png (1280x1621, 188K)

European and has 2 kids. He also doesn't seem particularly interested in going to speedrun marathons in general, I think he's only been to ESA once or twice a long time ago, despite it usually being in his country.

I see they are working overtime tonight

They only look like a loli because they're a boy

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I dream of my favorite girl, but she lives a few hours away.

>reads Siege
>starts a 365 day marathon speedrunning event
>raises several billion for charity
>charity uses money to import half a billion muslims into Europe
>Americans and Europeans go nuts
>Some lonely 30 year old rises up and becomes the next Hitler
speedrunning is awesome!

Attached: 001245y6346.png (500x603, 285K)

kino. He's /ourguy/