Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Thread
NEXT: Majora's Mask
LATER: Bomberman 64: Second Attack
Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Thread
NEXT: Majora's Mask
LATER: Bomberman 64: Second Attack
the fuck's wrong with you
I hate all of you
lol wha r u, gay?? xDD
SSS!!: PunchOut!! (Wii)
SSS: Big the Cat / Super Bomberman 2 / SMW (race) / Dark Souls
S/S: Split/Second
SS: Rygar / Titanfall 2 / Mort the Chicken / Glover / TRAG / Pac-Man World / Star Fox 64
S: Streets of Rage / Alien Soldier / Chasm: The Rift / RE2 / Divekick / Shrek XL / Last Action Hero / Nex Machina / Dead Rising / Remnants of Naezith / Metal Slug X / Metal Slug 3 / Chip and Dale / SMB3 / Invictus / Grand Poo World 2 / Banjo-Kazooie / MM2 / Tetris Effect
A: The Hobbit / THUG 2 / Marble Madness / Ranger-X / Half Minute Hero / Bloodstained: CotM / Super Mario Sunshine / Silent Hill 3 / Nuclear Throne / Starcraft / Jumper: Griffon's Story / TMNT 4 / Ristar / Cave Story / Minecraft / MM11 / MM3 / Zelda BotW
B: DMC / Spyro / TMNT 3 / Zombies Ate My Neighbors / Metroid / Castlevania: SotN / Metroid Prime / Skylar and Plux / Kirby Air Ride / Kirby 64 / Ape Escape / Crash Bandicoot 3 / PunchOut!! (arcade) / LoZ Randomizer / Furi / C&C / Sonic 3D Blast / Koumajou Densetsu II / Sly Cooper / Diablo 2 / HL / HL 2 / Rockman 4
C: Sonic Generations / DKC2 / LoZ: Minish Cap / Final Doom / Bwaster Master / Solomon's Key / Jackal / Contra 3 / Ninja Spirit / Castlevania / Perfect Dark / Slipstream / Pokemon Crystal / Splatterhouse / Sylvester & Tweety / Clustertruck / Dark Souls 2 / Gauntlet / Mario Kart DD / Hyper Light Drifter
D: Portal 2 / Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland / Outland / Contra / STFU / Timespinner / Castlevania: PoR / Prey / Uncharted / Monster Boy / Textorcist / Deltarune / Hylics / Laffy Taffy / Boogerman / LLB / Looney Tunes / Rhino Rumble / Aero the Acro-Bat / Octopath Travler / TAS Tetris
F: SMB2 / Ducktales 2 / We Love Katamari / Catlateral Damage / Castlevania DOS / FE Fates / KH3 / Quake / TAS MKWii
ZZZ: Borderlands 2 / LoZ: LBW / SMG 2 / TAS Celeste
Ω: Metroid Prime 2
>i even got a tattoo of the mask
>have always been an Asuka guy
>over 20 years now in fact
>for some reason was making characters with blue hair and red eyes
>few days ago realize I was making characters similar to a tanned Rei without even thinking
What the fuck is happening to me.
When's Touhou?
Kill yourself.
>purposely losing time for 50 dollars
GDQ is such a sellout event.
This run has so much potential
Who else /napping/?
I love this game.
Threadly reminder that anything below S isn't worth watching because you retards grade on a curve.
who /zelda gang/ awake right now?
where's touhou?
Do you sleep?
Well, this run is shit.
Thanks. Have a sniff.
Why was it banned? Too anime for the normie viewers
It's early afternoon for me.
who /popes/ here
>this is a gainer
Didn't realize BigJon was in this game
>Donation reader telling the runners to shut the fuck up
Did I miss something? Is there beef between the two?
Why do they call it super meat boy forever?
What's with all the Tsukihime posters?
sniff my cock faggot
Speedrunning is a lot like computer hacking in 1998 fictional media. It can be really fuckin' cool.
This announcer's voice is giving me a boner.
Just banter
This run is great so far. Good couch and good runner.
Who else comfy and trans here?
Am gonna eat cake
That's just how Patty is
>majora commentator and couch all decent looking, intelligent, and socially well adjusted
Not really a surprise. MM really is the best zelda game.
Isnt this the same patty from the bestest run ever with bonesaw?
Can he take this run to the bank?
I missed most of this entire week. Anything interesting or memeworthy happen?
you don't know duke nukem? start there kiddo
Patty is a gem. Go back and watch Andy's LTTP run from what, a year ago? He's on the couch with some bros and he's being an asshole the entire time.
If your name is Morrigan, sure.
is that a vibro?
Can't spell banter without BAN
Yes. This has been a good GDQ.
You'll know my name when I'm finished with you
This image pains me in ways you don't know
Quick, someone post that MSF pasta before the avatarfag
FUCK jannies, FUCK charities and FUCK hyrule field
Post MM related art, I need more.
Why doesn't carci just fucking play RE again if he is so afraid his channel is dying? He gets paranoid about bawks becoming the new RE guy when carci stopped playing RE, what does he expect?
Honestly I'd put that line at A. B if you like that specific game.
Phil putting the announcer in his place kek
what? how the fuck is this picture even real?
I always see people talking about "the bonesaw run" but have no idea which one it is or why it's so beloved.
>Got cookies and milk while comfy in bed
Let's do this.
Because there's one, and I'm bored and strapped in for comfy
Enjoying the speed run goyim? Don't forget to donate your shekels to "charity"!
This has been the best one in the past few years.
Why is majora's mask so fucking weird and dark? None of the other zelda games are anything like it.
Because he's a little bitch that thinks his nodamage runs are good content and think he doesn't have the personality of a 2x4.
It scares the trannies away.
>eating on the bed
Scum of the earth
>Andy's LTTP run from what, a year ago?
Who needs the LttP speedrun, he was one of the main guys on Bonesaw's Jak and Daxter
It's the run where he speedran 'Air Canada and the Search for the Missing Keys'
Got some Tyson tendies in the oven, and I'm off till Monday, let's do this
He has said several times in his channel that he didn't want to be known as the RE guy anymore, so I have no idea what is his plan for his stream now, other than his no damage runs. The last one he did for Alien Isolation was pretty good, but overall his stuff has been uninteresting so far.
Hopefully this will lead to an industry collapse resulting in an eventual phoenix-like return to the golden age of gaming.
I realize I'm not being realistic.
Jax n daxster. Banned for the run. Couch and running all making jokes, great donos. Even the crew knew he'd be banned, but they had fun with it, drew things for em on a hite board, came out n group hugged em, exc. Even the crowd joined in in a non-obnoxious way.
The one that got Bonesaw banned?
I miss him
>reddit? never heard of it...sounds pretty gay
i do this still desu
patty dunking on this zelda nerd
What happened to all of them? They basically took over the event for a couple years then like 90% of them disappeared.
go on
Apparently it had a short development period which led to a lot of late, sleepless nights where they came up with all these crazy ideas.
Go back.
Watch it. It's great.
The core structure came from the need to make the game in a year. The alternate dimension thing justified asset reuse.
Why are my nipples hard?
Why does it seem like Patty only shows up the last couple of days?
Guy looks like he's off to an Overwatch tournament after this is done and this Patty guy dunking on him with anonymous donations
I thought coneheads was just a movie.
dilation break
fuck off faggot
They committed suicide like most trannies
If only he could get away with not talking like zoast does
what the fuck happened to him?
That's fucking cool actually. Sucks to pull 100+ hour work weeks but at least something good came out of it.
good man, owning up to his mistakes and moving past them
>removed the grotto for NA version
but why
Damn, he got chunky
that's hot
Oh no
>30 minutes
all of these areas exist on the same map and next to each other
>Banned for the run.
it's not officially known what about the run caused him to be banned -- most likely thing is that he kept making edgy jokes after staff asked him to stop, or because gdq staff took the air canada thing way too seriously, or both. he was certainly not "banned for having fun" like everyone suggests; there was most likely a line he knowingly crossed and kept crossing.
>didn't get to play MM in my time
>get a 3ds and a copy of MM remake not that long ago
>after I get it, learn that it has serious flows and is considered worse
it's like I always say: fuck
>Missing BotW Mach 1
Okay retard
>nut hover
>5 years later
oh god
oh god oh no
No second monitor but debating on pulling out laptop to watch the run as I play some Slipstream
Why did he get banned for it?
I need more cute Link pics
or milking them for all they're worth with a youtube video
blonde one looks so close to being a swedish flower maid you marry in some mountain valley
unfortunately, the face is of a man's
This one? 2016 seems too recent
>nut hover
That run was really a B fuck off.
It's really really really not that big a deal at all and you should play it anyway. Don't overthink it
>mispronouncing michu that bad
nothing aside from these comfy threads
defend this
Reminder Chibi is more "normal" than Caveman now
Missed Quake, why was it bad?
Oh no he cross’d dah line how will they ever survive? The rules of GDQ are tranny tard fuel mixed with inhaling the fumes of their own holier than thou are charity shit shows.
Wait, is he going on another twitter rant? That dude has a 1000+ subs on twitch, he shouldn't be crying like a lil bitch.
Proto left or was pushed out and the rest went with him. There are still trans people at GDQ but they're not nearly as obnoxious and don't have positions on staff.
Yeah that's it.
>5 hours
I don't get why he bitches so much about bawks then I guess. Caleb briefly brought it up the other day before he left for gdq that he was breaking down over that bullshit again.
The difference is that zoast doesn't act like a faggot
sure I'll get to it someday, but after I learned it, it sank pretty damn deep into my already sizeable backlog
What happened to Cosmo? Does he still speedrun any zelda games?
>this picture only exists on Yea Forums based on reverse image search
poor lad
Didn't they get pissed at the whole "Femme Fetales" thing being used as a freakshow containment zone?
He made an air canada joke, telling people to blame canada for his jetlag jokingly. GDQ freaked out, tweeted an appogy. Also made alot of great owen wilson jokes, gdq freaked out even more and banned him from saying his name.
Literally only brought in during the Rein of Proto for diversity reasons.
How so?
there's an LTTP/Metroid randomizer tomorrow, he'll probably commentate that too.
>What happened to Cosmo?
dead in a ditch
he is onsite filming his documentary
how did you misstype a with a fucking o?
Fuck no, he’s bonkers as fuck and just braps & drinks onions on whatever service still allows him to live ebeg.
Damn, was it really that serious?
SHE still speedruns games yes
fuck off chibi
5hrs of """""speedrun""""
Fuck that post more Asian qts.
I actually wonder if Caleb is doing well, the guy is being persecuted by who knows how many mentally ill retards trying to sabotage him over the smallest shit. As much as he wants to hang around with friends, GDQ is simply a death sentence for a lot of streamers.
the commentary was mind-numbingly boring
Friendly reminder that Goht is the best Zelda boss.
this is bait but w/e
It's the ENTIRE game in a much shorter amount of time. There's also usually tech that's not utilized in any%, and they're usually more challenging runs since there's more to do (including optional hard content)
100% runs are the marathons to any% sprints
im so excited for that shitshow documentary
either it'll clearly display how that faggot influenced how he'd be displayed in the movie or it'll display how batshit insane he is
either way it's gonna be entertaining
didnt he relapse and just become a guy again?
It's 8 am and I last woke up at 1 pm, that's how.
banned for nudity and self harm
How did proto fall out of favor? I know they went more nuts in the last 6-8 months but they were at the winter event iirc.
damn how fucking new are you
Nope. Ut was 3am, he was sleep derpived, and the jokes were all on point as the insanity kicked in. Just shows how no fun gdq can get. The vids one of the most watched, they even hid it from searches for the longest time.
Can someone make the runner stop heavy breathing on the mic?
The porn I'm watching is giving me a boner
The multiple headmates thing was probably too much for anyone to handle
I liked that jump
Holy fuck, this is Cosmo? What the hell happened?
Proto was at AGDQ 19 but iirc was not on staff at that time
>people getting banned for using majin's emotes
This guy is way too professional for a 5 hour run in the middle of the night
>lives in a spacious and roomy house while I'm here in a one room apartment
They were at the winter event and they spent the whole time whining about it.
Actual women were who were truly pissed at Frame Fatales for being both a sexist way to "push them out of GDQ" and for being littered with transexuals. Trannies like Claris just use it as a way to yell I'M A GIRL.
I can kind of understand not wanting someone to tell your viewer to tweet at someone. GDQ even apologised and air canada didn't know what the fuck they were talking about.
>How did proto fall out of favor?
really if he didn't ban himself nobody would have ever kicked him out
jeez louise get some sleep
I don't know why this run is middle of the night but 3 hour pokeshit is midday
calebs post gdq stream will be interesting, I bet he stops going for awhile if not forever. I thought he was moving to dallas with his brother soonish, wonder if that fell through, but if he does, he will have a lot more to do than he does now in bumfucksville.
i would literally pay anything to have comfy cosmo wind waker streams back
Already lost it, it's there in the B rank
why the fuck did he choose what's basically a stripper name
John Numbers happened.
>there are more runs above C than below C
>there are three ranks above A
>people are still going to pretend that GDQ is shit now when its literally better than ever
cosmo and siglemic days... they were good times.
literally too sleepy to go to bed
sounds like a fucking evil witch's name from a disney film
He even said to not do it. O'dog also didn't care. Naruto and pikachu's hunt for the car keys was the best.
He's really nervous, I watch him a good amount and he's never like that. This run has some really stressful tricks though so its understandable.
Anything below B is trash.
he never stopped being a guy
People miss the old vibe and atmosphere more than the runs.
because he's out of his fucking mind. look at the guy. he's mental hospital tier.
Pokemon made a shitload of money so they probably made the right call.
If this run were in the day you'd still have people crying about a long run anyways.
Harry Potter name, that’s it.
>a budding tranny and diaperlord were good times
if you like mental illness
>>lives in a spacious and roomy house
dude what? going by how tiny that kitchen is that looks like a small apartment
>Character dies because of an invisble goron pushing him off with wind
Why did he do it?
Before those things user. Before the first gdq.
the ratings are inflated because zoomers give high ratings to shitty runs with tons of fuckups just because it's a zoomer game they like. see BOTW
Pokemon has donation incentives. Donation incentives are a HUGE consideration for which runs happen on the last day.
That's hilarious because often whenever the runners are having fun its CRINGE, OMG THIS IS SO CRINGE in the threads.
they have meds for that friend look into it
In all honesty can any normal adult here explain what the fuck is wrong with Cosmo? How do you explain that to someone? I don't understand what his problem is.
Oh look it's the based Midna poster
I only read a few screenshots in the last thread, what happened to him?
yeah but do pokemongoloids even care about let's go
>its literally better than ever
Unless there was a tranny on camera at some point for even a few seconds, then the run is ruined because trannies can't stop infecting GDQ.
>choose your own name
>the name you choose means "narcissist"
High comedy.
Oh look its the based user!
I was talking about Crystal. I personally can't stand LGPE but I'm sure it will be a draw for a lot of people wanting to throw money at the screen.
They're self consciously mocking the fake donations, no?
at least they paid to do his hair
Why didn't he just go with Wanda
What said, hes a super chill guy who helps degens like me get to sleep. I think part of it is that he's not used to the mic being on the headset.
Before their descent into madness. Cosmo's streams were really good and he honestly loved to route games other than OoT and WW, such as Castlevania 64 or Banjo Kazooie. Siglemic just retired from Mario 64 and fell into irrelevancy after cheese and puncayshun became popular.
It's a good speedrun even if the game is pretty casual. GDQ is also targeting casuals too desu, they're more lucrative than us
>his domicile has more than one room
Look at this millionaire over here
Fucking patty man
Last time i checked they were far from that Celeste incentive. Did they get "anonymous" donations for the remaining cash? And why was it so boring?
This is the normal time he streams so he is used to it.
decided to go to GDQ because fuck it, and then the community slampig decides to accuse him of grabbing peoples asses, tried to get a twitter mob behind her and then deleted her post.
bout to go make some non skippable cutscenes with my body pillow
Those ranks weren't added because those runs were really good, the idiot that makes the tier list just started with all those tiers even before there were any runs. In reality Nothing below S is worth watching.
bigger and roomier than mine
>out of his fucking mind
even the normies got tired of his godawful interviews and complete lack of personality. Combined with the headmates bullshit and I suppose it was just easier to quietly phase him out
>Not worth watching
Nice to see you during this comfy run
this game looks boring to play
He eats toblerone every time he PBs. It's an inside joke.
That's horseshit, the MM block was all great and that has runs ranked even in B tier.
A has some good runs
mom, what's wrong with cosmo? why is he like that? :(
why was Katamari moved up? That run was fucking horrible, arguably worse than Metroid Prime 2 because at least MP2 had commentary.
Instead of doing crazy game breaking stuff that tas allows, they just went for a boring looking, "optimized" run
my doctor says I don't need sleep aid despite me hinting at it
100s of $1000 anonymous donations. It was just a youtube video with shitty commentary. Nothing cool happened and the game itself is honestly shit and over hyper by a specific community.
For sure the old cosmo streams were solid, but I always disliked siglmeic, he always came off as a fucking mentally ill freak, but he was good at SM64 I'll give him that.
>300k for oot
ok this is some next level jewery
they always choose exotic and overly feminine names in a desperate attempt to compensate
It's not unless you're an absolute sucker for anything BotW related.
Meh, i thought as much
Also every time he was on screen made chat hell to moderate even with sub mode, so I bet the moderation team wasn't happy.
Majora's Mask is one of my favorite games. Although I doubt I will be able to stay up for the whole thing, I am excited to watch at least part of it now.
>the game itself is honestly shit and over hyper by a specific community.
Imagine unironically believing a game is only popular because trannies/Jews/SJWs/etc.
It hasn't been touched, been F the whole time.
Because porn is their reference point for what a woman is.
Yea Forums's hate boner for Celeste was immortalized when they all lusted after the tranny composer at The Game Awards before they realized she was a tranny.
Moistgoulash is a notorious neo-nazi that trolls twitch communities. Just mentioning him is bannable at these things
It's like an autism guide; one more experienced autist telling younger, inexperienced autists how to handle themselves in social situations and not embarrass themselves. It's kind of endearing desu.
>I'm a real woman, take me seriously!
>changes his name to something like a batman cartoon villain
erry time
I didn't mention anything. It's just a really bland game and the people who play it also seem to know the devs personally.
Did someone say based sirlin?
This and Wind Waker are my fav games
Why is the goron elders son called baby zfg?
Just robbed a bank, giving a 50% cut for GDQ for the OoT run. Zelda hype!
- anonymous
>good man, owning up to his mistakes and moving past them
He's literally using it for attention whoring at the expense of Caveman who hates it being brought up.
no one did. please leave.
Who do I listen to?
fr, its truly the coziest and most artistically impressive zelda
>Get fucking baked
>Eat cheese-its
>Watch MM run for 5 hours
Feels fucking good man
>How many kids will he shoot today
this is a comfy run, good commentary
because there's literally nothing in it
i mean he's dancing where there should be a TV or couch or something. that would eat up half the frame
These people are a fashion disaster
"Goronguy started calling him that and it stuck" According to Zfg
I just bought 2gs of wax for 65 american, feels not too bad man
btw, guy on the right does audio for GDQ
how much for her to poof through my teeth? you know what i mean...
Whatever your heart tells you.
>out of adderall
>docs want me to get a re-evaluation after 16 years
>running out of skittles
>fucking nincel shit for 5 hours
This sucks ass
everyone in that picture has a penis
Celeste is a relatively fun platformer. I dont understand why people are hating on it just because of who the devs are. Shouldn't we be able to judge the game by its own merits?
not him but caveman has gone full retard, did you not see his run?
find a new psychiatrist and tell them you are constantly overthinking
Yup, its one of the reasons I'm excited for BOTW2. Hopefully we'll see history repeat itself with them being able to focus on craffting a unique experience now that the heavy lifting has been done.
WW is really lovely, I'd like to play the HD version sometime but the original is still wonderful.
>just had a godly run of The Wheel in Hand of Fate 2, acing multiple gambits and getting a Brimstone token + 3 others
Getting the blessing that doubles any gain card for a floor + Bounty Hunter's Helmet, and then I beat the Black Knight Brimstone card and got SIX fucking gain cards... and all this with the comfy as hell MM run in the back. This is the good life.
This run is blessed, it's so great.
Better be white cheddar cheez-its
No, it's subversive anti-white media. Stop promoting it.
Thanks 4 boobi user
>used up the last bit of oil in my cart today
>have to wait two weeks for paycheck so I can get another
Feels bad man
more specifically, his interview before the run. He thinks he is gigachad, i felt really bad for him.
>thought about smoking but I was already two beers in
Have fun user!
I've grown to hate the celeste speedrunning community, they are some of the biggest faggots you'll ever find.
70% concentrate here. I take a deep puff every two hours or so, I've been coasting along super comfy all night.
Gameplay it's nothing special and does nothing that hasn't been done by thousands of indie platformers before it.
How is it in any way anti-white? Have you actually played it?
Why yes, I do like long completion runs that showcases the whole game and unique glitches, how could you tell?
>celeste is relatively fun
No, Celeste changes lives. I had depression and Celeste made me feel that life is worth living.
Explain how its anti-white
Name seven of them
>have to get it perfect on the jap version
what a fuck
Does this game seriously want you to count to 10 seconds frame-perfectly?
This is quite awkward to look at
I like this one. Finding a good one is hard
>it's nothing special and does nothing that hasn't been done by thousands
that describes 99% of games in existence, no one claims Celeste is innovative.
whose fucking idea was this
fuck you nintendo
Big Cheezit master race reporting in
with Spicy a close second
It not being original and being bad are two different arguments, user.
This is why having any rating above
S is fucking stupid.
I don't trust everything in these fucking tier lists anyway, Yea Forums often outs garbage in the top because something stupid happened like something super cringy happened. I liked it more when we just rated it out of 10.
You were meant to use a specific mask to see the timer
Yeah, the original is wonderful so you're not missing too much. I'd love switch ports of the HD releases so I could play them on the go!
imagine calling yourself a speedrunning and failing an extremely simple timer game 20 times
You can wear the bunny hood and the timer won't disappear
Not only perfectly, because of the fucked up framerate, you can fail it even if you are perfect Any time he gets 9.99 or 10.01 he technically did it right but the game fucked him.
None of that is anti-white subversion you retard. You niggers are a cliche at this point.
>using the Z target as a clock
why didn't I think in trying this before?
9.99 or 10.01 means "correct frame but fuck you" because input is not polled at a high enough rate.
what happened to this poster?
That was ROUGH
because its easier on us version and casually you would be using the bunny hood
There's absolutely nothing about abortion, and while the rest might be pretentious, there's nothing anti-white about any of that. You're grasping at straws
You wouldn't be saying this if you weren't brainwashed by shitposters on Yea Forums when it came out. None of that is anti-white either.
>I dont understand why people are hating on it just because of who the devs are.
The gameplay is solid but the character art already tells me everything I need to know
I can respect that.
Can he just use a real stopwatch? People have used laptops and shit to help with runs.
what if I told you that Celese is onions and onions is anti-white
it's actually the complete opposite
the game runs at 20fps but polls input at 60fps so it means you were off
Yes and 99% of games don't get talked about but for some reason Celeste does. If it's nothing special then why like it so much? This is what people mean when they say it gets pushed obnoxiously by a specific group, not trannies but shitty fanboys.
From left to right:
>Thinks she has a "sexy librarian" look, really just looks like book Hermione
>Most listened band is Arcade Fire
>President of her high school drama club
>Is seriously reconsidering his life choices
>The cope beard says it all
>"Dad, can I borrow your suit?"
>Couldn't get a goth gf, so became the goth gf
>Has joycons in his pockets at this very moment
What if I told you that you were retarded?
I could get that timer thing easy. This guy is terrible
yeah my bad I had it backwards
beyond fucking stupid game
It's still frame-perfect though
>oh sweet a majoras mask run that will be fun!
> 5 hours
Jesus Christ who approved this
I'm just shitposting. Celeste is a great game, although it's really obnoxious how it got endlessly jerked off by game journalists for its paper thin story
Imagine being this uneducated on a subject you're talking about.
use soi or sΩy
When is you run? And then your IRL any%?
imagine actually arguing with others about a game you've never played
You can dislike the art for a game, and I understand you not playing through it for that reason, but that doesn't mean it's bad, technically
Fucjjdn fuck it man it's starting
t. retard
Okay, just six more user
You'll notice the types of people that push Celeste seem to correlate with the kinds of people that say things like "yikes" or "wow just wow" or "woah, that's racist" on a daily basis
Because you probably played the english version where its piss easy.
>5+ hour "speedrun"
i'd go down on her
Last AGDQ there was a seven hour Final Fantasy Classic run.
>/vpol/ still trying to push the abortion meme
Perhaps the reason you see those kinds of comments so often is because you have shitty opinions.
>but the character art already tells me everything I need to know
fuck fedora's mask fags. oot is still the best.
>whoever you may be
>SGDQ 2050
>an anonymous 50 thousand dollar donation, no comment
we're already an hour in and it didn't even seem like it, at least this runner has some charisma
Edging feminine penis to Majora's Mask comfy run was a good idea.
>anonymous donates $1500 with no comment
ripping babies apart with knives is a woman's right. period.
That has nothing to do with the game itself, though. You can play Celeste and not be anything like those people. You can even like it
Nobody said it was bad retard. I was explaining why people don't like it on here and that's precisely because it gets a ton of unwarranted praise outside of this website.
Just give up and accept the superior Misato
he's raping that zora
>Yea Forums suddenly cares about women's rights
the fact that i have barely visible ribs makes more proud about loving girl ribs
>anonymous donation
>why is Celeste bad?
>because white genocide and because game journalists rate it highly!
I wouldn't even know about Celeste if it wasnt for you dumb fucks whining about it constantly.
this but in chinese
Should I watch Evangelion on Netflix if I've never seen it before? Did they change the soundtrack or anything?
Its ok to be wrong.
Thing is he was also complaining a bunch about how GDQ didn't do enough to make him and his brood feel "safe". So I think he just kept pushing them for more and more bullshit until eventually GDQ just decided to stop. Not in an aggressive way of course since there'd be mountains of Kotaku and Salon articles about it by now, but probably just stuff like not immediately accepting every tranny run, allowing caleb to run, that sort of thing. Ironically all the bullshit he said shitting on GDQ about how they weren't inclusive enough just scared most of the trannies away, so he ultimately contributed in making GDQ less of a "safe space".
Special shoutouts to Ennopp
why does that look like an egg rotor?
Download fansubs
>tumblr flat shaded style
>protag is a featureless girl
>another character is a black hipster
>another character is a fat blob
these together look like a red flag to me
Is it subbed? I heard the dub changes some shit for the worse, and they removed the ending credits song. I'd just rev up a torrent.
>Presidential candidate
>Stage presence of dried paint
based ennopp playing the piano
Celeste is downright charming and bigots can't handle it. Nothing new under the sun.
It's a woman's right to choose and racists are shook.
>no feet piano
its just not the same
Okay, fine. My mistake, but it getting a bunch of praise isn't a reason to dislike it either. I'm just saying that most of Yea Forums is biased against it for the wrong reasons. Which isn't fair to Celeste as a game.
Changed the translation quite a bit and the credits song from "Fly Me to the Moon" to something else cause netflix is cheap.
What anime is this?
>Hotaru will never demand you cum on her lollipop so she can "test the flavor"
that's my wife
Madeline is a cute! A cute!
>"I'm so fucked up"
>"I'm the lowest of the low"
For EoE.
who plays the piano
what's wrong with anonymous donations?
The subs were changed as well if you were wondering, you are better off downloading the Japanese release with fansubs.
Racists are shook that women are getting abortions and Celeste is charming.
Maybe I'm just being a gameplay purist, but that kind of stuff doesn't bother me too much. Even if it does, if the game is good/fun enough, I can easily ignore it
>it getting a bunch of praise isn't a reason to dislike it either
Yes it is. Things being over-hyped deserve to be beaten back down to where they belong. It's a mediocre game with an obnoxious fanbase.
he's the irl version of
>tfw too intelligent
I just want my fucking yangbucks
Nice keep it up user
I mean, if you've never seen it then netflix is fine since the changes aren't that dramatic, the ADV dub is better though.
To play devil's advocate, "I'm so fucked up" would be taking quite a creative liberty with localization.
there's nothing about abortion in the game and I say this as someone who hates the game
who erp here
Celeste has nothing to do with abortions. Where the fuck did this idea come from?
I bet her pubes are like grape flavored cotton candy
but it saved a basedboy from committing suicide so it's a masterpiece
Ruin Explorers
>Majora's kino
>based Patty on mic
>no retarded memes from the audience
Is this, dare I say it, top comfy?
I dunno it just looks kinda boring
Too bad she has a pig nose
0/10 wouldn't bang, ect ect.
the entire series is non-stop fetish fuel, they snuck shit like that in all the time
don't talk about fight club
/pol/ meme
Isn't the latter more accurate? I thought that you guys hated it when dubs change the dialog?
There was a very dedicated campaign to nake sure the game's impossible to discuss on this board, so people came up with a lot of dumb shit that was parroted nonstop even when proven wrong.
Gotta have Fly Me To The Moon
this is way too technical
Only sometimes.
Thoughts one hour in?
It is. Just goes to show Majora fans are easily the most intelligent and charismatic fans of the series.
While I agree it is overhyped, why does a fanbase effect your opinion on the game itself? My argument is just that you should be able to have differing opinions on the game and the fanbase. I dislike the fanbase as well but the game is pretty good. Nothing exceptional like it's claimed to be, but I enjoyed it. If you tried it and didn't, then that's a different story.
Is it just an edited version or did they rerecord the dub?
FLCL called, newfag. Good localizations can exist, no reason to make shit worse.
I hate dubs because they're fucking shit. The translation is a different matter.
You're way too fucking cool. What are you going to say now you cool fucking faggot?
a compliment from a furfag is an insult
majin's voice is cracking because he's forgetting to hydrate and drink water while constantly talking
man's gonna be a sore lil bitch in another hour or two if this keeps up
none of you are talking about the run
let's get some beaver hype
There's lots of good dubs, the heck
but im not gonna be able to stay up for the whole thing
why are the comfy runs at 3am
Usually the announcer finds a way to rile up the crowd to be tards, is Patty usually this good?
Very comf.
That's not objective though
if you think thats what I'm saying you might want to go take a look in the mirror and check yourself.
they made the game to support the marginalized, including women in general. if you don't understand that i dont know what to tell you
The announcers actually making the run somewhat tolerable..
I'm watching it while playing video games.
its boring
Announcer sounds like the runner fucked his gf or something, little bitch
Cowboy Bebop is
It is good and comfy, thanks for reading my blog.
I'm not a furry though I just like tits
Because if it wasn't from the coordinated shilling by games journalist and duped normies in tandem I wouldn't have even bothered playing this game. It wasn't worth the time or money I spent on it and I have every right to deter other people who might also be tricked into wasting their time and money on this completely uninteresting game.
Patty is always entertaining, but he's better when he's on the couch
What the fuck are you talking about? I never mentioned objectivity.
How does it "support the marginalized"? give me one example
it's the fucking beaver race, the deadest part of MM.
It's a good run! I love Phil and all he does for the community.
Because you hear about things from fans. It's like Pavlov's Dog. The human brain is associative so it's normal to associate things like this. You seem like you enjoy indie platformers "with a twist" which is probably why you thought it was good and not generic trash that isn't worth bothering with.
no comment
wholesome af
flipped to max an hour ago
holy milk truck
they are always worse than subs
>$1000 anonymous donation
daily reminder yang will give you an anonymous $1000 donation every month if you vote for him
What do you mean? Nothing happened to me, been enjoying some runs here and there, overall it just has been pretty boring, especially first three days.
>ten million random 1000$ donations from "anonymous"
This is just a money laundering scheme, isn't it?
There, proved you wrong
There's no guarantee
You can guarantee that a translation is accurate
You can guarantee that a translation has liberties
You can't guarantee that a translation is "good"
You do have that right. But that has nothing to do with the fanbase is all I'm saying. Whether they are part of the press or not, they have the right to try to get people to play it as well. That doesn't make the game worse.
I want him to sit on my face
I'm barely even watching
the thread is comfy though
You god dam shitposter
it's a powerful story of liberation for a young woman ... its not that complicated dude. if its not your cup of tea thats fine but for lots of people it helped change their lives and give them the empowerment they need to make it in the kind of world where hate and oppression reign supreme. if you don't like it, don't play it.
first sgdq?
>yes I'll take the fastest way to turn a country into Venezuela for $1000 Alex
>You can't guarantee that a translation is "good"
Yes you can you retard. Things like grammatical errors, for example.
I love women girls
look shes is a ral girl big eyees hpy smile ecite to seee you jehing wih the farm mulking cowns oh you are a hme kis me
yes i love you
kiss kisss
love we are marries and dies
>'I'm not a furry', says the person posting sexual images of anthropomorphic animals
A furfag is someone who cranks off to furry porn. You're a furfag.
I'm the one in the thread defending Celeste. It just doesn't really have this super leftist marginalized agenda that most of Yea Forums claims it does
This run is comfy
Nice, hope I can see him on a couch before the end then.
So what's the problem? Does the eva translation have grammatical errors?
It doesn't Yea Forums is just fucking autistic
>alright great, we got a 78 septillion dollar donation from anonymous with no comment
>Beat Cancer
These people who donate literally don't even know what they're donating for.
is second from right a guy or girl?
is this the superman 64 run?
Has there been any cringe or tranny drama yet?
in a world where an orange cheetoh is president, Celeste changes lives
Yea Forums is sacred of anything that "threatens" their safe space, even when the claims have no credibility.
Fuck you're dumb
their money laundering bot broke
The German does, dumbass
>safe space
This isn't Tumblr, liberal
i don't think we've seen even one.
Maybe theres some kind of correlation between that, the over average quality of the runs and the overall popularity of the entire event this year....
>orange cheetoh
as opposed to a blue cheetoh?
Even the Japanese viewers know this. One even said, "snack time" because they knew it was a good chance to get something to eat.
wait did someone donate thinking they were fighting cancer? That's gold.
"not really" having it isn't the same as not having it
Its weird, every time I've check in all the streams and the people sitting on the couches had a slight chad aura about em
havent seen any umas
Are you girl user? Do you thrive of gossip and drama?
Uh, okay. There was no prior mention of german in this conversation, so I'm very confused.
You haven't been looking hard enough then.
Actually went to listen to it and it's fucking terrible. How can you think people paid fucking nothing will be better than someone paid real money for a real job?
2, I'm not sure I cam make 8 bros
Have you never watched NGE? You must be retarded, you fucking nonce. Asuka exists.
Again you've tried to twist this argument into one about the quality of the game. We're talking about why the game is so hated on Yea Forums. I've given you the reasons, they're valid reasons, and if you can't handle that then fuck off back to whatever hugbox you crawled out of.
>Have you never watched NGE?
No. The premise doesn't interest me and what I've heard of it has utterly repulsed me from it.
he doesn't even know he's banned
Then shut the fuck up retard, there is a character who frequently speaks in German. You must have zero life if you just kill time by making arguments to insert yourself into.
how do the japs get away with it
I wish I was Satanichia
>Ruin Explorers
based and anime pilled
Good night Yea Forums
Fuck you.
Good night!
Goodnight, user.
>the kind of world where hate and oppression reign supreme
Even GDQ is not retarded enough to ban a member of the long nose tribe from their event.